Elevated Health
12 posts
Elevated Health was created to empower the individual with their health, to provide tools and education to allow non-invasive healing that support's the body's natural healing from the comfort of one's own home. Visit for more details!
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 7 years ago
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On this day of independence, may we be grateful for the freedom we have to be fully who we are, and the freedom to love all those around us. To be grateful for what has been sacrificed to allow us this freedom, and to honor those who sacrificed all they had. May we take this opportunity to make the most of such a beautiful gift we have been given, and use this freedom to live our best lives, step into our best selves, and to pay it forward to those around us. That is the true message today 💞 But also in true business form, Elevated Health is having a big sale to celebrate this holiday! Elevated Health is committed to providing the most effective, natural, pain free and affordable health solutions for people to use from home. Save hundreds with the "JULY4" discount code today!! #ElevatedHealth #ElevateYourHealthElevateYourLife #Sale #July4 #Freedom #Gratitude #LoveForAll #FourthOfJulySale
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 7 years ago
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To all the fathers and father figures out there, thank you for all that you do and all that you are! You are an inspiration and a role model to many, may you use that platform wisely. To give the gift of health to dad, use the discount code "DAD" to receive $150 off!
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 7 years ago
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Wishing everyone a happy holiday season! May it be filled with peace, love and joy. May we all take an extra moment to express our love and appreciation for those around us as we can never know when we may get another chance. It is never the wrong time to tell someone how grateful we are to have them in our lives! <3 #HappyHolidays #TisTheSeasonForLove
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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Such a beautiful quote which provides an accurate visualization of Elevated Health's mission: "To empower the individual with their health by providing tools and education for non-invasive therapies which support the body's natural healing from the comfort of one's own home." We all have the ability to heal ourselves; our bodies are designed to be self-healing. The body always knows what is wrong and how to fix it, issues only arise when the cells are not healthy enough to function properly. The technology of coMra-Therapy gives the cells the energy they need to function as they are naturally designed to, regenerating and rejuvenating practically every type of cell in the body, accelerating every natural mechanism the body is capable of, essentially giving the body the energy to heal itself. IS YOUR HEALTH LESS THAN 100%? Too many people are unaware that a therapy exists which is effective for almost every health issue imaginable, let alone that this therapy can be used from home by anyone. This therapy helps with everything from cutting recovery time from injuries in up to half, severe nerve damage, any type of chronic pain, any type of arthritis, autoimmune disorders, thyroid, adrenals, skin conditions, organ complications and diseases, issues regarding the blood, tumors, breathing issues, sinus issues, infections, digestion complications, ulcerative colitis, hair regrowth, preventative treatment, general vitality, almost all types of back/spine issues, and so much more. LEARN HOW YOU CAN START HEALING FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME by commenting below, contacting Elevated Health directly, or visiting #injury #injuries #injuryrecovery #nervedamage #TrigeminalNeuralgia #Spoonie #SpoonieLife #Neuropathy #chronicpain #pain #arthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #psoriaticarthritis #osteoarthritis #autoimmune #hashimotos #skincare #skinhealth #healthcare #Healthyliving #holistichealth #thyroid #hypothyroid #hyperthyroid #adrenalfatigue #hearthealth #blooddisorders #tumor #breath #asthma #lunghealth #sinusitis #infection #tenniselbow #carpaltunnel #shoulderpain #kneepain #boneonbone #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #pancolitis
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR CTS (*Article is abridged for IG. Full article at ) TREATMENT: For chronic symptoms, conventional treatments such as steroid injections and surgery are often suggested, but these are not the only options to alleviate even the most severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome cases. Before choosing any invasive option, do your own research to fully understand the risks. INJECTIONS: Designed to be temporary & don’t address the cause of inflammation. A max of 3/yr are allowed as each shot deteriorates tissue, so the body must recover between each one. This is also why relief between each shot decreases. Risks also include crystalizing in the body, causing increased pain, and elevated blood sugar. SURGERY: CT release means the ligament is severed to release the pressure. However, everything in the body exists for a purpose; this ligament exists to stabilize the wrist and to maximize strength of the hand. When severed, these mechanisms become limited. Risks include nerve damage resulting in pain indefinitely, permanent weakness of the hand/wrist, limited movement, increased susceptibility to Trigger Finger, and CT can return even after surgery. Heavy use of the hand is to be avoided for 3 months following surgery. COMRA THERAPY: The synergistic combination of 4 modalities (near-infrared laser, LED, magnets and ultrasound) in one noninvasive device that can be used at home. coMra gives the body the energy it needs to heal itself, meaning the origin of the issue is addressed, allowing for long term healing. coMra-Therapy completely supports the body���s natural healing, boosts the body’s immune system, as well as provides countless other benefits. Laser Therapy has been used for 50 yrs with no notable adverse effects reported. BONUS: coMra is effective with almost any other health issue imaginable, for the individual who has it, their family and their loved ones. This device is safe to use even on pets and infants. For specifics on how and why coMra-Therapy is so effective, visit #carpaltunnel #carpaltunnelrelease #carpaltunnelsyndrome #natural #Holistic #health
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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"I love you" -what strange words to hear from a stranger. But is it actually that strange? If your answer is yes, ask yourself "why?" and see what comes up. Now more than ever, it is important for us to remember that we are all connected in this world. The words we say are an expression of our personal perspective, and point to how we really feel, about others, but ultimately how we feel about ourselves. On this Valentine's Day, take this as an opportunity to remember what is really important in life, and be cautious with commercialized distractions. Have all actions, words and thoughts come from a place of love, and see what unfolds in your life as a result. Not that anyone should need media, Hallmark, or a date on a calendar to need to remember to express love to others, but if that reminder helps, capitalize on that moment and express love from a place of truth. Tell those in your life you care for that not only do you love them, but the difference they have made in your life and how grateful you are for them. The next step is to remember to come from a place of love on other days throughout the year, until eventually it becomes so natural, that it would feel inauthentic to ever come from anything else BUT love. Find the strength to express love and gratitude to those around you, and I challenge you to even try it out with a complete stranger... If you see someone who looks like they are having a rough day, say, "Hey, I don't know you, but I love you." And as you say that, put a hand on their shoulder (use common sense here...). Or even give a simple compliment. See their face light up because you came from LOVE and reached out and connected to another soul. One person can only make so much of a difference... But one person can make a difference to hundreds, who can then make a difference for thousands. So one person CAN be the domino to change the world. All it takes is YOU, which becomes US. Much love to all <3 Sincerely, Elevated Health #HappyValentinesDay #LoveConquersAll #LoveWins #LoveAlways #PowerOfLove #WeAreOne #WeAreAllConnected #EverythingIsConnected #LoveToAll #LoveKnowsNoBounds #LoveIsLimitless
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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Elevated Health’s mission is to empower the individual with their health by providing tools and education for non-invasive therapies which support the body's natural healing from the comfort of one's own home. The name “Elevated Health” was chosen because the founder believes, and research supports, that non-invasive frequency based devices (which are offered through Elevated Health) are the future of health; “elevated” is in past tense as this future already exists! Elevated Health was expected to be launched by the end of January, but here we are on January 31 and we are still putting some final touches together to ensure a wonderful experience for all those who visit the site. The full site is expected to go live in a few short days, but until then, subscribe to qualify for special discounts and promotions, only available through Valentine's Day! Go to #ElevatedHealth #LiveLifeToTheFullest #LiveLife #ComingSoon #Promotions #Discounts #HealthyLiving
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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What will you do today? Or better yet, what will you do NOW? All that ever exists in life is the present. The past is gone, the future is promised to no one, all we have is this moment right here. What will you do with it? It was pointed out that the reason why I had been struggling to remember things at one point was because I was not present in the first place. When we are not present, not only are we not successfully encoding moments into our memory, but we are not actually there at all, meaning we are not BEING. The shortest complete sentence is, "I am." All that is necessary for you to live your life is to simply BE. When that is being fulfilled, then you are present, and are all that you are. When that is achieved, anything is possible. When being all that you are, limitations fall away, as they were merely self imposed to begin with. You find being present in each moment is effortless, and the notion of worrying sounds silly, because you see it for what it truly is. If you read this post, comment! What you will do with your day, what you are doing now, what are your thoughts on this post? Be a human being (No robots here), and feel safe to interact. Elevated Health comes from a space of love and ensures love will always be present on this page. Love to all #BeAHuman #WeAreOne #AllWeHaveIsNow #LiveLifeToTheFullest #Love
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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Are YOU excited yet? Elevated Health is excited to officially launch at the end of the month, but YOU can get excited too because that means special Grand Opening Promotions for the first select people to join! There are still some slots available but hurry, as they are filling up fast! Go to to qualify now. Additionally, what is even more exciting than the chance to qualify for our Grand Opening Promotions is that by joining Elevated Health, you get access to knowledge and tools to Elevate your Health in ways you never imagined. The mission of Elevated Health is to empower the individual with their health, to provide tools and education for non-invasive therapies which support the body's natural healing. If you could expedite healing, live a more pain free life, and prolong the effects of aging, WOULD you? What if the pathway to achieve that involved therapies that have been used for 50 years without any adverse effects documented? To learn how, visit #LiveYourLife #LiveYourBestLife #BackPain #KneePain #NerveDamage #ElevateHealth #ElevateConsciousness #EverythingIsConnected #KnowledgeIsPower
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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Life is meant to be lived! Are YOU living your fullest life? Elevated Health is dedicated to empowering the individual with their health, to provide tools and education for noninvasive therapies which support the body's natural healing. Our bodies are miraculous - intelligent interconnected entities, capable of more than most people can wrap their heads around. Right now, take a deep breathe. ....No, deeper. Fully inhale, your mind completely at peace. Breathe into the base of your being. Do you feel better? Did a bit of that stress dissipate? Does your mind feel more clear? No? Do it again. And again. Every time you can achieve even one moment of peace, you center the energy of your body a little bit more. When our energy is centered, the body actually can heal itself from many things. YOU are a miracle. Go and BE. Love to all #WeAreOne #Miracle #YouAreAMiracle #EverythingIsConnected #IntelligentBeings #HealThyself #HealthyLiving #Health #SelfHealing For more information on how to Elevate your Health, visit
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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What to look forward to on MYELEVATEDHEALTH.COM? Elevated Health was created to empower the individual with their health, to provide tools and education for non-invasive therapies which support the body's natural healing from the comfort of one's own home. Elevated Health has found a device that does that in a way that is so incredible it is hard for most people to believe it is real. What if someone told you that with one device you could help your body with almost any health condition you can think of? That these technologies have been used successfully for over 50 years, and during that time no adverse effects have been documented? That because of this device, people who were in pain for decades and lost all hope now have their lives back? What if someone told you that all of that is available now, for you to use in the comfort of your own home, and that it is actually affordable? No, the purpose of this is not to create excess hype, but simply to express how truly amazing this device is and what an unbelievable opportunity this is to take responsibility for your health. Go to to see if you qualify for Grand Opening Promotions, and to be notified when the full site goes LIVE and the real fun begins! If you have ever been in pain, been injured, had surgery, had health concerns, care about your health, advocate preventative health, or know any loved ones who could say yes to any ONE of those questions, then follow Elevated Health on social media and subscribe to to find out how to Elevate your Health in ways you never imagined! #ElevatedHealth #ElevateMyHealth #ElevateConsciousness #HolisticHealth #PainFree #PainOptions #ChronicPain #PreventativeHealth #HealthyLiving #LiveYourLife #LiveYourBestLife #BackPain #Sciatica #Arthritis #RheumatoidArthritis #CarpalTunnel #KneePain #NerveDamage #Injury #InjuryRecovery #ChronicPain #Spoonie #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ClusterHeadache #Migraine #PlantarFasciitis #Acne #Skin #autoimmunedisease #Fibromyalgia #Tendinitis #TennisElbow #JointPain #Endometriosis #AdrenalFatigue #Acupuncture #LED #Vital #Vitality #Prevention #EverythingIsConnected #WeAreOne
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myelevatedhealth-blog · 8 years ago
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Elevated Health is officially on Instagram!
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