“For so sworn good or evil an oath may not be broken and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world's end.”
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Spotted the new covers for the Lord of the Rings trilogy at a store today...
A tragedy, truly.
The covers are beautiful but the Rings of Power are not Tolkiens work and as such it should not be on the covers of his books.
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Boromir + concern for the Hobbits
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Remember Halbrand? When i re-watched LotR i finally figured out why that scene spoke to me...
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"[...] frightful evil can and does arise from an apparently good root, the desire to benefit the world and others - speedily and according to the benefactors own plans - is a recurrent motive."
(From a letter by J.R.R. Tolkien to Milton Waldman, 1951)
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Had some time and couldn't get this out of my head so i made a quick little drawing~ 🥴 please don't look too closely at the pattern of his shirt 🥴
So.....I just witness Joseph Mawle in a tropical shirt holding an orange plastic wine glass at a veuve event and all I can think is Adar goes on vacation....I need someone more talented than me to artist this, please!
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Thorin, but in good moods. 🥺
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The Nazgûl do not like the rain..
(The Lord of the Rings - Behind the Scenes)
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Helms deep haldir study
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Next time you're struggling with a task that seemed easy just imagine a clueless Pippin asking you:
"What are you going to do then?"
You won't be any more successful but at least it'll be more fun! Or you'll be as annoyed as Gandalf when he tried to open the Doors of Durin! One of those is more likely than the other...
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Watching Rings of Power be like
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Ok listen-- Hear me out--
I was re-watching the Fellowship of the Ring and when I saw the Uruk-Hai being "born" in Isengard my silly little brain thought "Hm, i wonder what Adar would do in this situation." and all i could think of was "Well, he might try to help them?". The most idiotic thing i could come up with for my doodle was him with tools to do just that... there is as much reason in this choice as there is behind most decisions in Rings of Power of course. I wanted to keep it accurate to RoP Logic™! ('Are you actually having a laugh?' Yes, yes I am.)
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(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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(Feel free to use!)
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Still a long way to go with the pattern of Adars breastplate *sigh*
I decided to include a seam in the center to make it fit my body a little bit better, i'll fill it in and sand it until it's not visible anymore but the effect will be worth it i think.
Having to work with very little reference material due to the non-existent lighting in this show is not easy... ( ╥ω╥ ) Also still shopping around for ideas on how to make his chainmail... Those tiny elven chain rings are no joke and i do not have the patience to craft a whole knee-length chainmail out of them. (⇀‸↼‶)
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Mucha inspired Eowyn illustration
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"There was nothing more he could tell me."
(Feel free to use)
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