nimbasawizard · 7 hours
I've seen some advertisements of "emotion blockers" for Hattena, which are a kind of foam balls that stick into the tip of the pokémon's antenna
Guys. Do not buy this. It won't help with their "intolerance" to emotions. Covering that sensor will only make your Hatenna horribly disoriented
Here's a screenshot so you know what I mean:
Tumblr media
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nimbasawizard · 17 hours
I should cast fireball at the evil sorcerer.
They messed up my order at Wendys. Clearly this is the work of a rival Wizard. the evil sorcerer vexes me yet again 👎
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nimbasawizard · 17 hours
They messed up my order at Wendys. Clearly this is the work of a rival Wizard. the evil sorcerer vexes me yet again 👎
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nimbasawizard · 17 hours
I forgot this was public, my moms aren't going to be happy with me, sorry for bothering you with my troubles and I am so sorry for name dropping Sarah
What The Fuck do you mean you forgot sending an anonymous message to a rotumblr blog was public
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nimbasawizard · 18 hours
We are witnessing a truly delicate moment, we need to help the two.
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nimbasawizard · 18 hours
My parents disowned me so now my two moms are a meowstic and togekiss, and I love them so very much. They're my family, my only family, and I will fight to the death for their safety if I have to.
And as a friend of the anon with the attacking Hatterene, I am partially to blame for that because I did visit at a bad time and she snapped at me so now every time she goes to get on the computer she just recognizes it as a source of more extreme stress than it actually is...I am sorry, Sarah, I truly am. I don't deserve friends like you, so forgiving and unwilling to toss me aside.
What the FUCK is going on in my inbox right now?
Guys, I roleplay wizard on an internet this isnt group therapy.
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nimbasawizard · 18 hours
I love my hatterene so much, I love it when she gives me the death stare because no matter how angry she is it's so cute. How do I convince her to stop strangling me when I start thinking about doing my work though, I need to do that to get money!
Anon I do not think you should have a hatterene. This is why people aren't advised to catch members of the line from the wild once they evolve into hattrem. They also do better with calmer people overall, but if they're trained right and socialized as hattenna it shouldn't matter much. Hattenna are sensitive to emotions and may get stressed and hide, but they aren't aggressive at all.
If you can't regulate your emotions or evolved them without taking a lot of time and effort to train them, then this happens, and it's dangerous for both you and the pokemon to keep them.
There are programs that train the line to be used to emotions, especially strong ones, and react in ways other than violence or even just not react at all. Generally advised to get a hattenna or hattrem from them. Hatterene are almost never given to trainers in their final form because they're so high maintenance and need to get used to your emotions before they get to a point where you cannot fight back.
Archmage has never given me a "deathglare" or attacked me while I was stressed.
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nimbasawizard · 19 hours
People say that? That's awful! Hug your pokemon and tell them they're good please.
Hatterenes don't enjoy being hugged much since they associate it with being in a fight with another Hat™️ but Archmage does let me brush her hair!!! I tend to comb my fingers through it when I would otherwise be hugging her if she was chill with hugs.
Bingo Boy doesn't like hugs much, either. Togekiss being an avian pokemon don't appreciate being constricted like that an if you hug too tight you can seriously injure them (although Togekiss do tend to be a bit more resilient to that with all those feathers) I do hug and cuddle with her sometimes but only if she initiates it by forcing her way into my arms. Normally I just pet her.
Steven is weird. Sometimes I can hug him, sometimes I can't. I think it depends if he thinks he's on "guard duty" or not.
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nimbasawizard · 19 hours
Every Single Time its like sorry that you have never had a sigilyph happily sing and dance when it sees you after you've been out for the day. Sucks to Suck
Hatterene are overall not very affectionate everrr but they do love and trust their trainers!!! They play with your hair if they like you and a lot of people do not KNOW THIS BECAUSE THEY AUTOMATICALLY TAKE ANYTHING THEY DO AS A THREATTT
Also, everyone thinks my togekiss is a sweet angle and assumes that she MUST be the super affectionate friendly baby and then gets upset when She Does Not Like Them. Togekiss are also very sensitive and take a long ass time to open up to people. Yes, they are very affectionate, but they will often just ignore or even dislike strangers, ESPECIALLY SINCE MINE CAN ALWAYS TELL THEY HATE MY OTHER TEAMMATESS.
Sorry! You were mean to Archmage and Steven! Now Bingo Boy wants you to Explode!
"sigilyph are so cold and unfeeling! i could never have one" "hatterene are all so violent and aggressive! you cant even be happy around them!" "how can you deal with pokemon that can never show that they love you?" "at least you have a togekiss to be affectionate with" "how can you sleep with a sigilyph in your house watching you? thats creepy!"
just because a pokemon doesnt show ithat it loves you the same way as a fucking lillipup doesnt mean its scary or incapable of lovingggg. I Hope You Explodee
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nimbasawizard · 19 hours
"sigilyph are so cold and unfeeling! i could never have one" "hatterene are all so violent and aggressive! you cant even be happy around them!" "how can you deal with pokemon that can never show that they love you?" "at least you have a togekiss to be affectionate with" "how can you sleep with a sigilyph in your house watching you? thats creepy!"
just because a pokemon doesnt show ithat it loves you the same way as a fucking lillipup doesnt mean its scary or incapable of lovingggg. I Hope You Explodee
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nimbasawizard · 1 day
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nimbasawizard · 2 days
Best spell to cast?
FIREBALL 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥🔥is probably one of the most versatile spells you'll ever learn! Old lady needs help crossing the street? FIREBALL THE CARS! Need to diffuse a hostage situation? THEY CAN'T TAKE HOSTAGES IF THEY'RE ON FIRE!!! Need to cook food? FIREBALLLLLLLLLLL 🔥🔥💥🔥💥🔥🔥💥💯💯💯
of course i am JESTING!! there are many spells. A wizard's job is to learn and develop the perfect spellbook suited to their needs. There is no "best spell" just the "best spell for the situation".
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nimbasawizard · 2 days
Vanilla Extract. a POWERFUL elixer with a vexing enchantment that tastes fucking HORRIBLE called "soaked in alcohol to create". Only the strongest of Wizards DARE attempt to gain it's power
I saw a Tinkatok video about the "health benefits" of drinking vanilla extract, so you're getting another one of these polls.
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nimbasawizard · 2 days
I cast cone of cold! *Throws a vanillish at you*
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nimbasawizard · 2 days
I don't have adhd I have Awesome Dude Hottie Disorder. send post
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nimbasawizard · 2 days
No problem kid!!! happy spell casting!!
This winning battles shit is EASY PEASY
if i start losing i just cast FIREBALL 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 💯💯💯🔥🔥💥🔥 at the other trainer
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nimbasawizard · 2 days
First you must learn to understand the Arcane Arts. Years of careful study within the highest of towers, perusing the spell books and magic research papers of wizards that came far before you, perhaps even writing some of your own. Maybe this is a solitary endeavor, perhaps you have joined a mages college.Either way, understanding it's secrets takes decades of careful research. Then, when your beard has grown in and your hat has become tall and pointy, your staff glowing with mystical power, you must learn the spell itself, collect the ingrediants, charge your power, then repeat the ancient incantation.
or you can just put gasoline in a glass bottle, stick a cloth in it, and then light the cloth on fire before throwing it. This is a special version of fireball for inexperienced wizards called MOLOTOV COCKTAIL 🍾🍾🔥💥💥🧨💥🔥🍾
This winning battles shit is EASY PEASY
if i start losing i just cast FIREBALL 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 💯💯💯🔥🔥💥🔥 at the other trainer
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