nexushybrid · 2 months
There's an EU initiative going on right now that essentially boils down to wanting to force videogame publishers with paid games and/or games with paid elements such as DLC, expansions and microtransactions to leave said games in a playable state after they end support, or in simpler terms, make them stop killing games.
A "playable state" would be something like an offline mode for previously always online titles, or the ability for people to host their own servers where reasonably possible just to name some examples.
I don't think I need to tell anyone that having something you paid for being taken from you is bad, which is a thing that routinely happens with live service and other always online games with a notable recent example being The Crew which is now permanently unplayable.
Any EU citizen is eligible to sign the initiative, but only once and if you mess up that's it. You can find it here. (https://citizens-initiative.europa.eu/initiatives/details/2024/000007_en)
Even if you're not European or you signed it already, you can share this initiative with anyone who is, even if they don't care about videogames specifically because this needs a million signatures and there is different thresholds that need to be met for each EU country for their votes to even count and could also be a precedent for other similar practices like when Sony removed a bunch of Discovery TV content people paid for.
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nexushybrid · 3 months
Ever since I got into Dragon Quest, I've sorta preferred it over other similar RPGs like Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy always wants to have some gimmick, force unrelated mini-games on the player instead of just letting you play, and constantly change up the battle and leveling systems to the point to where the games are barely even similar anymore. For some people, that's a positive. Not everyone wants the same game every time, I get it.
But Dragon Quest sticks to a formula that works, and only really makes changes when something genuinely needs improvement. For that reason, there's not really any bad mainline Dragon Quest games, except for MAYBE 2 depending on whether or not the game's second half bothered you.
Dragon Quest games also just focus on being a fun RPG to play and don't force minigames on you unless it's related to what you were already doing in the main game.
They don't really need gimmicks, they just focus on making the new worlds, characters and storylines of each game really good. The rare times these games actually have gimmicks is always just small stuff like "your wife and kids are your party members" and "explore 2 alternate worlds" or "you can recruit enemy monsters to join you" (and this was before Pokémon).
And this really might just be a me thing, I'm gonna show my bias a little bit, but I like Toriyama's artstyle, how each game can stick more faithfully to a fantasy setting without getting stale, and how the storylines can have an overall wholesome, light-hearted tone while still knowing how and when to bring the feels.
I've always loved RPGs, but ever since I got into Dragon Quest, I just can't put the genre down.
It's really such a shame this series isn't that popular in the west. I think it deserves so much more attention. I'm not gonna lie. I might just be a teeny weeny bit jealous of Final Fantasy's success here in the states… I'm not saying Final Fantasy doesn't deserve it, because it does. I just think Dragon Quest also deserves just as much recognition. I mean c'mon, it basically invented almost every single modern RPG trope and mechanic we know today. Without Dragon Quest, the only people playing RPGs today would be hyper computer geeks. I'm not underplaying any games here, but without Dragon Quest there'd be no Final Fantasy, there'd be no Pokémon, there'd be no Xenoblade, there'd be no Earthbound, and there'd be no Undertale.
Please, I'm begging you, give this series a chance.
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nexushybrid · 4 months
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nexushybrid · 4 months
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nexushybrid · 4 months
Just finished buidling the Figure-Rise Standard Ultraman Zero
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Quite an enjoyable build with really good colour seperation, good articulation and a good amount of accessories though I do wish it came with a beam effect part.
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I used some gundam markers to colour certain sections that had large stickers such as the front and back of the thighs, the front and back of the crotch, the gold parts under the chest and shoulder armour, and the green "gem" on his forehead (though I messed up a bit in scraping off the excess).
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I do wish I had more space and equipment for my kits as I would have liked to have at the very least sprayed all the silver parts to match.
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All in all an enjoyable kit that I would have loved to refine, if only I had the skill, tools, and space to do so.
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I'm think my next kit out of the 4 in my backlog will likely be the HG The Origin Guncannon.
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nexushybrid · 6 months
Learned how to cook something for Lunch today.
As small a thing as it is, I feel quite proud of myself.
Just need to learn how to cook some proper dinners and to handle raw meat without worrying about spreading salmonella everywhere.
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nexushybrid · 6 months
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drew a constant mood on the mind
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nexushybrid · 7 months
Today I finished building the MG Gundam Age-1 Normal
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Overall a pretty good build for its age, and the polycaps weren't too bad here.
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There were however a couple of things about this kit that bothered me (though they are very likely to be somewhat my fault to begin with.)
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The first issue I had was when I was building the chest/cockpit hatch. The yellow vents don't tab in to the part behind them, so they slid about quite a bit until I finally got the part attached.
The part that tried my patience the most was the small screen that sits in the the cockpit. It took me so long to get both it and the vents in the right position to snap the parts together, and quite a few time one or both would jolt out of place right before I could snap the outer chest/ hatch in.
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The second issue (definitely my fault) was the polycap used to hold the entire spoiler part on. The issue being I rather stupidly forgot the put the part in while putting the torso together. I only noticd I had missed the part after having endured the torture of the coockpit hatch.
I couldn't pry all of it apart to put in the polycap because I didn't want to expose myself to the torture of the hatch again, so (as blasphemous as it is) I sliced the polycap so that I could pry it open and get it to go around the peg I should have put it on to begin with.
aside from those issues the build was quite enjoyable. It had made me realise somewhat that although I like a good MG, I generally prefer HGs for the fact that they have less parts to take into account when posing.
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nexushybrid · 7 months
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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nexushybrid · 7 months
Today I finished building the HG 1/144 Gouf Revive kit.
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After my last few kits were from the Witch from Mercury line, this kit was a nice change of pace.
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If I wanted to the kit probably couldve been done in one day, but I like to seperate it out so I can do some and then move onto something else. (Also eases the strain on my back, because I'm not exactly doing this in the most comfortable of chairs.)
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Since I started Gunpla, I would definitely say monoeye kits have grown to be some of my favourite designs in the sea of similar looking Gundams.
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While the kit does have polycaps, I find that I don't mind them all too much.
I do wish the back skirt could move and that the chest had a similar system to later Zaku kits that allow for more arm movement towards the front. The ankles could also do with having a deeper pivot for wider stances.
Overall for, the age of the kit, it certainly holds up quite well.
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nexushybrid · 1 year
i want art to feel EARNEST. this disgusting, near pornographic level of tongue in cheek meta humor is making me sick to my stomach. i don’t know how many more movies i can take about clever subversions and the movie winking at you to say “we know it’s a little silly, but…” where is the whimsy? why can’t we believe in the pretend you’ve created? why don’t you have enough faith in it? in my ability to believe?
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nexushybrid · 1 year
category of blorbo called "technically i like them but fanons obsession with them to the exclusion of other characters pavloved me into having a negative reaction whenever i see them"
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nexushybrid · 1 year
You know. Some people could really stand to get more comfortable with the idea of “you shouldn’t say that because it’s mean”. Especially with really common body shaming and straight up bullying lines.
“You shouldn’t make ugly bald jokes because what if a transman on T sees it!”
“You shouldn’t make virgin jokes because what if someone who’s asexual sees it!”
How about you just don’t make them because they’re mean. How about people can be balding or a virgin for a number of reasons and also don’t deserve to be routinely made fun of. How about saying that the reason you shouldn’t make x joke because it spares x specific identity’s feelings also let’s them know that you actually have no problem saying or thinking bald people are ugly or virgins are stupid or etc but you’re just not saying it in front of them. How about you understand this kind of body shaming and bullying especially in a very public setting online are always going to have way more unintended damage to people who did nothing wrong than damage to the person you’re upset with.
Sometimes the best reason to not make a bad joke like that is because it’s fucking mean.
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nexushybrid · 1 year
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Built the Figure Rise Standard Shin Kamen Rider yesterday.
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Quite a fun and quick build, a breath of fresh air after my last few Gundam kits.
Luckily I didn't need to use any stickers on the belt because I had a silver Gundam marker.
The only stickers I did use were the ones behind the compund eyes and the ones on the back of the helmet.
I did really appreciate the free clearstand that came with the kit.
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Now I wait for the inevitable Figure Rise Standard Kamen Rider Kiva (one of my favourite rider designs). I can only hope the stickers won't be too bad.
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nexushybrid · 1 year
I find it really hard to post on social media, but part of me really wants to vent right now so here we go. (Please forgive any weird analogies)
The way my life is right now, I feel like I'm treading water in the middle of the ocean.
I see other people swimming off in other directions looking for land, and yet I stay in the same place.
I know I should be going in search of land, but part of me tells me "what if there's nothing there? Do you really want to waste effort on something that has the chance to go nowhere?"
So here I stay, treading water because I'm too scared to move forward in case I fail and disappoint myself and those around me.
I don't know whether its a combination of social anxiety, depression, and high functioning autism or whether thats just my personality.
I've lived like this for so long that I don't think I can get out of it.
Everyday I try to distract myself from feeling like this with whatever I can, whether its videogames or gunpla or television.
I also sometimes wonder whether the people I used to call my friends in secondary school and sixth form even actually liked me. That they merely tolerated my prescence and as soon as I was gone, they would think "oh thank god we don't have to put up with him anymore."
I understand there are so many people who have it worse than me. I sometimes feel that I don't deserve to feel like this.
I just wish I could flip a switch in my head to stop me from being as insular as I am. I mean, at this point I only leave the house to get a haircut or very rarely just to be with my family.
Not sure how to wrap this up really, I still have more things I want to vent but I don't want to put absolutely everything out there either...
I guess ultimately I wish I could be proud of living.
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nexushybrid · 2 years
Reminder that:
"I'm glad I'm autistic and I wouldn't want to change that about myself and I love being passionate and different and seeing the world my way"
"my autism makes life fucking hard and fucking sucks rancid ass sometimes"
Are two things that can and do coexist
I love being passionate and excited and many other things about being autistic
I hate the sensory issues and would love for social interaction to not be excruciating as well
Both are true and that's sometimes hard to accept but it's okay be pissed off at your autism
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nexushybrid · 2 years
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