murderermallow-blog · 9 years
I think the most entertaining thing I’ve ever witnessed was these two popular girls in my grade trying to explain boob sizes and bra sizes to their boyfriends. One of the dudes literally went “Guys have three boob sizes. Tiny, big, and watermelon”
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
Story Time With Silver
“Use protection!” Mat called down the hallway
“Fuck you!” Mitch yelled back
“I would, except Jerome would castrate me, then force me to eat my own testicles!”
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
Tumblr Suicide Watch needs you!
We are Tumblr Suicide Watch, a suicide watch group that tries to talk to and help people who are suicidal or struggling otherwise. 
We are currently looking for new admins to join the TSWatch Team.
What do we do?
1. Reports. We post reports of tumblr users in need (and who have consented) and we reach out to them, talk to them, and do all we can to help them and keep them safe. 
2. Advice. We get upwards of 50 messages a day, asking for advice or help in one area or another. We, of course, answer them to the best of our abilities. 
3. Live chat. We are in the process of setting up a live chat system on our page. We will need admins who can speak one-on-one with people who come with various questions, problems and situations. 
4. Behind the scenes work. We have pages and resources to update and maintain, and we have an active skype group where discussions and announcements are held.
Who can apply?
For the live chat, we are open to all applicants.
For blog admins, while we do accept all applicants, we’re looking specifically for people who are:
Not female
Older than 25
From racial backgrounds other than white
Under the MOGAI/LGBTQIAP+ umbrella
From or living in areas other than the USA 
Able to communicate in languages other than English
And/or have personal experience in one or more of following areas:
Bipolar Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 
Dissociative Identity Disorder 
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Addiction / substance abuse
Physical disability
Lastly, admins must be in the process of recovery. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have bad days or struggle, but you should be aiming for a positive and healthy life and trying to work towards that.
Being an admin on TSWatch is a responsibility. While it is 100% voluntary, we really need people who are going to be dedicated to helping run this blog. You need to be able to commit at least a few times a week, on average. 
How can you apply?
If you wish to be an blog admin on TSWatch, the application is here.
If you wish to help out on the live chat, the application is here. 
What are we looking for in your applications?
We’re looking for sincere answers that are both encouraging and helpful. Your advice should be unique, constructive and tailored specifically to the question. We also like answers of decent lengths (more than one paragraph is preferred) and that includes links to resources. 
A good rule of thumb is: give advice that you would like to be given if the situation was reversed.
Please help us by reblogging this post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in our inbox. Thank you!
- The TSWatch team
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
I’m always a slut for well-written, recently updated, fanfiction.
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
But In All Honesty
What’s the point of trying to make friends and be a good person and finish school and don’t so drugs blah blah blah if we’re all just going to die? I’m just gonna become the leader of a crime syndicate that secretly rules the world and everyone’s terrified of us and I’m going to die when I’m like twenty three. You know, as one does
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
Tumblr media
@sixpenceee Because you are such a popular blog I thought you can share this and many people will see and it kinda fits with ur blog but its very important and it needs to be spread
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
i see way too many “reblog if” posts around to be comfortable with reblogging them all individually so here’s a condensed list version:
i support your gender
i support your orientation
i support your race
i support your health
i support your rights
my askbox is open if you need me
my askbox is open if you want to say hi
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
Reblog/like if you honestly really miss Setosorcerer and hope he’s ok
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
I have a journal with song lyrics all over, and a teacher gave me a ten minute long lecture on why it’s “inappropriate for school”, not because it has the word fuck on it three times, but because I have the lines “Let’s blow a hole in this town” and “Gunning out of this place in a bullet’s embrace” from the song “Bullet Heart” on it, and I’m apparently a suicide promoting terrorist because I like My Chemical Romance
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
if i made a pack fandom map (like the sidemen fam did) would you guys use it or???
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
If eight year old me saw what I look like and doing with my life, she would be fucking terrified
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
Can We Please
Talk about the fact that Justin is finally recording with Mitch and Jerome and them again? That hasn’t been a thing since TNT Wars
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
My cats are sick. Please help.
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Hi guys,
Sorry for this text post.
But I really, really need help.
Anything, anything would help.
About two days ago, one of my cats got sick. I took her to the vet and they told me to expect at least 400-500 dollars of fee. And I went to a new vet for a free first examination, so I really tried not to spend too much money. The vet said she had a fever and that could be induced from either bacterial infection or by her swallowing something she isn’t supposed to. I got her fluid injection and other shots, but I couldn’t do everything the vet recommended due to my financial situation. I’m a college student and I’m broke. I rarely have food to eat and I recently (as in a couple weeks ago) got disowned by my mother. My father is bankrupt in another country. Thankfully, the tuition was paid before I got disowned, so I am still able to attend and graduate this year, hopefully. This isn’t to say that I have no ways of financial means– I do have a job. I work at school, with work-study program. I am still a full-time student, so I only earn just enough to feed myself and my cats. I know some of you would be asking why I even have cats to begin with if I can’t even take care of them… I have a lot of issues… I have anxiety attacks and I deal with depression and bipolar depression on daily basis. The cats are my only source of sanity. They bring me joy to my depressing little life, and helps me keep going. I did save one of my cats from getting killed by the shelter, because he was “too much work” for them.
Anyways, this morning, I noticed that my other cat (in the picture) was getting sick as well. I was cleaning out the litter box and saw that he had a bloody stool. I’m going to a different vet this time, again for a discount on the vet visit, but I am absolutely terrified of the costs and the health of my cat. I don’t know if I will be able to afford to keep them healthy. This particular one hasn’t been growing lately– for a 7 month cat, he looks only about 4 months old from how small he is. I was getting concerned, but after seeing his bloody stool, I was terrified. 
With everything going on in my life, I really need financial support. I was hoping you could donate some amount of money– even $5 would help. 
My paypal is [email protected]
I also do commissions – Commission information here
Please, please help me.
Even if you cannot donate, please help spread the word by reblogging.
Thank you so much.
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
This Is An Issue
I ship Noochless, but I also ship Poofless and NoochZahHutt. And ChocoZahHutt. But I ship Kenoco. And I ship AciDicKenworth. And AciDicCraftFTW. And don’t even get me started on Vikklan and TBNRDuty. At least I steadily ship Merome. I think.
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
But Vikk is all like “I post eighty videos a day, every day”, and I’m like “My biggest life achievement was finding a shiny Pikachu”
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murderermallow-blog · 9 years
If you have the Calculator% app or any other hider app(things that hide apps and pictures), GET RID OF IT QUICKLY. This jackass district attorney has put the lives of a lot of teens in danger by revealing these apps to parents. Now parents everywhere are going through their kids’ phones, looking for trouble(which they’ll likely find). 
Closeted teens everywhere are likely in a lot of danger right now. If you use a hider app to hide resources or a diary or anything else, it’s very possible your family might find it. 
Please please help yourself and remove these apps immediately! Switch your SD card if you need to!  I’m not even trying to scare people but I know that when I was a teen, had mom found my hider app I would have been in for a world of hurt. Please be safe!
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