miss-in-for-mation · 7 months
Sharks have a lot of teeth because of all the calcium they get by consuming bones of their victims
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
The aliens have come down from the heavens so we may repent.
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
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I learned in a Latin Studies class (with a chill white dude professor) that when the Europeans first saw Aztec cities they were stunned by the grid. The Aztecs had city planning and that there was no rational lay out to European cities at the time. No organization.
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
Miyazaki is capable of retiring guys, I’m sure he means it this time.
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
Piracy is wrong guys! Remember to stay away from sites like solar-movies, 123movies, library genesis, 9anime, z-library, gogoanime. They hurt the corporations if you don’t give them the money they deserve. 😥
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
Kim K, is a national treasure because who else would support genocide of a people while being Armenian and knowing your people went through the same thing. And she has no shame, it’s amazing she can sleep at night.
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
The IDF is the most moral army, look at how they do not support discrimination! They don’t care if you are a child, a soldier, a civilian, a woman, an old man. They kill you anyway in the name of equality.
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
Communism is when few people have all the wealth and the majority have scraps. Ignore the fact that this is exactly what is happening in the US right now under capitalism. Keep licking the boots guys, it will trickle down to us soon 🙏
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
Percy directly comments on the state of democracy in the United States when he mentioned a broken voting system, he is telling us to revolt. Trust
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
'you wouldn't pirate a-' i would steal anything from any company. anything in the world. i dont even want it i just hate you
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
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The devil works hard but the Hollywood propaganda machine and the White liberals who take part in it work harder.
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
All sharks like to be pet, if you see a shark make sure to give it pats
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
having gay sex is like the least problematic thing that has happened in that US senate hearing room
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
like man doesn’t it fucking suck that there’s not really any public space. that you can’t go anywhere without spending money on food or transportation, that unless you wanna sit on a mall bench all day or browse library shelves you basically can’t do anything in public? even standing in front of a building without paying for something (“loitering”) is illegal. everything is built to punish homeless people which means if you ever want to sit down or rest or exist in public every building and park bench and windowsill is telling you to kill yourself instead. maybe that has something to do with the unpleasantness of online spaces, where everyone is shoved together into a giant digital chamber because it’s the only “public square” still available while also being isolated and alone in their room on their phone because everything sucks and a global pandemic is still happening. like I’m just saying I think that has more to do with how annoying people are on the internet than like mcu fanfiction
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
Christ died so you could sin,
have gay sex this Christmas Day.
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miss-in-for-mation · 9 months
Never forget the time when churches burned weed instead of incense
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