What if the roller coaster never stopped, how long do you think you could go before you passed out?
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He also may have confused quail with peacocks and was surprised by how small they were.
Hunting quail would not be very hard if they were actually peacocks.
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There are literally feathers. I have feathers on my hands right now.
Marshall, dissecting quail meat to wrap in bacon
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M: It's October November right? D: Are you asking me if November comes after October? M: Yes. D: Yes.
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Is Louisiana west of the Mason-Dixon Line?
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Marshall just found his phone. He had lost it in the refrigerator. I couldn't even make this shit up.
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My toes are like ice pickles.
You Know Who
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Thought that was jelly, definitely just blood.
Licking his hand while eating a sandwich after a rough day of climbing.
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M: All of the stuff in the kitchen is all dishoveled. D: "Dishoveled?" M: Yeah. Dishoveled. It's a word. Look it up.
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Does anyone else kind of enjoy the smell of goat shit?
He's Back
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How did you write 12 pages?
The One and Only
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Mormons don't believe in Jesus, do they?
A fucking genius named Marshall
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Because it’s addicting! It’s one of those things you hate but you can’t stop doing, like smelling your own poop.
- On FIFA and why he plays it even though he complains about how he hates it every single time.
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Me: Home Depot has some six footer Christmas Trees for like $30-$40.
Marshall: Yes but do we have six foot ceilings?
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To His Advisor
"I'm not really concerned with the constitution at this point."
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And Again
Marshall: Pineapple makes your semen taste good. Asparagus makes it taste bad. Me: I thought asparagus made your pee smell? Marshall: The rule still applies!
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Space Man Man Strikes Again
"I did not feel that muffin go down my body at all."
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