#⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... brainworms ⋙
nix-en · 21 days
𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔 𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀 who . . . . .
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—links his pinkie finger with yours whenever he can; takes you to meet mamma miya for the first time and she knows, knows how special to him you are when his ringed digit is looped around your own like he used to be with her as a toddler. atsumu miya who clasps a sweaty finger round yours in the media pen because god forbid he’s left to handle interviews on his own, high adrenaline and anxiety battling in his chest after a particularly strenuous match. atsumu who speaks his vows, clear as day to a room full of people who don’t really matter- not when you’re stood before him, the same fingers still holding each other like they have for years before and years to come.
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© nix-en 2024. please don't steal, rework or repost my writing to other platforms-- this includes feeding my writings to ai, just show me some love here instead ! dividers by @/chilumitos & @/anitalenia
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nix-en · 16 days
𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃𝐘 who . . . . . (suggestive)
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—makes you take your jacket off only to sling his over your shoulders in a straight swap; the beady eyes of your shared company rolled and averted in reponse to his possesive display of affection as his scent clings to your skin. he won't admit his motives, clicking his tongue too the back of his teeth when you tease him lightly, claiming it's purely for warmth- supple leather jacket providing more than the stiff denim of your own. and it's definitely not for warmth later that evening when you have it paired with very little else in terms of an outfit, a line of fresh hickies peaking from behind the fur lining of your current attire.
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© nix-en 2024. please don't steal, rework or repost my writing to other platforms—this includes feeding my writings to ai, just show me some love here instead ! dividers by @/chilumitos & @/anitalenia
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nix-en · 4 days
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎 who . . . . .
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—wakes at ungodly hours, eyes droopy even before another day of staring at screens and numbers that all begin to mold into one. he takes his routine seriously, never missing a beat in his calculated habits as he puts himself together; hair, clothes and whatever else neatly taken care of. even you who he lovingly retucks into the warm duvet as he climbs from it, blankets pushed beneath your weight and a soft brush of his lips to your forehead- then your cheeks...eyelids, lips.
he returns late into the night, long after bedtime and finds you in the same position he left you in before dawn broke; as though time had stood still while his day continued to pass by, guilt rippling though his being until he pushes it aside and starts the mornings routine in reverse. the shower, the change of clothes, the kisses; this time your lips ever so slightly pursing expectantly when he settles by your side.
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© nix-en 2024. please don't steal, rework or repost my writing to other platforms-- this includes feeding my writings to ai, just show me some love here instead ! dividers by @/chilumitos & @/anitalenia
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