txboi-us-blog · 1 year
I am actually getting a lot bigger. I surprise myself because I've forgotten in a haze of fatigue that lasted for a few days. But I am still as big as I was and more so than my last growth session. I need to pump my cock too. If I believe in myself I can make very exciting progress.
There is a very important healing element to getting bigger, and there is a very important cognitive aspect to it that involves believing in myself. I am going to keep working on getting bigger. I am going to keep believing in myself.
I want you to suspend disbelief in yourself and think about growing your muscles. I want you to suspend disbelief and prepare yourself for the powerful healing desire of your muscles. You must learn to submit yourself to it with a kind of sacred honor and seriousness.
I say these words to you as Muscle Monk because it is my mission. But I am saying them to myself in earnest.
Growth and strength come from the deep structure of the self. How this happens is something biophysics is still trying to theorize. But we do it naturally, don't we? This is the wisdom of the flesh.
The process of muscular growth is a powerful form of self awareness and it will lead you into a higher state of consciousness and a more sensitive connectedness with your body, others and the earth. This much we know.
Let us save the world with muscle.
Train like a Bodhisattva.
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