mosaicsandtile-blog · 6 years
The stone that offers a mesmerizing look
For those who want to offer a different and enhanced look to the home, there are some stones that can be used. Among the most noteworthy stones, one is travertine. It is a stone available in natural form. Due to the rustic look, it differs from other stones in the market. One can find the same in various forms such as honed, polished and tumbled. Usually, this stone is used for flooring purpose in residents and some of the commercial premises, in modern times one can also find the same used in the bathroom as bathroom tiles in the form of travertine tiles. It is equally used for the backsplash and countertop of the kitchen as well as for pathway in the garden.
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The features and advantages:
Usually one can use this stone in any area as per the size and features, but in some cases, it is not ideal to use the same. Hence one needs to know its benefits as well as drawbacks before using the travertine stone in any area so that he can take a prudent decision.
·         The style and elegance: For those who want a stylish stone that can enhance the look of the area, this is a very right stone to be fixed. Travertine can add great look with the blend of sophistication and dignity that can surely attract the attention of viewers. They look similar to the marble which is an added advantage to the users. It helps to make the area look elegant like never before.
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·         Long lasting: One more noteworthy advantage of travertine is it is long lasting and easy to maintain. Hence one can use it for outdoor as well as indoor areas where moisture is commonly found. No scratching or cracking on the surface can keep the look of the same intact for years.  It is also known as eco-friendly tiles. The repairing of the same is also much easy.
In the drawbacks one can count a few which are mentioned here:
·         The cost: Travertine is known as a costly material, and hence for those who walk with a limited budget it can be difficult to adjust. Compared to many other options in the market, it is a little higher side on costing.
·         Maintenance: Due to the porous material of the Travertine it can be a tedious job to maintain and clean. It can get stains from spillage as the material spilled can stick to the holes in the travertine.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Wood Is Eco-friendly And Gives an Elegant Look
Wood is natural and everyone likes to have this at home. Wood always gives a rich natural look to the interiors. But the cost of wood is more and maintenance is higher. Though it is eco-friendly it has no resistance to water, scratches and stains. Some people like these tiles even though there are a lot of problems involved in having it. Here are some of the things to be known before deciding to have them in your house or building.
Wooden Tiles Needs High Maintenance
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Wood is a strong material and thus used for doors and windows. The tiles also have to be tough as it is made from this material. If a good quality of the wood is used it can last for generations. The surface of the wooden tile is very sensitive. If a pets paw or children shoes scratch it, the mark remains for a long time. If the marks are strong then the tile has to be changed. Each day the tiles have to be cleaned so that there are no sharp things on it. Water cannot be allowed for a long time on the surface as it gets absorbed. The durability of the tile depends on the way we maintain it.  
Beauty Of Wood Is Unmatchable
Wood has its own natural beauty. Though it is mimicked by many other materials, the natural feeling is always appealing. These tiles give a broad look to a small room also. The surface or texture of the wooden tiles is very comfortable for the feet. The interiors get an elegant look. There are different types of colors available which has the beauty of its own. People loving country look will like the interiors of  the wood flooring. Any type of royal decors matches with this. Hot temperatures are cooled inside the room but at the same time, the coolness is not enhanced in winters
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People liking wood; have to think about the budget also. It costs too high to have this flooring. If you have to customize then it may take more time and pinch your pocket also. You can get this flooring in the bathroom, kitchen or any part of the house. More than one layer can be used on  the floor to spread the pressure evenly. There is a light feeling when you move around in the house as the gravity is reduced, using this tile. The manufacturers use the best wood to make these tiles.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Tempted Home Design:  Professional Alignment of Porcelain Tiles
With great difficulty, you would have chosen the tiles and got it giving your hard earned money. You would have imagined great flooring with these tiles. If there is a mistake in the installation then everything would be a disaster. Read through the tips and align the tiles to make the installation easy.
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For the first step, you have to determine the center point of the room. In most of the houses especially old homes, the walls may not be square. Look which wall is very prominent and try to run the tile parallel to that wall. The eyes follow this line and thus feel that everything is aligned.
Perfect Tile Layout
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Draw two lines which intersect at the center. This divides the room into four squares. Tile layout can be started from the center of the room and then going towards the wall. For tiling, the wall also follows the same process. Draw a line from the ceiling and then start installing downwards. White Sophie porcelain is perfect for such installation. These big block tiles would look gorgeous for flooring. It suits bathroom flooring also.
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Whether it is wall or flooring first divide it into sections and then start installing. You can follow any tile pattern here like the herringbone pattern or pattern made by different sizes of tiles. Mark the area and then start laying the tiles. Before fixing the tiles permanently it is better to just adjust the tiles and see to find out if there are any adjustments to be made. Grigio Watercolor porcelain is big tiles which are very easy for installation.
Align And See Before Permanent alignment
It is always better to do the tile installation from the powder or the bathroom. Once you are confident about this room then you can try with the kitchen. Crema optima porcelain would be perfect for such installations.
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By using spacers we can get a perfect grout line and gives a beautifully defined outcome. Ash Aspenwood Wood look Porcelain has wood look. Thin grout line would give a beautiful look. By using the spacers there would be a professional look achieved.
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People like to have wooden planks for flooring, they can try greige upscape wood look porcelain tiles. This looks like real wood planks. 1/3 offset would be best for this application. If the ½  offset is used then a tip can occur. With 1/3 the thick center would be buted along the thin edges.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Granite: a superb selection for home decoration
A kitchen is the heart of every home and thus it should be decorated in such a unique way so that outsiders will become attracted to this place. The cooking area within a home can be made exclusive by installing nicely designed countertops, backsplashes, and cabinetry. Among these, a luxurious countertop is such a style which is preferred by every homeowner. This decoration can be done made elegant by applying granite.
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The prime reason of selecting granite countertop is its hard surface. This is igneous stone and this is generated by cooling down of lava for more than million years. This stone has its own identity and human can never make a replica of this stone.  
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Again, this rock can sustain for a long time within any temperature and each style of granite is different from other. Then the processing of this rock is done at the mine. There are mainly three major procedures which are followed to extract this stone. These are
Ø  Extraction through Blast
Ø  Taking out through Air Bag
Ø  Extracting the stone through cutting stones
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The first procedure helps to transform the stone into handy form. The air bag extraction process is quite similar to the blast method. Advanced machinery is used in the third method to cut the granite into parts.  After extraction process, wire saws are used to cut the granite into various feasible sizes. Now, these pieces are carried to factories to give a smooth finish. Then these are cut into slabs of various sizes and polishing is done. This smoothing process is also famous as dressing as this method makes this stone perfect for the industry. Once these slabs are sliced into blocks, polishing is done and the stone appears with a perfect look.
Before, you get the final product; lots of processes are applied to this hard rock. Applications of these advanced technologies have made it possible to convert this natural stone into designer stone for countertops, backsplashes, etc. From floor to wall, everywhere you will get the best treatment by applying this natural stone. The best feature of this rock is its’ unique feature and renewable character. So, if you are planning to renovate your home or office space, you can simply select countertops made with granite.
Here, you can take professional help to get the best ideas about the suitable style of these styles. This stone is available in various colors and patterns. The experts will assist you to select the best one according to your position and shape of the kitchen.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
A few Funky Ideas for Decorating Homes
There are many people liking to include the beauty of nature into their décor. But there was not much choice in the market. Technology also has taken us far away from nature and the longing has increased. Smart furniture is the present trend introduced in the market. Aesthetic ideas which were considered by people in the late 80`s and 90`s is again remembered here. Manufacturers have introduced many types of ideas and experiments to get into every season of the year.
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It was the pictures of pineapples or flamingos which has attracted the folks. But now there are tropical prints where there is more safari looks with the earthy and deep hues. Intimacy combined with escapism to completely new standards is our view. Bright neon colors add more play to the color.
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Use Your Raw Imaginations
There are some wild imaginations which did not get a stage to be displayed. But now your craving comes out without any hurdles. When you are feeling the world overwhelming there are times where the flowers, birdcages, butterflies, fairy lights and forest creatures can be introduced into the décor. Use these imaginations to get a beautiful setting. If you let loose your imaginations and get out the themes then there is a dream haven created.
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Technology is slowly getting combined with the furniture to make your life more comfortable. This could not have happened a few decades ago. But now there is more in-built technology like the wireless phone charging tables or the sofas with Bluetooth speakers are available. There are many assistive devices to be combined with the furniture.
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Use Every Space To Create Comfort
Utilizing every inch of the kitchen makes it more comfortable to work. Hardworking storage walls are the example for this utilization. The cabinets are almost 18`` above the countertop or the lower cabinets. Space above and side of the fridge can be utilized rather than leaving it empty. It is better to discuss with the designer or contractor.
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Terracotta tiles are an evergreen trend. This looks classical and trendy. They are versatile and can be used for the flooring or walls to give a Mediterranean vibe to the house.
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Adding eccentric texture with quirky designs will give an exotic décor. An assortment of colors can get the remembrance of the interiors of 80`s and 90`s. Tangled with reminiscent colors there are many patterns and bold colors. Add more designs and get free sprinted.
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Changing Trends For Better Decor
People were changing to light colored wood but suddenly a trend of dark wood has peeped into. This dark wood color has entered into kitchen backsplashes also. Porcelain floor and wall tiles with Quartz countertops are liked by many homeowners. The mimic of wood tiles is more durable and easy to maintain. They match with any type of cabinet and light colored countertops.
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People aware of environments are going for cork decors. There are cork walls, tables, flooring and accent pieces looking unique from everything around.
There is much furniture available in the market which can be used in different arrangements for different purposes. This will save the area and also the need for different furniture is satisfied. Even people with spacious houses like to have compact furniture.
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The same look and effect of glass are the acrylic furniture. This comes in an assortment of colors. It is a safe alternative for glass. It is easy to move around and easy to maintain. There are many shapes and designs of furniture available in acrylic.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Travertine Is the Best Choice for Exteriors or Interiors
Travertine is formed from the mineral spring deposits. Its rustic charm attracts everyone. It is available in numerous earthy tones with honed, polished and tumbled finishes. It is used for flooring, shower surround, backsplashes in kitchen and bathroom or in the backyard pathway.
There are many inborn characteristics which may not be liked by many homeowners. To know more about this stone there are some explanations given here.
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Some of the Popular Travertine Tiles
There is always dignity or sophistication in the stone when Machu Pichu Travertine Tile is used. This stone has a lot of similarities with marble and granite. We can enjoy the art of Mother Nature with the shades of colors like gold and brown, beige and cream, gray tones or vibrant red. The designs here are unique and give a perfect picture of elegance.
Travertine is basically hard material and can withstand a lot of traffic. As it can resist water or moisture it suits for bathroom and kitchen. They can be used for exterior or interior installations. It is robust enough and there is no fear of chipping, cracking or scratches. When it gets older there is a weathered look which also adds beauty to it. Polished or honed surfaces may show more scratches than the tumbled finishing.
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To Get A Gorgeous Finish
This stone is recyclable and biodegradable as it is completely natural.  Caramel Travertine gives a gorgeous surface for your flooring. If you have any old pieces left behind, that you can use it for your further projects.
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There are chances of the tiles breakage after a lot of wear and tear. It is always better to buy some extra pieces and keep in hand. If there is any necessity, these pieces can be used further. Replacing these tiles will not be a big problem if there are extra ones.
As it is a natural stone the price is high when compared to porcelain or ceramic tile. We have to calculate the grout, labor, adhesive and the tile costs to get the total cost. Walnut Vein Cut Travertine is one the best choice.
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Use Sealant during Installation
The tile is more porous as it is a natural stone. It can be affected by the spills and scars. It is always better to use the sealant while installation. If there are any spills it is better to wipe it off immediately so that it does not get into the surface. A penetrating sealer with the barrier surface sealer would be ideal here.
Resealing has to be done at regular intervals. It is not advisable to use vinegar or salt for cleaning the tiles as it may leave a scar permanently.
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Weight Has To Be Considered
Installation is tedious as the material is quite heavy. The contractor may charge more for the transportation for its heavy weight. It is always better to use this tile only till the first floor as it may not be able to carry it to the higher floors. The weight of the tile makes it difficult for the laborers for installation. Picasso Travertine can be the best choice.
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This tile keeps the place cool and it is better to use socks or shoes while stepping on it. Carpets and rugs are ideal for making the place warm. It is best for the houses in the tropical climate.
Now you will know more about these tiles and decide well where to use them. Try using Tuscany Chateaux Travertine to get the best look.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Travertine natural stone: gives bathroom a completely fresh look
Among various natural stones available in the market for a bathroom renovation, travertine is known to be one of the most effective and exclusive. Travertine is a variety of limestone and this is generated by hot springs. Travertine has become one of the most famous stones in recent days and this has become famous due to its excellent shine and polished finish. This is available in Tan, white, cream and other different colors. This is also available in gray coral to the red one.
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If we do a search of the ancient history, then we can notice that many temples and mountains have been constructed with this special natural stone. In present days too, this natural stone is largely used in the construction of patios and garden paths.  Again, for the homeowners, this travertine tile has also become a nice choice for kitchens and bathrooms. This has been proved that with the application of this natural stone, you home will become more classic and elegant. Well, there are different styles available within this travertine natural stone.
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Ø  Philadelphia Antico: This is a complex style of this natural stone. This style is available in deep jet and frosty white color. This creates an amazing effect on the flooring. Here in this style, large tiles remain close together and grout lines cannot be seen.
Ø  Classic Tuscany: Classic Tuscany is available in different colors such as mix beige, browns, and soft whites. These tiles are also facilitated with slip resistant feature and thus this style is mostly chosen for toilet flooring. This stone also works great on backsplashes and shower walls.
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Ø  Durango Antique: Exotic tiles with colors such as creams or beige or taupe will surely make the restroom and floors more gorgeous and elegant. For wood cabinets too, this antique stone is largely used. This design has become famous due to its soft look and smooth finish. Again, this tile is durable too.
Ø  Tuscany Walnut: This is available in soft and gorgeous walnut tones. This style is available in various styles and designs such as mosaic, basketweave, etc.
Ø  Durango Caramel Basketweave: Among different popular designs of travertine tiles, this style has become quite famous among the homeowners. There is no doubt that has an eye catching style and the colors like beige, creams, and tans, etc are hugely accepted by the professionals.
Hence, if any homeowner is opting for exclusive bathroom shower wall or backsplashes or flooring, then it is always better to opt for varieties of styles of travertine tiles.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Set up luxe hotel bathrooms to bring the celebrity feel each day
We often wonder which room in the residence is the most important. Kitchens and bedrooms are important for sure for obvious reasons, living rooms too.  A luxury bathroom may mean additional expenses but you would feel on top of the world. The bathroom is the morning destination for refreshing personal hygiene and makeup, styling too. In the night you get to relax there and prepare for sweet dreams. Guests would bring a word of appreciation for aesthetic luxury-filled bathrooms.
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Avoid excessive expense or harassment in creating a luxe look in the toilet. You don’t really need to install costly designer stuff and high-end materials that can tolerate harsh usage and plenty of traffic. Get some ideas to do things affordably and aesthetically.
Lavish Touches like Telaio Mosaic
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 The experience of hotel bathrooms brings marble counters, glass shower doors, body sprays and heated towel bars. The corners and edges could have decorative mosaics like Arabescato Carrara Honed Pencil Molding. Telaio 2” Hexagon Honed or Greecian White Basketweave appeals as backsplash tiles. It does bring an expensive touch.
 Install fancy lighting 
Say goodbye to exposed bulbs. Shop for gentle mood lighting to facilitate bubble baths. A chandelier with a dimmer brings in a retreat atmosphere.
Bring in the sunshine with Calacatta Gold Marble Tile
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 If big windows let in plenty of natural light, let it fall on the striking Calacatta Gold Marble Tile! Ensure privacy with window curtains, partially perhaps.
Stock up on Extravagant Personal Items
Guests would be pleased with perfumed soaps and lotions, shampoos too. Fluffy towels and soft rugs would pamper the family and the guests.
Nature feel with Ostrich Grey
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 Tiles alone would fail to create stunning environments. Learn a lesson from hotels and set up wood grain floors or walls and pebble mosaics perhaps. White Oak Pebbles and Black Pebbles are attractive indeed. In wet areas, go for Ash Porcelain Tile as a substitute for real wood. Potted plants bring further natural elements.
Get rid of Litter
Personal items like cosmetics and curlers create a mess on countertops. Maintain a hidden storage space for those things in a drawer or closet, keeping only essentials in sight.  
Easy cleaning with Boletus Quartz or Ostrich Grey Quartzite
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Hotel bathrooms remain spick and span. Natural stone and quartz countertops are easily maintained.
Indulge the family and guests. Create special warmth in the bathroom environment to inspire and relax. Feel good as if on an eternal vacation. It won’t be half as difficult or expensive as you think.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Small Changes Gives Good Value To The House
If the house has to be sold it is better to improve all the parts of the house. Some parts need major renovation and others need small repairs. Some areas to be concentrated are the kitchen and bathroom. The backsplash, countertops, appliances and cabinets have to be replaced or repaired to get bigger returns.
 The kitchen is the place where many of the renovation has to be done. The place should look neat for the family to prepare their meals and family gathering. The changes made here give a definite hike for the house value. Some people try to renovate only the kitchen and make it look elegant but forget the other parts of the house which give a total clumsy look.  
 It is not necessary to change everything to give a fab look. Small changes and repairs will also make it look welcoming. Here are some of the renovation ideas to improve your house resale value.
Kitchen cabinets give the total beauty to space. Using the space thoughtfully is the total idea to make it spacious. If the cabinet is outdated or worn out then it has to be renovated. Some need to change only the knobs or doors of the cabinet and repaint to get a new look. But some need to be changed completely which gives totally new looks and adds big returns.  
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Kitchen appliances have to be in good condition to give the best opinion about the maintenance of the house. Get sleeker and modern appliances to replace the older ones. A new fridge gives a good raise to the bar. The color and model should match with the palette to get a cohesive theme. The appliances should energy efficient and thus reduce the utility bills. This helps in saving a lot of money.
Backsplash: If there is any backsplash it is better to introduce it into the palette. The color and pattern of the tile can be chosen according to our taste. This gives an opportunity to the house owner to add boldness and make a design statement. Using a single or double color these backsplashes give more drama and style in the kitchen space. The place looks enlarged with backsplash. Mix and match the tiles gives a unique look. Double colored, large and small tiles and many other types of mixing makes the place looks different.
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Countertop in the kitchen gives the calls silently. Natural stones like marble, granite, and quartz add more function. They are durable, unique and match with any type of décor. Natural stones are different from piece to piece and thus are unique here. The color and pattern suit everyone`s preference. They are a bit costly but they look classy and beautiful. Granite is the best for the wear and tear of the kitchen.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Slender And Tough Tiles Matching Your Style Quotient
Thin tiles are available in the market. Stile Thin Porcelain is 1/8`` thick, slim tile. Its main features are sturdy, affordable and lightweight. It is available in a large slab of 5x10 feet measurement. Normally such slabs are available in only natural stones. The only difference here is that it is very light weight. These big slabs do not give out many grout lines. Such slabs are ideal for countertops, flooring and shower walls.
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Stile Thin Porcelain is suitable for commercial flooring. Its classy looks attract the customers. Restaurant owners also like this as there are lesser grout lines. In a commercial kitchen, these grout lines have more grease and grow bacteria. This flooring can be covered on the existing flooring without any demolition.
Statuario Altissimo Polished Stile Thin Porcelain is the replica of Italian Marble. It is white in color with gray veins. It looks elegant and luxurious when installed. It can be used for countertops, kitchen islands, tub surrounds, and flooring.
To remove the existing tiles and prepare the flooring again is tedious and creates lots of debris. Onice Bianco Polished Porcelain is the perfect slim slab which avoids the labor. This can be installed on the existing tile. This has a white background with yellow veins. It is translucent and mimics Onyx. The veins are almost invisible and make it perfect for large space.
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Calacatta Polished Stile Thin Porcelain is perfect for new construction or renovation. It has a white background with gray veins and gold shades. It attracts everyone`s attention when used in entertainment spaces.
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For kitchen Arabescato Polished Book matched Stile Thin Porcelain proves to be the best. It is non-porous and resists stain, heat and etches. The surface remains glazy after a lot of wear and tear in the kitchen. It has a white background with gray veins all over. It is the best for countertops and kitchen islands. If there is any spillage of wine or tomato sauce, just wipe it out with a damp cloth. It is durable and tough porcelain.
Crema Marfil Polished Stile Thin Porcelain is a versatile tile. This is 1/8`` thick and very light. When compared with other natural stones this is light. It is best for walls, surrounds, and backsplashes. It has a blend of beige and cream colors with light gold colored veins. The gold colors give a different look to the tile.  
Without damaging the style quotient this tile stays for years with easy maintenance. These thin tiles are preferred by many builders as it requires lesser labor and installation charges.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Decors Changing With Times
The décor enhances the beauty of a house. The kind of décor used in the house speaks out the taste of the people. Sometimes we can guess the type of people by looking into their décor styles. There is a lot of balance of colors to give the comfort and warmth in the house. Placing the furniture and designs give the best look to the living room. Accessories and architecture also give more balance to the style quotient.  
Traditional Décor With Old Designs
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If it is traditional décor lot of fabrics are used. Windows and doors are decked with heavy clothes. The curtains are colorful with nature designs. Wall hangings, sculptures, candlesticks, and vases are the main accessories used. Curvy and soft furniture made from mahogany, oak and cherry look elegant. Sometimes the wood look tiles can be seen in the flooring also. Neutral palette gives the warmth here. Light colors are used with dark shades like blue, brown, red and green.
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Balanced Colors In Modern times
Modern décor has more of symmetry with more of architecture in furniture. The floor plans are open with more free space. The number of accessories is reduced to give more space for wall hangings. Even if the place is small this décor makes it look bigger. The main materials used here is concrete, chrome, and glass mosaics. Many colors are used for decoration of the living room. Here the look is balanced and sophisticated with these colors.
Mixture Of Modern And Traditional
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Eclectic décor is the mixture of two or three types of décor. A lot of innovation and imagination can be used to get the personal and perfect way. Distance and proportion can be calculated to get the creative look. Match the color or some factor of the furniture and the accessory pieces to get the desired results. Different colors and designs are matched for this set-up. Bright with monochrome and shiny with matte are matched. Neutral or bright colors can be used as floor tiles according to our taste.
The Contemporary decor is basically designing according to our comfort. Line, shape, and form are chosen to get the correct space and light inside. Sleek accessories are used to get more materials. Colors are not given much interest. Slim lines and soft edges are the main décor furniture here. Furniture is neatly finished with the upholstery without frills. Many colors like taupe, brown, white and cream are used as wall and floor tiles. Instead of using the bright color, the shades of the same color is used here.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Recent tweets on the landscape paradise are influential
Outdoor decoration for summer is taking the pioneer ideas in the market. Alfresco concepts are using fireplace, pool, gardens, sitting arrangements and many to set-up a prosperous place. Living the summer in your favorite space may sound good. Yet, there are some tips to bring your imagination into reality. The designers have established the new trends with relaxing and gracious layouts of the backyards. The intention is to invent the specific design for the owners. The stylish, soothing, entertaining and fresh outdoor design ideas are in today's discussion. It may influence your thought.
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The poolside terrace idea:
Whether you are finding an out-of-the-imagination design for the pool of your terrace, then you must see the checkboard style. The designers have used Optima Porcelain tiles of cream and graphite to decorate the poolside. Black leather sofa, white color on the wall, some flowers or herbs and some lights have brought the 5 start design into a private place. This idea would take the owners into their best vacation of summer. It doesn't need acres in the backyard. Few intelligent steps can create such blossom in the outdoor.
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The Harry Potter style:
The natural stone application would be enough to bring the fairy tale into your reality. The place that you have seen in films can be executed your own backyard space. The designers have shown how they create the paradise with natural stone use. Fireplace, pool, pathways, floors, and fences are being decorated by the stone material and it created a perfect landscape. Some organic element like water, flowers, and plants can be added to make the place more heavenly.
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The blossom garden:
If you love to design a colorful garden, then use the beautiful flower plants. The color variation of the plants would look excellent with golden white flagstone in the pathway. The fresh look and matt texture of the stone material matched perfectly with the colorful garden idea. This idea balances a simplicity and spectacular variation. You may feel the fresh air and motivating ambiance.
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Focus on the sitting:
Large sectional slabs are a great tool to install a perfect sitting area in the backyard. The people can enjoy their outdoor living with a centralized fireplace and comfortable sitting area. The powerful build-up of the large stone would include durability and resistance in that space. It doesn't need much investment. The trendsetters have shown their ability on focusing on a spot and leave the rest green place to create an eye-catchy landscape.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Sand setting pavers: Get the essential information
Normally, every homeowner thinks that home renovation means alteration of interior decoration, give some changes to the bathrooms and kitchens, etc. Few of us can ever imagine that home renovation includes decoration of the outdoor area of your house. Different ideas such as giving a stunning look to the backyard patio, designing a stone garden and walkway, etc will definitely make the outdoor gorgeous and glamorous.
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Well, to give the outdoors a fabulous and excellent look, it is always necessary to plan in a proper way and to do that there are certain steps which are to be followed too.
Ø  Selecting the pavers: Once any homeowner thinks for renovating the outdoor it is always recommended to select the paver for proper landscaping. Here it is required to select the proper flagstones and cobbles which are able to make the outdoors extremely gorgeous. To apply these pavers, at first it is required to lay out a plan. After planning for the layout, it is necessary to use flagstone at random. Here, you can select an interlocking pattern or simple grid.
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Ø  Collecting all materials: To apply these pavers, it is necessary to gather all the required materials. Fine gravel, straight 2” x 4 “ boards, supple landscape and trowels, tamper, hammer, etc are required to be gathered in before you start renovating the outdoor areas.
Ø  Time to prepare the patio: Now it is the time to remove the grass or weeds, etc. Roots of weeds are to be cleared properly so that these will not grow again. Measurement of this area is to be done properly so that you can understand the correct numbers of pavers.
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Ø  Proper drainage system: Now, it is required to design a proper drainage system so that the water can flow in the right direction.
Ø  Defining the area of the paver: This is required to define the area of the paver with 2”x4” boards. This will give firm edge support for the layout and these boards will be removed once the paving gets completed.
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Ø  A Layer of Gravel: It is always required to prepare the layer of the gravel evenly so that it paving can be done easily.
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Ø  Laying of pavers: It is necessary to lay the pavers on the sand. It is required to get sand within the slides and this method is to be continued until the area is becoming suitable for paving.
So, those above are the steps which are necessary to be followed at the time of doing paving.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
The onyx natural stone passion blends with traditional and contemporary designs
Mythological Romans and Greeks thought that Onyx represented Venus’ clipped nails, Cupid doing it. Onyx means fingernail in Greek. Besides, onyx has deep veins as if fingernails have passed through it. Black onyx particularly became highly venerated eternally to design figures of gods and heroes besides combining with other stones to make jewelry and cups. Victorian England made earrings and necklaces with black onyx. Black symbolized mourning like at funerals and strength and spirituality. No wonder the Onyx was worn in battle!
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 Science explains well how Onyx is formed in the layers of limestone caves and the warm springs. The process took very long when calcite deposits created a translucent layer. It is a kind of marble but fragile in comparison to the sturdy granite. Being delicate makes it more valuable indeed. The multicolored stone with effective backlighting does indeed set up a stupendous display!
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We love onyx as much as the ancients did. Black onyx decorates men’s rings and contrasts with white layers in architectural decorations. Residences and businesses use decorative onyx where low traffic does not disturb it much. You won’t find them in large blocks, unlike some other natural stones. Yet we do offer several selections of sizes and colors to make fantasies come alive. Install Onyx in dramatic corners like around fireplaces, bartops and backsplashes. Use it for floors too as accents and borders. It cannot tolerate rough use though.
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Besides, onyx could be combined with several other stones and materials to create a rich collage! Create blends and contrasts in many colors. Viewing in dense traffic areas would be fine but do not expose onyx to a lot of wear. Combine it with glass or travertine for instance. A greater variety of colors and textures would indeed fire the imagination. The red onyx with travertine has an elegant earthy appeal with a gentle grace. Consider mixing up Giallo Crystal Onyx and Ivory Travertine. The bold impact in a gentle way would suit a Tuscan inspired kitchen, on backsplashes indoors or outdoors. Whether alone or in combination, onyx shines like a pretty star. The environment does take on an inspired look wherever you place onyx.
Our Romancing the Stone Series has many attractive stones. Lots of choices are offered and installing some of them would bring the dreamy look to the interiors that everybody wishes for.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Get ideas about the latest design to add value to your home
Home design and renovations always involve lots areas to consider and every homeowner needs to get more detail about innovative ideas for home design. Home design can become excellent with granite, marbles, and quartz or porcelain flooring or countertops. Let us take a glimpse of some excellent ideas to add more value to your house.
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Ø  Granite countertops: Countertops with granite is always a great choice for a kitchen renovation. This idea for a countertop is really an excellent way to add more beauty to your kitchen.  The value of your house will surely enhance with the installation of this countertop design. The granite here is available with a perfect combination of soft cream and with a warm brown too. These colors will surely complement the dark wood cabinets and the sophisticated design is really awesome.
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Ø  Design the Outdoor Living Space: Alike the indoor, the outdoor living place is also required to be designed in a unique way. Here using the natural stone is definitely a nice idea. The planning for the design of the outdoor space is always required to be made with durable materials.
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Ø  Design with marble: If you are inspired by the hotel designs, then it will surely be the best choice to decorate the master bedroom design with marble. The soft and delicate mix of gold and beige allow sufficient light to enter the room. Your desire will surely be fulfilled with Crema Marfil Classic Marble. This will allow having a shiny surface and will complement the furniture and accessories placed within the room.
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Ø  Flooring with the hard surface: At present homeowners love to implement hard surface flooring within the room as this surface is easy to keep clean and beautiful. Here you no need to opt for lamination to get a superb and shiny finish that you desire. Homeowners can easily opt for Aspen wood Amber Porcelain Tile and this will help you to get an awesome appearance of your room. This tile is able to imitate the natural stone look and will create an attractive design too.
Ø   Neutral colors: The idea for home renovation and designing will always become excellent with neutral colors. This is available with wonderful looks and this will also catch the attraction the guests visit your house. One nice type of floor decoration is Fossil Taupe Quartz.  This style is available in both contemporary as well as the traditional look and hence it is always easier for you to select your preferred style.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Subway Tiles For Shower Place Gives An Elegant Finish
Subway tiles are always evergreen fashion for the bathroom. If you really want to give a fresh look to any old bathroom then think about ideas to put these tiles. There are many materials like porcelain, ceramic and marble subway tiles available in the market. You can get that dramatic or simple or subtle or stunning looks to the bathroom according to your personal taste.
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Add Wings To Your Choice With These Designs
To have a high-end bathroom use Arabescato Carrara Subway Tile. This surely gives the best look to the bathroom. 4x12 subway tiles are marvelous to a bathroom with white bathtub. A backsplash of gray and white marble adds more beauty to give a charming structure. It looks trendy and contemporary.
To give the wall an antique look, use Antique White Subway Tile. These look like old bricks with a new glaze finish. Their subtle looks make other things like vanity; mirror, shower, and bathtub look very special. Its color is close to neutral and preferred by many builders and home- owners. They add a historic charm to the décor.
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The size of the bathroom does not matter with the good finish and textures included. Arctic IceSubway Tile gives a clean crystalline look. It is elegant and sparkling with gray and white colors. They are available in pre-assembled sheets easy to install and gives sheen on the wall.  These tiles give a magnificent modern look to the bathroom.
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White Subway Tile from flooring to ceiling allures the onlooker. There are darker grout lines which make the tiles look like the brick pattern. If wooden planks are put to the ceiling then it gives more interest and heat to the rustic bathroom. The metal fixtures and the ceramic tiles give contrast to the décor.
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To make it look more luxurious and get the best bathing pleasure Gray Glossy Subway Tile is used. These tiles are misty gray and come in 3x6 sizes. It can be installed in normal brick or cross hatch pattern to give a rich look. The separation lines give the best design to the shower place.  
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Calcatta Gold Subway tile gives a beach inspired bathroom. There are impressions of seashells in white, gray and gold colors. Though space is simple and small these tiles give a marvelous look to the place.
If more grout lines are not liked then it is better to go for oversized tiles. White subway tiles are available in 4x16 size. The color of the grout lines can be changed to match the surrounding vanity. As the tile size increases there are fewer tiles to install. Maintenance of such tiles is easier with few, clean grout lines.
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mosaicsandtile-blog · 7 years
Tactical moves to hold the natural beauty and power of slate tiles for long
Slate tiles have a stunning appearance in the indoor and outdoor decoration. The color, surface, and quality cater ‘wow factor' among the spaces. Here, owners would learn some tactical moves of maintaining the slate tiles.
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If the owners want to turn the beauty of the tiles into a beast, then the cleaning process is important.
Health care of the visible part:
The surface of slate tiles can be addicted to vinegar, wine or grape juice or any other harmful liquids. If the owners want to get out from the irritating marks on the surface, then using the slate sealant is the right tool. It would protect the enemy of the surface. The sealant will keep the soaking up process.
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Concentrate on the gaps:
Generally, the primary condition after installation is being crumbled. Normal sweeping can keep the problem out. Regular sweeping cleans the less quantity dirt that saves from major storages. The gaps of Multi Classy Slate Tiles are very critical, therefore, don't leave regular sweeping habit.
Don't let thin elements stay:
Some broken hair parts, pet's hair, and dust can take place between the slate tiles. If you use the microfiber clothes, then its magnetic power would drag the thin dust out from the stiff gaps. The wet or dry mopping by microfiber cloth can prevent the dust storages. For an example, San Rio Rustic Slate tile in the dining room should get the microfiber mop every day.
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Use the right tool:
Neutral pH is built for the slate tile cleaning only. People need to find that tool because it is the best weapon of getting harmed by oils, steel wool or abrasives out. Actually, slate tiles have an inbuilt strength and people should maintain it by following the useful tips. Thus, it can stay correctly more than a decade.
Total health care:
Slate tiles are being affected by the grease stains and oil. It's not an easy task to remove the staining from the surface. If the owners want to take care of the power and appearance of the California Gold Flagstone Slate tile, then they must apply poultice. Like, mud poultice removes the greasy gravies and sauces. Flour and hydrogen peroxide can be mixed to make a perfect paste for a poultice.
Periodic examining:
The elements of the slate tiles aren't staying for a long time. Like, the sealant must be changed periodically. People need to follow water test to mark the right time of sealant changing. Drop some water and see the time of its disappearance, if it takes more than 10 minutes, then changes the sealing.        
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