natistheworst · 4 years
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natistheworst · 4 years
Send me 🎵, and I’ll put my songs on shuffle and the song that plays next will be our characters’ theme song.
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natistheworst · 4 years
Suggest two people for my muse to have a threesome with and they will respond with yes or no.
Bonus: if you put the URLs of the other muses, my muse will explain WHY they said yes or no.
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natistheworst · 4 years
Kat took a swig, and coughed as she handed back the flask- try as she might, she never could get the hang of hard liquor. “God, it never goes down as smooth as I expect it to.” At his comment, she raised an eyebrow. “Not-future-wife, hey?” she echoed. “Both of us getting drunk at a speed dating event isn’t very promising for us, I suppose.”
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“It’s not like this stuff is high end either, but I do enjoy the burn that comes with cheap booze.” Leaning forward Cas accepted it back before taking a swig himself. “What else am I going to call you though? I don’t mean offense, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want to marry me either. Maybe getting drunk at a speed dating even is exactly what we need.”
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natistheworst · 4 years
Celina shook her head and smiled. “There doesn’t have to be flirting. There’s plenty of good food to be had,” she pointed out.
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“Doesn’t have to be? I’m not sure I could survive without flirting, and i don’t understand how anyone else could either,” Cas joked with a laugh. “You are right about the food though, and I do love a fine cheese.”
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natistheworst · 4 years
Bee rolled her eyes inside their sockets as she glanced at Cas. “You see how this might turn into a horrible idea, right?” the blonde asked as she took a quick look around. “Not that I’m not here to watch it if it does,” she reasoned, partly under her breath.
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“Horrible? Really, Bee, this is likely the most interesting thing that’s happened since I got here. As much fun as watching is though, wouldn’t you rather participate?”
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natistheworst · 4 years
“Eh,” Lilliana shrugged as she stared at her glass of wine. Wine wasn’t her drink of choice, but hey, it was the only thing she could drink right now. “I prefer a straight up rumtini. Or a vodka soda. Or maybe a glass of white lightening.” she mumbled, tossing her wine back easily, letting it burn all though her body. 
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“Finally, someone here who’s speaking my language. Can’t say I’v heard of White Lightning before though and would love to know more,” Cas replied with a grin, genuinely curious, as he leaned forward. 
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natistheworst · 4 years
“Should have known the simplest one would be the hit, huh?” Gio took a seat across from the Greek prince before he inspected one of the trays of wine being passed around, plate of cheese already sat on the table in front of him. “I think I’ll stick with the one. Technically I’m still working.” He plucked one of the reds off the tray and nodded his head in thanks before turning to face Cas fully. “Seems to me like this event was made for us.”
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“I was wondering when I would get to see you again and really, you have to learn to loosen up. Are you at least going to participate in the flirting if not the drinking?”
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natistheworst · 4 years
Katrien had to suppress a groan when she realized who her next ‘date’ would be. Still, she was reasonably tipsy and her spirits were high. She sat in the seat opposite him, and took a sip of wine. “I’m pro-wine. I wouldn’t say no to some of that whiskey, though.” 
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Cas held the flask out to her without a second thought. “Your wish is my command, madam. Maybe I should be worried that my not-future-wife is getting drunk at a speed dating event though.” 
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natistheworst · 4 years
“I guess so?” Pim echoed the boy, looking ever so slightly puzzled. Wine drunk she knew, flirting she definitely didn’t. In fact making out with Cas was the furthest she had gone with anyone and she couldn’t flirt to save herself. “Do you think you could teach me how to flirt in five minutes?” 
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“Sure, but I’m not promising that it’ll be good or at all useful. Five minutes isn’t a lot of time. Also, I’ve never really considered that flirting had to be learned... But, first lesson, have some more wine.” Cas grabbed a glass from a tray moving around the room and pushed it towards her. “It helps.” 
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natistheworst · 4 years
“I think we’d get a bit sloshed and I’m pretty sure the fine folks here are tryin’ to avoid it.” Whiskey sounded better than wine, but even if she drank it, Poppy knew she would feel sick later. “I think we all prefer a good whiskey.”
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“The idea that I would get more drunk on whiskey than wine is just absurd. I’m perfectly happy getting back out drunk on any alcohol,” he joked with a laugh before holding his flask out to her. “You want some though? I won’t tell if you don’t.” 
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natistheworst · 4 years
Camilla couldn’t help herself when she had come in and seen Cas, deciding to sit at his table first. She sat down with a raised eyebrow, lips pursed as he mentioned spending all afternoon flirting. “Flirting is it? Well if you’d like I can leave so you can have your fun.” 
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“Who said I wanted to flirt with anyone other than you? Or maybe I should be worried by the fact that you came to the speed dating event too. Then again, I’d like to think I’m fairly irreplaceable.”
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natistheworst · 4 years
Kala found herself as luck would have it, sitting across from her fiance’s brother. He was always odd and outspoken but then again she had grown up in India where everyone was far more reserved. “Well I don’t know about flirt. But I did come to enjoy some of the delicious wine and potentially make new friends.” She admitted with a laugh. She was completely in love with Callister, there was no changing that. 
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“Not even harmless flirting? You never know, it might do some good to make my brother a little jealous every now and again.” Casually looking around her he spotted a familiar brunette and grinned. “That is my plan after all. ...But not my brother. My family has issues but not like that.” 
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natistheworst · 4 years
the eyebrow thing
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natistheworst · 4 years
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You’re never gonna get it I’m a hazard to myself I’ll break it to you easy This is hell, this is hell
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natistheworst · 4 years
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natistheworst · 4 years
“Thank you for the birthday gift. I never had the chance to thank you.”
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“Oh good. I’m never really sure what you want, but I’m glad you liked them. Have a good birthday?”
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