139 posts
Focused on turning MTG cards into DnD objects, spells, etc. using homebrewed rules which add mana gen and spell/ability decks to DnD. All things I post to this blog use the modified rules in the #rulesoftheduels page, so check that out first! Many things can be used in regular DnD by taking out mana costs and such, but many others can't because they're actively about generating mana/have to do directly with mana. Reference Material has a lot of reference to do with objects. For instance, stat blocks of summoned creatures or effects from MTG transferred to DnD. Disclaimer: MTG and DnD are owned by Wizards of the Coast; this whole blog is just me having fun combining my two favorite things.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
At the end of each round, if a creature with Menace took damage from only one creature, the creature with Menace regains half of the damage that was dealt to it this round.
A creature with Menace is not immediately destroyed when dropping to 0 hit points or fewer hit points, but instead falls to 1 hit point and immediately checks the current round for its Menace ability (reducing the damage if applicable, though still potentially falling to 0 or fewer hit points). If the check fails, then the equipped creature falls to 0 hit points and begins death saves as normal.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Dispatch Dispensary
Find the card here
Rarity: environmental
Slot: environmental
Weight: n/a (environmental)
Attunement cost: [4][B]
Aura: conjuration
At the dispensary, spend [B][B] and send a letter through. Wait roughly 1 hour until your new rogue friend arrives. The rogue is allied to the creature which sent the letter. A party can only have one rogue from the dispensary at a time. Additional mana and letters result in nothing.
For this Rogue, use the Spy stat block and add Menace (see Reference Material) to their abilities.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Cursed Rack
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Rarity: rare
Slot: slotless
Weight: 20 lb.
Attunement cost: [4]
Aura: enchantment
Up to once per round, choose a target creature. That creature rolls a DC 17 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, until the end of the encounter, that creature’s maximum hand size is 4 cards; at the end of its turns if it has more than 4 cards in hand it discards down to 4 cards.
This effect goes into your deck.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Caged Sun
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Rarity: environmental
Slot: environmental
Weight: n/a (environmental)
Attunement cost: none
Aura: none
The GM chooses a creature type (probably not humanoid as this would be likely for antagonists' use).
Whenever creatures are in sight of the Caged Sun:
-Creatures of the chosen type gain +1 to AC, DCs from actions and abilities, attack rolls, and saving throws.
-Should a creature of the chosen type have any mana based spells, whenever it adds mana to its mana pool, it adds one additional mana to its mana pool of the same color.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Aeon Engine
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Rarity: legendary
Slot: slotless
Weight: 50 lb.
Attunement cost: [5]
Aura: enchantment
After a creature attunes to this, it cannot be used during the next encounter.
Spend [2] as an action to cause the initiative order to reverse starting at the beginning of the next round.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Vessel of Endless Rest
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Rarity: uncommon
Slot: slotless
Weight: 10 lb.
Attunement cost: [3]
Aura: divination
When you become attuned to this, choose a discarded or used card and add it back into your deck.
At the beginning of the first round of an encounter, add one mana of any color to your mana pool.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Skeleton Key (MTG)
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Rarity: rare
Slot: slotless
Weight: 0 lb.
Attunement cost: [3]
Aura: transmutation
While attuned and in possession, a creature gains a +2 to Stealth checks made against creatures larger than them.
Whenever the attuned possessor damages a creature, as a free action they may draw a card, then discard a card.
While equipped in an empty hand, attuned possessor gains a +2 to Sleight of Hand to pick locks.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Shining Armor
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Rarity: uncommon
Slot: armor
Weight: 65 lb.
Attunement cost: [4][W]
Aura: abjuration
This is a +1 plate armor.
Only a primary weapon-based attacking class can attune themself to this.
An attuned wearer has Vigilance (see Reference Material).
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Myr Reservoir
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Rarity: environmental
Slot: environmental
Weight: n/a (environmental)
Attunement cost: [3]
Aura: none
Construct (myr) creatures can add [C][C] to their mana pool up to once each round while in the reservoir or its building.
Creatures within the reservoir or its building may add [C][C] to their mana pool up to once each round. They may only use this mana to summon or create construct (myr) creatures or cast spells which benefit construct (myr) creatures.
An attuned creature may spend [3] as an action to bring target construct (myr) back to life. The resurrected myr has full hit points and is allied how it was previously.
See Reference Material for a basic Myr stat block. Would benefit best in combination with items, objects, or other effects which can summon or create myrs.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Lobe Lobber
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Rarity: rare
Slot: weapon
Weight: 10 lb.
Attunement cost: [4]
Aura: enchantment
This is a +1 futuristic firearm and consumes energy capsules of some sort as ammunition.
Firearm, ranged 100/300, ammunition (energy), two-handed, heavy.
Ranged Weapon Attack: +DEX(+proficiency if applicable) to hit, range 100/300, one target. Hit: 1d12+DEX magical bludgeoning damage and, if you are attacking during your action, roll 1d20. On the result of a 19 or 20, at the end of the current action, you gain an additional action. You can only gain 1 extra action on your turn each round from this effect.
If proficient, you may choose to use your Intelligence instead of Dexterity for rolling to hit and adding to damage rolls.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Jalum Tome
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Rarity: uncommon
Slot: slotless
Weight: 4 lb.
Attunement cost: [3]
Aura: divination
Once per round, you may pay [2] to draw a card, then discard a card.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Honor-worn Shaku
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Rarity: rare
Slot: slotless
Weight: 2 lb.
Attunement cost: [3]
Aura: divination
While held by an attuned creature, the attuned creature may use their action to add [C] to their mana pool or to a chosen creature’s mana pool within reach. The attuned creature does not regain their reaction at the beginning of their next turn.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Fellwar Stone
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Rarity: rare
Slot: slotless
Weight: 5 lb.
Attunement cost: [2]
Aura: divination
Up to once per minute as a free action, add one mana of any color to your mana pool.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
An object with Indestructible cannot be damaged, broken, or destroyed.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Deserter's Quarters
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Rarity: environmental
Slot: slotless
Weight: depends, but a lot
Attunement cost: [2]
Aura: none while inactive, transmutation while active
In the card, this takes the form of a brazen bull, but can be anything which can keep a creature inside.
As an action once a creature is placed in, an attuned creature can spend [6] to make the object Indestructible (see Reference Material).
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
Cyclopean Snare
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Rarity: rare
Slot: slotless
Weight: 1 lb.
Attunement cost: [3]
Aura: none
As a bonus action, choose a target within 15 ft. to make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target loses its reaction and cannot regain it on their next turn, and the target cannot use its action during its next turn. Once the saving throw is rolled, regardless of the result, the creature which activated this effect becomes unattuned.
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mtg2dnd · 3 years ago
War Horn
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Rarity: rare
Slot: neck or belt
Weight: 1.5 lb.
Attunement cost: [3]
Aura: none
Up to once per hour as a bonus action, an attuned creature can blow into the horn giving all allied creatures which can hear the horn a +1 enhancement bonus to all weapon attacks for 5 rounds.
This effect would go into the deck.
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