mpalimpsest · 3 months
From the womb to the womb for the womb - dear woman
Photo by Marta Dzedyshko on Pexels.com Right up until my body broke apart, I had composure. Lazy river, Hazy summer, Love. The idea that I was somehow In control, The creator of my lightness, The maker of all my dreams, Somehow disjointed yet whole, The space holder of my blue, of my storm, A sailor with a compass. With your entry into the world, A dam was released. I was swept up…
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mpalimpsest · 8 months
Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.com Face to face, I feel, I feel, The soft crescendo of your sadness within, Spilling out. I hope, deeply. That you understood that the – comma, was for you. For you to be, Unburdened. Words came, And died. I wanted to say, It will be okay. She has you, And she will always have you. Love, Your Love, All Love.
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com The soft whisper of the wind  Echoing through the cavern The air is warm  Tropical  I breathe in  The musky scent  Wondering who’s abode  I have stumbled into  As I wander further in  I reach a long winding path  With suspended doors  Reaching into eternity  Colors of deep mahogany  To vivid pinks  And mystic purples. I reach for the knob  And the…
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Night Terror
Photo by Ricardo Esquivel on Pexels.com Bond by invisible rope Extremities fighting to move  As the mouth in my minds eye  Opens wide like a black hole  Screaming  Into a void  My body  Petrified  Trapped inside a prism  With Satan on my chest  Tap tap tap  Goes his fingers on my forehead Black ink shrouding his face  Tendrils of midnight smoke trailing I scream  And scream  But…
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Danijela Dannie on Pexels.com I found myself laying down  In a pile of your old clothes  Inhaling the smell of old spice Fresh and crisp  Mixed with a tinge of musk  And a brush of coconut  A scent that is undeniably you  Unexplainable  It just is  Where everything else in the world  Is ambiguous  It feels like a pair of well worn  joggers  A magic fit  Favorite  Article…
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com In the lines of your hands There are split streams running across above and below finding a home at the base of a forest of faint trees with whispers of leaves tracing my fingers to the end comforting hoping the future in those defined grooves tell me that you will keep us safe From the outside World.
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Sam Jean on Pexels.com My eyes stare blankly into space  Thoughts of you swim in my mind  Fingers poised  Holding on to feathers  Hesitant at first  Then with vigor  Outlining your angular face  Moving  To your midnight eyes  staying here a moment  remembering  The brightness of your pupil  As it enlarges  Creasing into laugh lines  To your straight  narrow  nose the…
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
After the parade
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com A photo of a trillion galaxies  Caught on film  Made  By Human hands  And  Yet here we stand  Mere grains of sand  Smaller still  Breathing,  Living,  Making meaning  In dystopian  Society. Our worth  Unfolding  Through our causes  Agency in identity  Boundless sexuality Anything that is  Expression  In its most raw  shape. I reach for you  A…
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Visually Us on Pexels.com I try to form  Art  Mold it like clay  With deft fingers  Speaking another language  Hoping to convey  An absence of contrivance  Wishing to be  Spontaneous  With genuine force  Where beauty showcases  Each and every aspect  Individually  However  Juxtaposed  To enhance  And not take away  But form  Pushes me to meddle With the…
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Own It
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com The ivy plant drapes On the sill  Simultaneously  Stretching wide   As it  Climbs down to the floor  Completely unaware  Of its occupation of space Beautiful 
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Maksim Goncharenok on Pexels.com I believe in the little things  The sweet hellos when I pass you  The knowing smile  The wave from afar  The beauty of it  Individualized  But part of a cosmic whole Patterns that speak  For each and every instance means  More than you know 
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Aaron Burden on Pexels.com Like culled wild flowers Words pulled from roots  Only to touch upon  rudimentary meaning  Depth evading us  For we feel  And feel Until our eyes fill with tears Mourning  The dead flowers  In our heart. 
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Moussa Idrissi on Pexels.com Amber liquid sloshing My mind in a stupor  Thoughts of you rein  One more drink  Please
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Writer's Block
Writer’s Block
Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com With the ease of a gel ink pen  I wrote about you. Leaking fluid in-between letters. Smearing  The pastel purple As my left hand moved.  Sometimes  the indent of the sliver bit  Touching paper Bled dry  Forming words  Like a ghost With a transparent shadow.  As I finished writing I stare at  The complete mess  I thought  How It mimics  our…
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by Natasha Fernandez on Pexels.com Eyelashes flutter  Staring ahead  Knitting together to form lines  Around the eyes  Watching you move into frame  Blink  And you come  Closer Blink  And we  Meet. 
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Cross Cultural Dysphoria
Photo by Steve Johnson on Pexels.com Write it down on paper they said  Define it with words That do not exist  Ambiguous  Like my identity  I’m  Chinese  American  With a hint  of Vietnam My ancestors speak  languages  Dialects  A melting mixture  Hailing from the mother land  Golden stars against a red backdrop  Mandarin like oranges  Soft rolling tongues  Compliment the pinch…
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mpalimpsest · 2 years
Photo by James Lee on Pexels.com The sternum  cracked. Collapsing  Into my lungs.  To reach  My silent heart.  Hands Pumping Praying  For a beat. The thread that bind me, To reality, A mere wisp,  Eroded,  By bitterness, Trembles.  Threatening to snap. Somewhere in there, Hazily swirling,  are thoughts, Of You.  A delicate cord appears. Slow soft thumps  Echoing  Into the…
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