mvvdclub · 5 years
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The Balance - Catfish and the Bottlemen -LP-
Sounds Like: Our generation's unfortunate version of AC/DC. "Oh wow, this tone sounds great, let's NEVER change it, ever." Feels Like: Generic-insert-here-rock-singer sings about being in love with a girl, but life on the road is a bit hard too, you know? Looks Like:
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Smells Like: A band on the ropes after creating stunning hits in the form of "Soundcheck", "7" and "Twice". Tastes Like: Some lagery, lukewarm beer, from a can.
SHITorHIT? Look, all the indie rock kids paying $1M to see them at Glastonbury are going to love it either way, so does it even matter?
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mvvdclub · 5 years
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Keith VVolf, Jesus Enthusiast
-Human Review-
Sounds Like: The boy has delved too deep into D&D and can’t take a break from roleplaying as a half-snake to release new music. Feels Like: A guy at the front of a John Mayer concert begging to get on stage and play a song, waving that poster until JM gives him the finger, à la Johnny Cash. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: Singapore’s Two-Face. A man who takes immense pleasure crying as the emotional Keith VVolf. Tastes Like: Geylang’s finest Shanghainese Peking Duck served with a side of not-so-subtle racism.
SHITorHIT? He plays a grey guitar just like John Mayer and he fears live recordings because he’d have to endure his own voice and the slow BPM. I don’t know if that makes him a sinner or a saint. #gifrelated
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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“Electric Sheep” - Koji -Single-
Sounds Like: Big riff stacks that make you go, “oh yeah, Muse used to do this before Matt ruined the band huh?” Feels Like: Koji ventures further into their realm of honouring pop culture. Previous entries include One Piece and uhhhh, I forget. But they do exist. I swear. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: Ridley Scott dousing himself in oil and slapping his belly to create some banger beats. Tastes Like: You know when those dive bars make drinks and then light them on fire? Yeah, that.
SHITorHIT? They’ve got a bassist so it’s a good start hey @Ashwin Rao? #splitEPbeef
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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Sun Eat Moon Grave Party - Forests -Album-
Sounds Like: Beach Fossils put Docs on, injected caffeine and got raw with their emotions. Oh, and they also got better at their instruments. So do they sound like Beach Fossils at all, really? Nah. Feels Like: A stunningly beautiful indie soundtrack featuring razor sharp teeth. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: An old karaoke bar loaded with your best friends, drinking cheap alcohol you had to order while belting out the greatest tunes you’ve never heard. Tastes Like: Drinking sad martini’s on a Monday knowing that the week is only gonna get darker from here, but fuck it. Fuck you.
SHITorHIT? Do I really have to answer this? Hit.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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Ashwin Rao, Bass Goddess
-Human Review-
Sounds Like: Fiesta Red-cum-Salmon Pink mustang pop music with a touch of American angst and Australian longing. Feels Like: #edgy expat makes foreign music with punk anti-establishment roots and wonders why Singapore doesn’t love him back. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: He’s living past 27 and has no idea what’s on this side of the fence, since #papaKurt didn’t provide any scriptures of support. Tastes Like: Anjappar and a Chinese guitar on the first day of the month, tightassing it for another thirty days.
SHITorHIT? He’s a successful TV personality, doesn’t need much of an excuse to rock a dress and is a little-known member of the Freemasons. HIT.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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“Fall” - Coming Up Roses -Single-
Sounds Like: Everyone is beating around the bush about their Wolf Alice influences. Feels Like: Dreamy 90’s guitar wash underpinning solid vocal offerings. The cherry on top comes in the form of their frequent, strong live shows. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: The Coming Up Roses exclusive scent consists of high notes in the form of 67% of Joff’s pedalboard and stunning melodies. Fragrant vanilla and dolce de leche form the mid notes, while wallowing baselines round out the base notes. Trust me, I’m a perfumologist. Tastes Like: Blossoming flowers, eaten with a sprinkling of sriracha mayo.
SHITorHIT? Promising early releases from Singapore’s new wave of musicians indicates the future is a safe one.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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Sounds Like: The sound team were a big fan of The Last of Us. Feels Like: Visuals > Ending. Looks Like: What the world would be if nature suddenly started fucking with us, instead of it being the other way around. Smells Like: Poe Dameron startin’ shit for other people, as usual. Tastes Like: Intoxicating, billowing smoke you can’t quite caress.
SHITorHIT? Watch it, bury it in your mind and dig it back up days/weeks/months/neverever later. You might find understanding then.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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How Did We Get So Dark? - Royal Blood -LP-
Sounds Like: Elephants throwing down in the apartment above you. Feels Like: Gritting your teeth and running headlong into a gargantuan wave. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: Thick tension in the air– it’s so sweet. Tastes Like: Victory.
SHITorHIT? Huge, four-amps-compensating-for-something hit.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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“White Shadow” - Knightingale -Single-
Sounds Like: Holy-fucking-godly-shit. Huge. Feels Like: Punching your way through a slumbering mosh that slowly awakens to the sound of the storm unfolding in front of them. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: Christmas morning. Tastes Like: Your favourite beer, ice cold and on tap at half price.
SHITorHIT? Fucking hit.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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“Wise Up” - Machine Club -Single-
Sounds Like: Sauntering down a backstreet, fists at the ready. Feels Like: A mid-step snarl rolling along your mouth on the Bladerunner-styled dance floor at 3am. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: Wearing your parents’ simultaneously worst and best jacket with shoulder-pads. Tastes Like: Ice swiftly melting in your mouth.
SHITorHIT? It’s worth coinciding your second hit with a healthy banger.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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The Strangers: Prey At Night
Sounds Like: Dropping your phone down the elevator door cracks. Feels Like: Realising after all the shit you went through elbowing through the masses at the supermarket, the milk burst in your bag. Looks Like: A pre-foreplay porn movie with no payload at the end. Smells Like: A total waste of time, apart from the pool scene. Tastes Like: Disappointment.
SHITorHIT? It’s almost like they got a real director for the entire pool sequence. Weird.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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Jose Gonzalez @ Bluesfest 2018, Byron Bay, AU
-Gig Review-
Sounds Like: Beautiful indie beauty wafting over a few thousand-strong crowd of middle-aged people holding a generic can of mass-produced lager and a deck chair draped over their shoulder. Feels Like: A solid performance hindered by the musician’s choice to play the festival without his usual band AND sit down for his entire set. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: Weed, obviously. Tastes Like: A hearty minestrone soup loaded with your favourite vegetables–it’s tasty, but it’s not your number one dish (if minestrone is actually your favourite meal, I feel so so sorry for you).
SHITorHIT? I have a soft spot for Jose and Junip - HIT.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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Ms. Lauryn Hill @ Bluesfest 2018, Byron Bay, AU
-Gig Review-
Sounds Like: Pitchy ex-star from the 90′s averagely singing her #hittrax while the band outshines her. Feels Like: Waiting 30 minutes while a shitty DJ chittered “AAAAYO!” over the top of timeless (read: unbearable) classics like Sean Paul’s “Temperature”. Looks Like: 
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Smells Like: A horrifying Mum gurning out of her mind on the front barrier while her pre-teen kids patiently stand next to her waiting for this whole experience to end. Yep. That happened. Tastes Like: Dirt. Mounds and mounds of decomposed, acidic dirt.
SHITorHIT? Flaming hot piles of shit.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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Tash Sultana @ Bluesfest 2018, Byron Bay, AU
-Gig Review-
Sounds Like: A musician somehow singing the right notes without articulating and moving her mouth, resulting in a shapeless melody with no apparent lyrics. Feels Like: A mass exodus of anyone over 30 while teenage and slightly older punters rushed to fill the tent (see below). Looks Like:
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Smells Like: Solidly riffy music with jarring cuts of tight fuzz segueing one song to the next. Tastes Like: Hemp hats.
SHITorHIT? Surprisingly good and goddamn, that fuzz tone.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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“21&19” - Harts -Single-
Sounds Like: Kevin Parker started fucking a rapper. Feels Like: Harts is gettin’ laid, son. Looks Like:
Smells Like: Quickly backing out of the party you did want to host, but then you were like, ”hey, fuck these guys.” Tastes Like: Rolling with those punches you threw.
SHITorHIT? New roadmap for Melbourne’s vibespinning, paisley-clad guitarist.
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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“Escalator” - Electric Zebra -Single-
Sounds Like: Slick oil fuelling your trip into the city for a club night. Feels Like: Loose times only held together in the verses by the mum/dad in your group. Looks Like:
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Smells Like: Sweaty crowd of punters getting down at a summer festival. Tastes Like: Well, salt– duh.
SHITorHIT? tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. 
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mvvdclub · 6 years
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Game Night
Sounds Like: Role-playing before there was VR. Feels Like: Rachel McAdams hasn't aged a day. Looks Like: A blood stain you just can’t wash out of a West Highland Terrier. Smells Like: A shady game of whodunit that quickly dissolves into a confusing array of players claiming the puppeteer role. Tastes Like: Rolling with those punches you threw.
SHITorHIT? Hey, solidly funny, and the cast is solid.
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