mygypsealife · 11 years
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Our Mosquito killer.... Well maybe one day.... Bit small still.....🐸💀 #gecko #naturalrepellant (at Mitchell Resident's)
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mygypsealife · 11 years
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This just blew my mind!!! An entire rainbow touching on the beach from one end to the other!!!! We aren't anchored far enough away for me to get the whole shot!!! But it's amazing!!!!! 💜😍🌈☔#nofilter#rainbow#rainbowlove#thatjusthappen#itsgoingtobeagoodnight#luck#rainbowluck (at Punta Arenas, Vieques)
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mygypsealife · 11 years
Sailing at Night
Night sailing is like driving your car with the windows completely blacked out, only relying on your GPS with bowling balls being thrown down the road. You can't see shit! Someone once told me your first night at sea you think "oh my god, what am I doing?... I should have done this or that... " and you can't wait for the sun to come up, the 2nd night you know what to expect but your still not sure and by the 3rd night your secure and land looks scary-due to the fact that land is where rocks are ledges, breaking waves, things you can hit are close to shore... As I have experienced all three of those moments, EVERY night sail I'm counting the minutes till the sun comes up... It's not that I am afraid...I mean there definitely was a point I was scared shitless when the sun went down...but after half of my sailing experience being at night fear is not the subject... It's just plain annoying, You can't get acclimated, you can't see the waves so your not quit sure what direction they're coming from.... And then when you think you've got it figured out the wind changes... Then you see a light, and I don't mean shore lights, I mean your in the middle of the ocean and there's a light...what it is? A freighter, a bouy, another sailboat hove to. How far away is it? Your depth perception is completely off... Something that is 10 miles away looks like its right off your bow. So you slow down, lose momentum, (that is you go from a hefty speed of 4knots to 2.5 knots...) Do you know how long it takes to build that momentum back! But what is it? Finally you get back on course go by the mysterious light and still have no idea what it is.. Oh and since you can't see the waves you have idea when your about to take a nice cold saltwater smack to the face... And all this time your praying you don't hit a crab-pot, coral head, or rock...and then the sun does comes up (which is a glorious sight to see... the sunrise with no land around!) Although sailing at night does have advantages, like no sunburn, its not hot, the sky is beautifully studded with millions of stars and if your really lucky you get a full moon!! But even after getting into a night rhythm .... I'd still rather be driving a car with clear windows down a street with no bowling balls!!
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mygypsealife · 11 years
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Try it, if you haven’t yet!!! Mofongo is a Dominican Republic everyday dish… I learned how to make mofongo in the DR after I had it for breakfast and fell in love.. . Mofongo is made from plantains, and is quite a hearty dish! Often referred to as a “beef up" for people that are sick. Traditionally served in the Dominican Republic as a breakfast dish with fried cheese, and a onion relish… It’s also served as a entree base by forming it in a bowl shape and stuffing it with seafood, any meat, or veggies! I have veganized it with yellow split peas, broccoli, and onions!!
Here’s the recipe for MOFONGO BALLS •3-4 green plantains sliced into rounds about 1/2 inch thick •Vegetable oil for frying •2-3 garlic cloves crushed •1/2-1 tsp. Garlic salt depending on your liking •Black pepper if you like
Heat your oil in a cast iron skillet, you want about 1/2 inch of oil in the pan, just enough so the plantains don’t stick to the pan.
The more ripe your plantains are the less time they will take to cook, I like mine very ripe so they taste a bit on the sweet side, and this takes about 4-8 mins on each side. If yours are greener I would say at least 8-12 mins on each side. Once they are tender they are done. Let them sit on a plate of paper towels to drain excess oil.
In a bowl combine the rest of the ingredients. Traditionally chopped bacon is added here as well. Once your plantains are cooled off, add to the bowl and mash, like you would mash potatoes. You could also use a food processor here instead. Mash until smooth and combined but still a bit chunky… And that’s it! Now form into balls and serve immediately, or mash into a bowl like a pie crust but thicker and stuff with your favorite veggies!
Mofongo has a mild flavor, and pairs great with any bold dish such as indian curries, stir fries, and Caribbean dishes!
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mygypsealife · 11 years
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🌊 This is my morning..😒 #favoritequotes#sailife#sail#boatlife#awefuls (at puerto rico coast)
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mygypsealife · 11 years
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So excited to start my first yoga challenge tomorrow!!! With #YOGAngsters! 🔆🌀😄 #firstchallenge#notsureicanhang#gottastartsomewhere#yoga#challengeyourself#practice#instaomcrew.
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mygypsealife · 11 years
I'm new, I don't know what to do.
My first post… excited!!! I live on a sailboat and have been traveling the Caribbean for the past 3 months and am currently in Puerto Rico….. Being without Internet for the past 90 days, (since PR is US territory I now have 4G again) I find myself being addicted to the internet, so I thought why not feed the monster with another social media outlet…… Since I go days on end only talking to my husband and dogs there’s not too many topics I will be covering…mainly hobbies I have picked up to occupy my brain while not in contact with normal civilization… Hopefully you will find this amusing…..even if its in a train wreck kind of way!
#imnew #newtotumbrl #hi
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