missnovelist · 1 year
Right, I bit the bullet and made a Patreon for this lil project of mine. I hope you guys will check it out.
Fear not! This does not mean, in any way, that Genitivi Chronicles will be paywalled. I wouldn't do that to you guys. This would be more for the backend of things. So, like, behind the scenes, questions and requests, also a Discord.
This project has been a part of my life for the better part of two years, and I just want to be able to share more of that with you guys.
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missnovelist · 1 year
4/15 Genitivi Chronicles Update
Added a new section, where I'll be putting all the additional conversations you can have in the main game. Just have a couple of Solas' convos right now, but I'll be adding more in the next little while.
Also, kinda thinking about making a Patreon for this project. After a year and a half of work, I kinda want to do more with it, you know? Just having lots of thoughts. Like, maybe having a Discord where we could all just chat about Dragon Age (and maybe gush about Dread Wolf). Or you could see maybe a little bit of a behind-the-scenes in a video blog?
But what would you like to see, if I were to make one? I really would like some feedback on this idea kicking around in my head.
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missnovelist · 1 year
1/13 Genitivi Chronicles Update
Added a new section for miscellaneous content, basically any additional content that doesn't broadly fit into the other categories. For now, it's just the party banter that can be found during the main game for all the characters. It's grouped by character and I have little links at the top for each pairing for the banter.
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missnovelist · 1 year
New Year, Same Project
Hello, yes, I am still alive. Yes, I am still working on this. I've been quietly reformatting each section, mainly because I wasn't happy with how it was organized. Now I have it in such a way that it's much easier for me to update. Also have a new layout, that's still a bit of a WIP, but I think it's a little bit nicer.
I've been finding lots of little lines of dialogue that fit into spots I think were already "finished" which is both super cool and also super annoying lol.
I'm also making a list for myself I call "Play Throughs I Need to See More Of". Mainly because they seem to be the hold outs for some of this "hidden" dialogue. Behold:
Blackwall Romance where Blackwall isn’t forgiven for lying
Low approval Blackwall play through
Iron Bull romance where Iron Bull is still with the Ben-Hassrath
Iron Bull leaves the Inquisition at the end - Ben-Hassrath or Low Approval?
Sera Romance where they break up before the end
Low approval Sera play through
Dorian play through where they flirt, but haven’t (yet) gotten together
Low approval Dorian play through
Cassandra Romance where Cassandra becomes Divine and they break up because of it
Low approval Cassandra play through
As you may notice, lots of Low Approval versions. YouTube is surprisingly light of those types, I assume because no one ever wants to be mean to characters ever. Which, really can't blame them.
I may come back to this post and edit as needed. Having a list is...helpful sometimes.
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missnovelist · 2 years
9/11 Genitivi Chronicles Update
Updated the Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts section. Also wound up breaking it up into smaller chunks for ease of updating. Might do that for the rest of them, honestly lol
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missnovelist · 2 years
9/8 Genitivi Chronicles Update
Did a bit of a reformat to the Here Lies Abyss section. Broke it up to smaller sections, mostly to make it easier to update as I was finding it took forever and a half to edit when it was all on one page.
Shoutout to @reedviolets for helping me finding a few more lines I was missing.
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missnovelist · 2 years
8/21 Genitivi Chronicles Update
Sera, Solas, Varric and Vivienne's section got some minor updates. I've also learned that if you're in a relationship with Sera, what you pick at WEWH will affect the dialogue when you return to Skyhold. For example, if you dance with Sera, that's one version. If you choose to go drinking with Sera, that's another version. So now I get to start a new playthrough to hunt that down lol.
PS. If you guys ever come across a section where I've used question marks as placeholders, or know I'm just straight up missing something, feel free to message me. This is a massive undertaking, and I'd be remiss if I didn't accept the help of others in the fandom.
ETA: Also updated Leliana, Josephine and Cullen's sections.
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missnovelist · 2 years
8/12 Genitivi Chronicles Update
Went through and properly proofread Iron Bull's section, found some typos. Still going through the other sections and comparing it to the raw text to figure out if I'm missing any pieces.
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missnovelist · 2 years
7/2 - Genitivi Chronicles Update
Made some updates to Blackwall's, Cassandra's, Cole's and Dorian's sections. Found a handful of lines I missed, also a bunch of typos. Working on going through the others.
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missnovelist · 2 years
I saw you don't have at least some of the Warden Loghain dialogue in the Genitivi Chronicles, and I have video of at least some of it that I uploaded to youtube for my reference. Would you like me to DM a link?
100%. That goes for everyone: if y’all have video of lines you know I’m missing, send them my way. I really appreciate it.
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missnovelist · 2 years
5/2 - Genitivi Chronicles Update
Finally got Trespasser up there. It's not 100% complete, but I got a good chunk of it up there.
Tumblr media
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missnovelist · 2 years
Um would you be putting up conversations with people such as cassandra without the cutscenes?.
I’m certainly open to the idea. My focus at the moment are the cutscenes since that’s where the “major” dialogue is, but I wouldn’t be opposed to adding in the additional conversations held in game.
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missnovelist · 2 years
Genitivi Chronicles Update - 4/25
Everything is now upload to the Wordpress site and will be periodically updated as I locate more dialogue.
Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent are up there now, in the DLC section. Trespasser will be my next area of focus.
Shout out to @ammocharis for helping me fill in some missing spots in Doom Upon All the World.
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missnovelist · 2 years
New Hosting for Dragon Age Inquisition Transcript
Hey all, so while I'm still quite sad I can't use AO3 to host the transcript anymore (my own fault, really), I have instead elected to create a Wordpress blog to host it.
I'm still in the process of uploading everything up to it and I'm also considering getting some help to have it added to the Dragon Age Wiki, but this will work for now.
So for all you fanfic writers out there, please help spread the word on this new, updated link. This one actually works, lol.
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missnovelist · 2 years
Dragon Age Inquisition Transcript
So someone has reported my work on AO3, because it violates the T&C for not being a fanwork. My account now has a warning and I have to completely remove Genitivi Chronicles from AO3 immediately.
I guess that's what I get for not reading the fine print. Sorry for that folks, but it's out of my hands.
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missnovelist · 2 years
2/23 DA: I Transcript Update
Updated Blackwall, Vivienne, Sera and Iron Bull’s section to include recruitment post becoming the Inquisitor. Mostly subtle text differences. Also finished In Your Heart Shall Burn. I think. Turns out there's an option for if you don't save everyone in Haven.
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missnovelist · 2 years
Dragon Age Transcript Update 2/5
Added in Josephine's and Solas' romance. Still salty about Solas.
Oh, and added all the dance sequences at the end of Wicked Eyes.
Officially finished my playthrough as a Female Dwarf Rogue, now to start a new game for the stuff I haven't found yet lol
Link to transcript.
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