Angela scoffed at her comment, she was only easy to satisfy if Moira was involved. Her work was a different story and those who worked in that field knew it all to well just how particular and picky the angel truly was. But, she knew Moira meant ‘easy to satisfy’ was referring to dinner, which in that was was true. She loved almost anything the doctor had made for her. Angela still had a hint of anger towards the woman. It was fading with time.
“That sounds delightful! But, excuse me. Maybe you shouldn’t make food that’s delicious and I wouldn’t fall asleep so easy.” She rolled her eyes at the woman playfully as she bumped into her. Once they got closer to the door. She stepped out of Moiras grasp to open in and hold it open as they walked into the fresh air. She did love learning but, she also did enjoy the outdoors a bit as well.
After moira she also had signed the sheet and then held her book close to her chest and she felt her arm around her waist. She always felt safe in her presence, she didn’t have to worry about a single thing when the doctor was around. She walked down the hall as she listened to her girlfriend talk to her, her eyes looking at everything but the people who stared at the two. Was it judgement or jealousy? Maybe both.
However there was not a care in the world in Angela’s eyes she was happy and content with being with Moira and if the angel herself had anything to say about it, Moira wasn’t going anywhere. She then came back from her thoughts and looked up at her. “ I’m sure we can find something at your place to eat. No need to stop by the market. ”
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After moira she also had signed the sheet and then held her book close to her chest and she felt her arm around her waist. She always felt safe in her presence, she didn’t have to worry about a single thing when the doctor was around. She walked down the hall as she listened to her girlfriend talk to her, her eyes looking at everything but the people who stared at the two. Was it judgement or jealousy? Maybe both.
However there was not a care in the world in Angela’s eyes she was happy and content with being with Moira and if the angel herself had anything to say about it, Moira wasn’t going anywhere. She then came back from her thoughts and looked up at her. “ I’m sure we can find something at your place to eat. No need to stop by the market. ”
Angela leaned in when the other planted a kiss on her cheek, she smiled and took the woman’s hand and held it in her own placing their hands in Angela’s lap as she turned back to watch the seminar. Surely it was almost over, she just wanted to get on with her night so, her and her partner could actually spend time together seeing as they didn’t get the chance to the night before.
As the seminar drug on for what seemed like forever the speaker finally cut it after a while. Angela has to let go of Moiras hand in order to start packing the bag. Once everything was pack she threw her bag over her should and stood as she waited for the woman. She liked standing up first because for just a moment she was taller than her.
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Angela leaned in when the other planted a kiss on her cheek, she smiled and took the woman’s hand and held it in her own placing their hands in Angela’s lap as she turned back to watch the seminar. Surely it was almost over, she just wanted to get on with her night so, her and her partner could actually spend time together seeing as they didn’t get the chance to the night before.
As the seminar drug on for what seemed like forever the speaker finally cut it after a while. Angela has to let go of Moiras hand in order to start packing the bag. Once everything was pack she threw her bag over her should and stood as she waited for the woman. She liked standing up first because for just a moment she was taller than her.
Though Angela has a clue what the doctor was doing she couldn’t help but give in to her. Angela had a feeling Moira knew she was wrapped around her finger. The doctor never used her for her smarts, Angela felt like she wanted her for her not what she knew. A small smile graced her face when she offered dinner and a movie at her place. She always did enjoy her quality time together. Especially if it pulled the other away from her work. “ We can agree together I won’t make you suffer another romantic movie. But, I would absolutely love that. “
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Mercy sips her coffee quietly watching the sunrise a crisp breeze blowing through the buildings, a steam rolling off of her coffee. Her eyes shift over toward the figure appearing next to her, her partner. She leans her head on her shoulder and smiled “ Morning.. Did you sleep well? “ She asked, her voice gentle not speaking very loudly since she had woken a few moments ago.
thread for @thescienceofstardust
Angela as always was up early every morning. It was just a thing she’d done since she was little. She left the warm bed besides her partner, chills running down her spine when her feet hit the cold wooden floor. When she walked past the door she pulled her white robe off of it, putting it on once she walked down the hallway and to the kitchen. She started a pot of coffee , then proceeded to idly walk around and make herself a small bowl of cereal.
After she finished her cereal the coffee had been brewed, she grabbed her favorite mug and poured her coffee in it along with cream and sugar. Angela walked out onto the balcony attached to her apartment and leaned against the rail gently sipping her coffee as she watched the finish it’s rise.
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Though Angela has a clue what the doctor was doing she couldn’t help but give in to her. Angela had a feeling Moira knew she was wrapped around her finger. The doctor never used her for her smarts, Angela felt like she wanted her for her not what she knew. A small smile graced her face when she offered dinner and a movie at her place. She always did enjoy her quality time together. Especially if it pulled the other away from her work. “ We can agree together I won’t make you suffer another romantic movie. But, I would absolutely love that. “
Angela shook her head as she quickly at the chocolate still looking down at the notes she had taken, basically doing anything avoid eye contact with the woman beside her. She sighed at her words and rolled her eyes slightly, she knew she was right but, it didn’t hurt to take a break every once in a while. “ I know — but.. “ Her words trailed off once she felt her finger graze her chin, a small blush creeping upon her face. “ I.. I do forgive you.. But, what do you have in mind.. “ She spoke softly, her eyes wandering down to the woman’s lips and then her eyes.
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Angela shook her head as she quickly at the chocolate still looking down at the notes she had taken, basically doing anything avoid eye contact with the woman beside her. She sighed at her words and rolled her eyes slightly, she knew she was right but, it didn’t hurt to take a break every once in a while. “ I know — but.. “ Her words trailed off once she felt her finger graze her chin, a small blush creeping upon her face. “ I.. I do forgive you.. But, what do you have in mind.. “ She spoke softly, her eyes wandering down to the woman’s lips and then her eyes.
Angela was scribbling down notes as the speaker rambled on about majority of things she knew, even if she wasn’t retaining knowledge. She sighed quietly to herself as she started to grow a little tired of it, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a certain someone sliding her a note, whom she was still upset with, but took the note and opened it. It held her favorite piece of chocolate, she knew that.
“ A message or something would’ve been nice. I know you get busy and lost in your work I would’ve understood and been a little less upset instead of just being stood up all together.. “
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Angela was scribbling down notes as the speaker rambled on about majority of things she knew, even if she wasn’t retaining knowledge. She sighed quietly to herself as she started to grow a little tired of it, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a certain someone sliding her a note, whom she was still upset with, but took the note and opened it. It held her favorite piece of chocolate, she knew that.
“ A message or something would’ve been nice. I know you get busy and lost in your work I would’ve understood and been a little less upset instead of just being stood up all together.. “
@pockethealcr ;; STARTER .
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Whatever this SEMINAR is about, she's hardly paying attention, confident enough in her own intellectual capabilities to assume it's useless drivel that she already knows ( and will not use. ) Instead, she's not-so-discretely bundling up a piece of swiss chocolate into a sheet of paper, with a note that has the audacity to make her intentions known near immediately.
' Here, in case you are still upset with me for failing to show up to dinner the previous evening. '
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;; i hide my likes so i can’t get shamed for the amount of moicy that i like
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{JC Leyendecker pose study} in Moicy. Did this to challenge myself to see how I work with photo reference and accuracy. it was SO HARD
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how does it feel to be in love? ’ //hello :)
Angela paused for a moment and then hugged herself with a smile “ Being in love feels like a warm sweater on a cold day. It feels like butterflies in your stomach. It’s almost an overwhelming feelings you can describe it yet it’s indescribable all at the same time — “
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// hello c: if anyone wants to rp here or on discord. i’m active on both pretty heavily even when i’m at work. replies will just be slow :|
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thread for @thescienceofstardust
Angela as always was up early every morning. It was just a thing she’d done since she was little. She left the warm bed besides her partner, chills running down her spine when her feet hit the cold wooden floor. When she walked past the door she pulled her white robe off of it, putting it on once she walked down the hallway and to the kitchen. She started a pot of coffee , then proceeded to idly walk around and make herself a small bowl of cereal.
After she finished her cereal the coffee had been brewed, she grabbed her favorite mug and poured her coffee in it along with cream and sugar. Angela walked out onto the balcony attached to her apartment and leaned against the rail gently sipping her coffee as she watched the finish it’s rise.
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“ I — oh? “ She paused a moment before she spoke to him. She always spent most of her time alone or with her patients that needed her. She didn’t do much for herself, she didn’t feel the need to but, to have someone offer to take her someone to dinner, to spend time with her, definitely gave her butterflies.
Glancing down at the floor she tugged on the sleeves of her lab coat and shook her head gently. “ Oh, Genji you really don’t have to do that. I love helping you and being there for you. But, i don’t ask for anything in return from you. ” She was only being honestly, she appreciated the gesture but, didn’t want him to feel like he had to do things for her.
@mulitverseofrp Cont.[X]
"Oh I love sweets! I would love to-- no wait!" The cyberninja stops mid-word. He didn't want Angela to do something to him. He wanted to be the one to provide that for her. So he cleared his throat to compose himself and tried to clarify his true intentions.
"I mean... Doctor Ziegler I asked this because I would like to take you out to eat something you like. You've done so much for me that at least I should take you to a restaurant or something. What do you think?" The other's metallic voice sounded a little nervous. Yet relieved to finally ask her that directly.
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"Dr Ziegler… what would be your favorite food? Just pure curiosity..." asked a somewhat nervous Genji.
Angela gently tapped her fingers on her chin in thought for a moment before it came to her. “ Smulpaj! A dish i haven’t had in ages. It’s very sweet and almost like a pie texture. I could make you some if you’re interested, Genji. “
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