#[ they give my butterflies lol ]
tj-crochets · 3 months
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Behold the magnificent walrus fairy!
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honimello · 9 months
gritty close ups of terzo that i adore:
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I’m not very articulate unfortunately but now that I’ve made this sideblog I wanted to get some thoughts out. I do see the logic when folks say that Arthur mostly experienced bad things in regards to magic, so it makes sense why he was wary of it/didn’t alter the laws since he didn’t know about Merlin’s guardian angel tendencies/etc. BUT. If we’re going with the magic is a queer metaphor (or just using it as one of many real life parallels) then I got to say. If you’re homophobic or your dad’s a queerphobic/bigoted politician who sanctions their murder and you haven’t explicitly said oh yeah I really don’t agree with that. Then queer people will probably not go out of their way to be kind to you while also letting you know they’re queer. They’re going to be wary and many will be antagonistic, and if there are queer people in your life they’ll probably keep mum because saying anything risks their life/security, and even freedom, in a way that’s distinct and sometimes worse than the restriction of freedom the closet imposes. 
In the same vein I feel like well if magic was banned in Camelot, and we know that even innocent people using it for, idk, healing a cut, got persecuted, then why would magic users be tripping over themselves to explicitly show Arthur how they’re using “good” magic. It’d put them in danger! Even if they were being helpful they’d not be telling Arthur they were being magically helpful (on account of the tyrant father’s laws still existing). Only sorcerers who are about to Revenge it Up (or power-grab it up) will likely be found out as sorcerers (on account of the occasional monologue and gold flashing eyes as they try to stab u).
Arthur just couldn’t have realistically seen an equivalently diverse number of people doing benevolent magic as long as all magic, no exceptions, was technically still illegal. (Though he does see some instances of ‘good’ magic!)
And about magical people close to Arthur not telling him for so long (Merlin, Morgs), I think they had many understandable reasons. At one point if you live long enough in a place where various parts of your identity can be legally prosecuted, or are liable to be socially persecuted, it’s physically hard to even get the words out. From personal experience the fear is just very encompassing, and it sucks to think that you very likely have to bear agression or worse if you want to let people you care about know. Plus, for Merlin I imagine a part of the situation was that telling Arthur would risk their closeness, which is pretty important to his ability to protect him. And Merlin believes that if he protects Arthur, the prophecy dictates at some point in the future magic will be legalized (which it does become, but it’s mentioned so briefly at the end. Could we not have had a happier ending??) :( I have a lot of other thoughts on this specific topic that I’ve tearfully jotted down over the years about how I understand why Merlin didn’t tell his friends (I’m less tearful about it now haha I was just Going Through It back then), but I fear I’ll still be incomprehensible and even more rambly, so I’ll avoid doing that right now. ANYWAY sorry for the ramble. I just made this sideblog and realized I can share some of the things that have been rolling around in my mind for years. Okay now I’m gonna go back to being in denial over the ending :) 
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theribbonmarkedroom · 5 months
Missed them just a little 🤏🏾
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wifiwuxians · 1 year
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the little familiars looked like they were gonna hold hands or high five or something
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nonokoko-draws · 8 months
Do you guys see my vision
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startistdoodles · 2 years
Thank you guys for all the love and support over my work lately btw 😭 its such a joy to share my lil stories and ideas with yall, and to hear positive feedback and see how my ideas/headcanons have inspired so many of you makes me feel all giddy inside 💖💕 so thank you aaaa 🥺💖
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rottiens · 7 months
roleplaying with an ai can never beat the joy and fluidity and comfort of roleplaying with a real human (especially if that person is your friend) (and knows your fav as well as you do)
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dieonysucc · 2 years
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Barbara Roberts
Nickname: Barbie ✨💕
Favorite Color: Pink and Lilac
Favorite Drink: Hot Chocolate
Favorite Film: Barbie and the Island Princess
Height: 5’5
Named after the famous gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss herself, Barbara “Barbie” Roberts. The once shy and introverted turned, fashion adviser, vet tech, pageant queen, and occasional birthday party princess ✨
PSSSSSSSS: Definitely go and check out @lacunafiction ‘s “The Fernweh Saga” immediately!111!
If you think the cast hasn’t been forced to watch the entirety of the BCU (Barbie Cinematic Universe and as of 2023 currently sitting at 42 films 💅), you need to spend more time with Barbie.
Barbie and Mrs. Verner will never get along … at first. Barbie isn’t one to not have the first AND last words in a conversation. (Definitely not my way of saying the office scene with R would turn out any different but…. 👀 Mrs. Verner will know she’s making a mistake even if it means Barbie has to talk over her to get her point across.)
But I also like to think that they would swimming get along once they have a common interest (cough R cough) because Barbie sees Mrs. Verner as a respectable, powerful woman. Hopefully Mrs. Verner can also see that in Barbie.
💕B - They are so in tune with each other that they unknowingly copy the other’s movements. Literally the bestest of friends. Would have shared a bed with B because why wouldn’t you want a week long sleepover with your bestie as you explore your childhood town!
💕S - Once they are in a deeper relationship, Barbie and S would braid each other’s hair. Barbie also adopts adding a pink section of hair to match S’ cerulean. Mrs. Dorian would also have so many pictures of S and Barbie napping on the couch.
💕R - R once broke Barbie’s Barbie in a game of keep away in grade school, which made Barbie cry in front of R for the first time. R promptly had Mrs. Verner buy them a new one to give to Barbie. Barbie also had an Ken/Barbie doll that she forced R to play with (“Because you both have blonde hair and live in a cool, dream house!”) and eventually gave them before they left. I like to think that R still has that doll :).
💕J - Their matching necklace is actually two half’s of a butterfly that magnetically connects to make a whole butterfly. If there was an option to hug J though-out the story, you better bet your bottom dollar that Barbie would hug them through-out.
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"Don't you ever wonder what waits beyond the stars,"
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"Where the sun we know is only a cinder in the sky?"
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
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xiao zhan for mengniu xinyangdao
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
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No One: @disneyfan50 : *still being the most amazing friend by sending all this stuff, some of which I did know and some of which I didn't know was coming* I'm always going to say this each time we do packages: thank you so much! Though uh, here's hoping if we ever do packages again, the parcel people don't demand custom clearance again...that was just an annoyance.
Bonus, this amazing drawing by @disneyfan50 of disneyfan50's and my wizard101 oc's from what we call our trio au:
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From left to right: Cassandra NightHaven (belongs to me) being a baby dork with a dragon, Valerian WillowForge looking both confused and concerned about a skull he's found and Iridian ShadowWard being grumpy with another dragon (both ocs belonging to @disneyfan50 ).
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wowowwild · 1 year
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I finally was ok with the outlines and then I colored it in with the worst colored pencils known to man RIP lol
But for my free day I wanted to take a stab at traditional art (I haven't completed a traditional piece since high school). I'm better at sketching traditional and coloring digital so I got myself a document scanner but I need a new drawing program that is either free or I can buy outright. I used to used autodesk sketchbook but I would have to pay monthly for it now.
Anyway it's Taka and one of Nahyuta's butterflies! I've never drawn either of these before but I think I did ok for my first time. Much better than the horse attempt (we don't talk about the horse attempt). I cannot figure out how bird bodies work fr though. They are such shapes.
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
i know you’ve fallen asleep because i woke up to your message 🥺🩷💎 but i still wanted to send you an ask <3
you’re my precious crystal gem 💎🥺🩷 i wanna be there for you no matter what 🥹🩷 you’re my favorite person, writer and everything 🥺🩷
i hope you’re sleeping well i’m sending you lots of kisses because i wish you were here with me so much 🥺🩷 mwah mwah!!
🥺🥺🥺 my baby~
my precious beautiful cherry bear blossom 🥺🩵🩵 just like you wanna be there for me, i always wanna be there for you too 🥺 my favorite everything in the world~ 🥺🩵
i slept super well all because of you 🥺 i’m receiving your hugs and kisses and sending you many many more in return >3< mwah mwah~ wish i was there with you so i could shower you in kisses like you deserve!! 🩵🩵
unrelated but i was searching for a squishmallow to name after you and turns out there’s actually a squishmallow named cherry!
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but here’s the weird part… the cherry squishmallow is…. a plum? 🤨 what’s going on here?
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sundial-girl · 1 year
Do you have any references for your sona? (Or oc or something I’m sorry if I got that wrong)
no ur right that's my sona (ig?) lolol
im gonna b real w/ u i dont have any proper reference for em 😭😭 its??? just me in a random ass bee costume 😭 lmfao
idk if this helps but here's smthn kinda shitty i did on my phone just now of me. some things are still kinda off but? reveal i suppose
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harmcityherald · 1 year
I was really close. I'm not really sure how long it's been going on, but let's just suffice it to say that I was ready to call all my doctors and tell them that I wasn't coming back for any treatments. I had made my mind up on it. You get really tired of the pain, and all the Hoops you've got to jump through. And it just seems sometimes that nothing they do can stop the cancer, so I was about to give up. In fact I pretty much did. And then who comes sailing across my Dash with a brand new diagnosis of cancer and all the feelings that go along with that. So I reached out. And when I did I realized all the words that I was saying all the encouragement that I was giving were things that were said to me at one time or another that I took to heart. And it made me realize that I had lost my way. So in reaching out to another person I had once again found my courage, that's really the only word for it. So today is a completely different day than yesterday. And it's really funny how something so small can change such a big thing in your life in such a short amount of time. Leonidas flights on, no matter what we're all going to have pitfalls and we're all going to fall into them the important part is how you crawl out of them.
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