nebula128 6 hours
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Ruby Leaning
It's 3 days before Ruby Day (the 3rd year anniversary of when I first drew Ruby) so I drew the funni tomboy cat. I'll still have a drawing for when Ruby Day comes. Yes, I drew her in the style I originally always drew Leonids (cat people) in. I felt giving all of my characters more humanoid features took some personality away from the characters. I might still do it from time to time... maybe. I have plans to overhaul The Immortals (the universe Nebula and Ruby are from) due to a realisation and a cool idea I got.
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nebula128 7 days
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Something In The Way
According to the DC Website, today is Batman Day, so here I drew Ironcrow (my own take on Batman) meeting his inspiration. You already know I just HAD TO write "I'm Batman" I don't need to explain why. Justice for GOTHAM!
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nebula128 18 days
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Nebula Leaning Against A Wall
This definitely looks strange being put next to the previous drawing but whatever. It's been a while since I drew Nebula, so I thought I should draw him but give him in the newer art style I've been doing (and by new art style I mean giving him a more humanoid shape). I also thought I should change the text on Nebula's shirt to be something other than just his name. Oh yeah, and I also changed the shade of blue of the text on his shirt yet again because yeah.
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nebula128 27 days
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As you can see, this was meant to be posted a few months ago based on the date it says on screen, never got the time to post it before I completely forgot it existed but here it is now! So, if you remember from last year, this is a character named "The End" and he is basically the "He has Superman's powers but he's edgy and evil ooo" trope except all of his powers come from a demonic curse called the "Cruentus" meaning "bloody" or "murderous" in Latin. Though, it gives people infinite speed and strength, in normal cases, The End's body would slowly turn into mush, however, since The End has no morals, he lives in perfect health and can fully control the Cruentus to his very will. Yeah, I know this dude is probably my edgiest character.
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nebula128 1 month
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Missingno - The Anomaly Pokemon (Redesigned) 2024
After tweaking Brilassia's design a little, I figured it was Missingno's turn to get a cool redesign. I thought making it's wings purple would make it look a lot better than the lighter grey I gave it last time. I literally colour picked this shade of purple from a picture of Haunter. Also, I actually gave it tail feathers which couldn't be seen in the last drawing I did of it. Oh yeah, I should also say I made a mistake by referring to Missingno with he/him pronouns the first time I drew it, from now on, I will use it/it's pronouns to refer to this character.
The first drawing I did of Missingno
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nebula128 1 month
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Brilassia - The Nature Pokemon (Redesigned)
This was originally going to be a drawing of her looking over the Korosa Region but I ran out of time to do the background, resulting in the generic pose. Other than that, I'm kinda proud of the redesign I did of Brilassia compared to when I first drew her a few months ago.
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nebula128 2 months
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Nightglade Servine/Zoroark Form 2024
Since I did a redraw of Bluefire in his Braixen form, I thought I should do a redraw of Nightglade in his Servine form to go along with it (the version from last year for reference). I think I found a new way of drawing his shoulder fur if that counts for anything but other than that, I just wanted to put him in a proper pose like the Bluefire drawing (I think I might have accidentally recycled this pose from both Wolfram & Missingno though).
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nebula128 2 months
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Bluefire Braixen/Lucario Form 2024
Since I redrew the Delphox form drawing I did last year, I felt like I had to do the same for his Braixen form. I came up with an easier way of drawing Bluefire's body, I know it doesn't look as close to the source material as the original drawings of him I did last year but I can potentially work around that and improve this in future drawings (I might also just straight up keep this 'cause it looks at least a little cool to me ngl).
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nebula128 2 months
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The Dark Beak of Justice
I realised I haven't used Krita in practically forever so I figured I should use it to introduce a new character. So, this new character is Ironcrow, I realised that most (practically every) hero I've made thus far has like nothing bad happening to them in their backstory, so I made a character who's basically my equivalent to Batman, but without the practically comical amount of money, I even listened to a Batman themed playlist while drawing this... & Ash Crow from Berserk because well duh.
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nebula128 2 months
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Two World Collide 2
I rarely ever draw Nightglade and since I drew Bluefire meeting Nebula, I decided I should do a sequel in the form of Nightglade meeting Ruby.
The first post
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nebula128 3 months
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Two Worlds Collide
I don't care what time I'm posting this, I'm still gonna post this. Anyway, here's Bluefire (Heavenly Heroes) and Nebula (The Immortals) being fascinated with each other and it's adorable. Also thought I would draw Nebula with lil' teeth to match Bluefire here.
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nebula128 3 months
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Nightglade Serperior/Zoroark Form 2024
I literally haven't drawn Nightglade in like a year, I need to draw him more, so here he is in his third form. I made this because, like the Bluefire drawing, this is a remaster of the first time I drew him last year.
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nebula128 4 months
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Bluefire Delphox/Lucario Form 2024
I literally haven't drawn Bluefire in his Delphox form since last year, so I thought it would be new and fresh to make a better drawing of him in this form than the one from last year.
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nebula128 4 months
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Ruby in the new artsyle
It's been a while since I uploaded anything so I figured since I drew Nebula in my more modern artstyle, I should do the same with Ruby. I'm actually pretty proud of this one ngl.
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nebula128 5 months
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Nebula Admiring The Scenery
It was like over 20掳C yesterday (really hot for me because I'm not used to the air being over like 10 degrees I hate heat ughghh) and today it started raining so, I decided to draw a picture of Nebula looking at a cloudy forest. I have an alt of him looking at a blue sky on Bluesky only because funni punni
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nebula128 5 months
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May The 4th Be With You
Happy Star Wars day everyone! I just had to draw Bluefire of all my ocs for this because he's like the only one with an energy weapon.
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nebula128 5 months
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Wolfram (Updated 2024)
I know I haven't drawn this guy in like a year but this is Wolfram, he's probably the most powerful character in The Immortals (Nebula's universe for those who don't know). I have explained last year that he has the ability to create a shock wave almost as hot as the surface of the sun (this ability he gets from being mutated with the DNA of a pistol shrimp, along with various other animals) but I recently decided to give him a NEW and even more overpowered ability. That thing on his forehead in the second picture is the "Optic Ruby" and it manipulates light to Wolfram's will, and since it manipulates light, it can create illusions and even control molecules (weird atom science I researched this I swear). For those of you wondering, yes he is based off of Infinite from Sonic Forces.
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