So, like - is it just me... Or is Tumblr extra janky these days??
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Oh - so, how're the kids finding RP partners these days? Are promos still a thing? Tag system still knackered with regards to helping find content creators..? 
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Low key starter call?
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To do - just so people know where I’m at.
Bio and Personality
Audrey II LeFou Cornelius  Hux  Ivy Dolly Walter (Also - add to muse page) Waylon Joker Mr. Freeze.
Dandy Eileen Edyth Anne Eric Harley Guy Hector Alejandra Luca Leo Hilda Phil
Make less... (You just gestured to all of me)
April Jackson Julian Martin
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I want to come back, I really do - and I keep on saying I will. It’s optimism that makes me do it. My son is now reliably falling asleep around 7 most nights (although the dreaded 4-month sleep regression looms on the horizon) so hopefully - I should be able to dedicate some time to writing again because I miss it so much it aches.
My plan is to complete bios for all my current muses - even if it’s just something rough, to give a vague idea - and then to ease back into writing again, but capping the number of threads I will do, as I currently let them spiral.
Speaking of which, I have deleted all drafts, liked-to-go-into-drafts and asks from my inbox to give myself a fresh start. HOWEVER, I don’t view anything I’ve dropped as ‘dropped’ entirely - if there is anything anyone wants to keep, let me know and I’ll tend to it when I can. Otherwise, just keep an eye out for a fresh starter call / spicy memes at some point,. 
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I'm too chicken to come off anon right now, but I'm so happy I found your blog again! I hadn't realized you'd moved and I missed seeing you around.
I am so sorry it’s taken me like a month to reply to this Anon - I’ve been rather busy. But I hope you know that this message made me do a little happy dance when it arrived and I’m glad you found me again! When you’re feeling a little bit more brave, let me know. I’m hoping to ease myself back into my blog now things are a little more settled.
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I mean, you leave for three months and all the bots pile on don’t they?
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I’m coming back, I promise - but having a new born baby is a bit of a time sink ;)
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       Heals click across the aged wood floor,        manicured fingers resting on ruby lips.        Many terrible ideas had crossed Jolene’s         mind at one time or another in her short life,        but this by far was the worst.
       Deceit, deception – it’d brought her here.         To the vipers den. Surrounded by death        eaters – her blood status a ruse. Fraud,        chicanery, infidelity – L I E S. Her only true        talent had cursed her.
       A fair arm came to rest across her stomach        – pacing ceased. Icicles on her spine cracked,        and filled her body with splinters of frost        – second thoughts. She couldn’t do this.        She should throw her heals by the door, and        drape her dress across the chair. She should              lay on the bed – retreat to the rushed whispers        and curses, to the sweat, and pools of igneous        need, to the lies.
       Foot steps resonate from the hall. The door        knob turned, sticking slightly as it always did,        before the wood gave way. 
       Her hand – thin and delicate, fell to her side.
       His smile. The one he reserved just for her.        She savored it.
       Jolene’s teeth grazed across her bottom lip –        chapped canyons drenched in lipstick and ruin.
“ Lucius ”        her voice – snow in April oozing honey held        a small quiver. 
       This had gone on long enough for any foolish        dreams of something more to wither and die        – yet his gaze never ceased to send tremors        of static through her. 
“ You came. “
He likes the way she says his name - likes the sound of her voice - likes the other noises he can get her to make even more. He likes to look at her - she is pale and beautiful, like his wife - but she wraps herself in red and while usually, that was a colour worn by those he hated - she always looks resplendent in it. It reminds him - perhaps subconsciously - of the blood pounding its way through his veins... 
And how she makes his blood pound. 
He does not love her - rather like he does not love Narcissa - but he loves her company and, perhaps naively, he thinks it almost the same. 
“Of course I did.” He says warmly, draping his cloak over a chair, before approaching her, hands slipping around her slim waist with an ease and comfort that would be telling to any outside observer that this is not a fledgeling tryst but something long-lived and well practised. “How could I not?”
He would have to discourage her from getting too used to it after all - on the ladder of priorities, after all, she was nearly the bottom rung... And it would not do to have her growing cold or jealous or even dangerous.
Narcissa, he doubted, would leave were his infidelity uncovered - but it would make their uneasy marriage unbearable and the rest of his life difficult, at least, for some time.
“You know I can refuse you nothing.”
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Christina Fink
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“Same as always, I suppose.” She shrugs, her hair a festive pine green ( if only to annoy Moody, who was still stomping around, grumping about it being the wrong month for celebrations ). “Spend the day with my parents, travel to see what’s left of my dad’s family. I’ll probably eat too much and set something on fire again, too.” Ah, fond memories of Christmas traditions - whether they’d been intentionally started or not. “What about you? Going home to see your family?”
“Yeah, I think if my Ma found out I had it off and I didn’t come home she might actually hunt me down and kill me.” And, of course, he wants to. His family is loud and annoying and due to nothing else but them being together (never mind how many of them there were) it would be impossible to navigate the time together without arguments breaking out... But they’re his family and Christmas... It’s special. He missed out on it far too much when at school and since school - well... He’s still been missing them. “Got to be better than being around Moody at least-” Who seemed exceptionally moody as the festive period loomed. 
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harley quinn quote starters  .   
always feel free to change pronouns!
001.   ❛  now this is funny  !   ❜
002.   ❛  look out world  ,  here i come  !    ❜
003.   ❛  why’d you stay with me all day  ?  ❜
004.   ❛  fluffy slipper attack  !  ❜
005.   ❛  i’m known to be quite vexing  ,  i’m just forewarning ya’  !  ❜
006.  ❛   i know how to make some smiles  .  .   .   ❜
007.   ❛  this time  ,  baby  ,  the jokes on you  !   ❜
008.   ❛  you think i’m just a doll  .    ❜
009.   ❛  gimme some sugar  ,  baby  !   ❜
010.   ❛  i’m going to kill you  .  .  .  for everything you’ve done to me  .  ❜
011.   ❛   why can’t a girl be nice to a guy without the mook trying to murder her  ?!    ❜
012.   ❛   oh  ,  it’s nice to be drugged and wake up handcuffed in a lair  .  ❜
013.   ❛   it’s the guy from legend  !  i love that movie  !  ❜
014.   ❛   what can I tell ya’  ?  the guy just did it for me  !  ❜
015.   ❛   we’re bad guys  .  it’s what we do  .   ❜
016.   ❛   pleased to meet’cha  !  ❜
017.   ❛   oh   ,  it’s gonna be fun kill you  .  .  .   ❜
018.   ❛   look on the bright side   -  tomorrow you’ll be feeding hundreds of hungry cats  !  ❜
019.   ❛   you really know how to put the  “ fun "  in  ” funeral “   . ❜
020.   ❛   i never felt so beautifully rendered in my entire life  !  ❜
021.   ❛   i ate thirty four candy canes and six candy bars  .  ❜
022.   ❛   have you guys heard this new taylor swift song  ?  it’s sooo good  !   ❜
023.   ❛   i’ll never understand why superman wears the same outfits every day  .  ❜
024.   ❛   i have proved i love you  !  ❜
025.   ❛   sorry .  .  .  the voices  .  i’m kidding  !    .  .  .  that’s not what they really said  .  ❜
026.   ❛   you think you’re scary  !  well  ,  i’ve seen scary and you don’t have his smile .  ❜
027.   ❛   jeez  !   ❜
028.   ❛   i’d be a shame to get blood all over my nice new outfit  !   ❜
029.   ❛   love your perfume  !  what’s that  ?  the stench of death  ?  ❜
030.   ❛   wee  !  look at the pretties  !  ❜
031.   ❛   i’m bored .  .  .  play with me  .  ❜
032.   ❛   hey  ,  everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff  ,  right   ?   ❜
033.   ❛   i’m off my meds  !  ❜
034.   ❛   i’m gonna go boom … or splat  !  or boom - splat  !    ❜ 
035.   ❛   not funny  ,  creep  .  ❜
036.   ❛  he killed them  .  ❜
037.   ❛   doesn’t matter who hurt you or broke you down  ,  what matters is who made you smile again  .  ❜
038.   ❛   you’re a certified nutso  !   ❜
039.   ❛   something tells me a whole lotta people are about to die  !  ❜
040.   ❛   another night i get all dolled up and another night i get the boot  !  ❜
041.   ❛   dont'cha knock before entering a ladies boudoir  ?  ❜
042.   ❛   it’s amazing what’cha find in people’s glove compartments  !   ❜
043.   ❛   hi puddin  !  miss me  ?  ❜
044.   ❛   i’m sick of people trying to shoot me  ,  run me over  ,  or blow me up  !  ❜
045.   ❛   hey watch those hands  ,  boy wonder  !  ❜
046.   ❛   yeesh  ! you make one little mistake and they never let’cha forget  .  ❜
047.   ❛   prepare to be perforated  ,  pally  !  ❜
048.   ❛   she shoots  ,  she scores  !  ❜
049.   ❛   whoa  ,  mama  !  check out the cute hitch - hiker  !  ❜
050.   ❛   yahtzee  !  ❜
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[text @ star]: no problem [text @ star]: seriously ani????? [text @ star]: *sighs* love you too. [text @ star]: need anything else besides bagels while i’m on it?
[Text sent to → Harri @ 12.45PM] Nah dont think so TY tho [Text sent to → Harri @ 12.47PM] Oooo unless they have those little chocolates filled w the creamy stuff?? U know the round ones????
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Bitch please. Your entire essence is a poem, stop being so humble.
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Hanging onto his words as if they were the gospel, Credence nodded almost eagerly.  He would remember that, of course, even if he didn’t fully understand its meaning at the current moment.  You deserve nothing less.  It almost sounded fake, and he would have thought it so had he not known that Percival wouldn’t lie to him.
“I do want to,” he breathed, just barely managing not to stumble over the words, “And - and I’ll try and remember.”  Credence couldn’t lie - he didn’t know how successful he would be.  He didn’t even know how to start or where to start, re-teaching himself how to think - but he certainly would do what he could.
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“Good.” He says softly. The promise to try is better than nothing after all - and Percival realises that for Credence it is probably much easier said than done. After all, how do you combat years of abuse and having your worth stripped away just because someone says you deserve better? It can’t be easy - and while the fact that Credence is alive - surviving despite everything is a credit to his strength and resilience and it gives Percival hope that maybe he’ll be able to do so one day. 
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And he would do what he could to help with that... At least, as much as he could. “You deserve so much more than you realise.”
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