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Stevie. 20. This is my hockey RPF blog. I have a main blog enjoy.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 4 years ago
omg you're here mdmajdjs that's so cool thank you for answering me!! the conversation between Leo and jack is one of my favorite scenes and I think it's because I think about it a lot, the "how much is too much" side of things (it's literally my bio on Twitter), because in a world without soulmates we don't know if things will work out in the end you know? so how much work is too much? when do you know you've done enough? not to be dumping the story of my life on you but I always have been the one to try too hard try too much try for too long without really getting it back, so it's a question I make to myself every time I'm about to get hurt again, yk?! how much is too much?! it was nice to see Leon talking about it even in a world where people think it's so terrible to not have one person that's certain in your life, "especially made for you" etc I felt validated by it. so. thank you, that's what I'm trying to say in the end: thank you so much for your work and for sharing it. it was really nice to see this side of the soulmate universe, the hard work, the fact that knowing who's your soulmate is doesn't mean everything is great and okay but means you know how to work and who to work with. I'm talking too much already ajdjsjdk thank you, bub 💕
I did get this message lol sorry I didn't respond to it before now but I've had it! But yes I am so glad you liked that conversation, that was sort of the conversation where I was having the characters talk it out as I myself was trying to figure it out. My experience with relationships pretty much up to th eboyfriend I have now was like that. How much do I have to try, and how much of it is natural? I never really liked anyone I dated until now, but maybe I just wans't trying hard to enough. That conversation though, in that fic, I think in retrospect it almost destroys the entire idea of the universe they're in.
There's this underlying aspect of it, that I'm not sure if it comes across, because it only appeared as I started writing it. But how much of it is just messing with fate. Those pieces of paper could have any name on them, because the power of suggestion is very strong. Connor and Jack never would have even tried a relationship in that universe if they were not put together and told they were soulmates. So what if they are trying too much, but they have to keep trying until it works because the social functions of that world state that they have to.
Would Jack and Connor still end up together if they weren't trying so hard? Would they have tried so hard if they weren't soulmates? Especially in that universe where as soulmates they are told what they're doing. I think Leon catches on to that. How do you know when you're trying too much. They don't know. BEcause all they know is that this is their person so it has to work. Leon however, finds freedom in getting to say "okay, next" and moving on.
Like you know how they say, You can't find your other half, you're a whole ass person on your own. I think that's kind of what's going on here. That universe raises soulmates up so far they really see it as your other half. Leon on the other hand doesn't have one and he goes. No actually it's a lot better to just be one whole person and he pities everyone else around them because he's like wow they don't see themselves as good enough on their own.
So I am very glad you felt validated and I love that part of the fic really resonated with you, and that anyone like took my fic so much to heart that it's on their social media and stuff. Like ugh that's so amazing I really never thought myw riting would get anywhere near that but knowing me writing out this thing of just, dealing with so many feelings just worked for so many people?
I struggle with Bipolar disorder irl, and I find that I'm like either Connor or Jack. My depressed moods are more unfeeling than sad. and My manic moods are more anxious and emotionally charged than just happy. It was a way for me to write out these two warring sides of me, which I didn't like either of them at all that much. But i got to not only talk out the issues I was having between those two sides, but find something to love in them, and for them to love in them. It is a really personal fic but knowing it landed with so many other people. There's no better feeling. I really love that.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 4 years ago
idk if you'll even see this but I just wanted to say that I really loved "Lucky" and the way you build their relationship in a way that made sense and didn't felt too rushed you know?! it's a really good fic and I'm so thankful you decided to share it with us 🥺💕 (yeah I know it's from 2017 but what can I say I'm a little late for mceichel 🤷🏻‍♀️) I wanted to ask you something if that's ok?! you don't need to answer but... Leon? did he find someone? is he happy? thank you again for for your work bub! 💕
omg i love this ask so much. Lucky is still one of my favorite things i've ever written even if it is old at this point and i have little interest in mcdavid or eichel. But yeah i just felt like i poured everything into that story so still hearing that people loved it so much like. I go back and read those comments regularly it makes me feel so good about my work and reminds me of what I am capable of writing lol
And yes, I think Leon did find someone but I think it took trial and error. I think he found multiple someone's, some people with soulmates who hadn't met them yet and some without. I think he went through life like we do. Falling in love over and over until we've fallen in love one last time, never knowing when tht last time will be not for sure. But I think ultimately his life is everything he wants it to be, in hockey, in love, and with everything else. Leon did find love but I think he also exists in that fic to remind everyone, in a soulmate focused world, that love is not the only thing that matters.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 6 years ago
Hi! So ummm i love you and your writing so much!!! The Eichel/McDavid fic and the Matt Martin fics??? Oooooo myyyyy goodness. So so amazingly good. I can’t wait to read more, thank you :)
thank you so muchhhh!! i have a lot of stuff in progress rightnow but nothing is close to done sadly. but i’m glad you like what i’ve written so far! keeps me motivated to keep writing.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 6 years ago
just saying but matty tkachuk and mitch fucked and auston found out and now gets super possessive/jealous whenever they go against the flames cause matt will like make extra moves to check/touch mitch and flirt with him on ice
Godd Mitch would never drop so low sorry
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 6 years ago
Hi! I was just re reading some of your Marnthews fics on ao3 and was wondering if you were gonna write more of this pairing? P. S. Love your writing!
I have a bunch of WIPs whether I get them done or they’re any good remains to be seen lol but of course i want to write more of them they’re sweethearts i adore them.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 6 years ago
Just finished your most recent Charlie/Brandon fic. I loved it so much! ❤️ (my favorite line was about missing team breakfast and getting traded to Dallas)
Lol a lot of people commented on that line! what can I say I’m just super witty lmaoo
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
Can you tell us more abt your OC fic?? I’m super curious!
Okay so basically Lucas is a southern californian hockey player who pretty much hates traditional organized hockey which is why he never played in the NCAA or went to canada for juniors. However he does play in some sort of league in california and he’s by far the best and all of his friends are like “you shouldn’t be here you should be doing great things elsewhere” a la good will hunting. But he’s like “nah hockey players are homophobic immature douchebags with no personality” he pretty much just loves the play the game but he’s not really a fan, ya know. mostly he’s a clippers fan tbh. 
Anyway there’s a tournament that their team is hosting which is put on by the NHL as some sort of grassroots thing but everyone is sure this team is gonna lose every single game. and they do. but Lucas kills the competition singlehandedly anyway. One game there’s one player who keeps yelling at the ref about missed calls and keeps getting pissed and Lucas is rolling his eyes because the tournament doesn’t even really mean anything this dude needs to lighten up. 
And NHL scouts are at the tournament specifically the new seattle expansion team’s scouts and they basically pull Lucas to the side and invite him to some sort of camp and they end up signing him. But also they end up signing from the NCAA that one player who was freaking out at the ref who Lucas alreayd thinks takes everything too seriously. That’s Ari who’s a hockey devotee. and he gets drafted earlier but puts it off because he doesn’t want to go to idk, like, montreal or something. but he ends up signing in Seattle and so Lucas and Ari are like the two golden children going into the season. Ari being like a proven commodity basically, he was the best UFA available etc. but No one knows who Lucas is and Lucas barely knows who anyone else is. cause he nver followed the NHL.
and basically it’s like this one kid who takes nothing seriously but his own happiness, learning responsibility and to grow up and stop judging people meeting this one guy who devotes his everything to hockey and the people in his life, who’s loyal to a fault and takes things way too seriously who’s overcome with feelings of not being good enough. and they help each other find some sort of middle ground and also it’s pretty gay. 
it’s based on my post about an NHL player who doesn’t know anything about the NHL lmaooo. also there’s a player named Clarke Iris who’s just like “get your shit together guys,” 
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
someone on the caps is gonna get fucked on the cup it’s inevitable
ON?! that sounds really uncomfortable. I cna picture like, next to it. unless you mean over it? like they’re on the bed and bent over the cup when it’s on it’s side? but that seems like maybe some form of desecration 
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
would people be interested in omc/omc fic just for future reference
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
I miss freddie & brownie how they doin?
honestlyyy i’ve been trying tow rite them for so long now but i just have no inspiration and it’s been really hard to write recently. like  don’t have anyone to bounce ideas off of anymore so they’re not coming to me as much. but i do have a bunch of WIPs and if people want me to like post those maybe i can.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
who should i have marshmallow top next: perron, fleury, or PEB
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
└ softly roasted, with care
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
I wrote a thing. finally. oh god. writers block is the most evil thing in the world but i don’t hate this one.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
I wrote a thing. finally. oh god. writers block is the most evil thing in the world but i don’t hate this one.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
:)) anyone wanna read and edit my fic i just finished. nsfw just under 2500 words and another rarepair no one asked for or even thinks about.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
i just got an idea for the angstiest angsty of fic that’s actually about growth and happiness and finding out who you are in the midst of tragedy.
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mitchmarnersnohomopillow · 7 years ago
Now all i can think of is matt between brian and hedman like. being made to feel small and just taken over. yesss
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