littlcrosie · 7 years
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“I uh…I think I need to go back to the hospital for a bit.”
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❝ no, no! why do you say that? what’s going on, hugo? i’m here now so you can talk to me.❞
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littlcrosie · 7 years
Three little words!
meme. / accepting.
❝ believe in yourself, lily!❞
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littlcrosie · 7 years
continued from --- ( here. ) @thehugoweasleyy
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❝ what? why are you not okay, hugo? what’s going on?❞
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littlcrosie · 7 years
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“i’m not…it’s something else, something in my head, not you.” he shook his head at her, clutching his hands in his lap to keep at least some part of him steady and still. “i’m fine…it’s fine, i’m fine.”
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she looked at the male, tilting her head in curiosity before a small smile stretched across her face.  ❝ i still do NOT think it’d be best to leave you all by yourself. ❞ she insisted as she tucked some of her long hair behind her ear. 
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littlcrosie · 7 years
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he repeated the words to himself over and over again, sometimes it came out as a mumble and sometimes it was clear as day. he didn’t have to guess what brought everything on; remembering things he didn’t want to anymore and wished would go away. he started hitting at his head, tears still falling down his face, “go away, go away, go away.”
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❝ i don’t think it’s BEST for me to go away. you’re hitting yourself. what’s the matter?❞ she asked genuinely as she kneeled down near the boy. she had a gentle soul & it bother her seeing someone in this state.   
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littlcrosie · 7 years
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Laying on the grass with a book in her hand that read ‘Divergent’ that she had picked up at the bookstore. Of course, the name had popped out at her. Susan was expecting it to be maybe about them and what they really are, but she was so wrong. “This place seems to get stranger and stranger.” She mused while her eyes were still on the pages.
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❝ what book are you reading? ❞ rose questioned the other quietly as she made her way next to the girl. she never sat down, not wanting to make the other UNCOMFORTABLE. rose had always been a bit friendly though she had random days where she felt keeping to herself. unfortunately for the other girl, today was NOT one of those days.  
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littlcrosie · 7 years
continued from ( here )
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“you’re my number one. i’d always pick you, no matter what happened.” he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed it. “i’d do shit differently, a hell of a lot differently. but i’d still always pick you.”he grinned at her. “but yeah i’ve been working really hard on my pick up lines. this is my ‘will you stay with me tonight?’ pick up line.”  @victcm
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jess couldn’t help the small laugh that fell from her lips as she relaxed into him. “ i think we all can agree that some shit would be GREAT to do differently.” she pointed out, her smile never fading as her brown orbs watched him closely. “ oh !! that’s what that pick up line was. i should have saw that one coming.” she teased him as her fingertips brush along his cheek, “ since you PRACTICED for that, i guess i’d say YES.”
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littlcrosie · 7 years
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“So I’ve heard.” He didn’t know the details and he didn’t want to, gossip wasn’t something Jeff appreciated. All he knew was his story and Hannah’s, least one thing about it. More was none of his business. “Can’t say I’m surprised.” He was just as confused. Questioning it just seemed pointless. “It’s good to see you, Jess.”
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she nodded her head as she looked up at the boy. it was nice to see an ALWAYS friendly face again. jeff’s death always seemed to linger in the back of her mind. how everything that night came to happen && how she slowly let alcohol become yet another demon for her. “ is clay the only one that show you yet ??”
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littlcrosie · 7 years
“If someone had warned me I would end up here… I would still have chosen you. I’ll always choose you.”
meme. / accepting.
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“ well it seems like someone has been practicing his pick-up lines. getting good, foley. consider me impressed.” she teased the boy as her eyes softened on him. “ oh && in case you didn’t already KNOW, i’ll always choose YOU too.”
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littlcrosie · 7 years
a private starter for ALEX. ( @hctornot )
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the tan skinned girl sat down across from the blonde. her eyes watched him closely before she reached her hand out && took his. “ alex, you can’t keep beating yourself up.” she reassured him though she wasn’t even sure that was what he was doing. she just knew that she couldn’t stand to see him HURTING any longer. she missed his SMILE && his laugh. she wanted her best friend back. she wanted the one person she knew that she could trust back. “ talk to me !! i’m still the same girl you dated. we use to be able to talk about anything, alex. PLEASE, let me be there for you.”
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littlcrosie · 7 years
@victcm​ continued from here:
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“You just don’t seem yourself.” Least the herself he knew, which was hardly. He knew most who had something to do with sports back at their school but he didn’t know all personally. Jessica being one. “Somewhere.” A sigh escaped his lips at the mention of his death. “I know, Clay filled me in. If I knew, I’d explain but I’m just as confused as you. You sound just as unhappy to me as Clay was.”
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         “ a lot has happened.” she merely shrugged it off. just because she was finally doing somewhat better for herself --- didn’t mean that she was ready to sit down && talk about it. let alone explain it to someone she had been believing was dead. “ UNHAPPY isn’t the word i’d use to describe it. shocked, CONFUSED or even shaken would fit a lot better. but i’m glad to see you again, jeff.” 
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littlcrosie · 7 years
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littlcrosie · 7 years
“I don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape.” (Jeff | gcnuinc)
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“ what are you talking about ??” she questioned the boy. she was still dumbfound as to how jeff was even alive. she had a few questions of her own. but his question completely threw her off. “ i’m not alone. justin’s around, somewhere. but i have a better question. how are you even here ?? you’re dead, jeff. you died the night of my party.”
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littlcrosie · 7 years
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“What the hell?” She muttered looking around, trying to figure this out even if nothing was making sense now “No, no…I shouldn’t suppose to be here” Of course not, she was supposed to be dead and not in New York.
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     “ hannah ?? you’re alive, how ?? that doesn’t make any sense.”
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littlcrosie · 7 years
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“You sure, Rox? This isn’t payback for me not telling you that I got engaged, is it? Just don’t take any pictures!”
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    “ you got the wrong girl. my name isn’t rox, sorry. but congrats on the engagement.”
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littlcrosie · 7 years
“Okay who stole my clothes? Very funny! Come on…”
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    “ definitely wasn’t me but i can’t say i haven’t seen the joke before. it is a classic, after all.”
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littlcrosie · 7 years
&&. — imesssage
Alex: ... why?
Alex: i mean i'm surely up for it, but i really wasn't your go-to person in... a while
Alex: don't say this is a pity thing
Jess: because.
Jess: well, you've always been that go-to person, i've just been dealing with a lot of stuff myself..
Jess: why the hell would it be a pitty thing?? alex, that's not me.
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