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We should make more memes about German politeness. Some danke memes, if you will 
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{Vh...vhere? In our univerze, oder jourz?} He doesn’t want to rain on TC’s parade, but what the hell.
::Hey, Blaster! I'm going on vacation with your boss!:: 8D
{Uh.} Hang on. Pause. Thinks. {…jou’re going on vacation vith Blurr?}
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{....vhat?! Vhat doez zhat even mean?!}
::Hey, Blaster! I'm going on vacation with your boss!:: 8D
{Uh.} Hang on. Pause. Thinks. {…jou’re going on vacation vith Blurr?}
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::Hey, Blaster! I'm going on vacation with your boss!:: 8D
{Uh.} Hang on. Pause. Thinks. {…jou’re going on vacation vith Blurr?}
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♫ “Wilder is much smaller than me, both his human form and robot mode.” Oh look, there goes a shoe sailing by and hitting the wall. “I have my ways of diffusing his anger, I’m not worried.” There’s that purr again. “The Headmaster Juniors are good at gathering intel and creating diversions, amongst other things…”
He heard that too and he stifles the laugh again. {Ah, wie sus~ Zoundz like he can be ein handful...} That piqued his interest though and he leaned back in his seat, humming again. {Zhe Juniorz? Zhat makez jou ein zenior?}
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Skychaser hummed, a static-laced noise that crackled from his derma. He lightly crossed his arms over his scarred chassis. “Yessss. He saw many thingssss. Owned many thingssss. Such an interessssting Prime they have.” He was neither bitter nor angry, simply interested. Blurr’s mind was so complex and often drove him out, but he liked the idea of a challenge. In the end, if Blurr wanted backup memories, he would have to let him see them all.
“Green,” he confirmed. “Ssssomething that wassss a flash of green, followed by a wave of emotionsssss immediately forced downnnn.” Meaning Blurr hadn’t wanted him to see everything. Blurr didn’t want him to notice anything- which was a shame. Skychaser glanced at Blaster with an odd expression, optics blazing white. “I ssssaw becausssse we have a contraaaact.” A coil on his shoulder moved, twisting around another with ease. He’d basically allowed Blurr to relive some- perhaps that was why he didn’t let him finish them.
He smiled politely, but there was something about it that was almost creepy. Like the smile itself was meant only on display, not to be taken to ember. “Doessssn’t that mean it belongssss to Blurr?” The Autobots were under Blurr’s command. The Autobots were what Blurr wanted them to be. They were basically an extension of him, weren’t they?
“It’sssss Blurr’s planet now.” Prime was gone. It was time they started talking like they should be. Truth only. “He isssss afraid of it.”
“Zhey...?” Another Prime...either Skychaser liked word games or he was speaking of Roadbuster’s Prime. “Ah, jou mean zhe other onez? Zhe bright, zharp Autobotz Blurr acquired? Of courze, Blurr vould haf to zhow jou zhem. Zhey’re important zubordinatez now.” There was a minor trace of bitterness in his words; there was nothing quite like the irksome, terrifying knowledge that someone else in his base could do his job with equal skill entirely differently than he. 
His optics keenly followed the coil, the last piece clicking into place. Archivists, memories, Polyhex, Skychaser had to be one of those. It had been an urban legend by the time he’d rolled through the city, one of those things that existed but wasn’t truly real because no one who could prove it ever said anything. “...ach, ich sehe jetzt. Hm...” He shrugged off the creeping feeling and smiled again. “Zhat green iz Blurr’z buzinezz. If he hazn’t zhown jou yet, zhen it’z nicht mein place to tell jou about it. He vill eventually. He lovez information too much to keep it to himzelf.” The memory of Roadbuster was too precious, too raw. Even as disfavored as he was currently, he could reasonably expect Blurr to desire those memories to be cemented. 
The reply brought the smile back into the corners of his face. “Ah! Zhat’z gut, jou’re already zettled into zhis zhen~ It’z Blurr’z planet, Prime’z planet. It vill alvayz been Optimuz’ Cybertron zhough, becauze it’z hiz vizion. Ja? Only zhe metal iz dead, nicht zhe idea.” A thoughtful hum drops from his lips and the smile grows solemn; Blaster’s a little scared of the planet too. “Mm, I zuppoze he vould be. It’z alvays a bit zcary vhen jour home changez zo much vhile jou’re gone. Ja?”
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♫ “He does, but his power is limited.” A loud “I HEARD THAT” comes from somewhere in the background. Buster snickers. “Hydra treats Wilder and his team like dirt. I find them to be very useful, Wilder in particular.” Their voice is practically purring.
{Oh? Limited how? Are zhey zmaller zhan jourz, oder juzt vorze at combat?} He heard it tooand he snickers behind his servco.{Ah! Jou’re going to get into trouble like zhat~ He zoundz uzeful zhough. For back up, meat shield oder...other uzez~?}
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{Ah, nein nein~ He juzt cut off und it zounded like he vas going to yell at jou.} He’s still grinning on the other end of the line, so much so that it’s leaking into his tone. {He didn’t give jou trouble about zhe Autobot zhing, ja?}
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♫ “He yelled for a while, and I gave him the silent treatment.” A smirk. “After a couple days, he decided to ask me about it. He understands now.” Not going to mention the whole withholding sex and pizza thing.
{Oh~? Zoundz like a fun time.} He knows that tone, the tone of a person who has bucket tons of influence. He’s wielded that sort of power only a few times. {He vas interezting before he had ein faction criziz, anyvay. He pilotz tranztractorz too, ja?}
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{I can help jou zhink of vordz to rhyme vith...zhough I don’t zhink I can help jou vith zhe actual poetry.} Hums quiertly. {Zhat zort of zhing iz perzonal.} 
::Blaster, mech! How d' you write rhymes?::
{Haah?} Confused click. {Vhat, do jou mean lyricz? Poetry? Vhat kind of rhymez?}
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{Juzt...vhat, bazic ztructured poetry? Like funf-sieben-funf oder zhe iambic meter?}
::Blaster, mech! How d' you write rhymes?::
{Haah?} Confused click. {Vhat, do jou mean lyricz? Poetry? Vhat kind of rhymez?}
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[Official Video] Say Something - Pentatonix (A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera Cover)
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::Blaster, mech! How d' you write rhymes?::
{Haah?} Confused click. {Vhat, do jou mean lyricz? Poetry? Vhat kind of rhymez?}
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{Ah, nein nein~ He juzt cut off und it zounded like he vas going to yell at jou.} He’s still grinning on the other end of the line, so much so that it’s leaking into his tone. {He didn’t give jou trouble about zhe Autobot zhing, ja?}
mondscheinattentater hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “™«Â â€œI miss my mother.”
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♫ “Hm?”
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A lot of noises can be traced back to him, honestly. He nodded in understanding. Yes, he would ask if he needed to know what Blaster said. He turned his attention to Blurr yet again. He had yet to say a word- he had just summoned them all. “I will assssk if I need to.”
Good memories. Bad memories. In the end, they were all memories. He moved his servos, resting skeletal digits against the cables coiled around his neck. “I have sssseen his chain of memoriessss. So unique.” He smiled fondly, digits gently tracing the lines. “He shut me ouuut before I got to the one in greeeen.” He had been storing Blurr’s memories for him since they’d made their pact. Still, Blurr didn’t seem keen on letting him see them all. “What hassss he seen on Earth?” And why would he avoid the memories so much? He chanced a glance at the throne yet again- a throne much too small to be initially made for Blurr.
He turned back to Blaster. “I haven’t sssseen the sky in sssso long. I could not stop ssssstaring when I left Polyhexxxxx.” For the city was located beneath the Rust Sea now. He laced his digits together, smiling gently. “The ssssky belongssss to him now, doesn’t it?” As did the planet. It seemed Skychaser was loyal- so far.
Once they’re finished here and Blaster can’t find reasons to dawdle, he will update the maintenance logs and crosscheck pending requests against Skychaser’s noises. Until then, he’ll enjoy trying to piece together the familiar feel and the pleasure of meeting someone new. “Blurr’z zeen a lot on Earth. Zhere vas a lot to zee vhen zhe Decepticonz made it interezting.”
Then Skychaser opened his mouth and something rattled in his processor, some old memory about archives and the academies of Polyhex; he brushed it back to think on later. If it had been Polyhex, it was likely a trash memory anyway. “Green?” Roadbuster. “Could be anyzing, if it vas ein picture zort of zhing. Earth had a lot of green on it. I’m not zure vhat jou mean by green.” His audios finials twitched again and he tilted his helm, squinting slightly at Skychaser again as Polyhex’s shadow loomed in his processor. “Aber jou zaw it? Blurr’z memoriez? Like...” Unable to quite phrase what he wants to say, he taps over his optics uselessly. “Like zhat? Oder more like zhe ember?” 
The mention of Blurr’s memories was a fraction concerning. Metaphorically, that implied more file access than Blaster had thought Skychaser would have. Literally...he wasn’t sure he wanted to consider the idea. Swallowing back the rash of nerves, he offered the mech an encouraging grin. “Ah ja, I zuppoze zhe zky doez belong to him now. To zhe Autobotz.” The grin dimmed and he glanced at the empty space above the throne. He hadn’t missed the sudden decor alteration, but he wasn’t ready to consider the implications either. “...it’z Prime’z planet. Alvayz haz been, alvayz vill be. It’z ein gut zky to look after.”
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{Hallo, Katzchen!} Spoiler: it’s the idiot from another Germany. {Wie geht’s! One of jour little friendz called me!” 
mondscheinattentater hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “™«Â â€œI miss my mother.”
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♫ “Hm?”
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Holoform / Human!AU design
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