nilvin94 · 6 years
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When you have a spa as your work, it’s nice to get out somewhere else😇
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nilvin94 · 6 years
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This is my other half, I get to see him twice a year, he lives in Canada me in Denmark. Today he left me after being with me for a hole month. It’s been like 8 hours since we kissed. He will be back for Christmas so almost 4 month.. even though it’s easier when it’s less time apart I still feel like I have a hole one me.. I am missing someone.. I miss him and it’s sucks.. tonight I get to sleep alone again and not have anyone to cuddle up with.. it sucks. I hate being a part from him.. I can’t wait for the day we live together
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nilvin94 · 6 years
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So as a 24 year old I got hit with chicken pox, didn’t think it would happen to me.. but it did. My face used to be clear and with no scars or anything. So it took a bit of time to get used to my face, I don’t normally wear lots of makeup, and after I got chicken pox I decided I didn’t want to try and cover it up, only if I had something special to do.. so I am embracing it. I get comments from my friends about how it’s a big change because well I never used to have anything at all. But now I do, and thanks to skin care it’s getting better.
I am studying to be a dermatologist with specials in spa. So I am used to using skin care. What I use is dermalogica and is clinical.
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nilvin94 · 6 years
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A flower can be so pretty with all the details
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nilvin94 · 6 years
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When i have the time I love to take pictures, today I took pictures at a tulip fest, I took lots of pictures today🌷
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nilvin94 · 6 years
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So as a 24 year old I got hit with chicken pox, didn’t think it would happen to me.. but it did. My face used to be clear and with no scars or anything. So it took a bit of time to get used to my face, I don’t normally wear lots of makeup, and after I got chicken pox I decided I didn’t want to try and cover it up, only if I had something special to do.. so I am embracing it. I get comments from my friends about how it’s a big change because well I never used to have anything at all. But now I do, and thanks to skin care it’s getting better. I am studying to be a dermatologist with specials in spa. So I am used to using skin care. What I use is dermalogica and is clinical.
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nilvin94 · 6 years
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I love my work, and I love making people happy, a girl was going to surprise her boyfriend yesterday at work, so I made it romantic. They got the room for an hour and they had chocolate,fruits and wine 🥂🥃🍷
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nilvin94 · 7 years
Daddy issues
I am not a person who writes all her feelings on social media, I don’t think I ever will, but now at this time I need somewhere to rant a bit and let my mind go.
So tommorw marks the 3rd year of my dad not being here anymore. For every year that’s past so far I felt odd right about now.
I asked myself multiple times “do I hate you? Do I love you?” I have that awnser, I don’t hate you.
Dad, you haven’t been apart of my life for 13 years, I chose that, no one else, I have been fine with my choice, I have no regrets on that. You were a troubled man, and I am seeing that more and more, you actions I will never understand fully, but you in your own way, you loved me, what you did was your way of caring, even if it was wrong. You didn’t know better since you yourself were raised that way. I am not saying what you did is ok, but I have accepted it, I forgave you awhile ago, and it feels good. I have love for you, I don’t want you to think otherwise. We all still do, even mom. She just couldn’t deal with you anymore.
I wanted to know all this time that you were sorry for what you did, I never got that, and in away that’s ok. I just hope you are well and they you are looking down on me, and that you are proud of me and us. I know that you missed us, I found your cards today that I forgot all about.
I am good dad, better then I would have been with you. I am sorry for hurting you by never contacting you, but that was best for me, and I needed to think of me. I am happy, I am getting my dream education, I am gonna marry a great guy in the coming years, I am gonna have a good life, and I hope you will be there and be proud.
I truly hope you found happiness, I hope you are at peace.
Rest well dad, and may we meet agian.
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nilvin94 · 7 years
I’ve never trusted anyone completely. Nobody has ever known me completely. Being alive in this world with no one actually seeing the real me is tiring and devastating. If I ever meet someone who is willing to deal with everything I come with, I’ll trust them with my life.
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nilvin94 · 7 years
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sana bakkoush appreciation week | favorite quotes
I think it’s interesting that you say you are against war. War doesn’t start with violence but with misunderstanding and prejudice. If you say you are for a peaceful world, you have to want to try to understand why other people think and act as they do. And then you have to accept that not everyone sees the world the same way as you. You cannot believe that you have all the answers about what is right and wrong. If you don’t even try to understand the one you love, I’ll be pessimistic on the world’s behalf.
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nilvin94 · 7 years
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get to know me meme [2/10] brotps ▻ the boy squad (skam)
What would you guys have done without me?
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nilvin94 · 7 years
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Welcome! Everyone. What can I help you with?
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nilvin94 · 7 years
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Sana week
↳ Day two: Favorite quote.
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nilvin94 · 7 years
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Hey, if you don’t stop looking at me like that I’m never gonna be able to say our vows without that ugly cry.
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nilvin94 · 7 years
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This is how you make someone crazy and make them want to see ppl again.. 😂😂😂
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nilvin94 · 7 years
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Bonus cos i ran outta room
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Hey so i have way too much time on my hands
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nilvin94 · 7 years
It was the first time I was ever playing Alex, which is the scene where she wakes up Hanna. I remember I’d been playing with her trying to imitate an American accent and whether she’d mess up. Marlene was like, “No don’t mess up.” But it was funny because I’ll never forget — I leaned over and I think the first line is, “Hanna?” And I think I said [does accent] “Hanna?” And Ashley peaked her eyes up at me like, “What did you just say?” I was like, “Umm, nothing.” When I slipped and everybody looked at me, I was like, “Oh this is what it feels like if you f–k up as Alex. Don’t do this again because if you mess up as Alex, that’s what it looks like.”
Troian Bellisario (via prettylittleliarsxxxx)
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