Nicole The Mystic
77 posts
Spreading Light, Expanding Consciousness, and Exchanging positive vibes one post at a time.
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nicolethemystic · 6 years ago
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Watch as Earth and Venus dance over roughly a decade between the two. []
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nicolethemystic · 6 years ago
what signs do I attract?
this is a question that gets asked a lot around here - so I thought I’d give a quick run-down on some parts of your chart that you can look at for attraction! 
💐 we tend to attract those who have personal planets in these signs:
1. Sign on 7th House Cusp ☯
a.k.a. the descendant, here we attract what we’re not = “opposites attract”. 
2. Sign on 11th House Cusp 🥂
the house of friendships/social circles; people with this sign may admire you and be your biggest fans!  
3. Sign on 5th House Cusp 💞
house of love and pleasure - this is the type of energy you are romantically drawn to. 
4. Venus Sign ♀
usually will get along great with people who have this sign. the bond is typically super quick! 
5. Mars Sign ♂  
you may not always get along with this sign but you find them always popping up in your life. 
6. Eros 💥
your eros is super drawn to those with personal planets in the opposite sign. it’s an instant, raw attraction. 
💐 you may also find yourself attracting a lot the element you lack.
of course, you can dig way deeper than this, and as always, aspects will always play a role as well 😍
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
Aries watching their life fall apart
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Taurus thinking of the future they don’t have
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Gemini reading texts they sent last night
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Cancer thinking of embarrassing moments
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Leo looking at pictures from middle school
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Virgo watching all of you sin 
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Libra after looking in the mirror
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Scorpio judging your bad decisions
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Sagittarius whenever they open their mouth
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Capricorn thinking of their love life
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Aquarius when you say your opinion
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Pisces in general
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
Rising Signs 🌅
and their Friendships 🍻💃🏽💘
Pisces ♓︎
Devoted and supportive of friends
Needs to be wary of negative relationships
Relies on friendships for strength and encouragement
As they get older, will attract those with strong karmic bonds
Aquarius ♒︎
Nonjudgmental of friends
Very “live and let live” attitude
Drawn to funny and passionate people
Attracts very outgoing, enthusiastic people
Capricorn ♑︎
Usually the one who is organizing and planning for the group
Loves being around those who allow them to let loose and live a little
Can attract people with very powerful, charismatic personalities
Sagittarius ♐︎ 
Ability to have friendships with various groups of people
People are drawn to their charm and humor
Friendships are very important and play an important role in their lives
Social Butterfly
Scorpio ♏︎
Values intelligence in friendships
Trusted as a great advice giver
Very protective of friends
Attracts stimulating, intellectual types
Libra ♎︎
Supportive and proud of friends 
Drawn to people with a more dominant personality
Very loyal
Can make friends with basically anyone
Virgo ♍︎
Mom Friend
Sympathetic and protective towards friends
Drawn to those they feel need “rescued”
Must be careful to not be used!
Leo ♌︎
Extremely loyal
Attracted to witty and intelligent people
Lives for those interesting late night conversations
Cancer ♋︎
Drawn to artistic and charming people
Seeks affectionate, easy-going relationships
Gemini ♊︎
Inclined to have one “best friend” among many acquaintances
Invests a lot of energy into relationships
Drawn to energetic, dynamic people
Can feel like they are sometimes competing with friends
Taurus ♉︎
Puts loved ones on a pedestal 
Selfless and giving in relationships
Attracted to artistic (and maybe troubled) souls
Aries ♈︎
Drawn to unusual, free-spirited types
Values spontaneity in friendships
Ability to form friendships quickly
Must be careful of unreliable relationships
just a cute, light-hearted post I wanted to make. thanks for reading! 💕 
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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Smoke Cleansing
To purify people, objects, and/or places.
*note: some information included in this post is from personal experience*
~ What is Smoke Cleansing?
   Smoke Cleansing is the action of burning herbs to rid of negative energy or bring in good energy to a home, person, or object.
~ Why do You Smoke Cleanse?
   The most common reason people smoke cleanse is to banish negative energy and evil spirits. You can also smoke cleanse to bring in good energy and enhance psychic abilities.
~ Tools and Why They Are Used
   Abalone Shell: This shell is believed to be an element of water, which balances the other elements of fire, air, and earth, which is why it is usually used to collect the ash of the smudge stick or to just simply hold it.
   Feather: Traditionally used because birds represents the breath of life as well as a way of connecting with Mother Earth and the Heavens. Turkey feathers are the most commonly used.
   White Sage: Traditionally used to banish negative energy.
   Sweet Grass: Traditionally used to bring in good energy and to call to the ancestors.
   Yerba Santa: This herb is usually burned to enhance psychic abilities.
   Palo Santo: Can be burned to banish negative energy, and also instills a feeling of love.
   Lavender: Traditionally used to invite spirits.
   Cedar: Burned to promote a calm and comforting environment, and to purify and protect.
   Juniper: Burned to cleanse an area, promote clarity, increase focus, and center someone.
   Pine: Burned to cleanse and renew, and promotes strength. 
~ How To Smoke Cleanse Yourself and Others
   Have an invocation and all tools ready to go! Invocations vary depending on what smudge stick you are using. Personally, I like to use White Sage for when I’m smoke cleansing myself and others, but you can use any smudge stick you’d like.
   Stand with the burning smudge stick you’d wish to use and an Abalone shell or fireproof bowl layered with sand sitting on a surface arms-length from you. Move the smudge stick in a counter clockwise motion around you to banish negative energy. Start at the head, the neck, arms, torso, and so forth. Say the invocation you’d wish to use during this time. Example for banishing negative energy:
“Into this smoke, I release all energies that do not serve me, all negativity that                       surrounds me, and all fears that limit me. So mote it be.”
   If you are Smoke cleansing someone else, move the smudge stick in a counter clockwise motion around them, and use “you” instead of “me” and etc. in the invocation. 
~ How To Smoke Cleanse Your Home
   First things firsts, crack open at least one window in your home so the energy has a way of escaping or entering (depending on if you’re banishing energy or bringing in energy). Have all doors to rooms you’d wish to smoke cleanse open and ready to enter, including closets, garages, basements, and attics. You can also use invocations (optional, see tips). Light the smudge stick and have an Abalone shell or bowl with sand layering the bottom ready to hold the stick and ash. If you wish to use a feather, get that at this time as well. Start at your front door. Walk slowly, really let the smoke marinate in the areas you are focusing on. Outline doors, windows, and entrances with the smoke. 
Banishing Negative Energy
   Traditionally, White Sage is used for this. If you wish to rid of negative energy, walk counter-clockwise from your front door. This motion symbolizes banishment. Make sure to smoke cleanse the corners of your home, this is a common place negative energy will collect and/or linger. 
Bringing in Good Energy
   Traditionally, Sweet Grass is used for this. If you wish to bring in good energy, walk clockwise. This motion symbolizes such. 
Using a Feather
   Traditionally, people use a real turkey feather. When using a feather, make sure to wave the smoke in the direction that you wish to banish energy or bring it in. You don’t need to worry about clockwise or counter clockwise motions if using this method.
Not Using a Feather
   If you are ridding of negative energy, wave the smudge stick in a counter-clockwise motion. This motion symbolizes banishment. If you are bringing in good energy, wave it in a clockwise motion, this motion symbolizes such.
~ How to Smoke Cleanse Objects
   Usually, people like to smoke cleanse objects they will have on their altar, or any divination or sacred tools like athames, wands, crystals, crystal balls, etc. You can really smoke cleanse anything you’d like to! Just remember to cleanse the object first. Have an invocation ready to go (optional, see tips). Personally, I only banish negative energy from objects. I don’t bring in good energy, mainly because I believe the object is now at it’s balanced and true form after being rid of bad energy. You can definitely bring in good energy into objects if you prefer!
   For smaller, more handheld objects, pass the object through the smoke several times slowly. For bigger objects, move the smudge stick around the object several times slowly. While doing this, if you wish to use an invocation, you can. You can say it out loud or internally.
   Do NOT leave burning smudge sticks unattended. If you don’t have an Abalone shell to hold the smudge stick or the ash, use a fireproof bowl with some sand layering the bottom.
   When smoke cleansing your home, try not to take steps backwards. Some believe that if you do so, you’ll reverse the effects.
   Collect your ash! It can be used for spells for protection.
   Have an invocation (a saying, or chant) ready to go while smoke cleansing your home and objects. You can make your own or use others you find. You can say these internally or out loud. I personally made my own short and simple invocations, I’ll use them for example:
          “Negative energy, I banish thee. You mustn’t stay, you must leave.”
Bringing in Energy:
“Positive energy, I invite thee. You’re welcomed in my home, belongings, and in                                                           me.”
  Different invocations will be used when burning different smudge sticks.
*If there is anything we missed, you’d like to add, or something is wrong, just let us know!*
xx ~ @chlovoyant
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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🌕 This Virgo Full Moon could indeed hold the key to some major healing. For the past few moons we’ve been focused on building our energy up but have we been clearing it? Being that there is a lot of Pisces energy in the collective, there can be moments of disillusionment and fantasy. However, this Virgo Full Moon is removing the rose tinted glasses so that we can get a clear view of what needs some re-tweaking. Of course its never comfortable to face the not so pleasant truth but doing so allows us to clear out old emotional baggage making room for the new abundance and life that arrives with spring.🌼
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Think of this moon as a spiritual spring cleaning which is helping us to identify the not so healthy mindsets, habits, or situations in our lives. By identifying these not so helpful factors, we begin to allow our energy to clear so healing and transformation can take place. Take care not to allow any harsh criticisms to over take you. What is revealed may not be as beautiful as initially perceived, but ultimately it will be for the greater good. Just be sure not to over-indulge in negative emotions such as inferiority, inadequacy, shame, or criticism as overthinking can lead us to these unhealthy conclusions.
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Honestly this Virgo Full Moon couldn’t have arrived at a better time as Mercury Retrograde is just a few weeks away. We are prepping for a Mercury Retrograde in Aries🔥 which will be requesting that we take action on stalled projects and ideas. In order to do so, we’ll need to clear out the old, heal, and be ready for the realignment on the way. Remember, Virgo is about details and precision but most importantly Virgo is about HEALING. Tap into your own inner healing powers and give yourself the attention and love needed to HEAL. ☮️
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
So what exactly is this New Moon Eclipse asking of us? This podcast highlights the path that’s beginning to illuminate for all of us ✨
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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✨🌞🌑This New Moon in Aquarius Solar Eclipse is giving us the opportunity to shift into a NEW direction in preparation for the next step in our personal evolution. Like a light shining on our true path, our unique talent is showing us how we can connect with the outside world while also feeling a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment within. ➖ ➖ Yes, we’re all a little different. No, we’re not required to do things the same, and that is exactly where our power to create abundance in our lives lies. We all have something to provide to the collective and this New Moon is giving us the push to stand in our own unique greatness to bring that forth. ➖ ➖ If you’ve been deciding which way to go, your higher self has some hidden wisdom buried deep. As we become more aligned with our purpose, what we desire will begin to flow into our lives effortlessly. Everybody has to be apart of the solution and once we all tap into our own individual power, we can flourish together. The universe is abundant, the concept of lack is simply an illusion. It’s time to manifest and ascend to our true potential. ➖ ➖ Tune into the Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse Podcast hosted by @NicoleTheMystic | Join her & her Special Guest as they discuss how this energy is prepping us for the next step in our collective evolution. | See her page via Instagram _ _
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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🌕 If ever there were a perfect time to follow your heart’s desire, now would be it.✨ This Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is giving our creative energy a well needed boost. With the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon In Leo, we are seeing how we can use our own creativity, self-expression, and innovation to create something new and out of the ordinary that will bring more freedom into our lives. 💛 ___ ___ Leo is asking us to tap into our hearts and connect with our child like energy to renew us after six months of major changes and readjustment in our lives. I’m sure we can all agree that since August, our lives have all experienced change in one major way or another -a recalibration of some sort. ___ ___ The universe is asking us to take a close look at our hearts desire. What gives you joy? What makes your light shine? What causes your vibration to lower? What doesn’t nourish your talents and gifts? These are some things to ponder on during this moon as we should look to ways that we can uplift our vibration - bringing happiness and aligning us with our soul’s purpose. ____ ____ By tapping into our heart, we begin to activate our pure childlike creative energy where we can use our talents and gifts to assist one another on our journeys (The universe’s abundance is infinite). Gratification, abundance and prosperity has the ability to flow effortlessly into our lives once we begin to operate from a place of creative joy and fulfillment.
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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This Capricorn New Moon has us taking a look at our purpose as well as determining where to direct our energy. With 6 planets in Capricorn & all the planets in direct motion, we are being given the green light to be strategic in creating our next move up the proverbial mountain. What does our ambition & motivation need to be channeled towards? Lets not hesitate as Capricorn wants to see progress and results.
We will be moving from the “planning” stage to initiating action. Expect breakthroughs, changes, upgrades, corrections, and new direction where there was previously challenges & blockages. We are finally breaking through the brick wall, but only if we’re willing to get a little bruised.
We may not always like what we encounter along the way, but the blockages & restrictions that capricorn reveals to us gives us the opportunity to evolve into a better version of ourselves. The universe isn’t accepting excuses right now, only blueprints. What do you plan to build over the next 3 years because we will be breaking ground to create something stable and lasting.
Use this New Moon to activate your internal power & courage. The energy to manifest is here but do understand that Saturn will not allow us to move forward without “BALANCE”. Just as we must do the hard work towards our material goals; we must do the same towards the our soul work. Purge the sabotage and embrace the Ase. This is the key to healing and ultimately our success & ascension.
🎨 @the_real_theory
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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This Cancer Full moon was like a sweet kiss from mom before we head off to school (aka Saturn in Capricorn). Last year brought many revelations and deep truths to the surface within ourselves and also within the collective. The water energy of this Cancer Full Moon is washing away stagnant energy and emotions so that we can be divinely connected as we move forward with intention, motivated and focused.
This is where “The Checklist” comes in handy. Who/what is coming with us on the next leg of the journey? Who/what are we releasing with love? We are taking a close look at our priorities during this full moon. Theres no space for 2017’s extra baggage on our 2018 journey. We’ve got to weave thru and make some decisions. What habits, connections, lessons, emotions, and beliefs are helpful? Which are harmful? Which are nourishing my growth and which are stunting it?
We are connecting with our power and embracing our value in 2018. This year embodies the vibration of the Number 11. This represents stepping thru a portal onto the path of our soul’s mission and divine purpose. Releasing the old and embracing the new which still remaining balanced in both your darkness & your light. Invoke the power of this frequency and step forth into a state of equilibrium.
🎨 by #ArtXMan
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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Are you ready to get to business? This New Moon in Sagittarius has us stepping onto the pathway to our full potential. With Saturn getting ready to transit the sign of Capricorn for the next 3 years, we are being beckoned to put aside fears & expand the limits and restrictions that have been imposed for sometime. Not only are we experiencing this on a collective level, but also on a personal level. What limits have you set for yourself? What barriers have you been hesitant of pushing thru? What restrictions or distractions have delayed your progress? ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ The next few years have the potential to be a major turning point in our lives and the direction it will take. Think of this as the most compelling episode of the season! This is the chapter where you and the jabberwocky battle head to head, but whoever wins is up to you. You have the option to experience the new adventure and conquer the old or continue to wish & dream. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ The universe is encouraging all of us to take the leap onto the path so that we may truly see what we are made of. All the preparation from 2010 to now will be put to the test as we begin to see if we are truly living in our authentic expression. Those whom are, will begin to reap the rewards of offering their light and investing hard work, while those whom have been complacent or stagnant will be challenged to repeat old lessons. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ Are you ready to more forward into your full potential… ready to become aligned with your TRUE purpose? This NEW MOON is for YOU! Set your intentions for the next few years with a pure heart and set out on the adventure of a lifetime as the world begins to experience the light of who you truly are. 🎨 by #ArtXMan
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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This Full Moon in Gemini is bringing an influx of vibes. The universe is sending us information left & right. However, with Mercury in Retrograde & aspects to Neptune, we’ll need to take our time & decipher what is truth &- what is not, also what’s real and what’s not real. ___________________________________________________ With Saturn getting ready to step into Capricorn, the universe is requiring us to get things in order so that we are prepared to ascend to the next level of our journey. ___________________________________________________ This Full Moon gives us a chance to outwardly express & release the energies that are no longer needed as we step thru a portal onto the path of our full potential. ___________________________________________________ Whatever decisions or choices we’ve been putting off are hitting us dead in the face to be addressed. But, do remember things can be distorted & not as they seem so have patience, as balance will be a challenge. Tap into the Gemini vibes - take a moment to receive the energy, take both perspectives into account, & make your move with calculations. ___________________________________________________ Most of all this Full Moon will encourage us to get out & communicate with those we haven’t in a while. Let us all commence as we prep for 2018. Who’s on team YOU 2.0?? Who’s ready to ride with you as you become a better version of yourself? We’re all collectively riding this proverbial wave into 2018, so gather up with those you love & celebrate and enjoy. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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🌕🦂Prepare for a complete transformation with the New Moon in Scorpio that took place this morning. The universe is sending in the big guns to handle the checks & balances that have been off for sometime. This Scorpio New Moon has our minds deep in though about the topics of: Power, Sex & Sexuality, Inheritance, Shared Finances, Binding Contracts, & Deep Intimacy. However, we’ve also got to dodge the lower vibrations of greed, jealousy, fear, possessiveness, and insecurity as this new moon can trigger these vibes too.🤯 ▫️️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ One of the most beneficial things we could do for ourselves and others right now is get honest about how we plan to transform & renew these areas of our lives. Has there been an imbalance of power in one of these areas? Have you given you power away or have you been overly assertive? It’s time to get real & address any wounds still buried below the surface. Like the Phoenix, 🔥we must first douse ourselves in the flames of our feelings so that we can shed, heal, & begin anew. Essentially we are all connected to our higher selves whether we realize it or not. Let this be the time where you connect with the wisest part of your soul to guide you to the next level of your journey aka “Life”. Indeed experiencing complete transformation can be uncomfortable but necessary to transcend.📶 ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫▫️▫️▫▫️ Allow yourself to tap into a new energy and sense of being…one that is most beneficial for you & all those involved. Let’s rebalance the scales of power to create greatness in the lives of ourselves and others - collectively. 🧠✨
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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🌕✨ This Full Moon in Taurus has us yearning for the simple sensual pleasures in life. Feet up, wine in hand, and a hint of fine sweet scents in the air. Emotional fulfillment can flow to us through the tangible things in life. But first we’ve got some clean up work to do. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ We’re having to face the fixed parts of our natures so we can make necessary changes. With the moon sitting across from the Sun in Scorpio, it’s no doubt that transformation is on the horizon. Scorpio encourages us to face the monster in the closet. Time to get in touch with the deeper or more shadow parts of ourselves that we don’t necessarily want to face or even realize are dormant within us to begin. Once we have acknowledged what’s hidden beneath, we can begin our transformations. ⚛️ ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ “What’s mine” & “what’s yours” may also be on the mind of many as we attempt to bring balance to the Taurus moon Scorpio sun opposition. Whether it be possessions or time, epiphanies regarding value and worth will be recognized as “we more easily make personal sacrifices for what we believe to be the better good”. Enjoy the earthy vibes and be sure to feed the senses responsibly. 🌹🍷
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nicolethemystic · 7 years ago
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The vibes from Thursday’s Libra New Moon has us focused on bringing balance and harmony to our relationships and connections. During the Aries Full moon we took time to take a look at what we personally needed to change. Now we have the opportunity to look at what we need to make anew in relation to another. Balance and harmony are the vibrations we seek to create but do we create them with another at the expense of ourselves? ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ Now that Jupiter has moved into Scorpio, we’re all on getting honest and very real. We will be inclined to dig deeper into our emotions and the way we relate to those we interact with most. This Jupiter transit will allow us to study our shadow sides, sexuality, deep intimacy, and other taboo topics we normally wish not to indulge in. It’s time to dive deep into the unconscious to explore what is hidden beneath. ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ Along with these discoveries and realizations, we have a chance to take a look at our patterns in relationships. Are there’s patterns helping or hurting our development? Have we become dependent? Are we we cultivating healthy connections that assist us in our growth? This is the time to take a look at all connections and set the intentions to either grow this connections or end them. Let NOW be the time to make the changes needed to create prosperous bonds.✨ ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️
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