I am going to read the greatest russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky book crime and punishment. I heard lot about him, this is the first time i am going to have his book..feeling excited.
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Feeling fantasize
COVID-19 break through and home lock down gives lot of time for the people to fantasize.After couple of good reads I am also experiencing the situation giving trust to my imagination to flow like a stream.
Lets take a part ,lets imagine like we have interesting digital technology which links your imagination and present it as a live video projection .You took a book and before start reading the book after preface you have  options.The options goes like this “You want experience the real character of the novel” please select a option from list of the character in the novel and it also provides you the places,non-living things,animals to choose.
Now whatever you read you will try to imagine yourself as the character.Sometimes your imagination skill is very good where you can get all the mentioned,back-end properties in the novel but most of the non-English reader won’t know the certain terms so their imagination will get struck.They couldn’t get what they came across in their mind.By visualizing our imagination we can improve it by analyzing what going in our mind in vivid manner.
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“Pandemic”  the word  I came to know a few weeks ago ,I hope most of the people are feeling the same ,now i can’t forget this word in my lifetime.Trumps move to stop funding WHO is a right one.An organization like WHO should have acted vigilantly as it fails because of which we are facing the effect.
Second main thing is about the stats that each country providing.Most of the countries are not publishing  proper stats and they are manipulating the data to save themselves from global humiliation.If they think about global concern it should share proper data only then it would be useful for other countries to access the severity of the crisis and takes required steps.Particularly China stats doesn’t make sense.Area where pandemic originated had this less number no one going to take it.On other side The USA is on severe crisis due to corona.Their death toll  nearing 30,000 which makes them to top spot of corona affected countries.Now they openly attacking the China about its stats.It proves to be true as China reported 50% increase in death toll a day ago in Wuhan province.
Now whole world is angry on china.Most of the government started showing their anger in the form of shifting the industries and reducing the import of china goods etc.After corona,the international politics going to be interesting.People will see the new power equation that will determine the world politics.
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India’s current politics
For past few days most of the people came across the news stating  that Indian GDP is dropping 7th straight quarter.Most of intellectual across the India fears that India is heading for a tail spin.The data published by National statistical survey are manipulated periodically to project the false growth in-order to win the election.People are betrayed for their choice.Instead of concentrating on common man problems like jobs,infrastructure,electricity,health,Law and order etc.this government is playing different card.They keep on pumping their chest for the abrogation of Article 370,Bharat ratna for versavakar and some unrelated agenda. Whether these agenda going to help people to get jobs?No.They are  dealing with the emotion of the people to win the election.On the other front congress  is not projecting itself as an alternative party. Rahul gandhi can’t make big difference in current scenario.Congress has to think and find someone  who can guide the party.State election ,it can win, because scenario is different in state election but  when it come central the main question raised in the mind of the people is Modi vs Who.If you want to win Modi you should have a leader who comes from the grass root.Current leaders are unfit to tackle Modi-Amit shah combination.
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#winter#road trip#greeny view#clouded mountain
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Writing diary is like zen meditation what ever thoughts comes to your mind it has to be written down inorder to free yourself from it.
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Joker - This name is resonating for past few days and it will do so. "All it takes" ,the joker famously said once "is one bad day to reduce sanest man alive to lunacy".In this 2 hours director neatly potray how disarrayed society would push the man to become insane.It has lot of powerful dialogues that will keep on going in your mind even after coming out of theatre and finally DC gave huge hit movie from its comic character.
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Joker is must watch movie. Don't miss it. It's dark,sociopathic but has lot of stuff that will mesmerize you.
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Hi guys.I am reading this novel.I had read a couple of Murakami novels but i have feeling that this going to be best out of it. Whenever I am reading the Murakami novel it's like I am getting lost inside the forest .You don't know where you are going but after coming out you will realize, the time that you had enjoyed in roaming inside it and thrilled to be endangered. After completing my first Murakami novel I felt the same I didn't know the exact track at starting but when you consider yourself as a boat in gentle stream of water then his novel will nag you .If you want your mind to be relaxed then read Murakami novels you will see the change .I love his style of writing such a simple and powerful portraying ability.
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A column of wire
One of the best novels I came across. It's a sequel of the pillar of the earth,world without end.It sets on 16th century Elizabeth reign. Most of the historic facts like how virgin Mary became queen,England's political crisis,how england overcome Spain as a superpower,how catholic protestant divide happened,how bishop lose his political power all the 16th British history was woven into a beautiful fabric that should not be missed. One thing I would like to share about ken folleett writing whenever I am sitting with his new release the grip of the read is keep on improving to the previous one ,that's where he distinguishing himself from others by holding the readers nerve.
1.The pillar of the earth
2.World without end
3.A column of fire.
Readers should read the mentioned novels in sequence. It has interlinking part make a note.
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Mindhunter -one of the exceptional series I have ever seen. It deals with behavior psychology, a down looked domain, hasn’t been touched by most of the creators. Hats off to Joe penhall who crafted this series to perfection. First season of this series was aired on October 2017.As they had to build characters from the scratch for this genre the viewers should be patient enough to watch first few episodes. once the interrogation with criminals and theory framing started then you will see the phase of the series moving forward. The whole first season deals with criminal interrogation. Once the interrogation is done, using the collected data they just building up a theory that would be useful for future interrogation. The Season 2 which got released on august 2019 has the application of this theory and it’s fascinating to watch how the FBI agent trying to sell the theory but police department refuse to proceed on mere instinct but second season ending is blunt. This series would be a treat for the viewers who are interested in crime and mystery genre.
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Mindhunter -one of the exceptional series I have ever seen. It deals with behavior psychology, a down looked domain, hasn’t been touched by most of the creators. Hats off to Joe penhall who crafted this series to perfection. First season of this series was aired on October 2017.As they had to build characters from the scratch for this genre the viewers should be patient enough to watch first few episodes. once the interrogation with criminals and theory framing started then you will see the phase of the series moving forward. The whole first season deals with criminal interrogation. Once the interrogation is done, using the collected data they just building up a theory that would be useful for future interrogation. The Season 2 which got released on august 2019 has the application of this theory and it’s fascinating to watch how the FBI agent trying to sell the theory but police department refuse to proceed on mere instinct but second season ending is blunt. This series would be a treat for the viewers who are interested in crime and mystery genre.
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