nico-inkblots · 4 years
Percy in Tartarus is me during the last hour of my intermittent fast.
Percy: *to himself* Keep climbing.
Percy's stomach: cheeseburgers...
Percy: Shut up.
Percy's stomach: with fries...
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nico-inkblots · 4 years
This scene in The Last Olympian with Dionysus feeling a semblance of a human parent’s love quite affected me more than it should have.
Mr. D:  My son Pollux.  Is he alive?
Percy:  Yeah, last I saw him.
Mr. D:  I would very much appreciate it if you could keep him that way.  I lost his brother Castor last year.
Percy:  I remember.
Source:  Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian
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nico-inkblots · 4 years
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The Zeus proceeds to hook up with Beryl Grace. SMH
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
Hummus Is My Fatal Flaw
Annabeth:  My fatal flaw. That’s what the Sirens showed me. My fatal flaw is hubris. 
Percy: The brown stuff they spread on veggie sandwiches?
Annabeth: No, Seaweed Brain. That’s HUMMUS. hubris is worse.
Percy: What could be worse than hummus?
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
Hazel used her abilities to levitate some items from the bottom of the sea. Percy swam down and brought up more. Even frank helped by turning into a seal which was kind of cool, though Percy claimed his breath smelled like fish.
Source:  Heroes Of Olympus Book 2 - The Son Of Neptune
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
Leo wished he could invent a time machine. He'd go back two hours and undo what had happened. Either that or he could invent a slap Leo in the face machine to punish himself. Though he'd doubt it would hurt as bad as the look Annabeth was giving him.
Source:  Heroes Of Olympus Book 3 - The Mark Of Athena
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
It’s A Poseidon Thing
Frank: Is that thing tame?
The horse whinnied angrily.
Percy: I don't think so. He just said. "I will trample you to death, silly Chinese Canadian baby man.”
Hazel: You speak horse?
Frank: Baby man?
Percy: Speaking to horses is a Poseidon thing. Uh, I mean a Neptune thing.
Hazel: Then you and Orion should get along fine. He's a son of Neptune too.
Percy:*turning pale*  Excuse me?!
Source:  Heroes Of Olympus Book 2 - The Son Of Neptune
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
Percy:  I got a bone to pick with you Zhang. You can turn into an eagle? And a bear?
Hazel:  *swells with pride* and an elephant.
Percy: And he got that gift from Poseidon. That's completely unfair! I can't turn into animals.
Frank: *staring at Percy*  Unfair? You can breathe underwater and blow up glaciers, and summon freakin’ hurricanes, and It's unfair that I can be an elephant?
Percy: Okay. I uh... I guess you have a point. But next time I say you're totally beast...
Frank: Just shut up... Please?
Source:  Heroes Of Olympus Book 2 - The Son Of Neptune
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
Carter: Those Hieroglyphs you created were Golden. Dad and Amos both used Blue. Why?
Sadie: Maybe everyone has his own color. Maybe you'll get Hot Pink.
Carter: Very funny...
Sadie: C'mon, Pink Wizard. Inside we go.
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
We've seen a lot of JasonXPercy bromance moments. Now, for some LeoXPercy 😁
Percy: We know Nero is held up in new york. So we're guessing this next oracle is in the second dude's territory. Maybe in the middle third of the US?
Leo: Oh! The middle third of the US! Piece of Torta, then. We'll just search the entire middle of the country.
Percy: Still, with the sarcasm.
Leo: Hey, man. I've sailed with the most sarcastic scalawags on the high seas.
Percy: *high fives Leo*
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
*COVID-19 becomes a pandemic*
Apollo: OH NO NO NO!
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
The Big Banana Squad, when asked if they had any dietary restrictions on eating dwarves and elves (A.K.A Blitz and Hearth)...
Samirah: I'm Muslim
Magnus: I'm Vegetarian
Alex: And I have Green hair
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
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Loki VS Magnus: The Flight of the Century
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
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What everyone in the Big Banana secretly thinks...
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
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nico-inkblots · 5 years
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