Navya Bhusan
211 posts
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Are you pregnant? Apart from making improvements in your diet regime and waiting for the little bundle of joy arrive, there are a number of other things you need to do to ensure a healthy baby and smooth delivery. Knowing about some things to avoid during pregnancy is one of them.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Do not ignore the importance of eating healthy during pregnancy. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for brain development of baby
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Behavior during pregnancy affects unborn baby. Mothers need to realize this and make amendments to their behavior accordingly.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Pregnancy is a beautiful stage of life. However, it demands extra care of body to ensure healthy mental and physical growth of fetus. Your body requires added nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Dietary regime lacking in key nutrients may affect baby’s development negatively.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Pregnancy is a beautiful stage of life. However, it demands extra care of body to ensure healthy mental and physical growth of fetus. Your body requires added nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Dietary regime lacking in key nutrients may affect baby’s development negatively.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Women don’t like to gain weight. Loss of a few grams or even less is enough to add smile to their faces. Interestingly, losing weight is intimidating during pregnancy.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
In medical terms, a miscarriage happens when pregnancy ends before week 20 of conceiving. Unfortunately, miscarriages are very common. Over 15 per cent of pregnancies end in miscarriages. The good news is you can take some measures to avoid this issue
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Pear shape is the most common figure for women. This means upper part of your body is narrow and part below your waist is the widest. One can be short, tall, obese or skinny and still carry a pear shaped body.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Women with small breasts are constantly on the lookout for ways to enlarge them. Marketplace is loaded with so called miracle pills, lotions, oils, and devices that promise results in a few weeks. Many women also resort to breast enlargement surgery.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Annual mammograms are important. These can easily detect cancer at early stages (when it is highly treatable). Mammograms are effective in showing any breast changes up to 2 years prior to patient may feel them.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Many women face significant changes in their body after your childbirth. They might face issues vision after pregnancy such as blurred vision. After delivery, vision gets affected due to a number of physical changes the body goes through internally.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Did you know incorporating some healthy foods into your diet will help you slim down faster? Yes, there are some slimming foods that can help your body burn more calories and keep you feel full for longer.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Giving birth to a life isn’t child’s play. It is normal to go through some painful experiences such as discomfort, bleeding, tiredness, etc
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Breastfeeding is recognized as the most primeval and first palpable way a mother can display her eternal commitment to nurturing her baby. However, there are many reasons some women may not be able to breastfeed.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Trying to reduce belly fat? Most people have a hard time achieving this goal. If you are wondering what makes belly fat the hardest part to lose, read on.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
Skin care is a complex topic especially when it is associated with anti-aging. A lot has been said and written on what to eat, apply, and avoid, in order to ensure younger looking and radiant skin.
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navyabhusan-blog · 7 years ago
How late is too late to start yoga? This is one of the most common questions asked by people who wish to kick-start their fitness routine with yoga. Experts believe that it is never too late to start practising yoga. In fact, one can practice yoga as long as they are breathing. Continuous practice of yoga will help you realise your full potential. You will also get benefited with good physical and mental health.
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