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This isn’t a hxh blog anymore but I’m keeping it and it’s mine so I’ll reblog whatever the hell I want (it’s only fandom shit)
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mychildgon · 4 months ago
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Dragon Xie Lian 🦋🦋
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mychildgon · 4 months ago
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Miku please the idea of roulette is that at least some of them are good 😭😭😭
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mychildgon · 4 months ago
Fucking breaking down over Taako’s “Magnus! Tell me what happened.” when Edward and Lydia are about to take the memory of Kalen away auguggjghfhuaaa
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
Sure, Hua Cheng is the more ~suave~ between him and Xie Lian but sometimes Xie Lian will drop the most romantic, heart-wrenching, soul inspiring line on him out of literally nowhere
Theyre strolling through the forest near Puqi shrine one afternoon and Xie Lian looks at the trees with a smile and says "I love autumn the most out of all seasons. Because the breeze is gentle and the leaves are all kinds of red, so it feels like my San Lang is everywhere even when he is not here."
And Hua Cheng immediately trips on his feet
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
going on another mu qing rant (can you tell I love mu qing) every time people call him selfish for leaving I lose a little bit of hope for this fandom. people always forget TGCF is through xie lian's perspective - mu qing could barely be considered his friend at the time. xie lian did see him as one, but they still had an employer-employee relationship for the main part. now, please imagine this: your employer ends up homeless and gets hunted down on the daily and you tread along because you're used to it. you wash his and his family's clothes, clean, cook, work and look for places to stay all probably free/poorly paid (since they barely had money at the time I don't think he was given much). said employer is still prideful and refuses to do work that wouldn't be considered honorable - AKA the only methods to actually gain money at the time - so you're just arguing all the time. your sick mother is at home, you're probably far away from her and you've been dealing with your own shit for a while. now, would you stay with said employer or go back to your sick mother? also, before y'all bring up the revised version where his mother isn't mentioned, I'm gonna put it in another way. you're an amazing martial artist and your former recruiter suddenly gets his ass handed to him and gets dragged down by a lot. you stay with him but he refuses to listen to you for most things, you're still cleaning up and doing all his chores for him and you're obviously tired. he's not the only one who's been through a rough patch of shit. you still have a lot of potential but you rarely have the opportunity to train giving the situation. if you were to train hard enough, you'd ascend and gain the resources needed to get everyone out of there. would you still stay with them just to cater to their needs? and I'd like to mention that he didn't just... abandon them. he didn't straight up leave, he asked if he could. and xie lian allowed him to.
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
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love them and miss them…
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
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you know how little kids like to interview people?
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
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i can’t remember her face, taako
whose face?
hhh i want to draw so much more for this episode and i’m not really that happy with this but i have a bunch of other stuff to do!! so i’m just gonna post this for now to let everyone know that this episode destroyed me
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
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mychildgon · 6 months ago
Thinking about how Xie Lian cared about Hua Cheng when he was basically an orphaned street rat who ruined the ceremonial procession, cared about about him when he was a weak little ghost fire being sold like an object, and cares about him when he’s a king whose power and wealth is unmatched by few in all the three realms.
“If I like you, I don’t care if you’re a beggar. If I hate you, I don’t care if you’re a king. It’s all trivial to me.” (Paraphrased from the donghua because I don’t want to find that page).
I think Hua Cheng must’ve felt silly for a least a second after he was like “but gege…my heartbeat is silent…” because of course Xie Lian would not bat an eye at that. He never has.
I also think it’s funny that Xie Lian is just like ignores appearance, rumors, reputation, social status, etc., “what a neat person; I’m gonna keep them” and Hua Cheng (and banyue, etc) is pleasantly surprised each time, meanwhile fengqing, as his self imposed bodyguards and as people who do take those things with weight, are ripping their hair out at this tendency that is still very much active 800 years later. They thought they got lucky when hong-er ran away and Xie Lian failed to adopt him into their group. Little late, but it still happened haha.
Don’t even get me started on the fact that he’s a scrap god and he collects broken things and gives them a home and purpose and loves them regardless of their state.
Edit - I also think it’s funny that in book one, Xie Lian does all these tests on “San Lang” to see if he’s a ghost and what rank, which come up inconclusive, but he knows this kid is not a normal kid and is most likely the crimson rain sought flower, but like…doesn’t do anything. He doesn’t really care lol, he was just curious (which is so real). He also said he couldn’t do anything if he wanted to but I think he just…didn’t want to. Why would he? He’s hot and nice to him and helps clean his shrine.
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mychildgon · 8 months ago
i love xie lian because he’s the kind of character with the kind of tragic backstory you’d expect for a villain. i mean he almost does become a villain in book four, but even after all that suffering and torture from bwx and the people stabbing him a hundred times and everyone abandoning him–
he chooses to be kind. he doesn’t take his anger out on the world, he doesn’t go crazy, he just carries on like he usually does.
and like, i would root for him even if he did turn evil! bc xie lian went through some goddamn awful shit. if he went batshit id be like you go king go massacre those assholes!!! 
but he chooses to remain kind and good and keeps helping people even though it screws him over again and again. he could’ve taken his anger out and killed people but he chooses to stay kind throughout all of that.
and nobody ever reciprocates, until hua cheng. who gives xie lian all the dedication that he gives to the common people. and if xie lian were any less good and kind hua cheng could easily be taken advantage of, which he honestly wouldn’t even mind. but xie lian is the kind of person who wouldn’t even wish death on his worst enemy, let alone someone who loves him. 
they are both someone who would never turn on or take advantage of each other’s never-ending pool of love and kindness and i think that’s really neat of hualian.  
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mychildgon · 9 months ago
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final part - huafenglian turns xi4nle and everyone is gay in a kinda lame way / parts 1 & 2
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mychildgon · 11 months ago
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Taz autism strikes again, updated my designs + magnus and merle designs!! 😼
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mychildgon · 1 year ago
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mychildgon · 1 year ago
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secret identities 🏳️‍🌈
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