misspommel · 7 years
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart...
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗 (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗💗 (how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗 (wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗 (hoping for a romantic relationship)
💔 Non-existent 💗 Very low 💗💗 A little 💗💗💗 Hopeful 💗💗💗💗 High 💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
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misspommel · 7 years
Send my muse some bad pick-up lines!
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misspommel · 7 years
Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.
💛: Loves them platonically.
💚: Is a little jealous of them.
💙: Feels pretty indifferent towards them.
💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
💗: Finds them romantically attractive.
💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.
💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
💔: Hates their guts.
💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either.
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misspommel · 7 years
Im accusing you of being adorable darling
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misspommel · 7 years
Accuse my Muse of a crime. They can only respond with either Guilty or Not Guilty.
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misspommel · 7 years
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“Personally, poppies are my favorite.  They have a very classy and vintage look to them, have several different colors to choose, just allowing them go with any outfit.  All this making them one of the best accessories to have.”
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misspommel · 7 years
🎖- Is your muse the “forgive and forget” type or do they hold grudges?
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“I did used to hold grudges, especially when Suri was my mentor.  She had lead me to believe that its “everypony to herself” and that you couldn’t trust anypony, much less give them a second chance.”
She  looked back up with a slight grin.
“When Rarity and her friends let me join them, I learned that there really is more than just that.  They have showed me that everypony definitely does deserve a second chance, and since I have learned to forgive.”
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misspommel · 7 years
More Unusual Questions for your Muse
🦇- If your muse had wings, would they be feathered and bird-like, leathery bat-like wings, or insect-like fairy or butterfly wings? 🙊- How good are they at keeping secrets? 🎖- Is your muse the “forgive and forget” type or do they hold grudges? ⚖️- If your muse had superpowers, what would they be? 📐- Did your muse get an education? What was their best subject in their studies? 🖋- If your muse was an author/poet, what kind of stories would they write about? 📕- What “Banned Books” could you see your muse reading? 🔖- When they shop, does the price or product matter more? 🐶- If your muse was forced to get a pet, what would they get? ✌️-How often did they get into trouble as a kid? ⭐️- What’s their favorite constellation in the night sky? 🍼- Would your muse raise an abandoned orphan they found or opt to relocate them to an orphanage instead? 🏄‍♀️- What kind of leisurely sports do they partake in on their downtime? 💐- What are their favorite flowers? 👑- How would your muse react if they suddenly found out that they were the long-lost heir to a rich kingdom? 👒- If your muse were to take someone on a first date, where would they go and how would they behave? 💥- if Your muse wakes up with complete amnesia, how would they react? How scared would they be? What caused it? 🍳- What does your muse’s typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner look like after their larder has been fully replenished? 🎣- Would your muse go fishing for any reason? Would they catch-and-eat or catch-and-release? 🎼- What part in a choir would your muse sing? Soprano (½), Bass, Tenor, or Alto? 🎬- Pick three movies you could see your muse watching (and enjoying) 🎨- Find two famous pieces of artwork you think your muse would enjoy.
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misspommel · 7 years
Hello everyone! I’m Catey and this is my MLP Coco/Miss Pommel RP blog, you can talk with me OOC or as Coco. However, please read and acknowledge these rules before interacting. Thank you for your time! 1. This blog is strictly SWF. The user of this blog is underage. 2. This blog is OC/AU friendly, but it’s semi-selective. I do get kind of picky with these things, just a preference if anything. With AUs, please tell me the backstory beforehand. 3. Take your time with you response, don’t rush yourself or rush me. I don’t really mind different writing styles, however, I usually write a paragraph in terms of length. But, I may get a little carried away! 4. This blog is a multiship blog, these also are also semi-selective. I may not be comfortable shipping everything under the sun. 5. And lastly, like this if you read the rules, it would be really nice to know that you have read the rules! Thank you!
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