nasasi · 5 years
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in the higher plane, also known as heaven, sen was a former choir angel. his particular sect was the   DOMINION OF CHEER. he acts as a muse of sorts to people to try and bring them happiness and harmony. winter months are known to bring a lot of strife for people. something sen enjoys doing is spending time with lonely people or people who need help to show his support. he often brings his dog, SANTA PAWS with him to help comfort people. he is not particularly skilled at hiding the fact he is an ANGEL . he could sneeze and his  WINGS  would unfurl but what he will do is try and play it off as ‘cosplay’ so he wont get into too much trouble. it would work if he didn’t have a HALO  some people can even hear a gentle bell soothing ringing softly when he’s around. 
he tends to connect easier with children who still believe in magic and have beautiful dreams. the adults who he connects with he tries to give them back a sense of childhood wonder or a reminder of better times. sometimes this just comes in the form of singing together with someone.    
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nasasi · 5 years
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nasasi · 5 years
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❛    i was taking him for a walk in miyashita park. he was making friends but he also got really excited and decided he wanted to roll around.     ❜      sen tried to defend his dog, almost like he was okay with the fact he was dirty. the entirety of his shirt was smeared with mud because he had to pick up the cloud of a dog and carry him into the bath. now that he was in there, santa wanted out because it was still playtime. 
turning back to the door, he started to slowly open the door and imediately there is a white snoot with a coal-black nose. somehow santa had wedged himself between the door and the closet to get a better look at things.   ❛   no santa, it’s bath time. you are gonna get mud everywhere.   ❜     he says down to the dog, then looks back to nicole curiously.      ❛    i think he’s laying against the door...    ❜
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@nasasi can’t handle the dog bigger than him:  ❛ wanna help me give santa a bath? he’s being super wiggly today and rolled around in the mud after the snow melted. ❜ he laughs awkward, rubbing the back of his neck while trying to keep the door closed behind him with the samoyed trying to paw his way out of the bath.
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         “I–….how did he…ya know wha’. Fine.” And off her bed she goes. Looks like Nicole was going to be wet for a bit. Trying to bathe a large dog was always a nightmare. Santa was a good boy, but he was large and she couldn’t stop him herself. Sen though…definitely needs help. A good big sis does what she can. “C’mon, kiddo. Le’s…try ta ge’ this boy clean. Don’ wan’ Dad an’ Uncle Megs bein’ mad fer tracked mud everywhere.”
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nasasi · 5 years
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do you like good boys? do you like good boys who are bad at hiding the fact they are an angel? what if they also have a pupper?  if you are, then   like & reblog    if you’d be interested in interacting with a TWEWY based oc who is trying his best.  i’m trying to motivate myself to be active and develop this good boy more. 
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nasasi · 5 years
Tell me every terrible thing you’ve done, and let me love you anyway.
Unknown (via dude-im-batman)
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nasasi · 5 years
Regina Spektor - The Call
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nasasi · 5 years
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nasasi · 5 years
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@cosmal​ asks:       ❛ can i give your doggy a treat ? i baked some doggy cookies today- ❜
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❛   i think he’d like that. nothing too big, if that’s okay. he forgets how to chew and will inhale anything he’s given if i am not too careful.    ❜      he had a lot of instances where he and his boyfriend had been trying to teach santa to slow down eating but the stubborn samoyed was usually too eager to eat. they had to start taking him on more walks and playtime to make sure he kept his energy up so he didn’t get too heavy. as sen said that, the sentient cloud of a dog was looking up at the other angel with pleading eyes; his paws prancing while sitting in place having heard the word treat.
❛   i think i’ve spoiled him a bit since he knows the ‘t-r-e-a-t’ word now.    ❜
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nasasi · 5 years
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@verfurdc​ asks:       ❝ Do you trust it? ❞
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❛   i feel like i shouldn’t.... but, i am going to. just because something is scary doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad. i’m a little nervous though. is that normal? i’m unfamiliar with this sort of feeling.   ❜     the young angel was in most cases, firm with his resolve. the feeling of uncertainty was something he had much certainty. since he was on his own on earth to learn things, it meant he couldn't really reach out to his siblings to hide from them. it meant having to be brave when he was scared. sometimes even having to take a chance even if he wasn’t sure on the outcome.  
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nasasi · 5 years
Quotes taken from Critical Role’s series named UnDeadwood, Part IV :
❝ Not sure if I’d call it luck. ❞
❝ Better you than anybody else. ❞
❝ You’re not wrong. ❞
❝ He was a much better shot while he was alive. ❞
❝ Now ____ , you’re about to get yourself into a world of trouble. ❞
❝ Keep an eye out while you’re workin’, there demon snakes afoot! ❞
❝ You weak fool! ❞
❝ This game is coming to an end. ❞
❝ I still have some unfinished business and some revenge. ❞
❝ Come to where we first met, or watch me burn this place to the ground. ❞
❝ Did anyone else hear that? ❞
❝ You left us there for a second. ❞
❝ Do you want to mess with dynamite?… ❞
❝ Fuck all of it. ❞
❝ Try to hold on to these this time. ❞
❝ If someone catches fire we don’t lose the entire bit. ❞
❝ Who’s the least flammable among us? ❞
❝ Have you ever done a funeral service twice? ❞
❝ No more tears. ❞
❝ I think your sister would be proud. ❞
❝ Why risk your life? ❞
❝ You’re not the only one that has had to bury a loved one. ❞
❝ He was a healer, but also a bit of a scoundrel. ❞
❝ Well, I’ll be damned… ❞
❝ That’s a lie. ❞
❝ Aren’t a lot of things that scare me, but that scares the living fuck outta me. ❞
❝ Do you trust it? ❞
❝ I’m just trying to survive. ❞
❝ I know that faith, sometimes blind faith, has become part of my everyday routine. ❞
❝ I don’t know if trust is the right word, but I’ve given myself over to it. ❞
❝ Survival I can understand. ❞
❝ Fuck any God-given talents, I think you’ve earned all of yours. ❞
❝ Make sure that all of the guns are loaded. ❞
❝ It’s time to see what cards you’re dealt. ❞
❝ Embrace your power! ❞
❝ It’s your turn, my friend. ❞
❝ GO HOME, ____ ! ❞
❝ If you miss, that’s just Darwinism. ❞
❝ Bodies, dynamite, fucking do it! ❞
❝ Wouldn’t surprise me. ❞
❝ The dick cock ring. ❞
❝ Son of a fuck! ❞
❝ What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. ❞
❝ Turn your back on me! ❞
❝ Into the goddamn frying pan. ❞
❝ Nothing about this is cowardly, this is amazing. ❞
❝ Come here, motherfuck- ❞
❝ You think this is all I’ve got? ❞
❝ It’s just rude! ❞
❝ What words are you thinking right now? ❞
❝ Don’t we have lanterns? ❞
❝ I’m fucking tired of these motherfucking snakes in these motherfucking dakota hills! ❞
❝ Why are you making me choose my fucking fate? ❞
❝ You already chose your fate. ❞
❝ I can totally see why people get addicted to this shit! ❞
❝ Fate will do something. ❞
❝ This is my fucking curse. ❞
❝ How the fuck do you want to do this? ❞
❝ You want to see The Dealer? ❞
❝ Can’t win if you don’t play. ❞
❝ A building can’t be held up by only one pillar. ❞
❝ If the King dies, the kingdom falls. ❞
❝ You’re free to go. ❞
❝ See you downstairs? ❞
❝ Let’s take this outside. ❞
❝ Doesn’t matter where we’re coming from, matters where we’re going. ❞
❝ All that’s left is the law. ❞
❝ What if I told you many innocent men themselves end up still having to do for the deeds of those who were cunning enough to be absolved of the noose? ❞
❝ What kind of justice is this? ❞
❝ Goodnight ____ . ❞
❝ You’re on the wrong side of this. ❞
❝ This gives me no pleasure, but you gave me no choice. ❞
❝ You seem a decent man, I’d hate to kill you. ❞
❝ When he died he said no words. Just an ironic smile. ❞
❝ I will never forgive that man for what he did. ❞
❝ Maybe it was no friends and not new friends, after all. ❞
❝ Justice is justice. You have a job to do and you did it. ❞
❝ We began this journey with a prayer, and we’ll end this journey with a prayer. ❞
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nasasi · 5 years
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 ❝   HEY whoever is giving you credit for my pranks will pay!  ❞
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❛    i hope that wouldn’t be the case. i think my friend just was connecting the fact that when i get startled or scared, i’ve accidentally frozen things before... i wouldn’t want to take the credit for what you do.    ❜      there's a pause, tilting his head before he smiles softly.       ❛  not that it matters, i still have a lot to learn... i don’t really have a lot of control on earth, but i hope to be able to one day, just like you. or at the very least better than what i do right now.    ❜
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nasasi · 5 years
Mini polar bear
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nasasi · 5 years
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❛    someone told me that i sneezed once and it snowed really hard after. i don't know if the two are directly connected with each other, but since then i try and be mindful of sneezing.     ❜
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nasasi · 5 years
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nasasi · 5 years
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You wear your emotions all over your face.
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nasasi · 5 years
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in the higher plane, also known as heaven, sen was a former choir angel. his particular sect was the   DOMINION OF CHEER. he acts as a muse of sorts to people to try and bring them happiness and harmony. winter months are known to bring a lot of strife for people. something sen enjoys doing is spending time with lonely people or people who need help to show his support. he often brings his dog, SANTA PAWS with him to help comfort people. he is not particularly skilled at hiding the fact he is an ANGEL . he could sneeze and his  WINGS  would unfurl but what he will do is try and play it off as ‘cosplay’ so he wont get into too much trouble. it would work if he didn’t have a HALO  some people can even hear a gentle bell soothing ringing softly when he's around. 
he tends to connect easier with children who still believe in magic and have beautiful dreams. the adults who he connects with he tries to give them back a sense of childhood wonder or a reminder of better times. sometimes this just comes in the form of singing together with someone.    
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nasasi · 5 years
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