Ryoji Ikeda- Test pattern exhibit
A new commission by Store X The Vinyl Factory, Ryoji Ikeda's will immersive audio-visual artwork is an unforgettable experience in which the artist converts data (from music, sound, photo and video) into monochrome binary patterns that are generated in real-time and envelop the viewer in a disorientating, highly-charged kinetic environment.
Really cool exhibit that may influence my current project. I want to look at creating an experience that makes the viewer understand the risks and dangers that Felix faced when sky diving from the edge of space. The light show and sound as stated above ‘disorientate’ the viewer, which is the desired effect I want to have.
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Us Navy Admiral William H. McRaven’s Speech
Admiral William H. McRaven’s Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World (Grand Central) — based on a 2014 graduation speech he gave at the University of Texas that went viral — was an immediate hit when it was published in early April, peaking at No. 5 on April 27.
As graduation season ended, sales slowed and by last week the book had dropped to No. 102. But now it’s soared up the list again, to No. 20 this week, thanks to a video of McRaven’s speech that’s caught fire on Facebook. 
Produced by an inspirational company called Goalcast, the video (which had 91 million views as of Wednesday) incorporates footage of Navy SEALs training along with the retired admiral’s exhortations.
Goalcast’s video, posted on Aug. 16 with a link to the book, “immediately struck a nerve,” says Grand Central’s Caitlin Mulrooney-Lyski. “The video has had incredible reach in a short period of time and the admiral’s message is resonating, yet again, with a new audience.”
I saw this video on Facebook yesterday and it shows the power social media can have. Sometimes these speeches can come across a bit cheesy, but this video really made me listen and so it seems it has with a lot of others. The initial sentence ‘if you want to change the world start off by making your bed’, is initially met with laughter.  However as the Admiral continues his words inspire courage and a desire to do better. This video is so powerful because it doesn’t just show off the qualities of the Navy seals, it inspires to drive the public to be better. I’d recommend you taking 6 mins to watch it.
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Red Bulls world record cliff jump
The project I’m doing at the moment is all about exploration or doing something no one has done before. The obvious route to take was to look at the famous ones from the past, such as Hilary reaching the peak of Everest 1953, or Neil Armstrong first man on the moon 1969. But instead I chose to look at more modern achievements, where I came across this World record jump from the red bull team. I implore you to watch the short video, to have the faith to make this jump is incredible.
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Future Deluxe- Off London main titles (motion graphics)
Came across this in Behance when researching for a recent project. The animation is incredible, not only with the figure’s (of which I thought were real people at first). But the abstract method of revealing type here is amazing. Parts of the animation draw you in, others make you feel uncomfortable, while some parts with the text are actually quite relaxing. It’s completely bizarre but at the same time transports you to a different world! Really worth a watch.
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First 1′s BUCS match of the year
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Harewood Half marathon 2016- 1hr 40
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First two Wednesday’s of my last season at NTU
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The Dieline Awards recognizes one studio for its collective work and contribution to consumer package design over the past year. The award goes to a studio, agency, or in-house team that receives the most overall wins across all categories in The Dieline Awards 2017 competition. This year’s winner is Jones Knowles Ritchie who received one 3rd place, one 2nd place, and two 1st place awards, as well as Editor’s Choice.
They received the award for many of their projects, but the domino’s re-brand caught my eye. Maybe as a student it’s because I come into contact with the brand a lot, especially as my age group is the main target audience. But also after my brief stay with Stormbrands, I appreciate the design and thought process that goes into a re-brand.
JKR seem to have focused specifically on the brand’s logo “Dominos” as the focal point behind the packaging. They have kept the original pizza box shape, but apart from that everything is different. Now sometimes this isn’t a good thing, if you change everything in the design that the customer has come to relate and recognise with brand, then they may not trust the new product. Doesn’t ‘feel’ like the same brand, therefore the product might be different. However JKR have rejuvenated the brand with colour and playfulness and brought it into the 21st century. The striking red and blue, brings energy and life to what was becoming a dated design.
JKR was briefed by Domino’s to “create a fresh design for its pizza boxes that would increase consumer engagement and make an instant, recognisable and shareable impact from the moment they arrived on the doorstep."
"Lee Rolston, Global Strategy Director at jkr, explains: “Domino’s is the biggest pizza chain in the world, but after decades of local market interpretations of the pack design, its boxes had become cluttered with generic messaging and the brand mark had a small presence on its boxes. To allow Domino’s to be noticed, chosen and remembered, we needed to amplify and celebrate what made it different and charismatic. We took cues from Domino’s catchy name, distinctive logo and sense of fun, and created a bold, simple design which makes the logo the hero, and issues an open invitation to consumers to play and share.” 
One of the main elements of the design is that it works as a pair to create the ‘domino’ piece. This idea came from their research that showed that 96% of Domino’s pizza’s in the UK were sold in two’s, due to their regular 2 for 1 offer or combo deals. They have stripped all the unnecessary information from the top of the box to allow the colour and simplistic design to have full effect. High quality ink was used to make sure that the heat from the pizza didn’t make the ink run and the packaging is 100% recyclable.
While working at Stormbrands I did some work re-designing their website, specifically how they presented the products they’ve designed. Here they have kept with the same theme that drived the ‘domino’ design. For example displaying the boxes as if children lay out dominos ready to be nocked down is a really easy and clever way to show the ‘fun’ in the brand. The colour scheme, red, blue and white are used throughout, even for the text. While the whole page is set out using the 2 sides of the packaging. Also for a food product that’s fatty and greasy, they have kept a crisp, clean feel to the box, design and photography, which reinforces the modernisation of the brand. However my favourite display aspect is the interactive before and after image. It really drives home the impact of the new design and reveals how much clutter was on the previous design. In fact even the way you interact by sliding the mouse across, is like you are physically wiping off the rubbish and dirt to reveal this pristine product beneath. 
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SUFFOCATED typeface- Inspired by Deric Jarman
Another 1st year project, had to choose a phrase from his book and explore it visually. The quote I chose was ‘suffocated by the white’, in which I created this typeface. I feel black and white only enforces the suffocating effect as the lack of colour leaches the image of life. But the shadows merging with the letters underneath this layer of cloth creates a stretched, struggled feeling. The more you look at them, the more uncomfortable you start to feel.
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1st year project- Daily routine at Uni
Using the same colour scheme was meant to show the repetitiveness of my routine. But it was an interesting task trying to compress my daily life into a few images. Also the images to represent going out/ getting drunk were probably the hardest to create as it’s half what happens mentally.
For example, Monday- Sleep/ Wake up, toilet(catch up on social media), shower, breakfast, brush teeth, catching the bus, coffee, falling asleep in uni, gym, shopping, chill/ relaxation time, hockey training, finally food and bed.
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CHD. Chris Horne Designs
Created a monogram to use on business cards and my portfolio/ website.
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This special sake is named after the carp, a famous ornamental fish and a symbol of Japan, which has been bred for decades in the same Niigata prefecture where this Nishikigoi sake is manufactured. Considered a living jewel, the carp has beautiful red patterns on a white body and this scheme has been adopted in the bottle design where the red is printed directly on to the white bottle. Japanese brush-work was used to create the red elements, while the outer box features a window in the shape of a fish.
After my internship at Stormbrands I have definitely been appreciating and analysing food and drink packaging more. This is a beautiful piece of design, the red, white and gold creates a luxurious feel to the bottle. But the design only really works when combined with it’s outer packaging to create the fish illusion. Keeping the box plain white was a good idea as it allows the bottle to stand out, anything else on the box would diminish the effect.
Furthermore the presentation of laying the bottles out together and changing the perspective shows it’s a very well thought trough idea as the design works through all it’s outputs. Also the fact that they have printed directly onto the bottle gives it that extra quality that a wrap can’t achieve.
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What If Nike Tried to Sell You Mascara?
Today, brand experience is now more important than ever. Brands try to convey a unique sense of identity, and the very notion of that identity is deeply intertwined with the value the brand provides its customers.
But if you have a brand with a strong presence and a trusting consumer base, can that brand extend themselves to new places and create products we wouldn’t normally associate with them?
For instance, when we talk about Amazon, we don’t just think about books anymore. We think of them as a virtual department store or grocer, a destination where we can get everything under the sun.
We tasked a group of young and emerging designers with creating extensions of well-known brands by imagining that they’ve unveiled a line of personal care and cosmetic products.
This is a really cool idea, as it challenges you to analyse the aesthetics of the design? product with the market that the brand sells to and the consumer base.  This student has clearly made a sporty cosmetic brand. So when designing in the future, taking inspiration from outside the market could create something fresh and unique. We see this when two brands collaborate, which is happening more often nowadays.
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Nike Hijab
Nike has worked alongside a team of athletes to develop a single-layer stretchy Hijab inspired by Sarah Attar’s win for Saudi Arabia at the 2012 Olympics. It was unveiled two days before International Women’s Day.
As sport and design are two of my main things that drive me in life, this project caught my eye immediately. I think it’s an amazing idea, it will allow and encourage a lot more women to take part in sport. Sport brings such joy into my life, I wouldn’t want anyone to be denied the opportunity. Also as a person that gets very hot playing sport, having a breathable material is so important. Looking at the hijab, it fit’s perfectly with the sports image, could almost be a hoodie. Nike shows us again why it is one of the leading sports brands.   
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Months Internship @Stormbrands London, Shorditch August 2017 
Having studied Graphic design and Art in education for about 7 years now, I wanted to get some experience doing Graphic design in industry. I was interested to see how my course compared to design at a professional level. Also as graphics covers such a range of disciplines I wanted to find out what areas I might want to specialise in. 
I sent my portfolio off to a few places, but Stormbrands were the first company to get back to me. They specialise in Branding and packaging (mainly food & drink). Their main office is based in Leeds, but they also have offices in London and Chicago. As I have rarely been down to London I snatched at the chance to experience London life. Also very generously they offered me a room in a flat they own in the centre of Shorditch. Such a cool area, rich culture with a variety of people, graffiti and trendy bars everywhere. 
The office itself was very modern and light, but a lot more relaxed than I was expecting. You get this idea in your head that work is all suits and serious, but it was nothing like that. Immediately gave me a good impression of the company. Unfortunately I can’t talk or show anything that I worked on as the designs/ products haven’t been released yet. However I worked on projects for Tropicana, Aldi, Morrison's and private Jet company. A fair amount of Storm’s work is re-branding, which is interesting because it’s a different way of thinking. It’s helped me in how I approach Branding in terms of research, ideas and finalising the outcomes. 
Lastly almost all my projects in education have been by myself. However in this company they worked together to achieve the clients idea. When one person came up with an idea they didn’t keep it to themselves, they shared it so the others could incorporate it into their own designs. This made for a much more efficient method or working. After finishing my time there I can definitely see myself doing that sort of work after I finish my degree.
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NTUMH- Nottingham Trent University Mens 1′s Hockey Varsity 2017
Absolute class. After spending 2 years at Uni waiting for a chance to play 1′s in  BUCS Premier A League (Highest level of British student sport), I finally got the call up at the end of the season with 1 game to go before Varsity. I had to train hard to increase my strength, fitness and skill level in order to play at this level. The 2′s play at a decent quality, but this steps it up a notch. Everything is quicker, more intelligent. Also to balance this alongside my course and social life isn’t easy, which is something I don’t think many people appreciate. To play alongside some of the top players in the country and to have over 300 people watching created an atmosphere unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Having only played at this level for one match previous the pressure was on, but I tuned the crowd out and focused on my own game, which was basically running until my lungs burned!
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