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Random anime Scenarios/imagines~ an account for me to dump all of my unpublished fanfics and stuffWattPad: @/ momointl
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momothegeckho · 4 years ago
Some more highly specific memes to show that I can't control myself when it comes to writing 😔🤚
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
DL: The Scarlet Hetaera |02
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|01 - Part 1
“... Even the one from last night?”
Yasuko froze. Had he found out about her sneaking onto the premises? Were there cameras or something? No. She had checked before climbing that tree. Was this because she caught that picture of Yui being attacked? Was that really something she should report to the police? Maybe she was overthinking this whole thing, and once she had calmed back down, she quickly laughed, albeit, nervously than she would have liked, and began to reach for the door.
“I’m sorry, Reiji-kun, but you must be mistaken. Coming here at night would be unethical since my camera would be of no use at night. Besides, it’s out of my way to come here, since my home is on the other side of town.”
Reiji smirked and crossed his arms, trying hard not to bare his teeth much. “I agree. It would be out of your way. Your parents would be worried if you didn’t come home before nightfall.”
“Yes, they would be… my parents. Yeah.” In all truth, Yasuko’s parents couldn’t care less whether she was late coming home, but she couldn’t give Reiji the leverage he needed to accuse her more. “I should get going. Thank you for allowing me in your home. Goodbye.”
Before she could open the door enough to leave, A hand came from behind her and pushed the door closed. She was now face to face with Reiji, who looked more serious than ever. “Before you go, I would like to look at your photos. May I see your camera rolls?” 
Yasuko couldn’t let him see it, in fact, she flat out denied to let him see it. “It’s a part of my ritual to develop them before allowing people to see them… I’m sorry.” She held the camera close to her body. Whatever was happening didn’t feel right, and suddenly, the cold sweat was back again. Something was wrong with this house and its occupants. She needed to leave immediately.
“I believe I know why you won’t show us anything. I believe you were here last night, and that you saw something you should not have seen. I also believe you are a terrible liar, because I have been observing your visit, and you allowed Komori Yui to look at your film all day. Also…” 
Out of the corner of her eye, Yasuko saw Laito coming down the stairs, a very intimidating smile on his face. He hadn’t seen her. There was no way. She was in a tree in the dark of night. She even made the extra effort to wear black clothing. There was absolutely no way he saw her.
“Laito. Is this the girl you saw last night?”
He smiled and moved closer to the two. “Yes. No mistaking that beautiful red hair, and that perfectly freckled face.”
“N-no. You must be mistaken. I wouldn’t break in at all!”
Laito locked eyes with Yasuko, and made it a point to smile even more. His eyes implying he knows more than Yasuko does.
“Really? Then, you won’t mind if we check your leg.”
“M-my leg? Why would you-”  Before Yasuko finished, she remembered she scratched her leg on the tree while she climbed up. But how could Laito know that? He couldn’t possibly know that. She began to go pale, her eyes showing great panic as her grave was being dug right before her eyes.
“Adachi-chan… you look so pale. Your heart is racing.” Laito smiled, getting her attention. 
“Could it be that you scratched your leg yesterday climbing that tree?” “N-no please. I would never-”
Once more, she was interrupted by Laito, who took hold of her wrist and held it close to his lips, she could feel him sniffing her. Why was everyone doing that now? She yanked her hand away, turning back to the door, but freezing when Reiji had stepped in front, blocking her exit.
“Adachi-chan,” Laito called to her in a sing-song-y voice, turning her to face him once more. “You were wearing a black hoodie and black pants, correct? My eyes haven’t been failing me, have they?”
Yasuko whimpered a little, but steeled herself. She would not let these brothers get under her skin. She breathed deeply and straightened her posture, emulating confidence. Laito was visibly confused by this, as his smile went away and his eyes widened a small bit. 
“Adachi-chan, your heartbeat calmed down so much… so cute~”  He became so excited at Yasuko’s strong will, he almost couldn’t contain the urge to try and break her.
“Enough, Laito.” Reiji stepped forward and began to address Yasuko. 
“Adachi-san. I don’t appreciate lies. Laito says he saw you in the tree last night, and that you took a picture. I would like to take that picture back from you, because it was none of your business in the first place.”
Yasuko didn’t know what to do. Should she just come forward and tell the truth? Reiji could tell she was hesitant, and so his next words would have to be something to break her. He was running out of patience, and the smell of her blood in her body was intoxicating. He needed to have it.
“Adachi-san-” “Okay. I took it.”
Laito smirked and Reiji adjusted his glasses, grateful that this game wouldn’t go on any longer. The next task was getting that picture back from her.
“If you took an incriminating photo, then I need to ask you to-” “I burned it already. Here is the rest of the undeveloped film if you want to check. I couldn’t have used those pictures, anyway.” 
Reiji wasn’t expecting such a quick response. He also wasn’t expecting her to have already gotten rid of the evidence, and handed over any others she may have. Usually anyone with that type of leverage would be stupid enough to try blackmail, but Yasuko was not like that. Well, he knew that now.
“Yes. I admit coming last night to take candids for my portfolio. My parents could care less that I was gone for so long. I probably went overboard with climbing the tree, but I was desperate to get into my University. As soon as I took that photo, I knew I had gone too far, and so when I got home, I burned the film thoroughly. It’s gone. It wasn’t my business, and I’m not dumb enough to blackmail anybody. I’m sorry for lying and spying, and I understand if you want to call the police now.”
Yasuko bowed yet again in apology, hoping not to get slapped with a lawsuit since the Sakamaki’s probably had all the money in the world to hire a law firm good enough to put her in jail for a long time. She stayed bowed until Reiji walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to stand up quickly.
“Thank you for your honesty, Adachi-san. And it was a good choice to burn the photo as well.” Reiji walked up to the front door and opened it for her. As she began to exit, Reiji spoke once more. 
“Adachi-san. One more question.” “Ask away.” “You said your parents don’t care much. What did you mean?”
It was a strange question, but Yasuko didn’t think of that before answering quite honestly.
“Well, I can’t say much. It’s really personal. It just feels like I live by myself sometimes, and when they do acknowledge me, it’s always a big fight. I guess you could say, they never wanted a daughter.”
Yasuko looked up from the ground and locked eyes with Laito and Reiji, who both looked at her with apathetic stares, staying silent. “Well, I’m sorry for taking up your time. Goodbye.” 
She bowed quickly and turned to leave the estate. She made up her mind to never return to this household ever again. This plan however, would be heavily intervened by none other than the Sakamaki brothers themselves.
Reiji watched the red headed girl leave, taking the sweet smell of her blood with her. Laito sighed loudly, missing her scent as well. 
“Reiji. Yasuko-chan’s blood… I want it.” Laito was always the one to say another’s thoughts aloud. 
“It’s not everyday we come across another person with such a wonderful scent… I know you smelled it, too. You were trying your best to hold back.” “Shut it, Laito. I know. But we can’t just take her. We need to make sure of some things and confirm my suspicions.”
Now Laito was curious. Reiji never entertained the idea of going after anybody for their blood, so what made Adachi Yasuko different? Clearly, Reiji knew something he didn’t, but the thought of having the chance to interact more with Yasuko, and break down that confidence and make her tremble with fear, made him very excited. He could see it now. 
His new bitch-chan.~
|03 (Coming soon)
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
Y’all I forgot today was my second AP test and so I logged on LATE AF. Like, ONE MINUTE BEFORE THEY LOCKED ME OUT. My friend was the one who bailed me out and reminded me...
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Both were so difficult,,, my teacher hadn’t prepared us at all for it and I cried for half of it and said “F@$K YOU” for the other half. My hands hurt and I’m crying rn. I finished both in time tho but I’m seriously sad like ,,, oh my god.
Seto Kaiba, help me. I’m ready to roll into a ball and absolutely set fire. I’m going out for Krispy Kreme’s.
Stay safe and clean and don’t stress like I am rn my hands are sHakinG-
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
Magi19 is Online...
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Mystic Messenger Fanfic. Yoosung x Reader (OC)
Note: So i totally did this when this game first came out, and its been collecting dust for a long time lol. I know its a bit lat and irrelevant now, but I enjoyed writing it so here it goes. I may not continue it unless I feel it needs more, so this is just what I wrote.
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• Yoosung unlocked his door and sighed. His Professor had caught him texting during class again and really let him have it after the session ended. He went into his room, dropped his bag, and jumped onto his bed. “He just had to give me extra homework, today of all days! What luck…” Today was a special event on his favorite MMORPG, LOLOL. If he wasn’t there today, it would be gone tomorrow. Yoosung sat up and looked at his bag, then at his computer. After what seemed like forever, which was really five seconds, Yoosung chose LOLOL. He just couldn’t wait. And the homework was due on friday, anyway. He pushed the power button on the side of his computer and smiled. 
“Armor is 60% off today! As well as certain boosts, too! No way can I miss this event!” The desktop on his screen lit up to show the background picture of him when he was younger, holding a light brown puppy with brown eyes. Rika’s puppy. He smiled at the memory and quickly opened up LOLOL, put on his headphones, and logged in. As soon as he was about to review his character, Yoosung’s phone beeped. A new chat room had opened up on the messenger app. He picked up his phone and sighed. It was Seven again, most likely signing on to poke a little fun at everyone. He turned on the app and entered the chatroom.
707: Yoosung!!!!
Yoosung: Seven… why are you here? Didn’t you say you had work?
Mina (MC):He does… but he’s putting it off until the last minute. Hello Yoosung! How was school?
Yoosung: Fine I guess, but my prof. yelled at me for being on my phone… I was just about to get on LOLOL.
707: Yoosung.
Yoosung: What?
707:… Get a girlfriend.
Those words made Yoosung sigh. Ever since Seven and Mina had gotten together, Seven tried to set Yoosung up on dates with girls he barely knew. He just wanted to find a girl naturally and connect with her through a mutual friendship, though he knew it wouldn’t happen overnight. Even though he wished it would.
Yoosung: Seven… Pls.
Mina: Seven! That was rude! Let Yoosung find love by his own terms! Sorry Yoosung. You know Seven is just playing.
Yoosung: Thanks, Mina. I’ll find someone someday!!!
{Jaehee Kang Has Entered the Chatroom}
Jaehee: How soon is someday exactly? Because from what I see, you barely put yourself out there.
Yoosung: Jaehee! You’re so mean!!!!
Jaehee: Just speaking the truth. Hello Seven, Mina. Finally got a break from Mr. Han!!!
Mina: Glad you made it out alive! How is Jumin? He hasn’t been in the chatroom lately.
Jaehee: He’s been on a lot of business trips lately. Just this morning, he took off for America for a transaction. And this time, he took the furball with him! 
707: Wow. You must be really happy. Elizabeth Third! Come baaack!
Jaehee: Don’t jinx this. Please.
Yoosung: Lol. Jaehee. Do you really not like Elizabeth the Third? She’s cute!
Jaehee: No… She’s the devil with shedding hair. Zen’s new role in ‘Love Under the Cherry Blossom’ is cute! ////
Yoosung: Whatever. LOLOL calls for me. Later, everyone!
Mina: Bye, Yoosung!!
Yoosung put down his phone and started to play LOLOL. He smiled at the prices on new armor and buffs for his character. It was like being a kid in a candy store! He bought up a few things and started to play. He found a dungeon to go into and saw another player standing outside of it. The character wore a white cape with gold decorating the edges, while the armor she had on was very amazon-like. The character’s hair was black with white tips, and she had a sword on her side. Almost as if on cue, the messenger block popped up with blinking dots. The player was contacting him.
Magi19: Hello! Are you here for the event, too?
Yoosung: Yeah! I mean, who could miss it? I would hate myself if this passed and I wasn’t here to participate. What did you get?
Magi19: Right!? I just got a few buffs to help me cast spells quicker. I also got some new armor! You?
Yoosung: A few armor suits and some buffs. Hey, do you want to be friends? We could conquer the dungeon together! 
There was a small pause after Yoosung’s question, and he started to feel awkward. Was he too straightforward? After all, He only met Magi19 a few seconds ago. The worst thing that got to him was that he was thinking so hard about this as if he was asking out a girl… He was about to dismiss his question when a beep came from his computer.
Magi19: Yeah, sure!! I haven’t went inside yet! Let me send you my info really quickly…
Yoosung received Magi19’s profile info and looked through it. Everything seemed normal, from her gender all the way to her stats.
Yoosung: Wow! You’re really experienced! Level 60? You could clear this level by yourself if you wanted!
Magi19: I’m not that experienced. I just fight monsters here and there for the items. You have a really high level, too. Lol!!!
Yoosung: I’m sure you’re great! Let’s go!
Magi19: Wait! Shouldn’t we hook up our mics so we can talk instead of type? I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit of a slow typer…
Yoosung: Oh yeah, sure! Here’s my sky-pic number.
Magi19: Thanks! Hold on…
Magi19 stopped typing and then called Yoosung on Skypic. He answered and was met with a smiling face. “Hi! You’re Yoosung, right?” The girl had brown hair with light purple tips, brown eyes, and a really bright smile. 
“Yeah… Hi. I’m Yoosung! Nice to meet you…” Yoosung trailed off, not knowing her real name and smiled. “Sorry! My name is Yoona. Nice to meet you, Yoosung!” Yoosung smiled and laughed with the girl as they entered the dungeon together. Jokes were exchanged between the two as they slayed monsters and talked about daily life “You go to Sky University, too?” Yoosung looked at the girl on his screen as she nodded and smiled. “Yeah! I actually got there a few months ago! You see, I had to transfer from my other college for a few reasons…” Yoona trailed off and slayed a beast in front of her. “But I like Sky. It’s the best school I’ve ever been to!” Yoosung smiled and laughed a little. 
Where was this girl all his life? She liked video games, she was super comfortable around people, she has a great personality, and to top it all off, she was comfortable in her own skin. She didn’t need to be told she was pretty, because she didn’t care. Yoosung liked that. “So Yoosung, what are you planning on making your occupation later in life?” Yoona looked at Yoosung and picked up some items from the dungeon. “I’m going into medicine to become a veterinarian. What about you?”  Yoona stopped moving her character and looked into the lens. Yoosung knew that she wasn’t there with him and couldn’t really stare through a camera, but still felt as though her eyes were going to pierce his soul. “I wanted to go into medicine to be a veterinarian freelancer, but instead, I want to become a patissiere! I have already went to culinary school in France and got my degree, so now, all I have to do is get this degree, and I’ll be able to open up my own shop! It doesn’t sound stupid, does it?” Yoosung smiled and shook his head. “No! I think that it’s amazing you can study so hard and still have time for LOLOL. How do you do it?” 
Yoona thought for a moment and sighed. “To be honest, I don’t really know. Once I got everything down on a schedule, it all fit together. How about you? I only just got here, and I already know that the Uni’s homework is a bit… piled.” Yoosung sighed deeply at the question and instantly got depressed. “To be honest with you, I don’t do a lot of my work. You see… I’m addicted to LOLOL. As we speak, I have homework I still haven’t gotten to. How about you?” Yoona smiled. “I already finished! You know, if you want, I could help you with your homework!” Hearing Yoona say she would help made Yoosung tear up. He didn’t know many people from the campus, but loved to meet new people along the way to graduation. 
“You’d really do that for me? Thank you so much!” Yoosung wiped away a fake tear and laughed. “Anything for a fellow LOLOL player and teammate! Here’s my number…” Yoona gave Yoosung her number and smiled. “I hate to do this now, but it’s getting really late. I have to go now.” Yoosung groaned and gave her puppy eyes. “You can’t stay a bit longer?” Yoona smiled and sighed. “Sorry! But hey! We go to the same school! Let’s just meet up tomorrow, kay’?” Yoosung nodded and exited out of the game. They said their goodbyes and signed off, anticipating if they would really see each other tomorrow. Yoosung was excited to make a new friend like Yoona. She seemed really cool, and definitely had a certain enthusiasm about her. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Even though they had literally just met a few hours earlier. He logged onto the messenger and saw no one was online. He took the opportunity to open a chat room. He smiled as he typed in the news.
Yoosung: Everyone, I met someone today. She’s a really nice girl, and she also likes LOLOL…
Yoosung: She’s really pretty, her name is Yoona. 
Yoosung: Turns out, we go to the same school… and have probably been passing each other everyday.
Yoosung: What should I do!?!?
Yoosung: I’m meeting her tomorrow! Should I buy her something? Should I?
Yoosung: … Is it weird that I’m talking like this even though I met her a few hours ago?
Yoosung: Gahhh!!!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• There are 3 other chapters I made, so this is just the first one. ugh its so cringey lmaooo - 
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
DL: The Scarlet Hetaera |01
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Intro to the story
Those who enter are doomed to remain.  Adachi Yasuko just wanted to get the perfect picture, and as a result, she was thrust into the craziness that was the Sakamaki mansion. It becomes survival versus eternal pleasure in this all-out Diabolik Lovers fanfiction~
‘All I wanted was to take a photo… All I wanted was to be appreciated. So how did I end up here?’
Adachi stood outside of the dark mansion, contemplating how her life had gotten to this point. All she wanted was to take a photo that would land her a scholarship in America, where she could find herself amongst all the unique souls out there. She gulped and clutched her favorite camera to her chest, knowing that if she was caught outside the Sakamaki mansion, she would be done for. 
Since she went to night school with the Sakamaki brothers, she often saw them in the halls, usually being gawked at by their fangirls and acting like they ruled the world. 
‘Come on, Yasuko... you came this far. Just get one of their handsome faces in a natural pose and get the heck out of this creepy ass place.’ 
Adachi sighed and walked up closer to the mansion, looking through the windows as much as possible without getting caught by anyone. The only reason she was there was because she had gotten a letter from the company she sent her portfolio to that she never captured living human beings in her work. If she could get a person in a picture, it would be a ticket into the most advanced art institute in America, Golden Sun University. 
She went to all the windows, but had no luck looking inside. They were all blocked by dark curtains, and if she used her flash, she would die. 
‘Next best thing, check the second floor! Tree climbing skills, help me now!’ 
Adachi found a tall tree, gripped onto it, and started to climb. As she went up, her pants snagged on a tree branch and ripped, scratching her skin as well. She winced and went back to climbing, realizing she was almost up. Once she found a sturdy branch to sit on, she took out her camera and pointed it at one of the rooms, which fortunately, had the curtains drawn back and the light on. Inside the room was a girl with blonde hair and soft pink eyes, sitting on the edge of her bed and reading a book. 
‘Isn’t that, Komori Yui? I knew she rode with the Sakamaki brothers to school, but I never knew she lived with them, too…’ Trying to come up with a rational reason why Yui was there, she didn’t notice that someone had appeared in Yui’s room and started picking on her. When she looked back at the window, she saw a guy with shoulder length orange and red hair standing above the girl. 
“Sakamaki Laito!? When did he get there? Oh right! Camera time!” 
Adachi lifted her camera to eye level and zoomed into the room, hoping to get a pose out of the male. Instead, all she saw was the brother lift Yui by her shoulder and press her against the wall. She blushed and put down the camera, trying to calm down. 
‘What the hell?! Are they dating!? Dude!’ 
She lifted the camera again and instantly regretted doing so. She saw the Sakamaki brother burrowing his face into Yui’s neck, while she winced and struggled to move. 
‘What… the HELL!?’ 
Suzaki took the picture and cringed at the sight, but at the same time, couldn’t bear to look away. 
‘I got my picture… but I can’t possibly publish it… goddammit.’ 
As she raised her camera, she broke into a cold sweat when Laito’s eyes came to the window and looked at the tree suspiciously, holding her breath as she felt his eyes pass over her, Adachi climbed down the tree and took the roll of film with the picture on it. She put the film in her purse, watching as her chance for a scholarship slipped away. She was about to walk home, when she suddenly got an idea, which was legal and safer than her stunt earlier.
The annoying sound of knocking resonated from the front door of the Sakamaki mansion as Adachi pounded at the door, waiting for an answer. She had decided to come back in the morning and see if they would allow her to take pictures of their home and maybe a few candids as well. The door opened slowly to reveal Yui, who had a look of surprise on her face. 
“Hi Komori-san. I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m in some of your classes. I’m Yasuko  Adachi.” 
Yui thought for a moment and smiled. “Oh, hello Adachi-san! I do remember you. But what are you doing here?�� She opened the door a bit more and stepped outside. 
“Well, I wanted to take a few photos of this mansion, so I was hoping the owner would allow it… If it’s okay with you.” 
Yui’s smile disappeared as soon as it came. She didn’t want Yasuko to be involved in the chaos that was this mansion. After all, the inhabitants were possessive. 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea… You see…” Yui was about to say something, when she was cut off by someone clearing their throat. 
She looked behind her to see Reiji, who walked up to the door and looked at Adachi. “What do you need from here?” His tone was relatively cold as he glared at the female, expecting her to shrink back and walk away, but instead, he was met with a smile and a look of confidence. 
“Yes, you must be Sakamaki Reiji-kun. I’m Adachi Yasuko. I was wondering if I could take a few pictures of your home. It has a certain aura to it that I just can’t ignore.” 
Her smiling face turned into one of determination as she looked at the purple haired male, awaiting his answer. “Yes, of course. May I ask what for?” Adachi held up her camera and walked into the mansion after the two teenagers. 
“Well you see, I plan to attend Golden Sun University of Art and Photography. They said that they would give me a full ride scholarship if I took a few candids and structural art as well.” Reiji nodded and looked at Yasuko as she looked around and snapped photos of certain areas. “If you need any assistance, Yui-san will help you.” Reiji walked off and disappeared down the hall, leaving Yui and Yasuko to themselves as they walked around taking photos of the mansion.
“Komori-san, is there a garden here?” 
Yasuko looked at Yui, who nodded and brought her to the back of the mansion, where there was a garden full of white roses, swaying ever so delicately in the wind. Yasuko looked in amazement at the garden and took a photo. “This is amazing! Who grew these?” 
“He did. Subaru-kun.” Yui pointed at the white-haired male as he knelt down to a bed of white roses and tended to them. Yasuko quickly snapped a photo and smiled. She walked up to Subaru and knelt down next to him. “Your garden is really pretty, Subaru-san.” Subaru’s eyes widened as he stood up and stepped back from Yasuko. He looked startled and hostile as he looked at the red head, who was also a bit startled by his reaction. 
“What are you doing here?” He looked at Yui, who proceeded to tell why Yasuko had appeared here. “How long did it take to grow all of this?” Yasuko’s smile was met with a cold and steely gaze. Subaru knew if she was allowed in so quickly, it was trouble. With an annoyed sigh, he walked away without answering the question. Yasuko’s smile faded, and was replaced by a face of sheer awe. He looked like one of the white roses. Elegant, gentle, yet with a hint of bitterness and sharpness, like the thorns. She pulled her camera to her eye and snapped the perfect shot. Looking at how it turned out, she smiled. 
“May I see your photos, Adachi-san?” Yasuko smiled at Yui, and Yui’s heart warmed. It had been awhile since she had received an honest and generous smile like that.
“Of course! And, Yui, please call me Yasuko! I think we’re friends now.” Yui smiled and looked through the pictures, wondering how she was able to make such art out of the same walls she had been seeing for a while. After Yui and Yasuko walked around the garden a bit more, they went inside to tour the mansion fully. 
Yasuko began taking pictures of the most appealing parts of the mansion, when she stopped on a figure resting on a couch in a parlor. She had become so preoccupied that she didn't notice she had strayed from Yui, who continued to walk on. The figure on the couch was none other than Shuu Sakamaki, who just so happened to be Yasuko’s classmate. She stayed an arm’s distance away from the beautiful male, and gathered up all her courage to take a picture. 
Once she had snapped it, she gasped when a hand clasped around her wrist and pulled her close to the couch. She let out a small yelp, locking eyes with Shuu, who had no emotion in his cool blue eyes.
“Delete it.” Yasuko froze. 
“I-I’m sorry?” “Delete the picture.” 
Yasuko tried to back away, but ultimately failed, as Shuu had his hand wrapped tightly around her wrist. 
“You’re hurting me… I’m sorry, okay?” Shuu stood up,  easily towering over Yasuko, and froze. She became confused as the male began to ease his face closer to her, causing her to heat up considerably. It only became hard to breathe when Shuu began to sniff at her neck, allowing his nose to tickle her skin in the slightest.
“Sakamaki-kun, I apologize for taking the picture and I’ll delete it, but… I want to ask you something.” “Who let you in?” Shuu disregarded her request and began to interrogate.
“Sakamaki… Reiji-kun.” Yasuko didn’t know when, but she began enjoying the intimate position the two were in. It was sinful to think about, but she couldn’t help it. She wouldn’t admit it though, because behind the closeness, was hostility she couldn’t ignore.
“Your blood is heating up. You seem anxious. Could it be that you are enjoying the danger you are in?” Yasuko had no idea what he meant, but she couldn’t lie, she was strangely anxious and felt like putty. 
“What do you want?” His tone cold, demanding, rang through Yasuko’s ears. She began to feel lightheaded. 
“I just wanted to take your picture for my portfolio. My school scholarship is riding on candids of other people, so I could really use your help.” Shuu was amused. This girl was bold, yet stupid to walk into this place. Though he had to admit, it was cute how strong she was. 
“What do I get out of this? You get pictures, it is only fair you give me something in return. How much are you willing to give up for pictures of me?”
Yasuko couldn’t catch her answer in time to re-evaluate before she let her true feelings slip.
“Everything. For my school, I’ll give you… everything,” Shuu let a smirk cross his face as the girl looked away from his gaze. This girl was interesting. A strong will, creativity, and blood that smelled appetizing. So good in fact, Reiji had to have smelled it himself in order for her to have let her in so quickly. Yasuko’s blood smelled close to Yui’s, but with more hints of sweetness, and purity. He had to have it. 
“Leave.” Shuu let go of Yasuko’s wrist, and returned to the couch to sleep once more. Yasuko left the area, confused by the actions of her classmate, and went to catch up with Yui, who was looking for her by the front of the house.
“Yasuko-chan! I was looking for you! Where did you go?” Yui grabbed Yasuko’s hands, which were slightly shaking from her encounter with Shuu, but nonetheless, she smiled, reassuring the blonde that she was okay.
“Yui-chan, I’m okay! I got caught up in the moment and started taking more pictures. I’m sorry I worried you.” Yasuko made her way to the door, but before she could leave, Reiji came back and stopped her, dismissing Yui so he could be alone with Yasuko.
“Thank you for allowing me in your home, Sakamaki-kun. I think I have enough for my portfolio for school now, so thank you.” Yasuko bowed deeply to show her gratitude, but was met with silence. She straightened up to see Reiji fixing his glasses, before looking her straight in the eye, as if he were judging her with one gaze.
“I take it you have all of your pictures, correct?” The question was very obscure, but Yasuko answered as best she could. “Yes. I believe so.”
“... Even the one from last night?”
|02 - Part 2
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
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I’m about to take an AP test so I’m hecka nervous... but I got a good idea for writing now and god I want to see Seto Kaiba before this test so he can just make me feel bad for not being a genius then out of nowhere wish me luck cause he’s secretly worried.
Anyway, have a good day, stay clean and safe, and study,,,, pls
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
arranged. |05
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Previous: |01 , |02 , |03 , |04
Summary: Chiara was living out her days normally, when against her will, she is betrothed to Seto Kaiba for a business deal. She does not approve, and expects Kaiba not to either... until she hears he is the one who facilitated this deal.
The OC is Chiara Fuyu, daughter to one of the best holotech labs internationally, named Fuyu Corp. Her father agrees to have her married to Seto on grounds of uniting Fuyu Corp under Kaiba Corp.
“I hope that we will be able to talk during this outing, as well.”
Instead of an answer, he closed the door gently and went to the driver’s side to start the car.
“We’ll have all the time to talk. Since you are so adamant in talking about things you already know.”
If I could just smack him right now… If only…
“This car is really nice, Kaiba.”
I tried to make small talk to the best of my ability, because along the way, we had stopped talking to each other. Kaiba was a man of few words, and all the words when he didn’t need to talk. It was like a special ability that only he had. 
“Of course it is. I would only settle for the best.”
Then it was quiet. I mean, come on. He can’t even put in more effort for conversation? Unbelievable. Here I was, trying hard to get on his good side, but it seems like he didn’t care at all. I noticed Kaiba turn his head slightly towards me, but I decided to ignore it. He turned back to the wheel and slightly tapped the wheel, clearing his throat.
“But… if you think it’s nice, then you can drive it, if you want.”
I looked over to him in surprise. That has to be the nicest thing he has said to me… well, ever! He didn’t look over to me, but I smiled a little to myself and leaned back in my seat.
“You don’t have to do that. Thanks for the offer, though.”
It went quiet again, but it was more comfortable than before. We ended up getting to the place just in time for our reservation, and were seated in this beautiful section on a balcony overlooking Domino City. The sun was still high, reflecting light off the top of buildings, and I couldn’t help but ask myself when Seto made the reservations for this place
“Kaiba, this place is really nice. Do you usually come here?”
Seto looked from the view back to me, the sun causing his hair to glisten and his eyes to shine the deepest blue I had ever seen. This guy was the head of a very successful corporation, has a brother who loves him… anything he could ever need. Which is why I couldn’t stop the question before it rolled off of my tongue.
“Why me, Kaiba?”
His eyes narrowed the slightest bit before he lifted his glass of water.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, You have everything that anyone could want. You’re handsome, you run a successful corporation, and no matter how terrible you can be sometimes…”
I saw him scowl when I said that… adorable.
“... You are still a kind person when you want to be. So, why choose me when any girl would be happy to marry you?”
I guess I said too much, because for a long while, Kaiba didn’t answer. We had ordered our food and sat there, alternating between looking over the balcony, and making awkward eye contact with each other. As the sun began to set even lower, Kaiba finally spoke up.
“Why not you?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
I was once again looking straight into his eyes, wondering how he had been so blessed with that steely yet honest gaze.
“I could have anyone, sure. It is almost guaranteed anyone would be grateful to take your place.”
I let the slightest pout reach my face as he talked about how grateful any woman would be to marry him, and I guess he could tell he was beginning to test me, because he redirected back to the issue at hand.
“Yes, anyone would be grateful, but they aren’t you. You have something that no one else has, and so what would be the point of choosing a random stranger over your potential?”
Oh. So he married me because of my talent for technology then. I have to admit, I was hoping for a more romantic approach, but I wasn’t surprised it was just for skill. I lifted my glass of water to my lips and took a small sip, feeling refreshed at the cool liquid as it went down my throat. It was more silence as I began to have thoughts once more of the contract. More importantly, how I could render it useless with the rules in place.
‘I either have to get him to touch me, or place myself in danger… the second option is out, but the first one is way too easy. Maybe I can ask him about it…’
As I looked up to Seto, I immediately rethought the idea of asking him, since he would know what I was planning. I had a month before I turned 18… and only a few months after that before the touching rule goes out the window. What did that rule even serve to prove? How willing he was to respect my space, or how stubborn he was to be married? Either way, I knew I was getting out of this marriage. One way or another.
“Kaiba, can you tell me why this contract was made? I know it is to merge corporations, but why the marriage as well?”
Kaiba got really serious, placing both of his hands on the table and leaning forward the smallest bit, as if this was top secret information. I mimicked the action, leaning forward as well, even scooting in my chair a bit more.
“The reason for the merger is to appease the board and fulfill some promises my family made before me.”
“But, what does that mean? Why?”
He sighed and leaned back, taking up a glass that the waiter brought over for him at his request. He stirred the glass gently and took a sip, looking like an elegant model for a magazine I couldn’t even grace the cover of, before gently setting down the glass and answering my question.
“My inheritance says I must marry a deserving woman and have a complete family, otherwise I would be arranged with someone of the board’s choosing. I don’t want them to have anything to do with my personal affairs and who I fall in love with.”
I was so tempted to tell him that what he had gone through with the board is what he was doing to me, but I resigned to keeping my mouth shut, otherwise I could possibly harm his ego. Then I thought about what he said. A family??? With me?? I wasn’t even old enough to marry, let alone recreate!
“But Kaiba, a family… Do they mean children? Like, you and me…”
“What? No. Mokuba counts as a dependent so we don’t have to…”
“Oh… okay.”
That has to be the most awkward part of everything we went over, but I felt better knowing what the cause of this was. Kaiba was trying to live his own life, too. Just like I was. Maybe in that aspect, we weren’t that different. We both wanted to dictate our own lives, but were thrusted into situations that barred us from living our own ways.
“I understand a bit better now. Thank you, Kaiba.”
“I think it would be better off to just drop the formalities. Just call me Seto, and I will call you Chiara.” 
I nodded, smiling at the fact that he wanted to drop formalities. Our food had arrived shortly after and we both began to eat, discussing things from technology to trivial matters, which I didn’t think Seto would be willing to do. After we finished up, we left almost immediately, deciding to just take our conversation back home. 
“Your birthday, it’s June 8, correct?”
I looked at Kaiba, a bit drowsy as we drove home and nodded.
“Yes. Exactly a month from today.”
“Understood. You may rest now.”
It isn’t like I needed to hear him say it was okay to sleep, but it made it easier to rest a bit. I woke up before we arrived home, and as we walked into the house, I saw Mokuba run up to Kaiba, smiling as he began to talk about the perfection he had made on a new prototype while we were gone. Their relationship was truly adorable. The Kaiba brothers are inseparable, against a world that wanted to tear them apart. It made me a bit jealous, as I had no siblings that could do the same for me.
“Chiara. Do you wish to rest for now? It has been a long day.”
I was thinking of staying up, but I wanted to ask Sunny a question about the contract, and it was killing me, so I told Seto I had been tired, and I would be turning in for the night.
“Okay. Good night, Chiara. And tomorrow, don’t stay locked in your room. It’s a waste of food when you don’t come out to eat.”
“Yeah, yeah, Seto. I’ll come out tomorrow. Goodnight, and don’t stay up too late.”
I made my way up the stairs and to my room, immediately showering and changing into my pajamas, and laying down in my bed.
“Sunny, are you active?”
I saw a small blue light power up as Sunny whirred to life.
“Sunny here! Ms. Chiara, you sound better now! How was your outing with Kaiba?”
“It was nice, but I want to ask you more about the contract.”
“Ask away!”
“Okay. Sunny, what happens if I touch Kaiba, instead of him touching me? Is that regarded in the contract?”
There was a long silence. I assumed Sunny was looking through the contract to answer my question. She then came back.
“That’s funny, Ms.Chiara, there seems to be nothing in the contract regarding you touching Seto Kaiba. This means two things are possible. Either there is no worry of you touching Kaiba, or it was forgotten in the meeting when the agreement was created. Do you want me to message the contract creators for elaboration?”
I thought for a moment before declining the offer, seeing this a bit of leverage for me. Kaiba couldn’t touch me, but I could touch him… This was perfect! I began to doze off with a plan in my head. This plan being:
Touch Kaiba, until he loses control and touches you.
It was an exciting project, and I could start tomorrow, while I started with other things. Kaiba would be going back to work, and while he was gone, I would make myself more comfortable in the mansion, so I could feel a sense of belonging.
Funny Short: (not related to the story)
“It’s really cold out here”
“Then why didn’t you bring a heavier sweater?”
“Because it was really hot earlier, Kaiba! How was I supposed to know it would drop 100 degrees and become winter?”
I was literally freezing my butt off as we walked the sidewalk near the corporation, my sweater shielding me from absolutely nothing as we walked.
“Here. Take this until we get inside.”
“Kaiba, there is no way in heLL I am taking your sharp-shouldered coat.”
“Really? Are you being difficult when you are literally freezing?”
“I don’t care if I get frostbite, I am not putting on your sharp ass coat. I would look ridiculous.”
Kaiba was about to take off his jacket when I stopped him from protesting. I was not about to put on that coat. That was his thing. I enjoyed looking like a normal human being, not a damn cyber-villain. 
“Just put on the coat, woman.”
“No! I would rather freeze!” I began to run with this last sentiment, reaching the building and running up the stairs before I was stopped with Kaiba’s voice after me.
“You can stop running now. Gosh, next time just put on a heavier jacket.”
“Whatever, cyber-villain.”
“Cyber-villain? You are really trying my last nerve.”
“Too bad-”
Before I finished, I felt my arm being yanked back before m lips met with Seto’s, the gentle feel being replaced with a force that brought us closer together. My hands made their way to his neck and his waist as our bodies shifted against each other, the reason I loved this man. 
“Then I guess that makes you the person in love with a cyber-villain. Lets go.”
“Where are we going?”
He turned to me before leading me down a hallway.
“To my office. We need to talk more about this ‘cyber-villain’ you have made me out to be.”
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
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I thought you'd never ask-
You know the feeling of when you want to write, you know you HAVE to write because you are a content creator and thus you need to put out content eventually. You WANNA make content.
But it's just not happening. The mojo ain't there, it's like trying to get super glue out of a tube when the nozzle is sealed shut with dried, caked on super glue. So now you're stuck in an endless loop of "I wanna write, but don't have the inspiration. I hace the inspiration, but don't have the motivation. I have motivation, but I can't think of anything to write for this."
That, my friend, is writer blue balls.
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
Quick Imagines~
My Unwanted Hero: The Hero you most certainly DIDN’T ask for!
One Punch Man! edition
Introduction: You are a normal person, well, almost normal. You had the ability to tame animals and Control plants. Basically, a nature hero. If you actually took the time to become a hero. Instead, you worked in a cozy little market, where on occasion, you would help people with plants and taming animals. Today in particular, you were training a nasty creature, and it was ready to lunge at you, but you had it under control. (At least, you thought so...) You were ready to peacefully stop the animal, when your hero decided to swoop in and make matters worse by attacking the beast. How stupid.
Being a new hero, he wanted to make sure he stayed relevant as to not get booted from the Hero’s Association. He was walking around town and found himself near a wooded area, where you happened to be taming a tiger that had escaped the zoo. This tiger, however, had mutated into a villain, but you could still help him. At first, everything was fine, but the tiger got set off by a nearby car horn and went ballistic, scratching everything, including your clothes and skin. You were on the ground after being sent into a tree by the tiger, when you saw it running at top speed at you. As soon as you stood and prepared to tame it again, There was a blur of yellow and white, then in front of you, a bald man had appeared. He punched the tiger so hard that it went flying into the air, roaring as he span away.
Saitama was pleased, but you were very unhappy.
“Hey! What did you do THAT for? Are you crazy?!”
Saitama was confused. Why were you yelling at him? Didn’t he just help you from getting mauled by a wild, ravenous tiger?
“Um... Excuse me? I was just helping. That tiger was about to kill you.”
“No! He wasn’t! I could have helped him, and now he’s gone! Why would you do that?”
Saitama narrowed his brow at you, confused at your actions and assuming you were just crazy.
“He was literally lunging at you full speed... he was going to kill you-”
“I could have handled it! Did you hear me calling for help?”
As he was about to answer, you cut him off.
“No! I didn’t! That tiger was from a zoo, you dumbass! And you went and killed it!
“Look, I didn’t kill him, see?”
The tiger came back down, and Saitama caught him, setting him on the ground before walking back over to you. You were relieved the tiger was okay, but nowhere near done with this bald psychopath.
“I still didn’t need your help. Thanks anyway, I guess, for not killing the tiger.”
You turned to the animal, who was shaking visibly, and looked happy to see you. It was awkward as you stood with the tiger, wondering how you would get him back to the zoo safely, when Saitama spoke up.
“... Do you need help getting him back?”
You were proud, but also very weak, so you turned to him and nodded.
“... I guess I could use your help now, baldie.”
“It’s Saitama, you crazy person!”
A wild boar had started causing some serious problems near a children’s park. You happened to be walking back when you saw it rampaging, and kids were screaming. You had to do something.
“Hey! Come here, you big softie! Did you get lost? I’ll take you home.”
The boar was responding to you positively, and he was excited to have someone understand his problem, so the boar ran over to you. Anyone would have mistaken it for hostility, and this was also the same for Garou, who appeared, kicking the boar away from you.
“Hey! Are you dumb? When a giant hostile boar is after you, you run the other way!”
You gasped, concerned for the boar, before hitting Garou on his head. He didn’t flinch at all, however, and turned to you in surprise.
“What the hell was that for? I’m helping you, stupid!”
“I didn’t ask for your help! I was perfectly fine by myself! And don’t call me stupid, wolf-face!”
Wolf face? That was new. He turned to completely face you, a smirk on his lips as he closed the distance between you.
“Oh really? You had it under control? Why was he charging towards you then? You call sacrificing yourself control?”
You seethed at him and ran to the boar, who looked to be crying.
“You idiot! He was just excited I was helping him find his home! He was running to me for help! I have the ability to tame animals!”
“So... you’re a hero then?”
You have never met someone as stupid in your life. So because you were helping, you were automatically a hero? Does this guy not know human decency?
“No dumbass! I’m a person who just likes to help people! Why is that so hard to get through your skull??”
He was in deep thought as he began to realize the situation. Well, it was an honest mistake. People and monsters are allowed to make those once in a while.
“Well, I’m sorry, I guess.”
Garou turned to leave before you yelled at him again.
“Hey! You have to help me now! You incapacitated this poor boar, so he can’t walk. Help me carry him back home!”
Garou groaned as he trudged over to you like a child.
“First you don’t want help, then you need help. Make up your damn mind.”
“It would have been easier if your dumbass hadn’t attacked.”
“My name isn’t dumbass,” Garou started, lifting the boar over his head and making eye contact with you. You blushed at the brilliant yellow eyes he had, and looked away, embarrassed.
“My name is Garou.”
“Well then, let’s go Garou. You owe me this.”
He grumbled before following you to your destination.
“Also, if you don’t mind, do you want some food as well? We could get lunch afterwards.”
Garou brightened at your offer and chuckled.
“As long as you’re paying!”
Amai Mask: (This will be multiple animals, who are made evil by a villain in the area.)
It was a dragon level threat in the area, and this villain was able to corrupt animals and make them his minions. You were in the middle of taming some monkeys when they began to act strange and transformed into minions. You could still tame them, but your hold on them was weak. You also happened to be stuck in a cage with them all, and so there was no backing down.
“Please! Calm down! Don’t let him take over your minds!”
You tried pleading to them all, but the villain’s hold was too strong, and they began trying to attack. As they all lunged at you, you tried once more to tame them, and it was starting to work little by little, until you were swiftly picked up and carried away.
“Hey! Let me go I was close to getting them back to normal! Stop!” 
You both stopped and you were able to look at your “savior” who was Amai Mask. You blushed a little, since you have been a bit of a fan of his music, but you snapped back when the monkeys screeched demonically at your disappearance. They began to run after you and Amai Mask, who readied to fight.
“Don’t hurt them please! I can tame them, just give me some time-”
Before you could plead with him to let you try, he dispatched all of them, green blood flying everywhere. You felt tears prick your eyes as you screamed. You had been working with these monkeys for years. Raising them from childhood, teaching them to be intelligent, just bonding with them. You cried as they screeched and suddenly exploded from Amai’s ability. He then turned to you, making sure you weren’t hurt. In all the chaos, your ankle had gotten broken, and as he prepared to take you to the hospital, you used a vine to wrap around his arm and keep him away.
“Why!? Why didn’t you listen? I could have helped them! They remembered me...”
Your sorrow grew deeper as Amai mask looked at you, very confused. Not only were those monkeys the enemy, you cared so much about them that you hated him for protecting you. More importantly, your ability to control plants also surprised him. A person with an ability? Why weren’t you a hero?
“Listen. Those monkeys were no longer your monkeys. They were turned into monsters. They even bleed green! I hope you didn’t think you could tame them like that.”
“I didn’t ask you to save me! I had it! They were listening to me! You didn’t let me help them...”
Amai mask was very confused. Did you really think he wouldn’t save you from that death trap? Since when did a person in trouble get to choose whether they died or not? The vines around his arms started to spread to his legs. You were really strong...
“How could you do this!? What gives you the right to choose what lives or dies without trying to help them first!? It’s unfair!”
He could sense just how distressed you were. He would allow you to yell at him later, but your ankle was starting to swell, and it wouldn’t be long before it clotted and killed you from internal bleeding. He began to tear at the vines. It made him guilty that you couldn’t have your way. You were beautiful, even though you were crying, mainly because of his decisions. He definitely needed to make it up to you, because as a hero, this is not what he wanted. It was his duty to keep civilians like you happy.
“I’m sorry. I know you felt something for those animals, but you must know in the deepest part of your heart that you and them would not have survived. Please think about it. They were under control from that villain. Even after I killed him, they were still rampaging. What if they hurt someone else?”
He felt relieved when you eased your tears. This also seemed to weaken the vines more, and so he broke out of them and carried you.
“I’m so sorry that I couldn’t help you as your hero.”
You stopped crying and looked at his face. He seemed sincere, and you had to admit he was right. You didn’t know if you were overstepping boundaries, but you hugged Amai close, wanting to feel comfort. He hugged back. Feeling a bit better that you were more calm. 
“Now, we must discuss some other matters. Things like your ankle, and your addition to the Hero’s Association.”
You were caught off guard, and looked up at Amai with surprise. You? A hero? You would laugh if you weren’t crushed over your animal friends.
“Amai Mask, I can’t be a hero... I’m not trained! I am flattered but-”
Amai stopped you with a finger to your lips and smiled. He looked so sweet in that moment, and you weren’t going to fight it anymore.
“You have a gift, beautiful. One that we need at our Association. Maybe we can discuss it over dinner later?”
Was Amai mask asking you out? Holy SHi-
“Yes. I guess I would like that. Thank you.”
You both headed to the hospital, discussing trivial things, and anticipating your date later that night.
(That was a bit angsty oOf-)
Okay. That was a big ass snake. Like, inhumanly huge. Like, bigger than the tallest man alive, BIG.
You have never tamed a snake before, since you heard that it was virtually impossible to train reptiles without meat of any kind, yet, there was a giant snake, terrorizing some kids who probably started this by entering its territory. So here you were, trying to tame a gigantic snake. You were heavily sure that this wouldn’t work, but you had to try.
As you attempted to calm the beast, you became more confident as the snake began to lower itself to your eye level, and just when you believe that the snake is ready to go home, It senses something and becomes threatened enough to strike at you. You try to block, but instead, you feel yourself get lifted from the snake’s path. You open your eyes to see that you are on a tree branch with an arm around your waist, belonging to a cute man with really nice grey eyes. There’s a moment of silence as you two look at each other, but it is ended when the snake hisses and winds up to attack again. You notice the man unsheath a sword, and you know he is about to do something dumb.
“Wait! Don’t do th-”
Before you could stop him, he speeds down and confronts the snake, chopping it up into pieces in front of your very eyes.
“You dumbass! Why would you do that?”
You jump down from the tree, and the man looks at you very confused. Shouldn’t you be thanking him and bathing him in gratitude for saving your life? He didn’t get it.
“What do you mean? I just helped you dummy. So much for helping a civilian. How do heroes deal with that annoying selfish-”
Before he finished his sentence, you lifted him by the foot with a vine you called, and he looked at you surprised as you snatched his sword and emptied his pockets.
“Before you finish that sentence, check yourself. I didn’t even ask you for help! What the hell were you thinking!? I had him under control!”
“Wasn’t he about to bite you? I’m not blind, you know. I know what I saw.”
You couldn’t fight that argument, but you went on to explain your abilities. He was not impressed.
“So? You can tame animals. That snake wasn’t following it. I helped you, so be thankful, and let me down!”
“No! I didn’t even ask for help! How thick is your damn skull!? Because of you, the snake attacked because he felt threatened by you!”
He didn’t seem to care, and you felt like you were talking to a brick wall.
“Speed Of Sound Sonic.”
“... Sonic. I am trying to tell you, I didn’t need you help. Thank you, but really, no thank you. Now you’ve gone and killed an animal who could have been released...”
Sonic did feel a bit bad for interfering, but he was too proud to let you know this. So all he did was break the vine, take his items back, and leave.
You yelled for him to stop, but he was already gone.
“Damn Tasmanian Devil...”
It was a few hours later while you were at home that you got a knock at your door. When you opened it, you felt a quick breeze and then suddenly, a man, more specifically, Sonic, was in your house, looking around, examining every little thing, before turning to your confused form.
“Look. I know you didn’t ask for help, but it was an honest mistake. So sorry for rescuing you from death by snake. Here.”
He extended his hand out to you, presenting a gift bag with a small potted plant in it. He was looking away from you, but you accepted it and accepted his apology as well.
“Thank you, Sonic. This is very nice of you. I appreciate it!” 
There was a slight blush on his face as he mumbled to himself. He went to the door to let himself out, when he stopped and turned towards you.
“Do you... want to go do something? As a sorry of course!”
You smiled and grabbed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder.
“I’d love to, Sonic the Hedgehog!”
“Who? Hey!”
You ran down the hall onto the street while Sonic chased you, and that was the very strange start of a beautiful relationship.
“Ya damn robot!”
“Please, stop stepping on me.”
What was happening, you ask? Well, You were in the middle of taming a gorilla, and at one point, he picked you up and lifted you over his head, note: you and the gorilla were only PLAYING. You were lifted into the air, when a cyborg that you knew as the Demon Cyborg, came out of nowhere, and began to assault your gorilla friend, mistaking him for some villain or something.
So now, you were standing above the cyborg, that you had bound to the ground with tree roots, and stomping on his head.
“I will NOT stop stepping on you! You hurt that gorilla, you brute! Is there something wrong with your programming? Are you just CRAZY? What the hell, man!?”
Genos, in all truth, felt very offended. He had just helped you, and now you were stomping on him for no reason.
“Why are you stomping on my head? Did I do something wrong in rescuing you?”
“Yes! I didn’t need to be rescued, you dumb robot!”
Ouch. He was hurt now.
“But... the gorilla was about to throw you.”
“What? No! We were playing! That gorilla is an animal I’ve been working with for years! He would never hurt me!”
Welp, Genos felt dumb now. He had totally forgotten to ask if you actually needed help. All he heard was screaming and the gorilla, but he didn’t know you were screaming for joy. Wow. This was completely awkward.
“I apologize for misreading the situation... I will make it up to you both if need be, but please, stop stepping on me and let me up.”
You had gotten your fill of stepping on him, so you released him and crossed your arms, waiting for his next words.
“I deeply apologize. It’s just that, sucha cute and innocent person such as yourself in the arms of that gorilla made me panic.”
Did he... just call you cute? You couldn’t help your elevated heart rate, as you tried to hide it from the handsome cyborg.
“Look, it’s fine, okay? Just, don’t do it again.”
“But I need to make it up to you! What can I do to make everything up?”
If you were going to be completely honest, Genos was freaking cute. Like, no joke. He may have been a cyborg, but he was just adorable. You couldn’t let this opportunity pass, and so, you got to speaking.
“Well, I need help nursing my gorilla back to good health now, and that way you can apologize to him yourself.” 
The cyborg nodded, helping you carry the gorilla to his home. You, were ecstatic as well. Genos, the class S hero would  be spending time with you for at least three weeks! 
And three glorious weeks were shared with him. You got to know him on a more personal level, and met his friends as well! He also observed you and your talent for caring for others, and he couldn’t help but think yet again, that you were literally the cutest most innocent person he had ever met.
You two were definitely not leaving those three weeks as just friends...
///////// Hmmmk... these were hella long and I am sleep deprived. I wrote these because I seem to be having writer’s block and I’m tired of not posting anything,,, so I made this really quick while I try to figure out inspiration once more.
There are going to be more things of this genre, “Unwanted Hero” for BNHA, Demonslayer, HunterXHunter, and Yu Yu Hakusho. If you want me to do more of these Unwanted hero prompts for other characters, let me know cause I will try my best to do so! Until next time!
My Other works: arranged. (Seto Kaiba FF) 26 Weeks. (Kurapika FF)
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
we were arranged.
Introducing: (even though I’m on Part 4) arranged.
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This is an intro and clear-up for my fanfiction, arranged. A Seto Kaiba x OC
1. The OC {picture above is from @ /so_po0 on Twitter] My OC for this story is Chiara Fuyu (or Fuyu Chiara), a 17 year old girl with short blonde hair and light brown eyes. She is very headstrong, proud, and talented with electronics and building technology. She enjoys being in a city setting, rather than a luxury setting.
2. Other Characters So far, I have only incorporated Seto and Mokuba, but as the story goes on, I will be adding more of the OG characters such as Yugi, Tea, and the others as well. Maybe even some love triangle action (hehehe)
3. Relationship buildup Because Seto and Chiara are being thrown together, their relationship is very up and down, so some chapters they may be friendly, and then just explode into an argument. (Cause Seto is a difficult person to live and talk with)
4. The Contract This contract is more important than you may think, since there are rules they must abide by in order to actually get married. They can’t touch, and Seto can’t put Chiara in danger. These will be heavily tested in the next chapters, and in case yall dont know, this story will include a lot.
5. Relationships Not only will I try to include her interactions and connections with Mokuba, but as I said before, other characters will be introduced to be friends with Chiara, as she is virtually friendless before this fanfic happens.
Glad to say somethings about this fanfic and make sure to read!
Stay safe, stay clean, and write fanfiction~ 
The arranged link is in the beginning btw.
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
Diobolik addition~
Diabolik Lovers: The Scarlet Hetaera !!!
This is a story I have been working on since, I kid you not, 2017. I’m not done with it, but I thought I could start introducing it to my trashpile of fanfics on here and on Wattpad once I get enough done. This is just an introduction that I plan to just do when I add new stuff.
1. This story is an OC story! I am not good at reader inserts, and so I usually make my own characters to put into these, this character is named Adachi Yasuko.
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Adachi Yasuko has long red hair, maroon eyes, and has freckles across her face. She is very strong-willed and confident, as well as very honest as well. She is passionate about photography, and has been working towards her goal of going to an international school when she meets the Sakamakis.
2. Hetaera SO no one knows this, but I give weird titles to my stories. Hetaera (hu-TEE-rah) means lover and since Diabolik Lovers already has that in the title, I changed it to Hetaera to even it out.
3. This fanfic will not focus on the OC with one character from the Diabolik lovers. She will be with all of them kind of how Yui is. Only certain people will have deeper relationship goals.
4. Yes, Yui is still in this story. No, she will not be a bitch and make the brothers hate her, and no she will not sabotage my main character... by choice. Yall remember that Yui is under some bad influences and would do things because she is afraid of the brothers. Never because she wants to.
5. I never NEVER know where the story will go, because I’m working on it as i publish. Same goes for all of my stories, which is why it takes so long to kinda update them all. I work on them in shifts, and try to submit them all on the same day. Bear with Me.
6. I will be doing this with all stories that have an OC, So I will be posting one for Arranged. After I write this one. Just to get some facts straight.
Have a nice day, stay safe, and read/write some fanfiction~
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
My whole Google docs...
K so this aint a story, but I just realized that my whole google docs is comprised of three things:
OC’s for fanfictions 
Fanfictions for all of the animes I watched and enjoyed.
and then obscure poems and stories that aren’t fanfiction.
The sad thing is that a lot of my fanfictions, I don’t publish or post, mostly because they are full-out books and projects that I work on for years.
Things like Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter X Hunter (obviously), Diabolik Lovers, One Punch man, and so many more...
My question is: Do I still post them anyway? And where would I post them? Here? Wattpad? Another website? I don’t really know. If any of you guys do the same thing with fanfictions of yours and they’re really long and stuff, Do you keep them to yourself? Or do you post them? What should I do as a Fanfiction writer with so many unpublished stories?
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
23 Weeks |part 2
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|26 weeks |24 weeks |23 weeks part 1 |Your Present (Oneshot)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  The hourglass starts  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The next day, he was absolutely exhausted. 
As he thought, killing someone would never cease to haunt and disgust him. Just as he had done the first time he killed someone, Kurapika buried the body, and then spent the whole night praying, asking for forgiveness. He wasn’t able to sleep at all, the dead face of his opponent just staring back at him. It had only taken five minutes. Maybe even shorter, but that wasn’t the point. The point is that there was more blood on his hands now. No matter how much he tried to tell himself it was for a greater cause, he was having a hard time even seeing what this “great cause” was anymore.
He felt sick. Not only physically, but his actions revolted him. He felt so deeply despaired that sleep was not possible, no matter how droopy his eyes got. He cried. Silent, and painful tears burned his eyes as he began to deeply question who he had become, and how much he missed the simpler times when he was more or less sheltered from committing such bloody deeds. He wanted that shelter once more, even though it would be willingly opting for blissful ignorance than the harsh truths of the world, if only for a little while, he just wanted to feel innocent again.
Meanwhile, you had woken up, feeling calm and serene, maybe still blissful from yesterday’s events. Kurapika had asked you out, and you had said yes. You weren’t overly excited about it, since from the moment you went on your first date, you knew in one form or another you would stick with Kurapika, anyway. This excitement was just a flow of comfort and security you felt now that he was there for you.
You decided on calling him first, maybe inviting him to breakfast if he was up to it. The phone rang a couple of times before he picked up, and not to say that you were a sensitive person when it came to other’s emotions, but you kind of were. You noticed as soon as he picked up the phone that something was off. He hadn’t greeted you right away as usual, and when he did say something, it was very low, pained, and it worried you to no bounds.
“Kurapika? I was calling you to say good morning. How are you today?”
There was silence before he spoke again, and it worried you even more that he tried to pick up his tone to make you feel better.
“Good Morning. I must admit, I haven’t gotten much sleep. I feel a bit unnatural, is all.”
You could tell there was more. Without a second thought, you invited him over, because you were genuinely worried about how he was doing. He sounded so… alone. You hated that, and so you had to try your best to make him feel better.
It didn’t take him long to arrive at your home, and he tried his best to look a bit more lively, because the last thing he wanted to do was worry you. He was quite surprised, however, because as soon as you opened your door, you were able to pick up on his stress and depressive state. You practically dragged him inside and sat him on the couch, lighting up candles and pulling your curtains closed to block out any sunlight.
“What are you doing? I thought you wanted to go to breakfast.” 
Kurapika was very confused as you brought blankets from your room and proceeded to wrap them around his form loosely. Noting his very low energy levels, and deciding the best medicine for him right now, was a well-deserved nap.
“Kurapika, you don’t have to tell me what happened, but I can tell you aren’t up for anything today. Why don’t we stay inside and take a nap, instead?”
He wasn’t impartial to the idea. In fact, that was maybe exactly what he needed, if he could sleep, at least. While he was distracted by his thoughts, you had taken the liberty to turn on some soft classical music as background, and sat down next to Kurapika, close enough to initiate a cuddle. At first, he had jerked, not expecting you to touch him, but he went along with it as you gently pulled him down with you onto the couch. No words were exchanged, but Kurapika knew you were trying to calm him, and it was working. 
He took a deep breath, and without any hesitation, hugged your figure close to his, desperately wanting this attempt at sleep to work. It was silent, save for the music, and even though he was sceptical that he would sleep, he soon found himself dozing off, feeling your hands wrap around his, then feeling them gradually move up his arms and around his neck, resting your hands in his hair, and stroking gently.
He hadn’t felt like this in a long while. Pretty soon, sleep overtook him, and he fell into a dreamless slumber. 
It was moments like these he would love and miss the most when it was his time to die. A sad thought that led him to tear up in his slumber, which didn’t go unnoticed by you. You wiped his tears as they fell in his sleep and you couldn’t help but wonder,
What exactly had Kurapika been through to make him so sad, and distressed? Why did every moment with him feel so final, even though your relationship with him started just yesterday night?
You chalked it up to your overactive imagination, and decided it wasn’t worth entertaining such thoughts. So, you ignored your better judgment and pushed that nagging feeling away.
Your happiness with Kurapika was all that mattered now.
apologizing for somewhat filler because I am having a hard time balancing school schedules and story writing...
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
arranged. |04
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|01 |02 |03
Summary: Chiara was living out her days normally, when against her will, she is betrothed to Seto Kaiba for a business deal. She does not approve, and expects Kaiba not to either... until she hears he is the one who facilitated this deal.
The OC is Chiara Fuyu, daughter to one of the best holotech labs internationally, named Fuyu Corp. Her father agrees to have her married to Seto on grounds of uniting Fuyu Corp under Kaiba Corp.
“Sunny? Kaiba was about to touch me at dinner when I was crying, but he just stopped. Why does he do that?”
There was silence, before Sunny began to speak.
“From the contract I have on file, it states that he is not allowed to touch you until you are 18 and give consent, or unless your father approves. Other than that, touching you directly is forbidden and punishable by annulment of the contract.”
… huh.
I wanted to hate this place, but that was the best sleep I’ve had in awhile. Although, I was too proud to admit that out loud. Still, I had no will to leave my bed and explore. Not today. I was still emotionally exhausted from last night. I wondered if Kaiba was, too, but that thought quickly left my head, because there was no damn way he was worried about me. 
“Ms. Chiara, it is currently 9 in the morning! You have no plans for the day, but it is still important to move about and keep your morale high!”
Sunny started up automatically, and started reporting the weather, recent news, and even a horoscope. Though I barely listened.
“Sunny, please cancel morning protocol for today. I don’t feel very well. I’ll be laying here for a little longer.”
It was silent before the AI spoke up again, apologizing and going silent after a short “get-better-soon” message.
It took awhile for me to get out of bed and stand properly. I cringed at the cold floor before walking to one of the windows in my room, moving the curtain a small bit to look outside and being actively blinded by the bright sky. Out in the front of the house I saw Kaiba talking with a man dressed in a suit, carrying a box with him. He handed it off to Kaiba and left quickly, which looked really shady, though I wouldn’t be surprised if Seto was involved with shady business, either.
Kaiba turned to come back into the house, but looked up and caught me looking out of the window. I was locked in a staring contest with him before he resumed walking inside, and then I felt silly, allowing myself to look at him for so long after such a bad night. I stepped away from the window, and decided to freshen up and work at my desk. I resigned myself to not leaving my room in protest, and yes, that is very childish, but after the scenes from yesterday, I’m too embarrassed and sensitive to deal with interaction today.
After a long shower to cry a bit more and think about my life for the 100th time in two days, I sat down at my desk and began to write. Blueprints for new inventions, strategies for duel monsters, things that I could care less about became a distraction from my feelings. I managed to distract myself until noon, ignoring Sunny’s requests for me to leave my room to at least eat. I could care less. I didn’t want to see anyone, let alone talk. I wasn’t in the mood.
I went a good half hour more working on whatever I saw fit, until I heard a knock on my door. I didn’t bother to ask who it was, assuming it was a staff member checking to see if I was alive. My guess was wrong, however, because the voice I heard was none other than the sociopathic and sadistic Seto Kaiba.
“I’m coming in.”
So much for invitations.
I heard the door open behind me and close as well, meaning Kaiba had placed us in a room together behind a closed door. Perfect.
“I thought you were supposed to wait for an invitation before entering someone’s room.” I spoke without turning, not wanting to face him just yet.
“You didn’t answer me, so I let myself in.”
I heard him stepping closer to where I was, and it took everything in me not to visibly panic with every step I heard.
“Why haven’t you come out of your room? Do you plan to starve yourself to death?”
“And why do you care? I’m just fine. I won’t starve from one day of no food.”
It was silent for a bit. Maybe I shouldn’t have sounded so harsh in my statement, but I think I got my point across.
“Fine then. Do what you wish. I won’t force you to take care of yourself if you aren’t willing to cooperate.”
His tone was harsh, I could feel them stabbing me as he said them, but I was too proud to let him know that. Whatever he wanted to say about me, fine! Like I cared.
“Here. This is for you. When you are ready to cooperate, I will be waiting. We will be going out for lunch. You are free to join if you wish.”
Kaiba set the box down gently on my desk, the same one I saw him collect outside. He walked away and left my room without a word before I could say ‘thank you’. I spent a few minutes just looking at the box. Asking myself why Kaiba would get something for me if he hated me. A peace offering? Maybe there was a bomb in this box… Maybe I was just trying to find a reason to hate him… I guess that was pretty mean of me.
I went to open up the box with a pair of scissors, and the first thing I saw was a framed photo of my family. Back when my mother and siblings were around. I picked up the picture slowly, afraid it would disappear if I was too rough. The framing was beautiful, and the picture was beautiful. Had Kaiba really done this for me? I hadn’t seen this picture since my mom was around. My father had hidden them all. Under the framed photo, There was a beautiful sundress that matched my childhood photo down to the last detail, including my favorite hat and shoes. This only surprised me because they had stopped making these items when I was a child. Which means, Kaiba had gotten them custom-made for me. There was a note under the clothes, and I couldn’t help but smile as I opened it.
“Chiara. As my betrothed, I aim to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Your father had these photos encrypted, so it was hard to find them, but nonetheless, I wouldn’t settle for less. We will be going out for lunch, and I know you are hungry, so get changed and meet us in front by noon, otherwise I will assume you are not interested in settling things maturely with me.”
The note was laced with so much sarcasm and sass, but I couldn’t help but smile. Maybe Kaiba wasn’t as bad as I thought he was, and maybe I owed it to him to make this work, otherwise our lives would be a neverending hell. I got dressed as fast as I could, smiling at my reflection. 
‘Okay… I’ll try out the fiance thing. At least then I could say I tried.’
I opened my door cautiously and made my way to the entrance, trying to shake off the nervous jitters and push down my pride. He had gone through so much trouble. I owed him this much. I opened the door and was greeted with the warm sun and a gentle breeze in the air. As my eyes adjusted, I saw Seto waiting by his car, stone-faced as usual. I smiled a little, a bit nervous as to what the afternoon would hold for us.
“So you decided to stop being so stubborn and come out. It took you long enough.”
I rolled my eyes and stood in front of him. I couldn’t help the small smile on my face.
“You know, I realized that if I came along, I could waste more of your money, so I just couldn’t refuse.”
He smirked as he opened the passenger door. “Fine then. Hurry and get in. We have a reservation to keep.”
A reservation? Could it be that he knew I would come out anyway? Maybe he would have dragged me out instead if I was really adamant in not going. That seemed more his speed.
“Thank you. I hope that we will be able to talk during this outing, as well.”
Instead of an answer, he closed the door gently and went to the driver’s side to start the car.
“We’ll have all the time to talk. Since you are so adamant in talking about things you already know.”
If I could just smack him right now… If only… 
Kaiba wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was relieved to see Chiara out of her room. What he couldn’t say in words, he put into that box, and clearly, it had paid off, because here she was, willing to communicate with him.
That morning when he woke up, he had hoped to see her at breakfast, but was disappointed when she hadn’t come. Mokuba had even felt bad for Chiara, and he didn’t feel bad for many people. SInce he couldn’t just walk in and apologize, he had hoped his sincere feelings would come through if he gifted Chiara something she hadn’t seen or had since childhood. Hopefully, she would see how much he cared.
Needless to say, he was glad to see Chiara smile. She was prettier that way.
I think it may be a bit shorter than I thought, but balancing this and school work has been really hard lately.. 
Part 5 is up but I’m not at my computer to link it so please look through my page for 5
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
arranged. | 03
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Previous: |01  |02 
Summary: Chiara was living out her days normally, when against her will, she is betrothed to Seto Kaiba for a business deal. She does not approve, and expects Kaiba not to either... until she hears he is the one who facilitated this deal.
The OC is Chiara Fuyu, daughter to one of the best holotech labs internationally, named Fuyu Corp. Her father agrees to have her married to Seto on grounds of uniting Fuyu Corp under Kaiba Corp.
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. You should change into something more comfortable.You also have your own bathroom through your closet over there. Don’t take too long.”
As I made my way to the bathroom, I had stopped to take in the closet leading to it. The clothes were nice, but they weren’t mine. In fact, none of my original clothes could be seen amongst the new replacements. Not that they weren’t nice, but it was very rude to me that my clothes are nowhere to be found. I would have to ask Kaiba about this later.
Upon entering the bathroom, I felt as if I was transported into a more futuristic dimension, because everything was so advanced. The bathroom was a fluorescent white with hints of blue in certain areas, and the shower was surrounded by a glass frame, completely clean and had a mirror on the wall next to it. The bathtub looked just as cool, and I found myself drooling over the design. My fangirling only amplified when I heard an automated voice come from the mirror in front of the sink. The bathroom had a damn AI, too?!
“Good evening, Ms. Fuyu! I will be your helpful AI unit from now on! I am named SUNNY, created especially for you by Seto Kaiba, and can be used anywhere in your room, and even on your phone once you download me!”
I was honestly impressed, and also a bit flattered that Kaiba developed a system for me. All of my hate for him took a hiatus as I just stood and admired his efforts because this has to be the first time someone had put so much effort into a gift for me.
“Ms. Fuyu, I have been instructed to start your shower as soon as possible! The temperature of the water is a comfortable 90 degrees, and I have some of your favorite songs cued for the duration of your shower. Kaiba has also instructed me on your outfit for tonight, so no worries!”
Of course Kaiba had picked my clothes as well. A control freak at heart I suppose. Everything else was wonderful! The automated shower system, heat control, it was all very nice of him.
That shower had to be the most comfortable thing I experienced today, and even though everything was accommodating to my comfortability, I still couldn’t help but feel sadness, disgust, and anger at my father for leaving me. Did I even matter to him? This was all like some stupid dramatic stereotype, being sold off to some rich cute guy to be married…
… wait, did I just admit Kaiba was cute?
Ugh. All of this is already getting to me… How do I get out of this mess?
I got out of the shower and went to the sink, and I just looked so tired. So done with everything. From now on, I would be alone here with this utter sociopath, and I no longer knew what to do, let alone think.
“Ms. Fuyu. I sense high stress levels in your heart rate. Do you need assistance?”
This AI is really something. Stress sensors? Kaiba went all out.
“Nothing is wrong, Sunny. Just a bit unnerved. I need some rest.”
“Oh! I am sorry to hear that, Ms. Fuyu. Let us get you dressed and fed so you can sleep.”
Before I could walk to the closet, I watched as the hangers began to shift and move on each side, silently sifting through the clothes, then pushing out one of the hangers, revealing a nice pajama gown, fit with a cover-up and matching slippers.
“Kaiba is literally the definition of too much money, and too much time.”
After getting dressed, I made my way downstairs, slowly making my way to the dining area, and almost being scared to death by one of the staff of the house.
“This way, Ms. Fuyu.”
Why is everyone here so monotone? There’s only so much static I can take…
Walking into the dining room, I am escorted to a seat next to the head of the table. Across from me is Mokuba, Kaiba’s little brother. I smile and wave at him, and he shyly does the same. He clearly is uncomfortable with this, too. I try to strike up a bit of conversation with him, although it is short and very strained with the gigantic elephant in the room, being…
It isn’t long before Kaiba enters the room and sits at the head chair, exchanging a quick smile to Mokuba before turning to me with a stone face.
“You look tired.”
I know this asshat didn’t-
“Why thanks, Kaiba, I feel tired… Can I ask you why I couldn’t find any of my original clothes from home?”
“They weren’t necessary, and inappropriate for you to wear here.”
Inappropriate? Was that his way of calling my clothes ugly? What a guy. 
The food was brought out and we began to eat, in a very awkward silence. I don’t know if it was just me, but I felt so uncomfortable. The food was good, but the silence was almost unbearable. I couldn’t just let this be.
“Kaiba? I have questions, and I’m tired of being left in the dark.”
Before I could continue, Kaiba stopped me and directed his attention to Mokuba, politely asking him to eat in his room. When he had left, he turned his attention to me and sighed.
“... What? Kaiba, none of this is making sense to me! No one has been telling me anything and I’m getting impatient!”
“The contract has all of the information you need. I don’t have to answer anything for you and you should accept that this is what we have to do now. Don’t make anything harder than it has to be. Do your duties, and I will fulfill mine.”
A whole new flood gate came loose, and I couldn’t help but cry. I tried not to, because the last thing I need is for Kaiba to have the satisfaction of making me cry, but it was just too much to handle. My eye contact with Kaiba broke as I looked down at my lap, allowing my hair to cover my face as I tried to hold back whimpers, failing miserably. Couldn’t he see how scared this made me? How drastic my life just changed? I know he has an apathy streak, and could care less about others, but this is just cruel.
I noticed Kaiba stand and turn his back to me, looking at the painting on the wall opposite to me. He was quiet, and his silence made me feel worse.
“How can you be like this? Did you do this ro me on purpose? Trying to show me my father could care less about me, taking me away from my home… forcing me to marry you when I don’t feel a shred of love for you? It’s cruel, Kaiba. Even for you.”
Had my words even reached him? Was he even worried? If he cared for me, the least amount, he would say something. Anything. There was nothing, but awkward silence.
This had to be the most awkward moment I’ve had in awhile, and it only became more awkward when I heard shuffling. Looking up, I flinched lightly to see Kaiba’s hand reached towards me, his face had more surprise than mine.
He had stopped reaching when he was close enough to almost touch my face, and then slowly, he retracted and turned back from me.
“You clearly need some time alone. Just, go rest. We can talk in the morning.”
I stood as quietly as I could, and quickly left for my room. Leaving Kaiba behind. I shut off my light and got into bed, tears still streaming down my face onto my pillow.
“Ms. Fuyu, It’s me, Sunny. How are you feeling?”
“Sunny, just call me by my first name.”
There was silence, then the AI spoke again.
“Understood, Ms.Chiara. Your distress levels are very high. Please talk to me.”
I was hesitant at first. Would this AI just report back to Kaiba? I didn’t know, and at that moment, I was too emotionally compromised to care. I told her everything. How I felt, What had happened… As much as I could to make myself feel better.
“I apologize for such a tiring day… You don’t have to worry, Chiara. This is strictly confidential. I am created to serve you, and I will remember our conversations for future discussion and solution making.”
That made me feel a bit better as I laid there under my blanket. At least I had something to vent to. Feeling myself drift off, I felt another question fill my mind, and I asked Sunny before I drifted off.
“Sunny? Kaiba was about to touch me at dinner when I was crying, but he just stopped. Why did he do that?”
There was silence, before Sunny began to speak.
“From the contract I have on file, it states that he is not allowed to touch you until you are 18 and give consent, or unless your father approves. Other than that, touching you directly is forbidden and punishable by annulment of the contract.”
… huh.
I honestly had nothing to say about that, but a lot of speculations about it. The one nagging at me the most was wondering if Kaiba really cared enough to respect the boundaries, and why he would include that in the contract in the first place.
With these thoughts and questions, I fell asleep. This would just have to wait for tomorrow.
Well, Kaiba wasn’t expecting this. 
At All.
The whole situation earlier was one of the possibilities he hadn’t prepared for, and it didn’t help that he wasn’t the best with expressing words, or feelings, to other people. Of course he didn’t want her to cry today. His words were totally misunderstood. Mostly his fault on that front, but he wasn’t expecting Chiara’s personality to be so gentle, yet fiery against his own. Not that this was a bad thing. He liked her. Otherwise he wouldn’t have asked for her hand. Okay, maybe the contract was a bit much, maybe a bit too forceful, but it had to be done, unfortunately. He was being rushed, and the usual steps one would take to marry their significant other, didn’t apply to him now.
“Sir, You have a new blueprint to review. Your team sent it in a few minutes ago.”
“Understood. Leave it to me.”
He wasn’t really paying attention. He was just mentally kicking himself for almost touching her today. He had to get more control if he wanted this to work. And in order to make this work, he had to make her see that he wasn’t a terrible human being, which should be easy.
… right?
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
arranged. | 02
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Summary: Chiara was living out her days normally, when against her will, she is betrothed to Seto Kaiba for a business deal. She does not approve, and expects Kaiba not to either... until she hears he is the one who facilitated this deal.
The OC is Chiara Fuyu, daughter to one of the best holotech labs internationally, named Fuyu Corp. Her father agrees to have her married to Seto on grounds of uniting Fuyu Corp under Kaiba Corp.
As soon as I signed that paper, I knew I had sealed something that I couldn’t get back.
My father looked away from me, patting my shoulder as if I had done the right thing listening to him, but if I had, why was he so distraught?
Kaiba, on the other hand, just smirked and tried to take the contract back. Before he could, I grabbed it and began reading the details of this merger. What had I just signed off to?
As I skimmed the contract looking for the terms, I came across the one thing I had not truly consented to. Written among the terms, was my consent.
‘If both parties agree to this Merger and Acquisitions contract, Chiara Fuyu and Seto Kaiba will also be consenting to marriage to truly unite both companies as agreed to in front of an honorable judge of law...’
“What the hell is this?!” I slammed the paper back down and looked at my father, who still could not look me in my face. “You made me consent to marrying Kaiba? How could you! I’m not even old enough to marry yet!”
Before my father could speak, Kaiba stood up, sliding the papers in his direction.
“We both know for the moment you are underage, which is why your father signed as well, consenting to these terms. We won’t be getting married until you have turned 18 and have been that age for at least half a year.”
I looked at Kaiba, turning my body towards him and glaring daggers. There was no way Kaiba wanted to do this either, so why was he being so smug about it?
“And you? Why are you even agreeing to this? Everyone knows you Kaiba, this type of thing would never fly for you!”
I thought I had made a good point to him, getting him to see my side, but all he did was chuckle to himself and look at me with his usual entitled look.
“Ms. Fuyu. Who do you think agreed to this contract in the first place?”
I stood frozen as he pulled out a pen and wrote his signature under mine. This had been his plan all along? Why? All of these questions ran through my head when my father touched my shoulder and turned me towards him.
“This is the smartest move. I promise you it isn’t as bad as it seems.”
“How? How could this possibly not look bad? You signed me away for your business! How could you!?”
Before I could say anymore, my hand was grabbed and I was slightly pulled away from my father. I looked backup to Kaiba and watched as he gracefully got on one knee, looking back up to me with the most intimidating and smug glare, a smirk on his face.
“Ms. Chiara Fuyu. To unite our corporations and continue to keep our partnership, will you marry me?”
The whole proposal was laced with sinister tones, and I couldn’t help but shrug my hand away. How was I supposed to do this? Why was I expected to do this? Before I could scream no and try to rip the contract, my father stopped me once more and told me something that I could not ignore.
“Chiara. I never want to put you in this position, but if we can’t do this, Fuyu Corp will lose all credibility and we will become Bankrupt. All of the foundations you created for animal and child welfare will get foreclosed.”
My father allowed me to open up donating services in the name of Fuyu Corp, and so far, they had helped many people get back on their feet. So many animals found treatment and better homes… so many children were cared for. There was no way I could let that go to ruin... and so…
He looked at me. No signs of a smile on his face.
“I... accept your proposal. I will become Mrs. Chiara Kaiba, for the sake of the Corporation.”
He smirked once again and took a small box out of his pocket. It was a ring. It was actually a nice ring, it was simple silver, but at the top of it was my birthstone... I suppose my father had thought of it in case I was actually excited about this whole thing... That was farther from the truth.
I wasn’t ready to be married. I had barely even gotten to be my own person, and now, not only was I taking on my own parts of the Fuyu Corporation, but now I had duties as Seto Kaiba’s betrothed. Some life.
“I suppose we should start the transition, then?” Kaiba moved past me and opened our front door, allowing some of his men to step in.
“What do you mean, transition? What are we moving?” I looked to my father who finally looked at me, with so much sorrow that it spoke for him.
“You... will be moving with Kaiba to get accustomed to your new home.”
How did they expect me to be calm about this? I reacted the way I saw fit, meaning I rushed past them all and locked myself in my room. At first, there was a lot of noise from everyone banging at my door, trying to get me to come out. Then, Seto silenced them all. I could tell he was plotting something.
“She’ll have to come out, sooner or later.”
He was right. I couldn’t stay locked up in here, but if I left, they would take me. So, I waited a few hours until it turned to noon, and I decided to sneak out. I changed my clothes and covered up my hair to make me less conspicuous on the streets, and I headed for the window. I had to get out of there. I jumped out of my window to a nearby tree and booked it out of a small opening I made in our gate. Maybe they would give up if I wasn’t there.
I spent a lot of time just roaming the streets. Trying to piece everything together. How my father got caught up in this... Why Kaiba wanted me as a wife... I still couldn’t find answers.
It had been a few more minutes walking and I had forgotten momentarily about my issues. I met a nice group of kids who I played duel monsters with regularly, teaching them techniques I knew from playing most of my life. They enjoyed my company, and I was so happy, until I saw a familiar car turn the corner, a car I knew belonged to Kaiba. I made a run for it after hastily leaving my new friends, and made it to an alleyway to another street. I thought I had made it, until someone grabbed my arm and yanked me.
“You are really troublesome, you know?” It was Seto. I pulled as hard as I could against his grip and tripped over myself as I ran. I knew there was no point in running, since he had already found me and was in hot pursuit. I was cut off by another car, and watched as my father got out and stood in front of me.
“Chiara... stop running. You know that this is childish, even for you. Come with us. We already moved your things.”
I had to try. Even if there was a small window, I had to try and run. I tried to duck around my father as fast as possible, but he caught my arm and pulled my body back towards him, holding my shoulders firmly. Kaiba was getting closer…
“Dad, please! Let me go! Don’t make me do this!”
I almost cried. I was scared. Who wouldn’t be? I didn’t want to be married, and now I was being moved to said person’s house? This was so messed up.
“It isn’t as bad as you think... just agree to it for now. The Merger is solid, but we both have our compromises.”
I stopped for a second and looked at him. Rules? What did he mean? Kaiba agreed to let me ride with my father so we could discuss it more, and during that ride, my father told me something. Something useful.
“The merger is solid, but very weak in accordance to the marriage. If the marriage were to fail, we would separate for good. If Kaiba were to touch you at all before you turn 18, our agreement is forfeit... and if I believe you are endangered in any way, I can cancel the marriage for good.”
Well it was definitely useful information, but could I really use it? There were only three things circulating through my mind at that moment:
1, get Kaiba to touch me before my time is up, 2, put myself in extreme danger under Kaiba’s watch and 3, there was no way in heLL that Kaiba would fall for any of it.
The only way half of those strategies would work is if I was batshit crazy enough to put myself in danger. Still, these compromises would definitely come in handy. 
I’m sure my father could tell I was plotting, but it would be too much of a task to stop me, so he let me be. It had gotten quite late during our drive to Kaiba’s home, and the draft had gotten stronger, colder, and I could tell we were either close to mountains, or the ocean, since those were the only places wind would pick up this way. 
When we arrived, I stepped out, really bothered by the cold air and greeted by a giant, quiet, yet artistic sight of Kaiba’s home. I didn’t know they still made homes this large... but no matter how big it was, it just seemed so lonely, and cold. Whether it was actually that sad, or if I was just looking for a reason to be uncomfortable, either way, I was broken.
I know some people would look at me if they could hear my thoughts and scoff.
“Is it really that bad to be engaged to THE Seto Kaiba?”
Yes. Yes it is. If I really wanted marry a sadistic and entitled bastard, I would have married a serial killer. Tears came to my eyes and threatened to fall once more. I looked back to my father, hoping for some comfort, only to notice he was still in the car, face turned away from me. He wasn’t going to say goodbye. I understood. He was saying goodbye to his last child, this time taken away from him because of a contract.
The wind was so cold, and my hands hurt from clutching my arms so tightly, until I felt the warmth of a jacket over me. The smell was refined, almost comforting as I took the fabric into my hands. I watched Kaiba walk ahead of me, jacketless as he talked with the men in front of him, most likely discussing the details of my furniture. He turned back to me, as stone-faced as usual.
“Are you going to freeze out here? Just come inside, already.”
I was hesitant in walking forward. I looked back to where my father should have been, waving me off, but instead, his car took off down the road. He had truly left me.
I couldn’t cry, but I sure felt betrayed. I walked a bit behind Kaiba as we approached his home, and the more we walked, the bigger the place got. As soon as he entered, I instantly scurried inside to avoid anymore cold and stood in place, not knowing what to do.
“You aren’t a statue.” Kaiba turned to me, his hand slipped into his pocket, and he pulled out a piece of paper. “Go find your room and get accustomed. Dinner will be ready shortly.”
He seemed nice enough about this whole thing. He wasn’t rubbing it in my face at all, and he actually seemed to be more gentle than usual. In fact, the whole time today, he was being softer than what I saw of him. I couldn’t let him lead me on, though. He was manipulative. 
I found my room quickly and stood frozen in shock. For one, It seemed as though my room became some sort of personal wonderland. Everything looked so new, from the new desk I had and the new laptop on top of it, to the especially comfortable looking bed. The whole room was like something out of my wildest dreams! I had let down my guard and became frightened when I heard someone walk in behind me.
“I take it you are enjoying your new quarters? Your father allowed us to take some designs you liked and cater to what you wanted. Happy?”
He didn’t have to go through so much trouble. This was a nice thing to do, especially for Kaiba... which made me more confused. Why was he being so nice?
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. You should change into something more comfortable. You also have your own bathroom through your closet over there. Don’t take too long.”
With that, he left. My room was very elaborate, I’ll give him that. But why was everything so... tense. The air was so thick. yet everything was supposed to be more fluid. Was Kaiba... tense?
I shook myself of the thought and went to shower. No way. Not Kaiba.
1, Part 3 
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momothegeckho · 5 years ago
The Horror and the Wild Inspired Prompts pt. 1
“I know the kindest thing is to leave you alone”
“I’ve run out of my words, my song, just let me die”
“I could try to calm you down, but I know you won’t”
“May I,” I ask, “May I?”
“I know it’s the kindest thing, I pray to God it’s the kindest thing”
“You were raised by wolves and voices, every night I hear them howling”
“You are the space that’s inbetween every page, every chord and every screen”
“Remember me, I ask, Remember me I sing”
“Give me back my heart you wingless thing”
“Think of all the horrors that I promised you I’d bring”
“Witness me, old Man, I am the Wild”
“Day by Day oh lord three things I pray that I might understand as best I can how bold I was, could be - will be - still am, by God still am”
“Welcome t the storm, I am thunder”
“Without you, I’m stronger”
“For you, I would have gone so much blonder”
“So one last time love come and rip my clothes off”
“Get a grip, we’re grown ups”
“Flirting at the back of a bookshop”
“Let’s hide under the covers, we don’t know what’s out there, could be wolves”
“So hold me, lover, like you used to, so tight I’d bruise you”
“Don’t you ever wonder what could have been?”
“Come rest for the winter, wear my jumper all night long”
“And the candle we list, well we’ll use it to burn this whole place to the ground”
“I’m lost/I’m found with you”
“Every brick you hurled, I’ll use it to build this world”
“I am above you and I love you, don’t you know?”
“I’ll be with you all along as long as you are kind.”
“Cos when it’s cold, I’ll wrap my scalf around you and when it’s hard I’ll place your head into my hands”
“It’s like I’ve gone off to the coast, left you behind just standing there.”
“Just because I left doesn’t mean I’m not still there”
“You were always strong when you were young”
“I’ll stick up for you, even though you haven’t got a clue, you haven’t got a fucking clue”
“When they laugh at us you’ll feel my fingers down your back”
“You were supposed to be my light and keep me safe against them all. How could you leave me here?”
“I know you’re strong enough to do this on your own”
“I’ve been so scared, you left me here behind, do you not care? How the fuck am I supposed to carry on without you here.”
“I’m the hardest goodbye that you’ll ever have to say”
“When you think about him, my wings start to flap”
“I promise you I’ll be better, I promise you I’ll try”
“I’m the captain of courage you’ve eternally lacked”
“You brought me to this party but you left be here behind”
“So long to the person you begged me to be. She’s down. She’s dead.”
“I promise you I’m not broken, I promise you there’s more, more to come, more to reach for”
“Goodbye to my darkness there’s nothing here but light”
“And this here is not singing I’m just screaming in tune”
“Today I somehow understand the reason I was born”
“Oh darling please be mine”
“She promises to fight them all when it all becomes too much”
“She brushes her hand through his hair, he’s got so much fucking hair”
“And he holds her close just to keep the world at bay”
“It’s not fair, it’s not fair how much I love you, cos you make me laugh when I’m actually really fucking cross at you for something”
“Oh how unreasonably in love I am with everything you do”
“I was born to press my head between your shoulder blades”
“Dear heart it’s me you don’t have to pretend to be someone your not cos it’s not like I’ve never heard you fart and snore and or some God forsaken reason I’m still here love like I’ve always been before”
“It’s not fair how much I love you cos you make me weep when I’m just trying to watch the office with my yogurt” 
“You make me ache you bastard”
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