mynameisnotgwen · 7 years
Defining AudioSource parameters in code
Pretty much everything in the AudioSource can be easily defined in code. Here’s what the AudioSource looks like: 
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Let’s go down the list...
private AudioSource source; private AudioClip clip; private AudioMixerGroup outputMixerGroup; private bool isLoop; private bool playOnAwake; private bool mute; private float volume = 1f; private float pitch = 1f; source.clip = clip; //defines the Audio Clip which is assigned to the AudioSource.
source.outputMixerGroup = outputMixerGroup; //defines the output group (Unity 5 onwards)
source.loop = isLoop; //defines whether it’s looping
source.playOnAwake = playOnAwake; //defines whether it plays on awake
source.mute = mute; //defines whether it’s muted
source.volume = volume; //defines volume. Above, I’ve assigned 1f as the default.
source.pitch = pitch; //defines pitch. Above, I’ve assigned 1f as the default. OR
source.pitch = Random.Range (0.8f, 1.2f); //this assigns a random range between 0.8 and 1.2, so everytime you trigger this, it will return a random pitch within this range.
Many others can be accessed by code. For the full list, click here! 
Notice that on the AudioSource, those which are checkboxes are defined by “bool”, short for “boolean”; there are only 2 options for booleans - true or false.
Those with sliders/number ranges are “floats”, which are numbers with decimal places. Always put an “f” behind the number! You can also use “int” for integer, but these are limited to whole numbers.
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mynameisnotgwen · 7 years
Assigning an AudioClip to play in an AudioSource
Starting from ground zero, here’s how we can use C# to get an AudioClip to play in an AudioSource. Assume that these lines are within a class.
[SerializeField] private AudioClip clip;  [SerializeField] private AudioSource source; 
void Awake { source.clip = clip; source.Play();
Add this script component to an empty Game Object. On the same game object, add an AudioSource component with the desired parameters.
[SerializeField] allows you to see the fields in the component. If not, it’s hidden - you can only access the fields in code! Generally, System.Serializers and SerializeFields are a sound designer’s best friend because you can use it to great checkboxes, sliders, drop-down menus without accessing the code. Visually friendly! 
You should see something like this:
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Drag and drop an AudioClip into the Clip and drag the AudioSource below into the Source. 
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Play the scene - you should be able to hear your sound at the start of the scene. 
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mynameisnotgwen · 7 years
Back from the dead
Hey all! If you do read this post, I’ve decided to resurrect this good ol’blog with the purpose of documenting my game audio processes (thanks short-term memory). 
Many things have changed since the last post -- about 5 years ago? 
The truth is that 2012 was a tough year for me; battling depression and isolation while hustling for jobs probably explains why the blog came to a standstill at that time.
But I’m back! Having co-founded Imba Interactive in 2013 with 2 amazing partners Sharon & Jeremy, we’re now a close-knit family ready to take on the world, spreading the seed of game audio regionally. 
This blog will be used for writing about my work progress (to the best of my abilities without disrespecting any NDAs) and occasionally reflections. 
Whoever you are and reading, thanks for being here. Some of this stuff might be elementary but I hope you’re able to take away something! 
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
Thunderstorm Singapore
Your typical tropical thunderstorm on this side of the world. Floods and fallen trees usually ensue. 
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
Parakeets, lots of them in a giant bird enclosure walkabout where guests are free to interact and feed them. Sceptical children afraid of going up close and personal with the birds, parents making sure their kids behave, a couple taking a rest, deciding what to do next.. 
Jurong Bird Park, Singapore
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
"Soundtorch lets you browse through your audio collection extremely fast. Just drag your audio files onto the Soundtorch view ― all sounds are immediately arranged in a meaningful way and ready to be auditioned. Soundtorch is driven by the C.A.S.E. (Computer Aided Sound Exploration) engine, a sophisticated suite of algorithms that analyze and intelligently classify your audio collection.
With Soundtorch you can listen to sounds using a virtual torchlight ― all sounds illuminated by the light are played back simultaneously. This allows you to get an overview of literally thousands of sound files in a matter of mere minutes. As you zoom in or focus the light beam, you can still listen to one sound at a time.
Even though Soundtorch plays so many sounds at once, there's no cacophony. Your mind is powerful enough to easily spot the sound you like. Soundtorch further positions each playing sound on a surround system, or uses advanced surround virtualization when listening with headphones."
More here http://soundtorch.com
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
Train by in Guilin, beside a little train crossing/post
Guilin, Guangxi China
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
Wet traffic in rural China
Guilin, Guanxi China 
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
The shore of Li River
People playing and conversing by the shore, distant dog bark and lots of loud surrounding cicadas. An old motor boat chugs past.
Guilin, Guangxi China 
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
Dim Sum Restaurant Cantonese walla, dishes and such 
Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
Ducks in Lake
Trout Lake Vancouver, BC, Canada 
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
The Ballad of the Psychotropic Robots
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
The Last of Us, by Naughty Dog. 
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
"Watch Dogs" as shown in this demo at this year's E3.  
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mynameisnotgwen · 12 years
Hi guys, please take some time to check out my sound design final project from VFS done a while back. Just a quick update: My sound journey in Vancouver has come to a pause as I've decided to go back to Asia to pursue an internship at MBS Studios Hong Kong (for a good 6 months or so). The world is your oyster ;) It's nice to be back in this part of the world with a completely different studio culture to learn from (not to mention a new language for me to learn!)  Hong Kong is an amazing place with such a diverse, urban landscape. Lots of interesting new environmental sounds to seek (and great food)!
In the meantime, I will miss my fellow friends in Vancouver, the familiar honking of Canadian geese, the busy whirring of floatplanes and god, the gorgeous mountains. I wish you all a happy sound design journey! 
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mynameisnotgwen · 13 years
SFX editing for car chase, explosion and debris.
Coverage: Engine for both cars, anything it hits.
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