157 posts
A Ninjago oneshots blog! The pinned post below has all the rules you need to follow before you send in a request!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
I wish I were more consistent with my....upload schedule? Request schedule? 😔 oof
Sorry to those I worry by like...going offline for weeks(I think? I don't remember the days anymore) because to me I just go "Oh I'll do it tomorrow, I'm too tired today" and I keep repeating that cycle, but to you, you can't see in my head so you're like "where's my request :(" (probably? I assume so) Hopefully I make up for it by like giving you a bunch of posts at once before vanishing again.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Hi! Could I request headcanons of what it'd be like to be Lloyd Garmadon's best friend (gn reader, can be modern AU)? Thank you!
I want to assume modern AU as Cuz the ninja are teens and they kind of have to go. So basically the Ninjago Movie? I think that's closest. I hope that's okay! (I have also SECRETLY wanting to write for the movie.)
Treasure from Trash
It was simple. You lived at the dirty scrapyard with your father, and that was enough to put a target on your back. Of course, it wasn't as bad as being the son of Garmadon, but you weren't exactly liked by anyone either.
You weren't friends with Lloyd at first, the two of you were 6 and 7, you were just barely younger than him. In fact, he despised you at first. While the bullying turned him cold, you still smiled despite all the times you were pushed around and thrown trash at and called names. It pissed him off for some reason; why didn't you fight back? Why did you insist on trying to be friends with them still?
It angered him even more when you tried to befriend him. No one, no one tried to befriend him. Of course, he couldn't be outright mean to you and push you away, it would only further the other kids' bullying and claims of how he's just like his father. So he tolerated it for an entire year.
Of course, as he matured, he started to appreciate your little 'hello's to him, and how you sat with him at lunch, even though you didn't speak a word to him. You had the same thing every day; a bottle of water and pre-cooked instant ramen. The cheap kind that was bought in bulk by poor college students.
He wouldn't admit it, but he worried for you, especially after seeing you bang your head so hard you started to cry, but kept smiling at the other students. They called you weird, laughed at you, and left. That's when your smile dropped and you put your hands over your mouth, muffling what would've been loud sobbing.
He decided to confront you. "Hey, why do you put up with them?" It startled you, and you leapt up into a standing position, and tried your hardest to smile at him. It was heartbreaking. "I don't...I don't care if you cry in front of me. But why do you keep trying to be friendly to them? They don't..." how would he word this without sounding sappy? "They don't deserve to smile and stuff, if it hurts you."
Your smile fades and you allow yourself to cry. "I can't stop, I can't stop." You blubbered to yourself.
He sighed impatiently. No one else was going to listen to your problems, were they? He sat down and let you sit beside him. He didn't know what to do with himself, so he pat the top of your head twice, before awkwardly returning his hand to his lap.
When you finally calmed down, you spoke to him. "If I - if I stop being happy here, my dad's gonna home school me. But I can't let that happen! He spent so much money to try and get me into here, so I have to stay! I promised to learn every little thing, so I can become smart like a doctor or a lawyer, then I can afford to care for me and dad. But...everyone hates me here. I don't have money like everyone else."
He listened to you and frowned. You were just like him, trying to do your best despite the circumstances. Of course, you were also braver than him. He took every little action against him to heart, but you faced every problem with a smile, and ignored the others. Perhaps having a friend in this depressing building would help pull him out of this sad shell he built around himself.
He tried to get to know you, but you didn't seem to have any interests or hobbies. "I guess I like" you trailed off. All you had told him about your home life was that you liked to learn. That's all you did; nothing fun or just for you.
His first lesson to you was going to be how to be selfish. Just a little bit; he couldn't bear to see you go through life without a single thing you liked to do, just for you. His mother was surprised, but very excited when her son brought a friend home for the first time. She offered the two of you snacks, and while you politely declined at first, Lloyd insisted. Just as he thought, hungry little you devoured the cheese and crackers and juice his mother put out. "It's so tasty!" You grinned through a mouthful of mush.
As the two of you kept growing up together, he found himself happier, and you found that you had a deep love for tasting foods. He told you that you could be a food critic when you grew up, and you loved the idea.
Aside from that, you also turned him into a kinder version of himself. He made more friends; students who moved to Ninjago from different cities, and the seven of you were all close friends. Of course, you were still his first friend; best friend.
When they became ninjas, you were left out. He couldn't have that, but you were also afraid of fighting. This left you with one choice left. You became their mechanic. You and your dad created their ninja mechs, and in return, you became officially a part of the team.
Outside of your ninja duties, you were still normal school kids. You would playfully kick each other when you sat at tables together, or pass notes to each other when the teacher wasn't looking, or you would make funny faces at each other to see who would laugh first and get in trouble.
Even outside of school, you were joined at the hip. You would go to each others' houses and hang out together; video games and comics at his house, and wrestling and sword fighting with spare metal as shields at your scrapyard. On the weekends, the two of you would have sleepovers, sometimes with your other friends, and then go out to the city to look around and make lists for birthday presents and then use the money his mother gave the two of you for sugary drinks at a café.
There was no doubt that no matter what happened, the two of you would stay friends. As he settled down in his sleeping bag beside your snoring body, he looked over to you and grinned. You would be friends forever.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
*slams table* S/O with weirdly specific memory, like remembering what a ninja did at 3:21 am on a Thurseday but then forgets to eat lunch hcs
"???" The first time it happened, Jay nearly dropped his sandwich. "Oh, so you can remember the time Zane short-circuited and called Cole the master of Birth instead of Earth, which was years ago, by the way, but you don't even remember what month you were born in?"
He just got a shrug from you, "I dunno, it was funny." "...Your birthday, (Y/N)!!"
It freaked the ninja out at first, especially when you could remember events you weren't even there for. The first time you spoke, "why did you touch the scary picture, Jay?" then laughed to yourself about the funny event, Cole thought his soul was going to leave his body right there. You weren't even a ninja at the time!
Then you would turn around and ask the ninja when you last showered, only to be told you had asked the same question yesterday, and didn't even shower after being told it was three days ago. Nya dragged you to the bathroom and locked you in there until you finished.
Not to mention the time you asked where your sunglasses were, and Zane told you they were on your head. "I know, but I don't want that pair, I'm looking for the one with rounder lens." He didn't have the heart to tell you that you had two pairs of sunglasses on your head.
The ninja were concerned for you, especially when it seemed you couldn't remember events from your own life, yet knew nearly everything about everyone else. Did you care so much about everyone else that you forgot to care for yourself?
Nope. Turns out you were just like that. Your parents even told them that as a baby you would forget how to walk and just stand there crying. It was pretty funny to them.
Obviously the ninja are going to take what they learned about you and turn it into something they can use to help you remember things better. First thing first? Getting you a diary.
You being thought it was a birthday present. "Oh, (Y/N)." They laugh.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Is the the ninjago match ups still open for request? If so here is me😅
Hobbies/ interests: loves listening to music 24/7, loves adventure, likes sports specifically soccer and football, likes to randomly get on my friends nerves and obsessed with marvel movies TwT. Loves video games and graphic novels😻.
Personality: I feel hyper half the time, I’m a hothead, randomly anxiety goes up and takes a long time for me to calm down and I sometimes just need a hug to help me,randomly laughs all time 😂
Im a 5’2, brown hair ,hothead ✨
Hmm, I think the one who makes most sense here would be...
You have so many hobbies in common, the two of you most likely met at a comic convention!
He had his nose buried in the latest Starfarer comic, and bowled you over while you were at a stand checking out a new graphic novelist.
He apologized profusely to you, helping you up, gathering your scattered belongings, and even trying to look over you for any injuries.
Soon the two of you bonded over your love for comics, and when you brought up video games, he gave you his username to friend him on a gaming platform the two of you had in common.
From then on, he talked to you often, and you started hanging out together. Pretty soon after you became best friends, you started dating.
You have a shared playlist with him of all your favorite songs, and it often plays when the two of you are in his room. There's a separate one for when you want to sleep, and it's played at a lower volume.
He's so happy that you love to go adventuring with him, even though it's dangerous most of the time. You have to beg and convince him to let you come, but even then, he's so worried about you getting hurt that most of the time he makes you stay on The Bounty if he's completing a mission.
Of course, he takes you out with him random places for fun, too.
You would think Jay is the loudest screamer, but he just does it often and his pitch is higher. Cole is the loudest screamer, even though he's hard to scare. Yes, the two of you prank the team often and tease them. Beware of karma, though! They definitely like to try and get you back.
Lloyd likes to try and calm your anxiety by getting you to laugh first, then try and get you to talk about it with him. He'll sit down on the bed, coax you into sitting beside him, then he'll hug you and tell you funny stories and jokes, or just tickle you to get you into a better mood. Then he asks you what's wrong, and feeling better about it, you explain your latest worries to him. He kisses them all away, and assures you with a tight hug that he'll be there for you no matter what.
Not being the only hothead in the house, you and Kai will sometimes butt heads, and if you get in an argument with Nya, the fight could go on for hours if you let it. Lloyd's just relieved that when you do argue, things are kept fairly civil between you all, and you remain friends still.
He loves hearing you laugh, whether it's a giggle, a chuckle; or full-blown, tears in your eyes, can hardly breathe kind of laughter where your cheeks burn from the tension after. It makes his heart feel warm, and he can't help but laugh with you.
He's not much taller than you, but it's just enough so that he can kiss your forehead easily. It's his go to greeting.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Hear me out... au where..
Kai bein a bully to a really shy reader bc he's tryna hide a crush from them!
OP, OP, OP, I'm so so sorry if you didn't want angst. It just...made sense to me in my head? Like from Kai's perspective it's probably the typical "oh if he's mean to you he actually likes you" but from reader's perspective...he's just being a jerk :(.
Going Too Far
He doesn't really know why he started bullying you. He thought you were cute, and in order to keep that a secret, he just...began to pick on you. He rationalized it away in his head by telling himself you were small and weak, and you needed this as a push to become stronger.
It was just meant to be teasing words, almost like sibling banter, but the longer he kept his feelings bottled up, the more angry he became about it, and his teasing escalated.
"Students, come meet your new teammate. (Y/N), the element of Sound. They're here because they can replicate the sound of the Sacred Flute." Wu announced.
Kai flushed, you were shorter than most people your age, and you looked rather thin and weak. You held a duffle bag in one hand, and an electric guitar in the other. Your hair was tied back and instead of being dressed in ninja gi, you were in punk rock attire. You looked nervous to be there.
"They're shy, so please be kind to them." Wu then left you to mingle with the other ninja.
Cole looked excited. That probably didn't help the situation between you and Kai at all. "Element of Sound?" He asked, and you nodded. "What kind of music do you like?"
You grinned shyly and looked down to your guitar, "mostly rock, but anything's fine with me." Your voice was amazing; calm and soothing, yet rough and handsome at the same time.
"Yeah?" Kai snorted, "well you better put that music to good use, and toughen up, shorty."
You bonded with Cole instantly over your love of music, and you opened to him easily. "Actually...I wanted to be a famous musician but I'm too nervous onstage." You sigh.
"But I've heard your singing, it's amazing! And the way you can master any instrument? I'm jealous!" You would often hang out with Cole, letting him play drums as you played guitar and sung. It was good practice for you, but it made Kai jealous.
Bit by bit, you adjusted to living with the boys. You trained with them, and even wore a matching gi in a nice shade of teal. But Kai wanted your attention. So he made fun of you. "You must be too small for your gi, look at how baggy it is on you! You should ask Wu for a kids' size." You wore belts to training since then. "Watch your tone! It's making my ears bleed!" You stopped using your voice during training. "You can't even do the full training course by yourself! What makes you think you're worthy of becoming a ninja? Much less the Green Ninja?" You trained three times as hard, and wore yourself out to the point you often skipped dinner just to sleep.
You stopped wearing your punk clothes, you stopped talking as much, you were just as strong as the others, maybe even stronger, and you even had your own spinjitzu; white with sparse black lines and little musical note particles. Kai saw this as a good thing though, you stopped talking to Cole so much, and he felt less jealous of the two of you. You were also much stronger, and that was all because of him. Now you had something to thank him for!
But you hadn't said anything to him. Things kept getting worse; when you lost the battle at Darkley's you secured Lloyd, but Pythor got away. "You moron!" Kai shouted at you, causing you to flinch. "Why did you let him get away? Just use your stupid song to capture him!"
You tensed your body, trying not to cry, "I - I thought that - that getting Lloyd safe was more imp-ort-important -"
He slapped you upside the head. Not hard, but it made you cower under him as he spoke, "that brat was being handled by the rest of us, it was your job to secure Pythor!"
Cole, your knight in shining armor, showed up and put himself between the two of you, "enough, Kai, it's no use fighting over it. What's done is done and all we can do is reflect and figure out what we can do better next time."
He scoffed and left, "whatever," scowling as he listened to Cole console you.
"He didn't hurt you, did he? Are you okay?"
So maybe he slipped up once. That was okay, he just wouldn't hit you again.
After defeating The Great Devourer, you cheered with your team, as they all praised you for putting the beast to sleep before Garmadon hit its weak spot, destroying it once and for all.
"Without you, we probably wouldn't have beaten it."
"Yeah, and imagine the mess it would've made if it had gotten to Ninjago City!"
Kai just scoffed, "yeah, well look around you. Garmadon is gone, and so are our weapons."
You were still so happy after winning the battle, and he loved your smile. "But Kai," his name sounded so pretty from your mouth, "we still won today, and that should be celebrated."
He decided not to argue. "I guess. Good job, (Y/N)."
It was peaceful for a while, and Kai was starting to get on good terms with you. "Gee, Kai, it seems like you're finally starting to warm up to them!" Jay commented, nudging him.
He frowned at that; was he showing interest in you? This was bad; he didn't even know if you liked him back, he couldn't let you know he loved you if you didn't like him, then things would be weird between the two of you.
So once Garmadon came back, he fell into his old ways. Yelling at you, blaming you for failure, pushing you to your limits. Things got worse as you became quiet again. After the Grundle incident, Kai yelled at you, blaming you for Lloyd. "If you weren't some clumsy fuck-up, he wouldn't have had to skip out on his childhood." He glared you down.
"Really, it's not that big of a deal-" Lloyd tried to reason, but you had already left and holed yourself in your room. You didn't come out for dinner, and you didn't come out for breakfast the next day either.
Cole had to talk you out of your room. Of course it was him. Kai confronted him about being a partner thief. "What are you talking about, Kai?"
"I like (Y/N)! How am I supposed to woo them if you're there getting all buddy-buddy with them!"
Cole laughed in his face. Laughed at him. "What a joke!" His laughter slowed as he saw Kai's serious face. "No way, you're not kidding?" He laughed even harder now, "(Y/N) not gonna fall in love with you, dude. Not when you treat them like shit."
Kai fumed. "I'm not! I'm teaching them to get stronger! They'll thank me, and tell me how much they appreciated it! And it's not like I can be super nice to them! They'll know I like them!"
"It won't work. Acting like a jerk to someone you like will only push them away."
"No, it will work! You'll see!" Kai stomped off, fuming.
So now you were ignoring Kai. Either that, or avoiding him. You would be out on the deck, training, but leave the moment Kai showed up. You would come into the dining room during dinner, grab a plate of food, and take it to your room. It frustrated him to no end.
He finally snapped once the Overlord and Lord Garmadon were defeated. Cole was supporting you as you had twisted your ankle on the stairs, and once you hugged him because it was finally over, Kai lost it. Once you got home, he cornered you. You cowered under him yet again. Just like always. "Just stop hiding from me!" He yelled. He grabbed you by your collar and shook you. "You ignore me, you hide from me, just what do you think you're doing?"
You shook your head, trying not to cry as you held your hands up in front of your face in a defensive position. Did you think he was going to hit you? It just made him more angry, he swore not to hit you. "Cole!" You wailed loudly.
The Earth ninja came to your aid immediately. "KAI!!" He bellowed, loud enough to startle him and let you go. You made a dash for your room as Cole blocked his way. "Stop harassing (Y/N)! I tell you to be nice to them and I find you pinning them and yelling at them? What is wrong with you?"
They bickered over you until Zane, Jay, and even Lloyd had to separate them. He didn't see you for two days afterwards.
Today, you asked Kai to accompany you outside; leaving a note under his door. You glowed under the moonlight; everyone else was already asleep, and you sat at the edge of The Bounty, legs between the railing as you leaned against it to look out at the land below. He stands beside you, making no move to sit, and crosses his arms. "Why did you ask me here?" He states bluntly. "I'm tired."
You fidget with your fingers nervously, glancing up at him. Your face was flushed like you had been crying. Otherwise; you looked beautiful. "... Why do you hate me?"
He clenched his jaw; you thought he hated you? What made you think that? "You're stupid, I don't hate you."
You tighten your hands into fists as you made a face. You looked frustrated, tired, maybe even depressed. "'s just..." you ran your fingers through your hair and grabbed it into your hands, grunting and trying not to openly sob, "th-tch-gh-"
"Well, spit it out, I don't have all day." He snaps.
"What is wrong with you in your head?!" You yell, breaking the silence of the night. Tears flow down your cheeks like rain, as you sniffle like a lost child. "I try so hard to please you, because you're always complaining about me, but you just brush it all off like I'm nothing. You act like I'm worthless, like I don't do anything. 'You're stupid, (Y/N), you're weak, (Y/N), we'd be better off without you, (Y/N).' And after all that, you tell me you don't actually hate me? What kind of sick game are you trying to play with me?!"
He was at a loss for words. You were mad at him? Why didn't you say anything? What should he say now?
"Nothing, huh? No 'that was wrong of me' or 'I shouldn't have done that'? Not even an apology." You sniffed, rubbing tears off your face, "I guess I expected too much from you."
He glared at you now. "Listen to me! Don't you get it? I do it all so you can get stronger!"
Your body freezes, like something inside you finally snapped. You turn to face him, fists clenched. "I don't need you to get stronger." He'd never ever heard your voice carry this much darkness in it. You snort, "I've been putting up with you so long and...I just wish you would stop. That if you don't like me, you could at least leave me alone. That's all I want from you."
Kai didn't like these words. He just couldn't accept that after all of this, you didn't like him?
He didn't think before he spoke. "You - you're just so selfish!"
And he definitely didn't think before he acted, either.
The anger left his body like wind knocked from someone's lungs. His hands flew to his face first in surprise, as he knelt down beside you, "(Y/N)! Ohhhhh shit - (Y/N)!" He reached out towards you, unsure, as you breathed heavily and cupped your eye. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
"What in the world is going on?!" Wu shouted, thumping his staff against the floor. He helped you stand, and scolded Kai with harsh words. "(Y/N) is your sibling as much as Cole, Jay, Zane, and Lloyd are your brothers. And you never hit your family."\
Kai sulked the whole way there as he continued getting chewed out. He snuck a few glances at you, but you were faced away from him, as Wu brought you to your room. Even his teammates woke up and came out of their room to see what was happening.
He went to sleep with a heavy heart full of shame. Maybe he could fix this?
He woke up the next morning to a commotion outside. Turning over to go back to sleep, he put a pillow over his head. "What's going on outside?" He asked, but no one answered him. He perked up, but no one was there. Either they were outside, or doing something else, but now he was curious. As he walked past your room, he saw the door open and your room looked much tidier than usual, almost like it hasn't been lived in.
Scurrying to get outside, he didn't even change out of his pajamas, and was met with everyone else looking tearful. "What's...going on?"
"(Y/N)'s leaving." Zane stated.
What? Kai looked between Cole and Nya to find you hugging both of them tightly. You had your duffel bag at your feet, guitar strapped to your back. Things were falling apart. He stared at you; your eye was bruised - his fault. "Hey - hey, why are you leaving?"
You took a deep breath and sighed, finally turning to face him. "You know why. I...can't keep getting hurt like this. It's easier for me to leave than for you to leave and be apart from your sister, and Lloyd as one of the elements of creation. I'm just sound. I'm going to live with Garmadon, to continue training, and to help him build a new dojo."
"But - but you can't just leave, you can't leave me!" He reached out to touch you, but didn't, looking at your eye and remembering what happened last time he did. "I love you too much to let you go."
"Well, Kai, you're going to have to love someone else. I can't love someone who would rather hurt me than tell me their true feelings."
You left without telling him goodbye; you left without giving him a hug. All you left for him were heavy words that weighed down his chest and formed a lump in his throat and blurred his vision.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Headcanon of the ninjas with a shy s/o?
Aww! (I know it's late :( I'm sorry) Also...I guess I have trouble writing shy people? I never noticed that before. I guess to me shy can mean anything, and it's not specific like a quiet person or someone who gets nervous easily. I don't know how to explain it lol.
Comforting and Quiet
While he does have his quiet moments, he's often outspoken, and isn't afraid to talk for the both of you.
When you do talk, he complements your voice and doesn't interrupt you.
He loves the way you fidget with your fingers in public spaces; you make shapes with your fingers, but when you get too nervous he wraps an arm around you to assure you he's there to protect you.
He doesn't mind that you don't talk much because you're shy and nervous about messing up your words; your actions speak for you.
When you give him gifts saying they remind you of him, or when you come up behind him and hug him around his waist while he's cooking, he can feel your heartbeat slow. He makes you calm, and he knows that. He's your rock, and it's all he wants to be.
He's not much of a talker himself, although he likes to talk, being silent with you is just as lovely as speaking with you.
You weren't always shy, Cole knows this because he went to school with you, but your parents kept putting you down until you lost all confidence in yourself.
He wasn't one to stand up to authority as a kid, so he didn't know what to do to make you feel better. He's older now, and he wants to reverse all the damage. He wants to help.
Progress is slow, but he always praises you, making you a blushing mess, and he promises to protect you from now on.
Similar to Jay, he can also be loud and out there. Unfortunately for you, he likes to bring you out with him.
Luckily, he thinks about you the whole time you're out. It's his way of trying to get you comfortable with being in public, and to get you to be less shy. He thinks it's cute you're shy, but he also wants you to be able to go where you want without getting nervous.
He takes you back home when it gets to be too much. He always does, and never pushes you.
You knew Nya and her brother since you were all kids. She was the brave one, Kai was the loud one, and you were the voice of reason. When Kai first became a ninja, it was just you and Nya at home a lot, so no wonder you grew close to her.
She likes you the way you are; soft-spoken and sweet, so she doesn't want to push you outside your comfort zone. Unfortunately, that means she has to be with you whenever you go out.
Of course she loves you. She'd do anything for you that you don't want to do. She'll make your order for you at restaurants, she'll talk to the person at the ticket booth at carnivals, and she's the one to check out at stores.
Lots of people want to talk to him because he's the, "super cool Green Ninja!" So his favorite thing at the end of the day is to come home to your comforting silence. He announces he's home and you greet him at the door. If you don't, he starts to worry someone kidnapped you.
You may be shy, but you're also strong. He's confident in your ability to defend yourself, but maybe not so much against a large number of people.
He wants nothing more than to take a week off of being a ninja, he wants nothing to happen in Ninjago so he can stay with you and bask in your loving embrace as you quietly snuggle and read together.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
hey hey, it's me, your local kai lover here /lh /silly
could i get a kai x reader oneshot where the reader is in bed sick with a cold or something and kai has to take care of them? which, unfortunately, is easier said than done due to the reader being slightly delirious and more clingy than usual lol
(this is slightly based off of my current state rn bc *i'm* currently sick [dw, i'm okay!] and just need some comfort lol)
— 🎸
I know this is late but I took this as an emergency since, well, you're sick, but also if I waited then you might not be sick anymore and therefore not need the comfort as much...but I hope you're feeling better by the time I get this out!
So here's just a lot of love and doting from Kai 🥺
"Who sneezed?" Cole asked.
"Oh, me," you responded, "I think I inhaled a snowflake by accident."
Jay squinted at you suspiciously, "hmmmm if you say so."
That was just yesterday, on a mountain mission. You were well-dressed and prepared for the climb into the cold mountain caps, but you forgot to cover your mouth, believing that a scarf would be too hard to talk through, as you had a quieter voice than the other ninja.
Now here you lay, sprawled out on the couch with a blanket on your body, feet exposed, and a cold compress on your forehead. "But I thought you were supposed to let people with a fever cover themselves up to keep warm; to kill the germs?" Lloyd asked.
"No, you moron, if their temperature gets too high, it'll kill them." Cole warns him.
"Ah." He left to rummage through the kitchen for something to nibble on.
You wailed loudly and dramatically, "I'm dying Cole, and Kai's not even here to comfort me in my final hours." You had a fever and runny nose, which would be fine if it didn't cause a chain reaction. The post nasal drip caused mucus to dry out your throat, and clog up your lungs, and the coughing made your head hurt. The pain was too much for you to sleep properly and your body started to ache from it.
Zane, who could sense someone staring at the special ice cream cake he made this morning to freeze until after dinner, was passing by when he heard you. "Correction," he pokes his head into the living room, "your extreme pain is merely your immune system reacting to the bacterial infection in your lungs. It should clear up in two to three days."
"THAT DOESN'T HELP!" You yell at him, weakly chucking your pillow in his direction before coughing more. As you lay back down, you realize your mistake, "Cole...pillow..." you reach out towards it, but he doesn't make any move to fetch it for you.
"I dunno, that seems more like a you problem." He smirks, "you threw it, you get it."
"UGH." You flip over so you're facing the back of the couch. "Never MIND then."
He shook his head and grinned, leaving the room as well.
You were woken up by a hand lifting your head, "that doesn't look too comfortable for your neck." You hear a sweet voice murmur to you as a pillow is placed beneath you.
You turn over to greet your beloved. "You made it..." you cough harshly, spitting into the trashcan by the side of the coffee table, then reach out to touch him. Your hand carelessly lands under his left eye, thumb reaching under his nose to press against the right corner his lip. You listen to him chuckle as he pulls your hand into his, then kisses the top of it.
"Sorry, I was out training earlier. Cole told me to come see you when I was done. Are you not feeling well, sweetheart?" He only ever addressed you as such when he worried for you. You couldn't muster much energy, and only shook your head. He brushed hair from your forehead and kissed you there, "do you want anything to eat?"
Your stomach ached for nutrients, but your body was being picky on what to eat. Nothing sweet, nothing savory, especially nothing sour or spicy - what were you supposed to eat? "...I don't know."
"Something bland, huh? How about rice, or plain toast?"
"Rice." It wasn't dry like toast was, plus it wasn't crunchy or crumbly. Kai confirmed your choice and stood up to make your meal, but he found he couldn't quite move unless you let go of his shirt.
"(Y/N), I can't really cook you anything if you hold me here." You didn't relent. "Uh, what if I brought everything here and cooked it in front of you?"
You shook your head, "make Zane do it. It's colder and sadder without you."
His heart melted. "Oh, alright." He calls out to Zane, and explains the situation.
"I would be cautious. Currently, (Y/N) is shedding bacteria, making them contagious. Spending too much time around (Y/N) increases your risk of catching their illness." Zane informs him.
"I'm well aware." Kai smirks, "but I'm the master of fire, I'll cook those germs before they do anything to me."
Zane doesn't argue and leaves to make your rice. He seems upset over something, probably from while or before you fell asleep.
While Kai waited alongside you, he noticed you continuously toss and turn, looking for a comfortable position. The blanket would either feel too hot and you'd kick it down to your legs, or you'd get a sudden chill and bring it back up to tuck it around your neck to trap heat. Maybe the tag on the back of your shirt would irritate your skin and you'd fold it around, creating an awkward lump you just couldn't sleep on. Or you were laying too heavily on your right arm, and you'd turn over to let the blood flow to your fingers again, only to find that you were lying on your right arm because you were facing the back of the couch, where the light wasn't in your face.
By the time Zane came back; the cold compress was unfolded and placed over your entire face, save for your mouth, your shirt was in Kai's lap, your blanket was bunched up at your neck and nowhere else, and Kai's hand rested on your stomach like a heater. You were mouth breathing so hard you could be mistaken for a panting dog, and Zane figured it would be best to grab a glass of water for you.
"Oh, thank you, Zane!" Alongside the rice, he had also steamed some broccoli, and shelled some peas so you could get some proper vitamins as well. Kai took the plate from him and set it on the coffee table. "Sit up, (Y/N), food's here." He waits for you to move, but you just shake your head. "What's wrong, are you still hungry?" He's confused when you nod your head. "Can't you move?" He takes the towel off your face, and you open your mouth to speak, but you barely make a sound; voice too hoarse. "That's okay," he comes around and hoists you up under your arms, "I'll help you eat."
You were grateful to have a boyfriend like Kai, as he patiently fed you until you stopped opening your mouth for him. The warm food felt comfortable in your stomach, and the wetness of the vegetables soothed your throat enough for you to ask for Kai to cuddle with you.
"I can do that," he chuckles. He's afraid of laying on your stomach after you just ate, so he settles down beside you, allowing you to wrap your arms around each other and tangle your legs together. He tucks your head under his chin, allowing himself to engulf you in his warmth, and discarded the blanket from around your body so that he alone could dictate your temperature. He stayed awake while you nestled into him, so he could regulate his body heat while you finally got some comfortable sleep. He listened to you snore and wheeze from the sickness in your lungs and worried that you might choke up if too much junk gets in your lungs.
Fortunately, it doesn't appear to happen. Nya comes in and turns on the television for him, muting it and turning on closed captions so the noise doesn't disturb you. Kai's grateful for the distraction as you sprawl yourself out over his body, and his hands rub at your back to soothe you. For the next 5 hours, he traces patterns on your skin while watching soundless cartoons dancing across the screen.
You awaken accidentally; sneezing so hard your body jolts. You sit up weakly and blink as you look around. "Hey there, sleeping beauty," Kai grins up at you as you tower over him.
You're still dazed as the reference goes over your head. You wipe drool from the corner of your mouth as you continue looking around, processing everything. As if you didn't even wake up, you lie back down and go back to sleep.
"Oh...kay then." He pets your hair for a bit before tracing different muscles on your upper body.
By the time you wake up again, the both of you had fallen asleep, and you were shivering cold. "Kai?" You yelp when you smack the top of your head against his chin while trying to sit up, waking him up.
"Ah - huh?" He rubs his chin then looks down at you. "What's up?"
"Uhm, hungry." You're still tired, but you have enough energy to get off him.
He chuckles and sits up with you, stretching and yawning, "yeah, let's go to the kitchen and get you something." You don't make any move to get up though, and just lie down on the opposite side of the couch this time. "Oh. I'll find something for you."
He comes back with a bowl of vanilla ice cream, which you eat to soothe your throat, then you drink some water to rinse the sweet taste from your mouth.
"Ah, they're awake!" Jay announces grandly. "That was some nap, how long have you actually been awake today?"
You shrug, "too tired."
Nya pulls Jay along to the dining room for dinner, "don't bother (Y/N), they need their rest. Plus, we don't need you getting sick again."
"What? The power was out for only an hour!"
Cole snorts, coming up from behind them, "yeah, during the hottest day of the year."
"Oh yeah? Well I'm not the one who sneezed so hard that a mini earthquake happened in our room!"
"That was years ago!" The two continued squabbling like children, their antics causing you to snort.
You shivered, and Kai wrapped the blanket back around you. "I'm going to get some food, but I'll be right back, and we can keep snuggling, okay?"
You shook your head and wrapped your arms around his waist, "too cold." You muttered into his stomach.
"Aw, (Y/N), I'll only be gone long enough to grab a plate." You didn't say anything, but you didn't let go, either. He sighs and sharply overheats his body for a few seconds. "That should keep you warm enough for a while, right?"
You slowly let him go as you sunk into the toasty blanket. He came back in under a minute, as promised, and you lay your head in his lap as he sat on the couch with you. He put on a movie, this time with the sound on, and you watched it with him as he ate.
"We already saw this one a few weeks ago." You look up at him.
He nods, "I didn't want to put anything new on so if you fall asleep you don't miss it."
"Aw." You grinned and turned back to watch the movie. He finished eating and lay back down, settling down behind you and holding you tightly against him as you continued watching together.
He put in a second movie, but you were starting to get tired again. Kai noticed your breathing slow and he turned down the volume so if you really did want to sleep, you could do so without loud noises to disrupt you.
When it was finally dark out, you were completely out for the night, and when Kai sat up, you didn't even react. He scooped you up, kissing your forehead again as he brought you to your room. "This should be more comfortable than the couch." He lays you down, and goes to tuck you in, but you've managed to grip his shirt in your sleep.
You're shivering, and he feels bad for wanting to leave you to get proper rest. Sure, your bed was big enough for the both of you, but you needed the space to sprawl out as you needed. He smiled and shook his head, lifting the covers and sliding under them right next to you. Draping an arm over your stomach, he settled down for the night. He wasn't quite tired yet, after taking a nap with you earlier, so he just thought of what to do for your anniversary coming up. A whole 3 years together; he knew you inside and out, and he wanted it to be something special. He could take you out somewhere nice, or maybe he could buy you a bunch of gifts, or go to a restaurant with really good food. All three? No, that would be too expensive.
He blushed as he felt you cling to him in your sleep. You were so sweet to him. He kissed you and finally decided to fall asleep.
He hoped you would feel better tomorrow.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
I am so sorry that you have to Go through so much.That Sounds so horrible.The best Thing to do is Quit.I Know they told you to be "grateful" but your Body and mental health gets crushed under These cirumstances.I don't think talking it Out will do much.Maybe start looking for a better Job once you found it try to get it(also explain your Situation maybe) ans then quit.It's okay to feel tired of everything and Not having any Motivation.So don't EVER feel Bad about it or that you have to Finish that request.YOU are MORE IMPORTANT then ANY fanfic!
🥺❤😭💕❤ thank you that's so sweet, I feel bad for the depressing topic on my blog for others that have to see even if they didn't want I'm trying to get something out today after resting for so long
I worry that not working on fanfiction requests will cause my following to go down/people become less interested. Like these requests are really good, and give me ideas I couldn't have thought of on my own, and I worry now that I'll become less creative without them now.
Mom took me with her grocery shopping. I bought fruit today and after eating it and napping I felt better. I haven't had blueberries and milk (like cereal) in a long time and I woke up with the puppies on my chest and legs and I felt peaceful for a moment. I wish to buy mixed berries next week. It's too expensive for mom to buy fresh food all the time, so we just get vegetables, and sometimes watermelon, which is more of a treat than ice cream to us. My sister doesn't live with us anymore, because her boyfriend's family can afford all sorts of fresh food.
I want to try freelancing writing, but I'm not the best at editing/grammar. I'm really great with my words but I still get confused by commas and semicolons and where to properly put them. Plus, I'm not sure how to charge for writing. (don't worry, as promised, I'm not monetizing my ninjago fanfictions lol) My sister wants to do a similar thing but with art. We're taking what little bit of energy we have on the weekends to work on a comic together. We've already started on worldbuilding, storybuilding, and character design. (skipping between the three because of attention span issues) She actually put up prototypes on her twitter. We hope it gets successful enough to make a living off it.
The only problem is what style we want to go for it. I want to keep it as a graphic novel type art and story so it's more accessible to younger audiences. She wants to go for a more anime style after watching anime with her boyfriend, because she wants a studio to find it and pick it up to animate into a tv series. I don't think that's very likely though so we're super torn on it. She's getting carried away with it, even going so far as to plan video games and a movie. We don't even have a complete storyline thought out. We can't really go forwards until we can figure out what to do and. I'm hoping our friends and even people online can help us come to a decision...
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Eyo drop those Details.Your mental health is important then let the stuff that Bothers you
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Basically in short, it's mostly due to work and the stupidly huge amounts of stress that comes from it. Like I know it's not my fault because it's just how my mind and body works but...I feel stupid and incompetent since I'm the only one I know who gets this worked up and stressed out over it.
If anyone reading this gets distressed or worried easily about mental/physical health topics or other people, please please skip this post.
After ranting about this I feel a bit better.
I remember going to work all the way back in spring thinking "wow, I'm going to finally not be bored and I'll make so much money!"
First, my feet started to hurt from standing up all the time at the register. My mom and I got it looked at and apparently I have flat feet. It's been 9 months and we still can't find a way to fix the problem. But that's okay! I figured out that standing hurts more than walking around, so I do a bit of work around the station to keep myself busy.
I started to get nervous the longer I was at register. I wasn't allowed to take breaks or even sit down, and I was always nervous about asking for ID/making eye contact to make sure the person was of age when selling alcohol and tobacco, but I was also nervous about getting it wrong and letting someone underage buy it by accident (which would not only get me a fine, but I would also lose my job and possibly have to spend jail time) But it was okay! I could look at people before they got in line so I wouldn't have to look at them at the register.
Then some regular customers, (no matter if I try to look like a man, woman, or androgynous, I still look 15, mind you) at least twice my age would start to flirt with me, and it made me super uncomfortable. But it was fine, the deli in the back of the station was down to one staff, and my manager asked me to work back there instead, or we were going to lose profits. No one really talked to me anymore, so I was free from flirty old people.
Soon, she quit, and I was alone back there. I had to make all the food, clean up, and go home. But it was fine, I got to listen to music and at least I had the weekends off now.
So I went week after week after week, nine months worth of working. I got a week off in September but...that was it. And it was unpaid. Once I was in the back by myself, I wasn't allowed to take days off anymore. I came in sick, I came in during holidays, I came in because the deli made profit and if I wasn't working in it, there wasn't any profit being made, and that was going to upset the CEOs. It wasn't like I could quit, this is the only job I can walk to, as I can't do anything but walk. But it was alright...I made $15 an hour. I was told not to complain because that was more than my friends were making. That I had an easy job making food, and I even got to listen to music. So I worked, I didn't complain.
But then I started to get tired. My feet hurt all the way up to my hips, my spine, my arms and body ached every day, even when I was just waking up. I found myself sleeping twice a day. Between sleeping, eating, showering, and working, I only got...3 hours to myself a day. I left for work at 8, got home by 5, slept until 6, ate and showered for an hour, then went to bed at 10 to get more sleep.
I was starting to slow down at work. I started taking breaks while food was cooking just to sit down during the five minute wait. I couldn't make all the food when the other kitchen employee left, so we gave up on the cold sandwiches. We didn't have lettuce, tomato, turkey, ham, nothing. Suddenly everything started to become my fault. Employees were leaving...because of me? My boss would get mad at them for sitting around, then I would hear them talk about my behind my back. "Why does -deadname- get to sit around while we have to work all the time?" because they would catch me sitting on my break, and think I was being lazy. We didn't have cold sandwiches anymore, and customers decided it was my fault that we didn't have anything. One person got my manager because he wanted his sandwich to have lettuce in it. Which we just didn't have. He wouldn't listen to me though, just my manager. I used to be excited to go to work, I remember it, but I don't feel like it actually happened.
I lost interest in my hobbies, my body hurt every day all day, I couldn't get proper sleep anymore because my body hurt too much to fall asleep right away, my hair keeps falling out at insane rates, I'm starting to hallucinate, my heart rate is so high when it's a work day that I can feel my heart beating, and it doesn't calm down until I leave. I stopped properly taking care of myself, I just come home, sleep, eat something, watch youtube, and go back to bed. I react so horribly to the sound of alarms that I have to leave the room before I start crying in front of everyone. But I have to keep going to work. I have to stay grateful that I have a nice job.
My head hurts, I'm so thirsty but nothing I drink makes it stop, my legs hurt, my heart hurts, I'm hearing things, my stomach is cramping, my joints ache, I'm so tired, I feel nauseous. I cry myself to sleep and I cry when I wake up because it's been 9 months, 9 nonstop months of downward spiraling health and I don't know if I'll ever fully recover. No one wants to listen to me, no one wants to help me. I'm just one really bad day away from up. I've looked at the heavy cutting boards on the shelves and wished one would fall on my head, I've thought about slipping on water and breaking my bones, or touching the oven long enough to give myself 3rd degree burns. When I had depression in school, my worst thoughts were about running away from home and living in the woods. I've never wanted to hurt myself before, and I'm scared of it. I'm trying to fill requests in the ask box to try and keep myself distracted but I went from being so interested that I couldn't stop writing until they were finished to...barely getting in two sentences before I run out of ideas and give up. I'm going to the doctor's in a month but...I'm not sure I'll last that long.
To those of you worried that I'm going to kill myself, I'm not actually going to do it, no matter how much I want to. If it gets to that point, I'm going to call a hospital first. I might get hurt but I won't die.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Ey dude, how ya doin?
Doing swell? Keep up the good work.
🥺 actually I haven't really been doing mentally well because of work, so I've been slowing down on my blogs to the point I don't go on tumblr some days. I don't want to bother anyone with details, but thank you for the check in.
I'm glad people care about me, it means a lot in the moment and in the long run, and I'm glad for it.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ eyyyyyy I pop from the void to again haunt your blog!
Could I ask for a one-shot where Reader joined the Ninja by accident?
They didn't think that taking in and caring for the son of Lord Garmadon after the Ninja hung up him on their work's shop sign would result in becoming a member of a dysfunctional group!
(Basically Reader being at wit's end with the Ninja for how they treat Lloyd)
Hmmm I imagine the ninja wouldn't get along with them very well at first, but it's not like they can kick them out because Lloyd will have a fit. They get along eventually obviously, but it's just a little rough at first.
Sobbing because I completely missed the bottom part and instead turned the whole thing into why the reader would join the ninja instead of sneaking off with Lloyd-
You sighed heavily, glaring at the Anacondrai in front of you as you hoisted a napping Lloyd higher up on your back. He insisted you call him Pythor, but you refused to do such a thing.
You grew up in a ruthless war village, who trained its citizens to either fight or tend to the injured. Those who were too weak to fend for themselves were taught the finest medical practices available at the time. This made your village a highly sought after ally during wars, and a last resort for families with sicknesses they didn't know how to cure. With your intelligence and strength, you were able to not only go through your entire battle training, but also have enough extra time to learn basic medicine and first aid as well. Once you were an adult, you left to do personal work around Ninjago.
Thus, growing up in this small yet powerful village skewed your look on the outside world. You saw children as weak things that needed protection, and your trust issues with adults led you to refuse help from anyone. When you went to Jamanakai village, you found Lloyd strung up by the back of his shirt, and after helping him down, he didn't want to stop following you. You didn't mind it at first, just warning him that you were a dangerous person and that he should go back home, but he told you he had no home, so now the two of you were wandering through Ninjago, unleashing Serpentine left and right at Lloyd's whim. You quickly went from doing what you wanted to do with Lloyd tagging along, to you following him around to protect him and care for him.
Right now, you were on your way to Darkley's school for bad boys. Or something like that, you didn't quite care enough. You were currently thinking of a way to keep Lloyd from hurting himself and others without making him upset. Pythor sighed from beside you, "we've known each other long enough, yet you still don't trust me?"
You tilt your head to look up at him. There's something about the face that he's making that makes him seem insincere. "People like you are a lost cause. I'm not here to take over the world, I'm here to make it better. I can still fix things; convince others to be good. But I can sense you don't want the same things I do; there's no need to talk to you."
He thinks it over, humming. "I suppose someone like you wouldn't trust a snake, hm?"
You don't take the bait. He just wants to argue. You adjust Lloyd on your shoulders again, and continue on in silence. When you arrive at Darkley's, you wake up the tired boy, and he becomes excited. "We should capture and tie up everyone!"
You shake your head, folding your arms, "sorry, Punk, I can't let you do that to the other kids in there." You address him by his nickname.
You catch his disappointed frown, and Pythor looks at him oddly, "you don't have to listen to them, they sound like a party pooper."
"Then it's a good thing I have a plan B, huh?" You smirk, holding up stink bombs.
Lloyd's eyes glow, "you always do!"
You all plan together, to tie up the teachers, then use the stink bombs to flush out all the kids. There wasn't much to do after that except for set up traps for the ninja, then gloat. Your job was to set off the stink bomb while Lloyd set the traps and Pythor captured the teachers.
Once that was all done, the three of you sat up on the roof and waited. You told Lloyd old tales from your village while Pythor looked off into the distance, probably doing more scheming than looking out for ninja.
"-and when her lover died, she mourned for 100 years, and cried so much that her tears grew the forest that protects our village from outsiders." You finished your story. Lloyd listened in awe. "It's said that every time a child is born, a new tree appears in the forest. If I take you to my village, I'll show you where my tree is. It's a simple oak tree, but the trunk is wide and sturdy, like me."
"Do you think I have a tree?" He asks.
You shake your head, "no, you weren't born in my village, but if you did, it would definitely be Wisteria."
He's about to say something, but the three of you hear screaming right over your head. You look up, just in time to catch the sight of a falling anchor, with only half a second to lunge towards Lloyd to get him out of the way. He coughs a little, dust floating around in the air from the destruction as you land a little away from the impact.
Growling angrily, you turn to shout down into the hole the ninja left, "you shitheads could've killed someone! What is wrong with you?!" The guilty little 'sorry's that come from them don't satisfy you.
"Hey, Punk, stay here, I'm gonna fight them for you, okay?" You salute him then drop down the hole.
"Go (Y/N)! You kick their sorry butts!" He cheers for you.
The ninja look at you in confusion. "You came down by yourself?"
"Yeah, four to one's hardly a fair fight."
You can hear the smirking in their voices, "we're pretty strong, just saying."
You change your stance to look more intimidating. Someone needed to put these cocky ninja in their place. "And why do you think you haven't fought me before?" You grin, cracking your knuckles and showing off your teeth. The bravest one, the red one, runs at you with his sword. You can tell they aren't done with their training, so your experience heavily outweighs theirs. You clap the flat edges of his sword between the palms of your hands, spinning and redirecting his attack to the side so that he not only misses, but drives his sword into the wall behind you, unable to stop his momentum.
"So," you crack your neck, "who's next?"
The ninja weigh their options, quickly able to tell their skill levels don't match yours. "Split up, split up!" The blue one screeches, running towards the elevator. The black one heads for the chain, and the red and white ones head for the stairs.
You laugh loudly and tauntingly. "Run, ninja, for I love a good chase!" You can hear the blue one scream again and frantically slap his hand across the buttons on the elevator.
Turning towards the anchor chain, you leap towards it, hauling yourself up the links at an insane rate. You didn't practice scaling mountains for nothing. Unfortunately, it seemed he was also a climber of some sorts, always just out of your reach. You growl ferally, "I won't let you get to him!" Reaching out with your hand in a claw shape, you manage to hook it around his foot and yank as hard as you can. He looked strong based on his size, but you guessed he hadn't been training long enough to gain bulk. This left you strong enough to pull him off the chain and drop him to the floor. He recovers quickly and instead lands on another level of the school.
"What are you doing?!" You can hear Lloyd cry out in confusion. "I thought you were my friend!"
Of course, you left him with Pythor. What was that serpent doing? Your instincts kicked in and you ignored the other ninja, jumping up the chain like a wild cat in a tree, landing on the roof. "(Y/N)!" Lloyd cries.
Pythor waves at you, grinning cheekily, "you were right, my dear. Never trust a snake." He shows off the map he nabbed, before turning invisible.
"I don't need to see you to fight you." You hissed, swiping out in a large circle with your leg. Your foot bumps into invisible Pythor, and you react quickly to it by punching at him. "What the-?" You miss completely, but don't give up, instead just lashing out wildly. You weren't trained to fight this way. Sure, you've been trained to fight an enemy you couldn't see, but that was only when they were hiding in fog. You locate the patterns and swirling of the fog and attack accordingly. However, you couldn't exactly fight something that was completely invisible.
"We'll meet again." His voice is right beside you, but when you twirl around to deck him in the face, you can't hit anything.
"Slippery bastard." You grunt, fuming at your loss. "Sorry, Lloyd." You frown, slinging an arm around him and holding him close.
He sighs sadly. "It's not your fault. Pythor was right, I shouldn't have trusted a snake, any of them."
The ninja arrive behind you. "Give it up, Lloyd!"
You get into a fighting stance again, only to have Lloyd put a hand on your arm, "let's just do what they want."
He seems upset about the loss; normally he would just order the snakes around, or have you be his last minute escape plan. Did losing over and over finally cause him to give up? "Are you sure?" He nods, and you nod in response, dropping your intimidating battle pose.
The ninja seem bewildered. "He's in charge of you?!"
You don't respond to them. The blue one goes to pick up Lloyd, but you react quickly and snap up his wrist in your grasp, not even turning to face him. "Don't."
"Got it, got it, please let go, ow ow ow-" he complains.
Some old guy flies down on a boat with a girl beside him. "Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon! You come here right now." He sounds angry, and you recall Lloyd calling the old man his uncle. Lloyd reached out for your hand, and you held his, walking him to his uncle. "And who is this?"
"(Y/N)." Lloyd responds shortly. "They took care of me. I don't want to leave without them." His uncle gives you a once-over, then nods, letting you board the ship as well.
"So, what kind of punishments are we going to give the brat?" the black one asks. The other ninja nod in anticipation.
"I could paralyze every single one of you if Lloyd asks." And you left it at that, following the old man onto the flying ship.
"Dude, they're scary. Do we have to take them with us?"
"I believe it is an 'all or nothing' type of deal." The white one whispers with the red one.
You're given your own room with Lloyd on the other side of the ship, farther away from the ninja because his uncle didn't want the five of you to start anything with each other. He, like Pythor, insists on having you call him by his first name, but you refuse to do such a thing for a man you don't respect. So, naturally, when Lloyd falls asleep, Wu takes you out for a talk on the deck.
"What do you want, old man?" You cross your arms and tap your foot impatiently.
He smiles gently, "actually, I have a favor to ask of you." He sits down, and pours himself a cup of tea after offering you one, to which you turned down. "I know where you come from. Your village creates the strongest warriors I've ever fought."
You tilt your head, suddenly interested, "you've fought against our village before?"
"A long time ago, since before you, or even your great-grandparents, were born. Your village has been there for centuries, and I've been alive to see every war your people have fought in. I've seen your village be born of people from all over Ninjago, trading their strongest fighting and healing techniques to make them a powerful ally. I myself have both fought with and against your village, and no matter which side I'm on, I've always been impressed." He sips at his tea.
He...was there from the beginning? Why did he tell you all of this? "So? Spit it out, or I'm leaving."
His eyes darken as he puts his tea down. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). The Serpentine lost to your village in the last war they were in, so in order to avoid having to fight you again..."
You can feel your throat tightening as you tried to hold back tears. "I...I don't understand. My village wouldn't just...let that happen. They'd kill every last Serpentine if a single one of them even looked at us wrong." You grabbed Wu by the clothing around his shoulders and harshly shook him, "that's not possible! Tell me that's not true!"
he shook his head, "they circled the forest and burned it, trapping everyone inside it."
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!! Maya would've gotten rid of the fire and saved us, if that's what they did!" You screamed. "Sure, she left with that stupid fire guy, but when her village depended on it, she would come back!"
"She's not coming back. Neither her nor Ray have been seen in Ninjago for years. They're dead by now, with only Kai and Nya left of them."
"Kai and Nya...the red twins?" Wu nodded to your words. You slumped over in your sitting position, staring at the floor as you tried to process everything that happened. This was your fault, you were the one to unleash the Serpentine. The very same ones who... " village? My family?"
"They hid in the river until the flames died out, then fled before the Serpentine could locate any of them. Every single one of them is safe, just scattered across Ninjago. Some are trying to regroup, others are still lost."
"So - we have to find them all! I have to get revenge on those stupid Serpentine!" You were in hysterics, still sobbing over what had happened. You thought you had steeled yourself; not needing to cry over anything ever again, but...this was an exception. This was a great loss.
Wu shook his head, "you can't do it alone. That is why I asked you here." It was true that you could take on a maximum of 10 people at once, but he was talking about not only 1, but 4 entire armies of Serpentine. He was right, you would need help. But surely he wouldn't recruit the ninja to do this job? They couldn't even fight you off with their weapons! You had none! "I would like to help you regroup your people, but in exchange, you would have to train my students in any way you can."
You scoffed, "don't you know how I was trained? I spent my entire life dedicated to training to become someone worthy of being a warrior, and even after leaving, I didn't stop training. I push myself to the limits every morning, waking up as early as I can to get an entire routine through before wandering Ninjago. Your 'students' are too soft and squishy to do any of the things I can do."
Wu smiles, "and that's why I would like you to train them."
You blinked a couple times, suddenly feeling tired. You didn't like his stupid ninja team one bit, and now you were tasked with training them? But...your village was worth so much more than losing your dignity to training these...squishy and weak ninja. Every single person in that village was as much family as you were their child. Everyone shared aunts and grandfathers and sisters and parents and children. Soon, you would become a parent, even if you bore no children of your own, but only if you found them all again. "Anything for family."
Nodding, Wu stands up and leads you to your room again. "You may train them as you like, even if it means waking them up as early as the sunrise."
The loss of your home was still too much to take in. You would need some time to heal and grieve first. "...thanks."
You opened the door to your room, Lloyd snoring soundly inside. Before Wu left, you turned to face him. "...Wu?" He didn't respond, but he stopped to listen. "Did even a single thing make it in the fire?"
He thinks for a while. "I believe something did." He nods, looking past you to his nephew. "A single Wisteria tree, out by the river."
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
hey hey, it's me again. i realize that there's gonna be.. probably no one who knows what the fuck i'm talking about/know the context for this, but could i get a kai x reader for the last/3rd life based thing i talked about on your main? with the scenario of (reader) becoming a red life and kai having to.. idk, watch em or something?
it's fine if you can't, i just thought that it'd be fun 😭 /gen
— 🎸
YEAH I love minecraft this is so fun. ALSO there's gonna be angst in here cuz like...there's no returning from a red name I assume?
I'm gonna say Jay has dark green name because he's a hardcore gamer, Zane has dark green from pure dumb luck, also he just sits at home and does farming all day that's literally it. Cole and Nya have green names, Lloyd has a yellow name because he has trouble hearing creepers sneak up behind him, and Kai has a yellow name because he INSISTS on going mining and then he keeps suffocating under gravel or mining straight down into lava or falling in ravines.
Context here
/Gamerule KeepInventory False
You were a really good player. How did it come down to this? He worked hard to expand your home; gave you nice, small windows you couldn't fit through so you could see the sunlight, fed you your favorite foods by tossing them into your cage, and even gave you a bed to sleep in. You never used it; instead opting to pace around your cage endlessly, looking for any way to escape. There wasn't any, of course. You couldn't mine obsidian without the diamond pickaxe you lost.
He would sit there for hours, talking to you as if you were listening, and not staring angrily at him with intent to kill. "Lloyd's gotten better at making potions. Jay has to bring him ingredients, but he's been sitting in the library, studying and practicing. I think we can cure you soon." He smiled sadly at you. He wanted nothing more than to hold you, touch you, but he knew the second he put his arm within your reach, you'd tear it off his body without hesitation. But he believed you were in there somewhere; that the disease that had taken over your body only controlled your actions, not your thoughts.
You all started out with dark green names. Everyone in Ninjago did. Some players had better luck than others; those who didn't know what they were doing died off quickly, and started to spread a disease once they had died too many times. The green would fade to red and they would lose control, wanting to paint the world in that unsettling copper scent. Those who had seconds of control left after seeing their red names would set themselves on fire and hope that would kill them before they hurt anyone. Everyone had campfires next to their beds just in case.
You weren't as good as Jay, but you were the best at tedious work like mining and farming for supplies. When someone wanted wood or stone, or anything else, you would be back in an hour with a few stacks of it. The first accident was when you were caught by yourself surrounded by red players. They fought you, then fought each other once you died. It all went downhill from there.
The last time Kai saw you, you went out to get kelp. He doesn't know if you drowned or you were poisoned by a pufferfish or what happened out there, but he opened the door to your shared room to get something, when you appeared in front of him. Items missing and name red.
You just stood there in shock. He looked to the fire pit in your room, but wasn't ready to let you go. There wasn't much time to act, as the disease would take over soon. "Come on, come on!" He grabbed your wrist hard and yanked you outside, despite your protests. You had gathered obsidian a few hours ago, and he put one down. "Get on it, now!" He shouted. He'd never yelled at you before, and you flinched before stepping onto it. You tried to protest, but he wouldn't listen. "Shut up! I'm trying to fix this!" He was crying just as much as you were as he worked on the four walls first.
You twitched, then hunched over in pain, the first sign of take over. "Kai...I love you."
Then you went quiet as he put the ceiling on. Those were your last words to him. Once you were properly trapped, he sat down on the ground and processed everything. Nya came out to see her brother screaming and sobbing loudly, and tried desperately to calm him down. Nothing worked until Lloyd stepped up, promising to try and find a way to cure you.
It took him weeks to recover. He didn't do anything to help the team, which they didn't mind too much. They spent that time staying home and stocking resources while Kai grieved. Keeping you in your original cage, he built more obsidian around it, then stocked a chest with food and snowballs you could throw for fun in case you were bored, and put a bed in the middle for you to sleep on. There was no way for you to get any resources, and no way for you to get out. You were perfectly trapped and as safe from the outside as the outside was from you. When it came time to release you from the cage into the larger prison, he sat on the top block first, then got rid of the walls, allowing you to get out. You reached for him, but he was too high up for you. "I love you, (Y/N)." All he got was growling as you continued to fruitlessly grab for his ankles.
He climbed out of a hole in the ceiling and finally sealed you away. Days turned to weeks turned to months. Every time Lloyd seemed close to a cure, something would go wrong and he would have to start over. The potion would have the wrong effect, or an ingredient would be so scarce that other players had already gotten to and hoarded it first, or the ingredients wouldn't mix properly and make the potion useless, or something, or something, or something. Kai stopped counting the mistakes a long time ago.
"If I still had a green name, you bet I would waste it just to go in there and hold you, even if you would tear me apart. Even if it wouldn't last longer than a few seconds. To touch you and hold you again." He sighed to you. "Wouldn't you like that?"
You let out a low growl, then hissed at him viciously. He smiled and stared at you lovingly. "I know you would. Just a little longer, (Y/N). We'll fix this. We'll fix this." He repeated to himself.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
AYYY HELLO DJDJDJDJ I hope you're doing well! I was wondering if I could possibly have a Ninjago matchup if they're still open! ✨✨
(info for romantic matchup :D!!):
Hobbies and Talents: I personally love love musical theatre, the performing arts just fills me with this joy i can't explain?? it's like OKAY SO the community . i think for me personally, not only is singing and acting just amazing something i love to do, i in general just really feel resonated with the feeling of community!! everyone in theatre (or at least the company i go to) is so welcoming and i always feel so loved there. i also have a huge passion for writing, fandoms, violin and art (specifically storyboarding/character design HEHEHEH) BAKING ALSO OMG makes me so happy except i am like . terrible at it BAHSHSJSHS
Personality: I'm an ENFP-T and a 7w6!! I'm usually optimistic most of the time, but some days I do get pretty down or when I go through depressive episodes. when things go wrong i tend to run away from my problems and don't address my emotions and then I feel all of them at once and ehbddjjdd It's beCOMING AN ISSUE BUT IM TRYING BAHSHDH 😌😌🙌 OH OH i tend to mirror people's personalities, but if it's just me then I'm usually somewhat sarcastic and mainly crack terrible terrible puns and jokes and tell stories. i ramble a lot when I get passionate though 😭😭 im patient with a lot of people but have problems saying no sometimes ALSO IM CHAOTIC
sexuality: im unlabeled! but in other words i love literally everyone and would be okay w a platonic/asexual/polyamorous relationship bc i don't rly mind at all who i fall in love with, regardless of gender
pairing: ninja would be good!!
other: im 5'7" and i have a tall and somewhat athletic structure :D!!
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🥺🥺😭 that's so nice omg
Cole and Zane!
Your interests match theirs, so it's no surprise that the three of you are often doing things together.
While Cole isn't that big of a fan of performing, especially since he doesn't like to sing, he loves dancing with his partners. In a similar vein, he will pick you up and twirl you around in a tight hug if he hasn't seen you in a while.
Zane is a good dancer and singer! He makes for a good partner to practice theater with, even if he's not really going for any sort of part. He has his own role to play, being a ninja and a good boyfriend. He's both!
Speaking of Zane being a good boyfriend, he likes to help you with baking, and Cole with cooking. Sure, the kitchen gets a little crowded sometimes, but the food the three of you make is so plentiful that the other ninja know they're in for a feast when they see the three of you in there.
Cole isn't super invested in drawing, but he still likes to do it as a hobby. You don't even have to talk to each other; just sitting next to you while he scribbles out something makes him happy.
Hugging! Cole's hugs are super tight and secure, while Zane's are more gentle and involve action; patting your head or rubbing your back.
You may be tall, but not as tall as them! They're two of the tallest characters in Ninjago, 6 foot tall Zane and 6 and a half foot tall Cole, but they love being able to lean down and leave little kisses on your face, especially your nose or in Zane's case, specifically under the corner of your right eye.
Unless you like to be in the middle during cuddling, usually Cole is in the middle when it's cold out, and Zane's in the middle when it's hot out. Surprisingly, Cole puts out a lot of body heat, particularly after unlocking his lava arms.
Your optimism is especially helpful to the boys, and they can't get enough of your encouragement. Thus, when you ever feel down, they're always by your side, ready to pick you up.
Zane doesn't always get jokes, but when he does he gives a little chuckle after processing it. Cole usually laughs or does the little nose snort when you say a bad pun.
Zane's learned to read your disappointed or sad faces, so when you tell someone 'it's okay' when something goes wrong, but he sees you're upset about it, he will stand your ground for you. In a polite way, of course.
Cole's a pretty relaxed person, so he could sit there for hours listening to you talk to him about your favorite things and characters. He might not completely understand it all unless you explain it to him, but he'll definitely remember it if it's really important to you.
There's nothing better than coming home from a mission and seeing you with a proud smile on your face, arms spread out for a hug from your partners.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Hallo! I return! I loved the Jay/Reader post so much!!!! I wanna keep the Jay love ball rolling with a new ask!
Possibly Jay/Reader headcannon/oneshot about Reader being a game creator? They love showing Jay their work and let him have first dibs on demos and builds they make! A particular game they're in the middle of making has the hero bearing a striking resemblance to the Master of Lightning...
lol this reminds me of these headcanons where reader plays video games. Just a few headcanons, then a small oneshot at the bottom like last time, I assume?
Player's Creator
You met each other at a video game convention. "No way, you're the creator behind Skippy Punch?!" He was so excited to meet you, that you were sure someone was just trying to pull a prank on you. After all, you just built a small platformer game about punching bad guys and barely charged anything for it. You had a small stall to yourself where you answered questions.
To your surprise, Jay was genuinely excited to see you. He told you he liked to support younger game making studios, since the bigger ones would get lazy in their game making once they built a loyal fanbase. "But you, you're genuine!" He told you.
From that day on, he found your social media and started to message you, and you found yourself actually asking for advice from him on what to add to your next game, Skippy Punch 2. "Oh, I can hire animators for you if you want to add cutscenes!" "But Jay, where would you get the money?" "Did I ever tell you I was a TV show host? I have plenty!"
Within a few years, and with your best friend's help, you had gathered a small team, and made a studio of your own; Zippy Studios. You wouldn't admit it, but maybe the lightning master had a little to do with the inspiration behind the name.
When a bigger company offered to buy out your studio for a large sum of money, plus 5% of the profits, Jay was surprised when you turned them down. "We're a small studio because we don't care about money or profits. We care about making a livable wage while creating games with our full effort, because we like making games people want to play." You explained.
So you and your studio of 10 people would continue cranking out well made and lovable games, with your new, loving boyfriend at your side.
You sighed happily, pulling the flash drive out of your computer. "Thanks Ty, I'll tell you what happens tomorrow."
Said coworker in front of you chuckled, "I don't know why you can't do it like a normal person."
"Shh! I dunno, I just...wanted it to be special, you know?"
They nod. "Okay, okay. But if it doesn't work I don't want you to be sad. There are lots of ways to do it."
"Uh huh. Okay, see you tomorrow!" You waved and left the room, heading home.
"Jay!" You cheered, hugging him when you got home. There haven't been any missions for him lately, so he was free to stay at your house until he was needed again, or when he needed to train, but that was while you were at work, anyway. "I've got a new game for you to play!" You held up the flash drive, waving it in front of him before downloading the game into the computer.
"Already? But your last game was just a month ago. How did you make one so quickly?"
"Ep-pep-pep! Shhh! Just play!" You were quite literally bouncing with excitement; how could he resist?
He started the game, smiling at the blue character in the center of the screen. "This guy looks pretty familiar." He smirks. You don't reply, and he continues playing. He laughs when he finds out he can shoot electricity from his hands by pressing the button you usually assigned the attack button. A message popped up asking him to collect the hearts and defeat the monsters. He went around doing as he was told, "gee, (Y/N), this seems pretty simple, even for a demo."
You giggled like an excited little kid, "no, it's a finished game. You just gotta get to the end."
"If you say so." He killed all the enemies then went around the level collecting the hearts. When he did, a new character appeared on the screen, one that looked like you. It began to talk.
"Jay, We've known each other for a long, 7 years, huh? And we've been dating each other for 5 of them. I know playing games means just as much to you as making games means to me. It's like we were meant for each other, doesn't it seem that way? You've been there for me from the very start, and I'm glad for it. And I want to be there for you for the rest of it. Jay..."
His head shot up as he whipped around to face you on one knee. "Will you marry me?" You asked, ring in your hands.
He let out a small gasp, then screamed excitedly, "yes, (Y/N), of course I will!" He began to laugh and scooped you up, spinning you around tightly in his arms. "I was, haha, I was actually gonna propose to you over the weekend at a fancy restaurant, but your idea is so much cooler." He gushes. "I have the coolest partner! The coolest future spouse!"
"Oh," you grinned, "give me the ring! I wanna match." You slip his ring on his finger first, then let him scamper off into your shared bedroom to grab the ring he was going to propose to you with and put it on your finger as well.
The two of you chuckled, holding your fingers to each others to compare. "We got each other the same ring."
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Could I have some headcanons for Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay in child’s play (in season 2) where gn y/n, who is usually 13 but is now a 4-6 year old ninja absolutely terrified when they all get cornered by the grundle and is clinging to them crying, and they’ve never cried in front of any of them before?
hmmm I took the "troubled past" route for this one to explain why reader didn't cry. I thought it would work best as a reason why reader cries as a kid.
Behind Us, Before Us
You were known as the tough ninja. Nothing fazed you, nothing scared you, and nothing could beat you. Aside from one really knew anything about you. You never talked to your teammates, and you never argued with anyone, either agreeing with them or shrugging and walking away. All you seemed to ever do was eat, sleep, train, or stay in your room.
None of the ninjas' attempts to talk to you worked, and Wu would only tell them that you would open up to them when the time came. After all, you had a pretty hard childhood. He just left it at that vague answer.
Being changed into a child again affected you differently than the other ninja. You were the only one without powers. You started to forget more and more of your adulthood, and started to act more like a typical 5 year old. "We've got to reverse this before (Y/N) forgets who they are entirely" the team agreed.
Cornered by the grundle, Kai was surprised when he felt you cling to his arm and sob into his shoulder. What happened to big, strong (Y/N) who was always first to make a move? Awkwardly, he rubs the top of your head and stays behind the rest of the group to hopefully make you feel more protected.
Cole was confused when you grabbed the back of his shirt, crying hard and refusing to let go. You were never a team player; always insisting you could take on the enemy by yourself. You didn't even learn your lesson when the Great Devourer almost ate you. Why change now? There was no time to argue as he held an arm out, "I'll protect you, (Y/N)."
Zane was hard at work to analyze the situation. Then he heard sobbing. "...(Y/N)?" He didn't understand why you hugged him tightly like a frightened child would hug their parents. "Are you alright?" You wouldn't answer him, only continuing to cry, and now he was starting to worry. This wasn't the (Y/N) he knew. "You' okay."
He didn't understand it. Jay thought you were strong enough to take on anything. ...Almost. But now you had been reduced to a blubbering puddle at his feet. "(Y/N), come on, you gotta get up, gotta be strong!" He glanced worriedly back at the grundle, then back at you. "Please?"
When the grundle was turned back to bone, your memories seemed to return as your eyes snapped open, and you relaxed; letting go of the ninja you decided to cling to. "I'm sorry you all had to see that." You rubbed tears from your eyes, "it won't happen again."
"Forget that! Why were you crying?!" Jay yelled. "Yeah, what happened back there?" Cole asked. The other two nodded; curious.
You sighed, then met the ninjas' eyes, smiling sadly. "I...heh," you chuckle softly, "I used to be a crybaby, huh?" You took your shirt off, revealing your tanktop and several scars that lined your arms. You had always kept them hidden until now. "Weakness...isn't really tolerated in my family. I'm stronger now. ...I have to be."
"Oh, (Y/N)," Kai reaches out tenderly towards you, "we didn't know. We're sorry." Zane finishes, coming towards you for a hug. "It's not you guys' fault, it's mine. I've been trying to be self-sufficient because I was taught depending on others makes you weak."
"Depending on others doesn't make you weak. It builds bonds, and trust, and shows that other people can depend on you, too." Everyone looks over to the grundle bones to see an older Lloyd rise among the pile. "If anything, (Y/N), we get stronger off each other."
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Hey there could I request a Kai scenario where s/o was born with silver like hair and got teased for it as a child and comforts her because it’s one of her insecurities thank you :)
It was hard for me to think of things people would say to someone with silver hair lol because I think it would be super cool!! But I think I did alright. Sorry if it's super short though...
she/her reader!
Hair the Color of the Moon
Where Kai is always there for you.
You sighed, sitting at the mirror and combing through your hair.
Kai picked up on this immediately and sat up from your bed. "What's up?"
"What's wrong with her hair?" You turned to your boyfriend and smiled sweetly, "I was just thinking; it's nothing, really." "I bet it's fake."
"Hey, what kind of dye did your parents get you?" "I already told you, it's real. Please, stop asking about it." One of the kids pulled your hair, causing you to cry out, "come on, show us the color of your roots!"
The teachers never helped you. "Well, (Y/N), there's nothing that can be done. Your hair just attracts too much attention, and because of its unnatural color, of course you're going to get teased for it. It's best you just ignore them."
But the hair follows you everywhere. "There's nothing natural about that color, you're just a freak." "If you weren't so stupid, you would just dye it." "I bet you're just doing it for attention." "We can't accept you; dyed hair is unprofessional." "Why do you look so-"
He stared into your sad eyes, "I think it's beautiful." You blink a few times, the thoughts fading. He takes your comb and runs it through your hair for you as you sit between his legs. "There's nothing wrong with the way you were born. There's nothing wrong with the way you look," he kisses the top of your head, playing with the ends of your hair, "in fact, you're the most perfect thing I've ever seen."
You smile softly. "Thank you, Kai." You continue letting him praise you, as you lean back against his chest and let him hold you. "You always know what to say."
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ninjaslegos · 3 years ago
Feel free to delete this ask if you don't want to do it!
It's a small OC match up I'm wondering if you could do.
Her name is Shirubia Himawara(Japanese, yes) though she usually goes by Sylvia so it'll be easier on the tongue ^^"
Roughly looking like this (Art by me!)
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5'7(170cm) with pastel pink hair and violet eyes, with no pupils.
She has tiny freckles all over her face and rosy skin.
She's a pacifist, would not hurt a fly, even if she could punch a hole into a brick wall(which she can). She's extremely nice and docile, and she's actually blind, which makes her unable to breath and constantly smack her face into a wall.
Baby is actually an orphan who was taken care of by a really sick villain, and because of her pacifist natute she would get punish by getting burned. And so results is her extreme fear of fire, small fires are okay tho.
She likes flowers, dogs, chocolate and anything you'll expect from a cotton candy girl
She dislikes fire, a person from her past. (Don't try n talk to her about him!)
Extra Trivia:
She's actually allergic to chocolate but she's a sweet tooth
Has an irrational fear of chinchillas, bc it's funny
Doesn't know her hair is pink
Smells like lavender and roses
Super fluffy
Speaks japanese fluently(it is her mother tongue), speaks it when scared
Has red marks all over her body, must she be an oni? No, she can't be, she's just like a human!
Super oblivious
Asexual! No sexual attraction here, only romantic and platonic
Lowkey kinda stupid but it's adorable that she is
Horrible at math and is dyslexic
Thicc n curvy *wink wonk*
Stronk, could kick Cole's ass but she's too nice >:(
OKAY yes! I can do OC matchups! I know we talked about it and how Zane would be a good idea for her to have a crush on, even if he wouldn't like her back. With that in mind, someone I think she could be with is...
With both of them having grown up without parents, it's something they understand about each other, in a way none of the other ninja could because they all have at least one parent alive. Except for Zane but his situation is different.
Because she's a sweet and gentle type of person, she can usually settle Nya when she's working up a temper.
Not to be outdone by Sylvia always helping her out, Nya helps her back by promising to douse any fire in sight.
It's an 'opposites attract' kind of relationship. Sylvia's kind although clueless, while Nya's direct and intelligent. Neither of them seem to mind this, and use their differences to help each other.
Nya puts little slopes against the walls of the house so instead of hitting her head a bunch, Sylvia will step on the slopes and see how close she is to the wall.
She's also very curious about the marks on Sylvia's body, and only studies them if she has permission.
Nya tends to try and keep Kai away from Sylvia at first, because she's afraid he'll scare her off with his fire powers by going "fire isn't so scary, look at this!"
Tries to show Sylvia different hobbies she can participate in while being blind, like playing an instrument, listening to audiobooks, and if she's interested in cooking, Nya will buy her recipe books and measuring cups in braille.
Nya likes to train with Sylvia because of her strength, and looks to her for guidance on how to become stronger.
She also likes to cuddle after training, Sylvia's too soft and warm to resist.
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