25 posts
A worldbuilding project.
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new-beastiary · 5 months ago
this blog is being deprecated for the time being. content will be kept here and it'll serve as an archive. to keep it consistent with my profiles on other websites, I'll post to my main blog at @tlemo.
this blog was intended for bigger posts relating to my world-building project, but Tumblr isn't really good for that kind of content. I'll probably end up using my website for those things instead.
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new-beastiary · 6 months ago
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Name: Jjadzh Pronouns: she/her Age: 23 Species: Thanun (genetically enhanced, Mmun) Height: 9'3"
Enneagram fixation type: 9 Jjadzh has no interests other than those of her superiors. Like many others before her, she has learned to bear the warring state of the Union. In particular, she was born under the care of ZHOZH's space command as part of it's supersoldier program. Here, they gave her the duties and commands she follows to this day. She is apathetic. Inside her mind, any number of things could be going on. But on the outside, she expresses nothing. She downplays the significance of emotions, opinions, and identity.
As part of the supersoldier program, she is much larger and stronger than the average Thanun, and bears a blanker appearance. Her eyes are black, her skin a purple-ish grey. Her lack of defining facial characteristics make it hard for her, as with others like her, to socialize with other Thanun.
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new-beastiary · 9 months ago
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usually give my characters placeholder names until i think of a name in their native language; this character's is Maria.
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new-beastiary · 11 months ago
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the dommun
The Dommun are an ethicity of Nuna that gave the species its name. They were cradled in the forests, plains, and deserts of Dowazh, where the extremely varied climate has made the continent ripe for civilization and industry. Combined with their technocratic ideologies and religion, along with the perfect location, they spearheaded a majority of Dhaob's greatest academic feats, including the invention of the technology that would lead them to colonizing the cosmos. An unfortunate downside of their form of determination is their violent takeovers and poor treatment of other races-- a change that would take millenia to occur. 
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
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postybirb doesn't work on nixOS so you're getting a smaller desc
also Nuna look different now, i'll explain some other time
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
this loooks AWFUL on tumblr, i swear the colors aren't this faded
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These arrows hurt, but I knew that. Did you? I really should’ve mentioned he can regenerate, without that context it just looks like he’s getting destroyed. Anyways, if you noticed I haven’t posted anything lately that’s because I’ve been working on worldbuilding! I’ve been designing some creatures that might get used for the comic. Unfortunately, the comic probably won’t be finished any time soon. Personal stuff. Not anything serious, but I’m juggling things around and it’s all getting in the way of me working on the comic. That and my world (the one that Toburoz takes place in specifically) isn’t entirely complete yet. The hiatus is coming up. I thought making something would fill up the dead air. I might also post one of those creature designs while I still have time.
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
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These arrows hurt, but I knew that. Did you? I really should’ve mentioned he can regenerate, without that context it just looks like he’s getting destroyed. Anyways, if you noticed I haven’t posted anything lately that’s because I’ve been working on worldbuilding! I’ve been designing some creatures that might get used for the comic. Unfortunately, the comic probably won’t be finished any time soon. Personal stuff. Not anything serious, but I’m juggling things around and it’s all getting in the way of me working on the comic. That and my world (the one that Toburoz takes place in specifically) isn’t entirely complete yet. The hiatus is coming up. I thought making something would fill up the dead air. I might also post one of those creature designs while I still have time.
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
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Bi Urmmwa nai ra Zhñanun. She rules over the lower half of Dowazh. At her disposal is an army of bronze-- the largest empire on the continent. She has decades of experience living in Phwazho, and she has seen and visited every corner of her realm. With her skills and her power, she aims to break open the world to her people, and to unite it under one banner.
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
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Herders and ranchers exist here on Earth, but they're not like the ones on Thaobo. The Nuna are carnivores and almost never eat anything besides meat. This means the connection between man and cattle is strong for the average Nuna. It also makes the role of ranching a very important and highly revered one. Dommun herders tend to serve as queens and matriarchs. Intobu leads one of her city's largest ranches. While she isn't the queen, she is a highly respected member of the city's council, and the wife of Zhovvuv, another one of the city's chairs. At the end of the day she looks over her ranch, thinking about what to do next.
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
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been working on a script (for the comic)
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
okeys! i nevery seethem drawn often!
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i'm doing lil primate doodle designs for people on TH based on their usernames, here's a big bunch of the one's i made so far :]
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
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DHAOB (THAOBO in Vud Dommun) is a distant place, far far away. In the future, of course, it doesn't feel that way. In terms of distance, though, the light of its cities has yet to even reach Earth. Here, we see it thousands of years in the past. Indeed, the typical signs of cities cannot be seen from here.
But they're there. Even then, during the BRONZE AGE-- the VUDD'DUDD ODRR-- they were older than almost every living person. They used to be massive, with winding roads and giant palaces and complexes. Now they're reduced to a few standing buildings.
The distance from its sun translates well into its difference from Earth. An average of 1.32 AU from its sun, and with a size smaller than Earth, it ends up colder than Earth too. The average temperature is only 43°F, or 6°C. About 3/4ths of Earth's. Even with decades of greenhouse gases, a human may find the surface quite cold.
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
now worth mentioning, I dumped the files onto my NEWGROUNDS, check it out here
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new bestiary "arrowhead" logo
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
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new bestiary "arrowhead" logo
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new-beastiary · 1 year ago
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comic searies reveal
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new-beastiary · 2 years ago
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new-beastiary · 2 years ago
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