misssherlockstudies · 5 years
Miss Sherlock - Ep 1 Scene 3
This is a short one :)
Wato: 亜紀子さん ごめんなさい 水野先生私のこと迎えに来て こんなことになってしまって
Akiko I’m sorry. Prof Mizuno came to pick me up and this happened.
[ I don’t know what this  なってしまって  means exactly. I used google translate here. If anyone could break it down for me it would be much appreaciated]
Police Officer:  亜紀子さん お願いします
Ms Akiko, please...
Vocabulary/Kanji to learn
願い = ねがい = desire, wish, request 
こんな  = this 
こと = thing
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misssherlockstudies · 5 years
Miss Sherlock - Ep 1 Scene 2
 Thanks so much to the people who helped with the first scene. If anyone wishes to add anything, even to earlier scenes as I go along, they’re always welcome!
Reimon まるで悪魔の仕業だな
(That was) quite the devil’s work, wasn’t it.
Shibata 被害者は水野隆之 49歳 外科医師です。
The victim is Mizuno Takayuki, 49 years old. Surgeon. 
This person used to work at the same hospital as the victim’s.
It seems (she) returned from Syria today. 
(I’m not sure whether I should translate  そうです or not. The subtitles don’t.)
Reimon それは驚かれたでしょう
That was a shock (?) What’s that  でしょう? 
柴田 これで遺体の写真を撮っとっといて
Shibata take photos of the corpse with this.
(what’s that  っとっといて? An imperative?)
Shibata またあいつに送るんですか
To send to that one again?
Reimon 話は早い方がいい
(I really don’t know how to translate this one.)  話 is talk / speech.  早い is fast.  方がいい is you’d better?? So “you’d better talk fast” ??. I don’t get it. 
Reimon to Wato 警視庁刑事部捜査一の礼紋です
I’m Reimon of the Metropolitan police criminal investigation first department 
(that was a long ass introduction if you ask me )
The detailed story...
Police officer  礼紋警部 被害者の妻が署に到着したそうです
Inspector Reimon, it seems that the victim’s wife has arrived at the police station.
Reimon わかった
I see
Reimon to Wato ご同行願えますか
Can you please come with me / accompany me
Vocabulary to learn
悪魔 = あくま = the devil
仕業 = しわざ = work, deed, action (negative)
被害者 = ひがいしゃ = victim
外科 = げか = surgery
医師 = いし = doctor, physician
以前 = いぜん = ago, before
同じ = おなじ = same
病院 = びょういん = hospital
働く =  はたらく = work
まるで = quite
本日 = ほんじつ = today
戻る = もどる = return
驚かす = おどろかす= to surprise, frighten
遺体 = いたい = corpse
写真 = しゃしん = photograph 
撮る =  とる =take a photograph, video
また = again
あいつ = he, she, that guy
送る = おくる to send
 捜査 = そうさ = investigation
詳しい = わかしい = detailed
お話 = おはなし = story
警部 = けいぶ = inspector
妻 = つま = wife
署 = しょ = police station
到着 = とうちゃく = arrival (suru verb)
同行 = どうこう = travel together, accompanying
願う = ねがう = desire, wish, hope 
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misssherlockstudies · 5 years
changru replied to your post “Miss Sherlock - Scene 1”
救われた is a passive form of the verb 救う, "to save" -> "was saved"
oh I see. Thank you (o˘◡˘o)
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misssherlockstudies · 5 years
nijuunisai replied to your post “Miss Sherlock - Scene 1”
Minor typo at the bottom. 入れる= ireru. you have “ireta”
thank you! I’ll fix it
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misssherlockstudies · 5 years
Miss Sherlock - Ep 1 Scene 1
I’ve started “watching” Miss Sherlock with Japanese subtitles to learn Japanese and I’d like to start sharing my translation efforts here. It takes a long time to find the right Kanji and to have a first reading of each sentence and sometimes I don’t understand some grammar elements that are still beyond my knowledge at the moment, so hopefully you can help me with some doubts I might have along the way? 
So here we go.
Scene 1
Wato すみません わざわざ迎えに来ていただいて
Sorry you came to pick me up.
わざわざ: bother? I’m not sure what to make of this.
Dr. Mizuno おかえり 元気ぞうだな
Welcome back, you look well
Wato はい 先生も
Yes, you too.
Mizuno 無事でよかった 安心したよ
I’m not sure about the exact translation of this.  無事 ぶじ is “safe” and  安心 あんしん is “relief”. 
So I’m guessing: It was a relief that you were safe. ?
Wato 手紙 ありがとうございました 何度救われたかわかりません
Thanks so much for the letters. I don’t know how many times I was saved by them.
I don’t understand 救われた. What’s the  われ ?  That’s a passive form!  thank you @changru
Mizuno そんな 大したことは書いてない
I don’t write such important things
Wato ホントです 私の心の栄養剤でした  いっつも リュックに入れて持ち歩いてたんです
They really are! They were my heart’s nutrient. I carried them around inside my backpack all the time
*Mizuno’s stomach explodes and he drops dead in front of Wato*
Wato 先生  先生  失礼します 先生  先生
Dr Mizuno! Dr Mizuno! excuse me... Dr Mizuno  Dr Mizuno!
すいません  ビニール袋ください 早く
Excuse me a plastic bag please! Quick!
Vocabulary to learn:
迎えに来てる = mukaenikiteru = pick someone up 
無事 = buji = safety, safe
安心 = onshin= relief (literally made of the kanji for “rest” and the one for “heart”. Nice.)
救 = suku = help, salvation
そんな = such
大した = taishita = important, significant
栄養剤 = eiyouzai = nutrient
いつも = all the time
入れる = ireru = put in
持ち歩く = mochiaruku = carry around
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