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jin taeyeon aka taeha && park written by rae.
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
hi guys! now that i'm actually awake long enough to post this...i slipped and fell on the ice on thursday and broke my hand. so i'm going on hiatus for a bit and hopefully coming back when i'm a bit more able to function. i hope everyone is staying safe 🙏.
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
( for taeha, b-cut, 17 ) do you like your music? your concept? if given the chance, would you change it?
did taeyeon like their music? he'd never really thought about it. they handed him the songs and he just sang the parts that they gave him. it was a little bit robotic. he had no real interest in the behind the scenes of phaze's music. he had interest in performing his lines as well he possibly could but that was as much as he generally thought about it.
he knew the idol answer. he knew the way that he could say he didn't like the songs so much in such a way that fans wouldn't be offended. but taeyeon was so tired of this interview already. he had been here for god knows how long answering the same meaningless questions as he always got. it just didn't seem worth it to watch what he was saying.
"it's whatever. i don't give it much thought at all." he said. the interviewer's eyes widened and taeyeon knew that this was probably going to be cut out. "the fans like it and that's all who really matters in terms of the company. i just perform whatever they decide the fans will like."
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
for taeyeon/taeha: b-cut + 22. (what do you think your life will be like after disbandment? would you still work in the industry or will you retire and settle down?)
taeyeon truthfully didn't think much about disbanding. he was sure that it would happen at some point. he didn't see the point in counting down every moment for it. when it happened it would happen. he wasn't sure what he wanted to do after. sometimes he wasn't even sure he'd get the chance to decide what he wanted to do. one day his luck was going ot run out.
he shrugged slightly. "i don't know i'll find something to do to keep me busy. or not. i haven't really thought much about it."
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
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Stage Name: Geon (건) Birth Name: Park Geon (박건) Birthday: October 22nd, 1994 Zodiac Sign: Libra Height: 184 cm (6’0″) Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs) Blood Type: O MBTI Type: ENFP
GEON Facts: – He's originally from Busan, South Korea. – He has a younger sister named Byeol. – He served in the military from 2012-2014. – His representative color is blue. – Fans say that Geon resembles a golden retriever puppy. – He doesn't know what's popular on tiktok, his viral Let's Groove Tonight tiktok was a total fluke. (Youtube Live) – Geon used to train with E.O from Remedy and he said he was very happy when Remedy gained popularity. (VLive) – Another one of his close friends is the soloist Park Daehyun because they debuted at a similar time. (VLive) – Geon has said he's not good at keeping with trends because he's not often on social media. – He thinks the character he's played that he's most like is Junho from Extraordinary Attorney Woo. (Harper's Bazaar Interview) – Geon has said he wants to have as many kids as his future wife wants (Netflix Interview) – His ideal type is someone who will let him take care of them and knows how to cook well.
How much do you like Geon?
◉ I love him, he's my ultimate bias ○ He's my favorite soloist ○ I think he's okay ○ He's one of my least favorite soloists
Latest Release:
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Bonus: Which title track of Geon's is the OST of your first date?
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
geon probably should have expected the restaurant to be as busy as it was. this location's opening had been incredibly anticipated, so even after a month he should have known that the wait would probably be a while. but what he hadn't expected was that the restaurant wouldn't be able to tell them how much time until they'd be able to get a table.
geon considered the options that eunseok offered up running a hand through his hair. on the one hand he was incredibly hungry. and not knowing how long they would have to wait in line wasn't exactly encouraging. on the other they had purposefully planned this outing so that they'd get to try the new restaurant together. they could always try again later but geon wasn't sure if their schedules would line up for it.
"might as well wait since we already went to all this trouble." geon decided after a moment. he could wait for a while. besides it gave him more time to hang out with eunseok. they hadn't really been able to while geon was enlisted. although geon had texted eunseok here and there as he had the time. it wasn't quite the same as being face to face.
when eunseok teased him about his ears geon automatically covered them even as his face started to tinge a bit pink. "shut up." he grumbled. "my ears are cuter than yours, you jerk." geon's ears weren't particularly big but they stuck out from his head a bit hence why he usually preferred to wear his hair a bit longer to cover them up. but of course he'd had to keep his hair much shorter than he usually preferred while enlisted and he hadn't really had time to fully grow out the buzzcut.
"just for that i'm not gonna ask how you're doing with training. " geon said, but the smile that lingered around his lips said that this was actually his way of catching up.
closed for @ncvaes — itaewon, seoul; one evening in 2014
the door to the restaurant swings open, and eunseok emerges. his eyes search through the line a bit until they find geon's, who had been waiting for him on the sidewalk. “so, it seems like — it's against the restaurant's policy to give exact wait times?” he takes the few steps down to meet him on the street. “ if you’re really hungry, maybe we could find somewhere else to eat; otherwise, i can put my name down and we can wander and look at some shops while we wait. ”
he waits patiently as geon makes his decision, more than happy to go with whatever he chooses. it was somewhat expected, seeing how anticipated the restaurant’s opening was, and though it’s been a month since the location’s opening, it seems as though the buzz has not yet died down.
in the meantime, he takes in geon's appearance, the haircut that is still short enough to fit military regulations, the sharper features and a more built frame from two years of growing out of eunseok's line of sight. here is a man who eunseok had once thought he'd achieve his dream with. geon's departure from their previous entertainment company had been a blow — but even then eunseok had understood his reasons for leaving. but a part of him can't help but still mourn — the years of their youth they had shared. because that's what they were, back then — boys chasing a dream. and now eunseok is 18, the age that geon had been when their paths had first diverged, debut within his line of sight but not in the way he had once imagined it.
"you know, i don't think i've ever seen this much of your ears before," he jokes. "i can see why you usually kept them hidden."
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
for geon: on-camera + 12. (what's your most memorable fan interaction?)
geon had been sitting in his chair with such perfect posture that his back was somewhat starting to hurt. he wanted to slouch and relax a little bit into his seat. instead he was sitting forward on the already uncomfortable chair, spine ramrod straight because god forbid he come off as even a little bit rude or disinterested.
it wasn't as though these were novel questions that he'd never been asked before. sure there were some new ones in light of the "midas family" image. but it was still pretty ordinary, run of the mill idol questions. so geon truly wasn't that invested in this interview but he knew better than to let it show through his body language or face.
luckily the next question was one that he'd answered plenty of times before. so he could pull it out of his back pocket. "ah that's easy! there was a grandma who came to see me at one of my concerts with her granddaughter. and she kept telling me that i should hurry up and marry her granddaughter because she wanted to meet her great-grandchildren already. her granddaughter apologized for her grandmother a lot, but i didn't really mind." geon smiled at the camera.
it was a short but funny story that geon had often told. it was also a lie. not that there hadn't been a grandmother who kept asking him to marry her granddaughter. she had existed and the poor granddaughter had been absolutely mortified by her grandmother's behavior. it wasn't the most memorable fan interaction he'd had though.
but somehow he didn't think a story of how a sasaeng had somehow gotten backstage at a music show and tried to pull geon out of the building through a fire exit was appropriate for this interview though. or really appropriate for any interview. so instead he told the light-hearted story. the one that everyone could smile and laugh about because it was silly and no one had gotten hurt.
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
taeyeon had made his way outside suddenly annoyed by the flashing lights and the amount of noise and how hot it was inside the club. he knew it maybe wasn't the best idea to be outside but he'd pulled his doosan bears baseball cap low enough over his eyes and was wearing such a big shapeless coat that he could easily hide his face from prying eyes. he just couldn't be around people so sitting in the shadows while he waited for his ride seemed like the better option.
he had his phone in his hands mindlessly playing some mobile game or other. which of course made it easy to see when seoho called him. taeyeon didn't want to admit how quickly he picked up, it was completely because his phone was already in hand. "your fault for parking in a no parking zone, asshole." taeyeon fired back when he heard seoho's greeting. there was, however, little bite behind his words.
he put his phone away relaxing a bit against the side of the club, feeling perversely like wasting a bit of seoho's time. what else was new though? taeyeon didn't like doing things the easy way. he did things the hard way almost exclusively actually. it was part of his charm if you asked him.
after he decided that seoho had waited for long enough he picked himself up and walked over to the familiar vehicle, letting himself into the passenger side. "hey, fucker, thanks for the ride." it was about as nice as taeyeon could manage at the moment. he was still somewhere between not fucked up enough and not sober enough and it was making him a little bit pissy if he was honest.
here’s a list of people that would not only call seoho in the middle of the night but also be able to get through his do not disturb settings: his mother, remedy’s managers, his psychologist, his groupmates, a small handful of friends. out of them, taeyeon’s the only one whose ringtone is set to the mario kart blue shell sound effect. it is because of this - by his own design, though he’d rather forget that - that seoho’s ripped out of sweet slumber by what is possibly the most annoying alarm known to man, at least for those that have been primed to escalate into violence at the tinny kaboom!!!
taeyeon’s tone, when he starts talking, has that cadence to it that makes it pretty clear that he’s a bit fucked up. seoho lies in bed for a few moments longer, staring at the ceiling. why is this his life, and why is this happening when he was actually asleep? but then he picks himself up, throws a hoodie over the t-shirt and shoves his foot into sneakers that don’t go with the fit, like, at all, but if taeyeon has an opinion on it he’ll just have to deal; guys who asked to be picked up don’t get to comment on fashion choices.
it’s a small mercy that traffic’s light at the hour and that seoho doesn’t have to drive around the block to find somewhere to illegally park his car. a bit down the sidewalk, next to the club’s entrance and half-hidden in the shadows, is a figure that might be taeyeon or some other short guy wearing the nondescript outerwear you’d expect from an idol who doesn’t want to be noticed in public. seoho reaches for his phone - taeyeon has the good grace to pick up within moments.
“i’m in a no-parking zone, man. get your ass over.” in preparation for the wait he’s not unlikely to be settling in for, seoho pulls up instagram to pass the time.
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
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Stage Name: Taeha (태하) Birth Name: Jin Tae Yeon (진태연) Birthday: August 21st, 1998 Zodiac Sign: Leo Height: 171 cm (5’7″) Weight: 65 kg (144 lbs) Blood Type: AB MBTI Type: ISTP
TAEHA Facts: – He's originally from Gwangju, South Korea. – He has two younger brothers. – His name means "great" + "proud" which is "someone who is both proud and great". – His stage name is Taeha meaning "great river" he picked it because he wants his song to be as powerful as a mighty river. – His representative color is red. – Fans use 🐈‍⬛ to represent Taeha. – Taeha's younger brothers were both child actors, Taeha said when his parents took him along to his brother's auditions that the casting directors were always curious who he was since he doesn't look much like his younger brothers. (VLive) – Taeha is left-handed. – His favorite snack is shrimp crackers. – Taeha said he can't drink coffee because he can't eat or drink bitter things (Youtube Live). – He's one of the best cooks among the members but he doesn't like cooking for other people because it makes him feel shy. – His role models are Pyro and Knight.
How much do you like Taeha?
◉ I love him, he's my ultimate bias ○ He's my bias in PHAZE ○ He's one of my favorite members in PHAZE, but not my bias ○ I think he's okay ○ He's one of my least favorite members in PHAZE
Latest Release:
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ncvaes · 1 month ago
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reblog this post if you'd like to participate in the ask meme portion of event one. to send out prompts, please include the category name and the number of your desired question.
on-camera questions should be answered with your muse's idol persona on. their answers may be honest or dishonest, but they have to be appropriate. these are the answers that would be used in the concert vcr and in press releases leading up the concert. b-cut questions are provided to give you a chance to share their raw, honest answers. the answers that would never make it past the cutting room floor. most of these questions are focused on the idol industry to help you dive deeper into their relationship with the industry, the group, and the company. some questions may be answered from the mun's pov, but we encourage the majority to be answered in-character as if your muse is conducting a real interview. you may use gifs in your answers, if desired. please remember to turn your askbox on If you'd like to participate in this event! every question sent to a new mun will earn you one career token. you may earn a total of three career tokens per muse during this event. for muns with two muses, sending out questions to six different muns will earn you three career tokens for each muse. answering at least three of these questions will count as a character development item towards activity for the next activity check (feb 7). please tag your answers with both #midas:meme001 and #midasfamilyconcert. you may send and answer questions for points from JAN 30 12:00 AM kst to FEB 7 @ 12:00 PM kst. please use this website to convert the date into your timezone.
✩ on-camera
what does the midas labels family mean to you?
what's your best memory from your trainee days?
what would you consider your career high?
have you always wanted to become an idol? what made you choose this career path?
what's the best part of being an idol?
what advice would you give to an aspiring idol?
what's been your favorite era? what did you like about it?
what kind of concept do you want to try next?
what three songs of yours mean the most to you?
if you had the chance to speak honestly to your fans, what would you say to them?
what has been the best gift a fan has given to you?
what's your most memorable fan interaction?
is there anywhere you'd like to perform where you haven't yet? anywhere you'd like to go back to?
which artist under midas labels do you look up to?
which artist under midas labels would you like to collaborate with?
if you could join one midas labels group for the day, which would it be why?
if you had to make a new group with other idols under midas labels, which idols would you like to team up with?
are you a fan of any midas labels artist? do you own any merch?
✩ b-cut
what does the midas labels family mean to you?
what's your worst memory from your trainee days?
if you could go back, would you still become an idol?
was your family supportive of your decision to become an idol?
did you have to sacrifice anything when choosing to become an idol?
what was your career low?
what's the best part of being an idol?
what's the worst part of being an idol?
what advice would you give to an aspiring idol?
if you had the chance to speak honestly to your fans, what would you say to them?
what's the worst interaction you've had with a fan?
how much do you look yourself up online?
how do you deal with hate comments?
what type of hate comment hurts the most?
what's the most ridiculous rumor you've heard about yourself?
are any rumors about you actually true?
do you like your music? your concept? if given the chance, would you change it?
be honest: are you for the arts or the charts?
which group member do you get along with most? who do you get along with the least and why?
have you ever fought with your group members? over what?
if you were given the chance to redebut, would you choose to debut in your group again or debut as a soloist instead?
what do you think your life will be like after disbandment (or contract expiry, for soloists)? would you still work in the industry or will you retire and settle down?
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ncvaes · 2 months ago
geon was on edge. he hadn't slept well or slept much at all. if he tried to remember the last time he got a solid several hours of sleep he would probably not be able to come up with the answer. he probably needed help for it but geon was currently not quite ready to admit that it was a problem to begin with. he was sure that this would pass eventually anyway, it usually did.
the problem was that people kept buzzing around him asking stupid questions. he understood that it was about his schedules but geon couldn't even imagine going into the studio in the state that he was in at the moment. he was sure that if he tried recording in his current state and the the results wouldn't be pretty. so he'd shut himself into a vocal practice room using the excuse of practicing to get away from other people.
admittedly not much had gotten done. but geon felt a little better now that he wasn't surrounded by so many people. or at least he had until someone opened up the door to the room. the minute the door opened geon felt himself tense up. it was like the outside world had been allowed back into his little bubble and he didn't like it.
"what do you want?" it wasn't usual for him to greet people with such a sharp tone. if anything geon went out of his way to be apologetic when he was taking up space that someone else might want to use. he usually would try his best to be cheerful and bright. but he didn't have the capacity for that today. there were too many people and he was too exhausted to measure what he was saying.
geon still hadn't turned towards the doorway, he didn't really want to see who it was that had either been sent after him or was trying to shoo him out of the practice room that he hadn't really been using for its intended purpose. he assumed it was probably some poor intern or something. or maybe his own manager, it didn't really matter though he didn't really want to talk to any of the possibilities.
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ncvaes · 2 months ago
just a quick plotting call for geon under the cut.
basically my guy has a TON of features so i thought it'd be fun to offer up those spots and either add them onto one of our existing plots or come up with a short plot around them. mostly bc geon's kind of hurting for plots at the moment. you can either reach out to me via im or on discord at deerhyo below is what's open and what each feature requires the time it was released in geon's canon as well as a link to the song.
obviously not every single one of these will be filled but i'd like at least a few.
whatever feat. male rapper (originally crucial star) (feb 2016)
45.7cm feat. female vocalist (originally oohyo) (feb 2016)
you're beautiful feat. male rapper (originally louie) (feb 2016)
only u feat. female rapper/vocalist (originally heize) (sept 2016)
i love you feat. female vocalist (originally lovey) (apr 2017) the wind feat. male rapper (originally changbin) (aug 2020)
don't forget feat. male vocalist (originally park jihoon) (feb 2021) pending
strawberry gum feat. male rapper (originally don mills) (oct 2023) pending
summer drive feat. male rapper (originally jonghyeon) (jan 2024) pending
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ncvaes · 2 months ago
taeyeon had stopped drinking a while ago. he wasn't sure why in retrospect, he hated the come down. but he didn't particularly want to get back to where he had been either he knew from experience that would only make the aftereffects much worse. so he had decided that he should probably go home. he didn't particularly want to go home by cab. he knew that he probably should. but for some reason the idea just didn't sit right with him.
so he pulled out his phone and called the first person he could think of. it was almost muscle memory to call this particular number when he was out of it. except for this time taeyeon was clear-minded enough that he knew he wasn't going to be sobbing his heart out over the phone line. which truthfully was good because taeyeon hated when he woke up and felt the creeping sense of shame that came after crying to seoho on the phone.
he was for once relatively sober enough to convey what he wanted. the club sucked and he wanted to go home could seoho come get him? the elder male came out with taeyeon only occassionally these days, but there used to be a time when they had been practically inseparable. where one went the other was sure to follow. seoho still came out with him sometimes but it wasn't quite the same even if taeyeon still enjoyed his company.
now all taeyeon had to do was wait for seoho to show up.
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ncvaes · 2 months ago
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hello, it's rae again this time i'm here with my much more personable and likeable son. you can find taeyeon's intro over here in case you missed it. as for geon his profile is here, his bio is here and his career page is here! below the cut you'll find (hopefully) everything you need to plot with him! once again hit this with a like and i'll search you out!
cws for anxiety/panic attacks and insomnia
alrighty! so geon is again the oldest son, however, his family was very loving and supportive. his parents weren't exactly prepared for geon's birth but they loved him and each other all the same and they had their parents' help so basically geon grew up less than well off but it was okay because he was surrounded by a huge family who absolutely adored him.
unfortunately when he was still young his father got a job offer to work as a professor in a university in seoul so the family picked up and moved from busan to seoul and this move put considerable distance between geon and his extended family but it was okay because they still tried to visit seoul as often as they could.
not long after the move geon became a big brother. his little sister, byeol, was the apple of his eye almost immediately. geon treated her like she was a princess, and even to this day still considers himself quite close to her.
geon had always been interested in singing and the guitar and one day that paid off when he was given a talent scout's business card. he joined the label pretty quickly even though his parents were somewhat hesitant about letting geon do so. unfortunately this first trainee experience went absolutely no where, the label didn't seem to know what to do with geon and geon was getting impatient so after 4 1/2 years he decided call it and just do his enlistment and then sit for college entrance exams
he did exactly one of those things. when he came back he found that he couldn't just leave things as they were and decided to give his dream of being an idol one last college try before he went to actual college. and what do you know that's when he was picked up for ydh entertainment and after that it was an extremely quick path to debuting as a soloist.
he found pretty immediate success there, older women in particular really fell in love with him which is how he earned the title of "nation's son-in-law". fans probably joke about geon and his ahjumma army. geon, however, also didn't take very long to start feeling incredibly pressured by his squeaky clean image.
he started developing symptoms of anxiety and insomnia around this stage too which only made his paranoia of stepping out of line grow stronger. geon basically felt like he was forced to be the best version of himself at all points in time otherwise he was going to ruin everything he'd built up and that was definitely a heavy burden to carry. he's gotten to the point where he worked himself into panic attacks several times now.
as for his personality there's not actually a huge difference between who geon is as an idol and who he is as a person. he's super charming and charismatic and generally very friendly and warm. he is a little bit sharper with his words when there aren't cameras watching, he's not afraid to speak his mind but he's not exactly mean about it. in short he's the sort of person who will tell you how it is without bias but he won't be needlessly mean about it.
that's not to say that he's perfect. his anxiety is currently untreated as is his insomnia and they tend to feed into each other. there are times when geon is really not pleasant to be around and somewhat snappish and rude, although he does his best to apologize when he treats his friends and family badly it still does happen because he's not always the best at telling when he's stuck in a loop with his anxiety
again i'm open to almost anything but here are a couple jumping off points!
a couple of besties who have been around the industry as long as him or at least roughly as long they can hag out together and shake their heads at The Youth These Days^tm
maybe some exes? geon hasn't exactly been virgin mary in his time in the industry even though his image would say otherwise. more than likely these relationships just fizzled out i don't see many spectacular blowups in his past
someone who for whatever reason just cannot fucking STAND geon. maybe they think he's faking all the good guy stuff and is too good to be true.
maybe someone who geon has taken on a mentor-like relationship with? he's full of knowledge about singing as well as the guitar so anyone who wants to know more about either is more than welcome to pick his brain on the subject.
there's more than a couple features in his discography so if you'd like to fill one of those spots we can definitely discuss it!
geon is open for romance as well. he's bi so any gender could fill this but again i would like to talk about that
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ncvaes · 2 months ago
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hello! i'm rae (any/all pronouns, also the mun of park geon intro coming soon). taeyeon's profile is here, his bio is here and his career page is here. below the cut should be everything you need to plot with him! feel free to ask for my discord. hit me with a like and i'll come find you.
cws for parental neglect, binge drinking
tw parental neglect so taeyeon is the oldest of three boys and basically was the invisible man in his own home for roughly eighteen years. first it was the fact that his little brothers were twins and born prematurely and they needed more attention, then said twin brothers got scouted to be child models and actors and taeyeon just simply did not exist anymore to his parents and, yes, he still feels some kind of way about it
his parents just kind of waved it off when taeyeon got street casted to join midas and said "just stay out of the way" they didn't feel like taeyeon was going to go anywhere as an idol and, yes, taeyeon still feels some kind of way about that too
his trainee years were spent with a massive chip on his shoulder and the near constant need for approval from any authority figure who was even slightly close by. so it was rough to say the least. but hey taeyeon was already used to competing for attention and affection :D!
and then when he debuted in phaze and started succeeding the whole dynamic of their family was turned on its head as it coincided with his twin brothers' careers starting to grind to halt. suddenly taeyeon could do no wrong and his brothers seyeon and seungyeon were persona non honestly wasn't nearly as fulfilling and satisfying as taeyeon wanted it to be
he recently had his solo debut and truthfully with the success of phaze he should be riding on absolute high. he's not. unfortunately he has a nagging thing called a conscience and being that he's been on the recieving end of his parents disinterest and neglect he feels insanely guilty about being the new golden child
and then of course there's the fact that taeyeon just fucking hates crowds and having his business snooped in. he appreciates phaze's fandom but he doesn't appreciate how in his business they always want to be it's uncomfortable please take like ten steps back he's always about point five seconds from starting a fist fight with some of his more aggressive fansites....
tw binge drinking in short taeyeon's life is a mess and success doesn't actually fix everything wrong in your life....who knew? how does he cope? copious amounts of binge drinking every time he has free time. his ass is at the club more often than it's not in his down time. it's not a problem as long as he doesn't acknowledge it
personality wise taeyeon is...rough around the edges? he doesn't do the cute maknae shit and doesn't enjoy being babied. and his idol image has always been oddly grown up for being the youngest member which has forced a weird sense of maturity onto his shoulders when he was just barely eighteen.
he is a competitive asshole, whether it's a stupid card game, mario kart or just end of the year music shows taeyeon cannot stand to lose and he will absolutely fucking pout about it if he loses. in his head winning is the only way people love him so if he loses then that means there's something wrong with him and no one will love him anymore. it's awful and he probably needs a lot of therapy to work through that
but despite all that he can be a genuinely sweet and thoughtful person. underneath it all he actually is rather soft-hearted and a bit of a crybaby. it's difficult for him to open up and trust but once he does it's for life. jin taeyeon has never given up on a person in his life even if it's to his own detriment. it takes a lot of work to get to this point though and is arguably really not worth trying to dig past his many many walls but sometimes others are allowed a small glimpse of the person that taeyeon might've been if his parents hadn't fucked him up
i'm down for anything but below are some jumping off points!
taeyeon needs a bestie, someone who is basically his ride or die and puts up with him willingly. they might be a little disapproving of his recent life choices but that part is up to you
someone who taeyeon looks up to. maybe the reason that he's kept at this idol thing despite disliking some pretty big parts of the whole thing?
they do not get along at all. they're not even oil and water they're gasoline and fire. always at each other's throats always about two seconds away from k*lling each other. but if someone else were to pick on the other they'd be all kinds of offended.
someone who is basically the devil on taeyeon's shoulder, always encouraging him to go out and party and drink more and generally not give a shit if he gets caught. but they likely would not stay and take the fall with him if taeyeon were to get into trouble
someone who he had a very intense falling out with. likely due to his intense partying and binge drinking. they probably used to be extremely close friends and now they're just kind of...there. taeyeon can't quite bring himself to cut them off entirely but their relationship hasn't been the same for several years now
taeyeon's self-proclaimed nemesis. maybe it started when they were trainees or maybe it was because of fans comparing and contrasting the two of them. either way taeyeon really doesn't like this person and they definitely return the sentiment.
romance? we'd need to talk it out because i put a lot of emphasis on chemistry but taeyeon's very gay and it'd be cute if he had a hand to hold or something
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ncvaes · 2 months ago
misc. tags
❪ ✽ ╱ ooc. ❫ ❪ ✽ ╱ pinned. ❫ ❪ ✽ ╱ ask meme. ❫ ❪ ✽ ft ╱ full name. ❫
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ncvaes · 2 months ago
park geon tag dump
❪ ✽ geon ╱ visuals. ❫ ❪ ✽ geon ╱ musings. ❫ ❪ ✽ geon ╱ threads. ❫ ❪ ✽ geon ╱ answers. ❫ ❪ ✽ geon ╱ intro. ❫ ❪ ✽ geon ╱ social media. ❫ ❪ ✽ geon ╱ solo. ❫
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ncvaes · 2 months ago
jin taeyeon (taeha) tag dump
❪ ✽ taeha ╱ visuals. ❫ ❪ ✽ taeha ╱ musings. ❫ ❪ ✽ taeha ╱ threads. ❫ ❪ ✽ taeha ╱ answers. ❫ ❪ ✽ taeha ╱ intro. ❫ ❪ ✽ taeha ╱ social media. ❫ ❪ ✽ taeha ╱ solo. ❫
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