murkclan-mishaps · 4 months
Moon 0, Part 4
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Serpentstar is thinking about driving out The Pawprint Tree.
Leviathanflood is giving advice to Serpentstar.
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murkclan-mishaps · 4 months
More Shiningwind Stuff
Since a lot of people seem to like Shiningwind, I’m gonna give you guys some more information ‘bout him.
He was born during Leaf-bare
He was honored for his energy at his naming ceremony
He doesn’t like to fight
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murkclan-mishaps · 4 months
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murkclan-mishaps · 4 months
Moon 0, Part 3
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Olivekit bounded up to big sister, Nettlemeadow. Nettlemeadow paused her conversation between her father and Shiningwind, and turned her attention to the young kit.
“Teach me how to hunt!” Olivekit shouted, puffing up her fur.
Shadysky spoke up, amused by his daughter’s antics.
“Just a couple more moons, Olivekit,” he stated.
Olivekit made her eyes big, trying to awe her way into early training.
“Pleasssse,” She pleaded, her voice wobbly.
Wanted to get the updates out sooner so say goodbye to complicated text
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murkclan-mishaps · 4 months
MurkClan Size Chart
yes Leviathanflood is more than double the size of the leader, he lives up to his name
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murkclan-mishaps · 4 months
Moon 0, Part 2
not so proud of this drawing, but pretty happy with the story
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As the sun rose to its daily highest, a yowl cuts across camp. Heads turned towards the sound. A brown cat stands upon an old truck.
“Let all cats able gather before the Befallen Monster for a Clan meeting!” He calls out. His pelt is the color of clay that darkens in certain areas. His body is slender and sharp, giving him a serpentine aura. This was not helped by his piercing yellow eyes cut only by a black slit of a pupil. Atop his head lay a slightly wilted black hollyhock flower. A flower not found in or near the Clan’s swamp territory. As his mouth curves into a smile, his long and deadly fangs gleamed in the sunlight. 
“As you all know, our beloved leader, Rustlestar, has joined the ranks of StarClan,” his face temporarily turned saddened, then returned to his smile and quickly moved on.
“Last night I visited our ancestors to be blessed with nine lives and a new name,” The cats burst out with yowls of his new name.
“Serpentstar! Serpentstar! Serpentstar!” The cats were then silenced with a flick of the new leader’s tail.
“As for who will lead beside me, I have thought long and hard. I am now certain that my decision is the right one,” All cats ears were pricked up now, wondering who was going to be chosen. A few stood tall, expecting a chance of deputyship. 
Serpentstar’s eyes settled on one cat. A cat with his head down and eyes settled on the ground; his head still clouded with grief.
“Shiningwind will be my deputy,” Shiningwind’s blue eyes shot up at his name. He sat there surprised, why had he been chosen?
“I trust you to follow in your father’s pawprints as you help me lead this Clan to greatness,” Serpentstar’s forked tongue flicked across his jaws as he stared down at the stunned tom. 
“There is more to be said in rank changes for today,” He mewed cheerily. 
“Pythonmask,” a gray, round head popped up from the crowd. His face’s appearance gave away his name. His eyes and top muzzle was covered in dark gray, almost black fur, striking contrast against his eyes.
“You have served this Clan for many moons, and I hope your retirement is long and peaceful, old friend,” Serpentstar continued. “As we lose a warrior, we also gain one,” a small, pink tom with a large white patch covering half his face, padded toward the front of the gathered cats. 
“My dear grandson. I, Serpentstar, leader of MurkClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard under Topazpetal to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn,” He spoke diligently as he looked down at the young cat twitching in anticipation.
“Smallpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” A pause, then Smallpaw spoke up cheerily.
“I do,” Serpentstar smiled a flicked out his tongue again before continuing. 
“Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Smallpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Smallpelt. StarClan honors your… self-respect, and we welcome you as a full warrior of MurkClan,”
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
oh heck I forgot his mouth
eh too late, into the reveal-in-comic bin where it can join Serpentstar’s snake tounge
Smallpelt Reference Sheet
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So here he is, the newest warrior of MurkClan and Serpentstar’s grandson. Really disappointed what ClanGen named him, and most likely going to change his suffix, but don’t know what to change it to.
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
Smallpelt Reference Sheet
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So here he is, the newest warrior of MurkClan and Serpentstar’s grandson. Really disappointed what ClanGen named him, and most likely going to change his suffix, but don’t know what to change it to.
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
Shiningwind Reference Sheet
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Changed his design up a bit and revealed his eyes.
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
Pythonmask Reference Sheet
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Round old man Pythonmask likes to loaf, and will draw it later.
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
Serpentstar Reference Sheet
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He wears black hollyhocks as a power move cause they don’t grow in their territory, and also it hides the scar that made him crazy.
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
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The current MurkClan Family Tree is insane. Gonna take awhile to finalize some designs. Gonna post Serpentstar’s design soon.
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
Moon 0 Part 2 Sneak Peak
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Since I wanted the story to start at MurkClan’s tenth leader, there is a huge family tree dominating most of the Clan, and I want to get it mapped out first before fully designing the Clan Cats. So Shiningwind will most likely change in design somewhat. Luckily the new leader here is a former loner so he doesn’t have any family traits I could make up in his family’s designs yet.
Will start posting their designs as they appear in the comic.
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
MurkClan Alligiances
LEADER:Serpentstar—118 moon old bloodthirsty tom who is a good fighter and good teacher
DEPUTY:Shiningwind—102 moon old adventerous tom who is a great kitsitter and a good mediator
SPIRIT WALKER:Dartnettle—31 moon old confident molly who is a den builder and a learner of lore
MEDICINE CAT:Rindlefern—124 moon old troublesome tom who is a formidable fighter and has a keen eye
WARRIORS: Leviathanflood—124 moon old confident tom who is a fish-like swimmer
Whimsy—101 moon old childish molly who is an incredible runner
Mudslidecry—95 moon old playful tom who is a great mediator and a learner of lore
Topazpetal—95 moon old thoughtful tom who is an impressive climber
Fluffyegg—95 moon old ambitious tom who is an excellent teacher
Hazelbull—80 moon old vengeful tom who is a great speaker
Checkhov’s Gun—73 moon old loyal molly who is a skilled mediator
Lochflow—64 moon old righteous tom who is an unusually strong fighter
Shadysky—59 moon old ambitious tom who is a good teacher and has steady paws
Nettlemeadow—31 moon old daring molly who is an unusually strong fighter and a den builder
Smallpelt—13 moon old childish tom who is a good mediator and a good climber
APPRENTICES: Slumberpaw—13 moon old insecure tom who is a picky nest builder, mentored by Dartnettle
Bubblingpaw—13 moon old sincere molly who is an avid play-fighter and oddly observant, mentored by Hazelbull
Tunnelpaw—9 moon old righteous molly with an active imagination, mentored by Lochflow
Valerianpaw—9 moon old flamboyant tom who is a moss-ball hunter, mentored by Leviathanflood
QUEENS:Auburndawn—98 moon old charismatic molly who is a great hunter and a good fighter
KITS:Olivekit—4 moon old sweet tom who is an avid play-fighter
ELDERS:Pythonmask—134 moon old confident tom who is an excellent teacher
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murkclan-mishaps · 5 months
Moon 0, Part 1
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The last lights of day cast the camp in a russet hue. Clouds covered the sky, threatening thunder despite no smell of rain. Few cats lay in the clearing at this time. Two brown toms lay next to each other, chatting. Another, darker, brown tom came through the entrance. Hanging from his mouth was…another brown tom, older looking. The cats in the clearing stopped chatting and stared. The one at the entrance set the body down. One of the brown toms breathed in sharply, then leaped up and sprinted towards the body before skidding to a stop right in front of the still thing. He lunged into it, paws over it and digging his head into the remaining of warmth. The cat by the entrance sits, looking into the eyes of the other brown cat as he approached the body as well. He glanced at the grieving cat and then back up to the eyes of the darker tom.
“Is it…is it his last…?” The cat asked. The darker tom looked down as he answered, tail swishing in front of him  and settling on his paws.
“I’m afraid so, Shiningwind,” he replied. Shiningwind frowned and closed his eyes, tears pricking his vision. He stood there a moment, stunned. Then he collapsed alongside the other and weaned strong tears. 
“Who-who did this?” The other asked, staring up at the dark cat with anger. He still sat calmly.
“I think we both know who did this,”
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