pluma ni Mira
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海輝(ミラ)です! 미라예요! she/her 25↑ late-dx ADHD translations, vocal covers. sketches, photography, poems sings for Irisé ! 日本語 한국어 OK 梶浦由記 Kalafina Sound Horizon FictionJunction 進撃の巨人 Steins;Gate Puella Magi Madoka Magica Dr. Stone
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miralirica · 18 days ago
Shelter from the Rain 01 「Levi & Moblit Berner」 (english translation)
進撃の巨人 Short Stories 諫山創 (Isayama Hajime) 雨宿りの情景 Vol. 1 「リヴァイ&モブリット・バーナー」 A Scene of Taking Shelter from the Rain Vol.1 「Levi & Moblit Berner」
Pouring down from the dull gray sky, heavy raindrops splattered against the cobble pavement of the street.
"Waaahhh… what should I do…"
Carrying many paper bags in his arms, the man rushed to take shelter under the eaves of a shop. A previous customer calls out to him in an ill-tempered tone.
"……It's a passing rain."
ー he calls, nearly dropping his armful of baggage trying to salute.
"Leave it. You… you're Hanji's adjutant huh"
"Yes, Sir! Fourth Squad Vice Buntaichō, Moblit Berner."
"Doing that person's errands?"
"Yes, shopping for books, chemicals, as well as Buntaichō's daily necessities. As for you, Hēchō…?"
"Erwin's summons. Some conversation that can't be had at the barracks, he says"
"……How about using a carriage?
"Mud splashes when you hail one."
The Levi of peaceful times is fastidious to the extremes, Moblit recalls.
He's the exact opposite of Hanji-san, but… both of them mutually trust and rely on each other.
Born by a years-long relationship ー a special bond. That is something absent between him and his superior.
Perhaps feeling complex emotions resembling his envy, Levi, looking up at the rain clouds outside, spoke as if in monologue…
"It's tough, right? Being that person's adjutant."
"Eh ー you mean?"
"Whenever they become engrossed, even their own life gets neglected."
"……Protecting them in such times… it is my job, I think… so…"
"Right. It is a job only you may do."
Without even looking up at Moblit who couldn't comprehend what his words meant, Levi said…
"However long-term friends of yore we may be, we aren't always tightly sticking together. The one who is by Hanji's side all the time is you, Moblit."
Droplet by droplet, the rain has lost its vigor, the clouds drifting away from the sky.
"Do it with confidence. You might get fed up from time to time, though"
I see… "I'm counting on you about Hanji from here on," that is what he is saying.
The raindrops have disappeared before they knew it, the sunlight pouring in from between the clouds has shone on the soffit where the two were.
"It stopped. Give it to me."
"Ah, Hēchō, those are heavy!?"
Snatching one of the paper bags Moblit was carrying, Levi heads out of the eaves, urging Moblit without even looking back.
"We're returning to the same barracks anyway. Making Hanji owe me one isn't so bad."
"……if only Buntaichō would notice your presence…"
I'll kick them in the ass and make them notice, Levi said. His back looking like a bashful smile, a grin freely appears on Moblit's face.
(了) (끝) (END)
So far, all the english translations I've seen (including the official one published as volume purchase bonus) aren't quite as faithful to the original text as I would've expected, and since I really enjoyed this story in particular, I am posting this! I'm still not confident in my grasp of Korean, so for now it's just an english translation! As always, I am including the original text at the end so that everyone can freely read and interpret precisely. Also, autotranslating jp→kr is always going to be more accurate than eng→kr after all hehe. This story is published as a chapter to Shingeki no Kyojin Short Stories 1: Shelter from the Rain, which was released as a limited edition bonus for purchasing 進撃の巨人 Volume 20. (Short Stories 2 was released with Volume 21, while Short Stories 3 is with Volume 29.) Initially, it was part of the Side Stories written for 進撃の巨人 for auスマートパス. On to the original text!
「はっ、第四分隊副長、モプリット・パーナーです 」
I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did! Text source here: 利韩物料 2014.2.21利威尔&莫布里特 躲雨官方AU小说
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miralirica · 19 days ago
Kalafina - Sapphire (english translation)
In the white palm of a lover's hand falls a single bead of sapphire Touched by comfort born in the night The pure droplet turns into light
Even sorrow, by your hand, transforms into a blue jewel Sweet sighs, bygone griefs, Once I drink it all up, Will you be by my side? Cold fruits are overflowing like sighs Inside my heart touched by love is the light you left behind Even the path descending toward gloomy darkness is illuminated blue by the sapphire In the night こいびとの 白い手のひらに一粒 落ちた sapphire 慰めに触れた 夜に生まれて来た 無垢な雫が 光になる 哀しみさえ貴方の手で 蒼い宝石に変わるの 甘い吐息 古い嘆き 全て飲み干してくれたら 側にいるわ 冷たい果実 吐息のように 零れて行く 愛に触れた胸の中に 貴方が残した光は 暗い闇へ降りる路も 蒼く照らし出す sapphire 夜の中で Lyrics from canta-per-me(dot)net
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miralirica · 19 days ago
Kalafina - Door (english translation)
I heard small footsteps in a dream They were of someone coming in front of my door The nostalgic shadow of a boy's gaze is just like back then, knocking on the door That faraway town of rains, even now, I can't forget it, I waited for your bus, on the roundabout way back home Even the sad goodbye is now just a dream If it's a boring joke, I wonder if I can laugh?
It's a Saturday morning, so, You came to visit, didn't you? Open the door of morning mist Come on in, hurry The small footsteps vanished in my dream Leaving behind an old song on the white pillow 小さな足音を 夢の中で聞いた 誰かが私の ドアの前にやって来る 少年の眼差しの 懐かしい影が あの頃みたいに 扉叩いている 遠い雨の街を 今も忘れない 貴方のバスを待った 遠回りの帰り道 哀しいサヨナラさえ 今は夢の中 つまらない冗談だと笑えるかしら 土曜日の朝だから 訪ねて来たんでしょ? 朝靄のドアを開けて 入っておいでよ、早く・・・ 小さな足音が 夢の中に消えた 白い枕の上に 古い歌を残して Lyrics from CD Booklet
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miralirica · 25 days ago
いっそ二人でここで暮らそうか? ねぇ… リヴァイ… Happy 5th IFKK anniversary, Levihans! 💚💜 (turn on CCs for english translations!)
I was singing this song randomly on the way home on the last weekend of January, and realized how much the lyrics remind me of Levihan. Specifically, the emotions and thoughts of Levi about Hanji throughout the years. So when I got home, I recorded a one-take! I liked it, and since IFKK anniversary was soon, I did this! I hope I was able to convey Levi's emotions! Sorry for the newbie master, it's my first time to try mixing! I sing more on ‪Irisé ‬so follow us there! 💕 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 月光 (Moonlight) vocal cover Vocals & Mix: Mira Key illustration, storyboard, post-prod, translations: Mira 月光 (Moonlight) 暗殺教室 (Assassination Classroom) 主唱:宮脇詩音 作詞:藤林聖子 作曲、編曲:本間昭光 Original vocals: Miyawaki Shion Lyrics: Fujibayashi Shо̄ko Composition, Arrangement: Honma Akimitsu Outro: Sand Dream by Revo / 梶浦由記 (Kajiura Yuki) Sound Horizon, FictionJunction 進撃の巨人 (Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan) 諫山創 (Isayama Hajime) The Last Attack bonus postcard illustrations by 秋田学 (Akita Manabu) 悔いなき選択 (A Choice with No Regrets) Gun Snark, 駿河ヒカル (Suruga Hikaru) DAW: REAPER Video editing: DaVinci Resolve Clips from RoseAMV
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miralirica · 25 days ago
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[20250204] リヴァハン rkgk
Today is IFKK 5th anniversary! 💚💜
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miralirica · 25 days ago
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[20240719] アルベド rkgk
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miralirica · 25 days ago
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[20240716] ボンボン爆弾! rkgk
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miralirica · 25 days ago
月光 (Moonlight - Assassination Classroom) [english translation]
Hey, I have been waiting forever I had been dreaming for this day to come
a day when I am wrapped in the warmth of your hands and conveying to you my true feelings
Even more than the sun, you shine on my heart serenely like moonlight humbly, tenderly, almost like it was love
All this time, I have been gazing at only you You, a waxing crescent moon May your shattered heart be fulfilled one day
Forever, just like this I want to keep listening to your stories
Even though I know that time will change everything I want to believe in something that wouldn't vanish
If there is a light illuminating the path of travelers wandering the dark It would be the eyes of someone staring straight ahead, right? To me, you were that very light Me, a waning gibbous moon In the loneliness of my faltering, you have found me
Suddenly, tears spill from eyes The moonlight is becoming hazy
ねぇずっと 待っていた この日がくること夢見ていた
あなたの手の温かさに包まれて 本当の気持ち伝える日を
太陽よりも 穏やかに心照らす 月明かりみたい ささやかで やさしくて まるで恋のようだった 私はずっと あなただけ 見つめていた あなたは三日月 いつの日か壊された心満たされますように
いつまでも このままで あなたの話を 聞いていたい
時がすべて変えていくと知ってても 消えない何か信じたくて
闇を彷徨う旅人の道を照らす光があるなら まっすぐに見つめてる誰かの瞳でしょう 私にとって あなたこそ 光だった 私居待月 ためらいの寂しさをあなたが見つけてくれた
ふいに涙が瞳からこぼれてく 霞んでく 月の光 Lyrics source: https://www.uta-net.com/song/208560/
Singer: 宮脇詩音 (Miyawaki Shion Lyrics: 藤林聖子 (Fujibayashi Shōko) Composition, arrangement: 本間昭光 (Honma Akimitsu)
Anime: 暗殺教室 (Assassination Classroom)
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miralirica · 25 days ago
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[20180430] 서울시립대학교 (University of Seoul)
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miralirica · 25 days ago
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[20180430] 서울시립대학교 (University of Seoul)
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miralirica · 28 days ago
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[20180426] 서울시립대학교 (University of Seoul)
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miralirica · 28 days ago
Kalafina - 輝く空の静寂には (Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa) [english translation]
When the time for crying cold tears concludes, you will search for the light, and open up the darkness, right? The crimson singing voice begins dyeing your heart, yearning for eternity, like a melody rushing to scatter away.
In the stillness of the shining sky lies my garden. Someday, you will reach it, beyond the shore. Guarding the moon, the darkness of the night whispers a lullaby, until the eyes of the child who never cries starts watering in her dreams. Farewell, because it's you I can never see again, mercifully, in the verge of insanity, it's as if the night is gouging my heart. In the stillness of the shining sky stands your house. Far beyond the darkness of the descending moon, to the headwaters, I return trudging on a narrow path. 冷たい涙をたたえて 時が満ちる頃 貴方は光を探して 闇を開くだろう 茜の歌声 その胸を染めて行く 永遠に焦がれて 散り急ぐ旋律のように 輝く空の静寂には 私の庭がある 何時か貴方が辿り着く 汀の彼方に 月を守る夜の闇が 囁く子守唄 泣かない子供の瞳が 夢に濡れるまで さよなら 二度とは会えない貴方だから 愛しく 狂おしく 夜は胸を抉るように 輝く空の静寂には 貴方の家がある 月の堕ちる闇の向こう みなもとへ還る 細い路 Original lyrics from http://www.kasi-time.com/item-49860.html
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miralirica · 1 month ago
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[20180426] 서울시립대학교 (University of Seoul)
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miralirica · 1 month ago
Kalafina - Märchen (メルヒェン) [english translation]
Even the shape of the world I had believed in begun revolving all around you and lurched towards the right. In these hands, not even dreams exist. Despite that, there is something in here gradually scorching my heart.
If the person you're yearning for embraces you, an ambiguous dream had stabbed through the depths of order. Becoming hollow, we were looking inside the box, outside the box, where are we? We just don't know. It had resembled a folk tale that you had forgotten. In search of silence, we, unable to shut our mouths, passed down tales; and so we were living these immaculate fairytales. A noise called love, I desire it, I crave it, and gradually, it scorched my heart. I scraped off my exasperated feelings, The tale that exists here was very simple. In a state of confusion, we, outside the box, or maybe, inside the deep box, beyond the final page, we departed. One octave off, we sing. The afterimage of joy, and even the future, are over there, and while still laughing together with you, I caught a glimpse of something that quickly faded. 信じきっていた世界の形だって 君の周りを廻り出して 右の方に傾いた この手の中に 夢も何もなくて だけど何かここにあって 胸をジリジリ焼いた 恋しい人が 君を抱きしめてくれたら 曖昧な夢が 秩序の底を打ち抜いた からっぽ��なって 僕らは箱の中 を見ていた箱の外 どこにいるのか知らない だけだった それは君が忘れてた 伝え話しに似ていた 沈黙を探す為に 口を閉ざせないぼくたちが 語り継ぐ 無垢な童話をぼくたちは生きていた 愛しさというノイズを 欲しがって欲しがって 胸をジリジリ焼いた 逆立てていた 気持ちを削ぎ落とした ここにある物語は とてもシンプルだった 狼狽えたまま 僕らは箱の外 それとも深い箱の中 最後の頁を超えて 旅立った 1オクターブ外して僕らは歌う 歓びの残像 未来もそこにあって 君とまだ笑い合って 何か儚いものが 見えた Original lyrics from Kalafina – into the world / Märchen booklet
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miralirica · 2 months ago
Nahida precious little archon 😊
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miralirica · 2 months ago
EXO - 12월의 기적 (Miracles in December) [english translation]
Can’t see. I try to search for the invisible you. Can’t hear. I try to listen to the inaudible you. Then I can see things I couldn’t see and hear things I couldn’t hear. After you left me, I gained power I didn’t have.
The selfish me, who always couldn’t understand anything beyond myself, The apathetic me, who couldn’t acknowledge even your feelings. Even I can’t believe that I changed like this, Your love continuously moves me. Just by thinking about it I can fill up the world with you Because each snowflake is a drop of your tears. The one thing I can’t do is to make you come to me. This worthless superpower, I wish I don’t have it anymore. The selfish me, who always couldn’t understand anything beyond myself, The apathetic me, who couldn’t acknowledge even your feelings. Even I can’t believe that I changed like this, Your love continuously moves me. Stop the time. I go back to you. The book of memories opens your page. I’m in it. With you. You, a very small and frail person, Your love Just like this, everything (My whole life.) Has changed. (My whole world.) I didn’t know I was grateful for love. I thought it would be enough once it ends. But everyday, I patch myself up the way you would want me to be. I think my love will go on without end. I stop the time. (Now, I will.) And go back to you. (I go back to you.) The book of memories, (Oh, today again.) I open it to your page. I am in it.
In that winter. I can’t see you. I try to search for the invisible you. I can’t hear you. I try to listen to the inaudible you. 보이지 않는 널 찾으려고 애쓰다 들리지 않는 널 들으려 애쓰다 보이지 않던 게 보이고 들리지 않던 게 들려 너 나를 떠난 뒤로 내겐 없던 힘이 생겼어 늘 나밖에 몰랐었던 이기적인 내가 니 맘도 몰라줬던 무심한 내가 이렇게도 달라졌다는 게 나조차 믿기지 않아 니 사랑은 이렇게 계속 날 움직여 난 생각만 하면 세상을 너로 채울 수 있어 눈송이 하나가 니 눈물 한 방울이니까 단 한 가지 못하는 것은 널 내게로 오게 하는 일 이 초라한 초능력 이젠 없었으면 좋겠어 늘 나밖에 몰랐었던 이기적인 내가 니 맘도 몰라줬던 무심한 내가 이렇게도 달라졌다는 게 나조차 믿기지 않아 니 사랑은 이렇게 계속 날 움직여 시간을 멈춰 네게 돌아가 추억의 책은 너의 페이질 열어 난 그 안에 있어 너와 함께 있는걸 아주 조그맣고 약한 사람이 너의 사랑이 이렇게 모든 걸 (내 삶을 모두) 바꾼걸 (세상을 모두) 사랑이 고마운 줄 몰랐었던 내가 끝나면 그만인 줄 알았던 내가 너 원했던 그 모습 그대로 날마다 나를 고쳐가 내 사랑은 끝없이 계속될 것 같아 시간을 멈춰 (이제 나) 네게 돌아가 (네게 돌아가) 추억의 책은 (오늘도) 너의 페이질 열어 난 그 안에 있어 그 겨울에 와 있는걸 보이지 않는 널 찾으려고 애쓰다 들리지 않는 널 들으려 애쓰다 Original lyrics from https://colorcodedlyrics.com/2013/12/04/exo-miracles-in-december-12wolui-gijeog/
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miralirica · 2 months ago
FictionJunction - Eternal Blue (english translation)
These heart-spoken words, I believe in them and into the invisible skies, I can go spread my wings eternal blue With a downcast heart, an embraced back somewhere, I can hear forlorn music I go chase after it in the midst of pitch darkness The sky I dream of has vanished away in blue.
Within innumerable lights, even memories of grief and tenderness, I can't see anymore. I outstretch my hand. The still evanescent future, oblivious even of radiance, continues to sleep. I await its awakening.
The shaken-off yesterday, the discarded power The meaning of "real", deciding on that is too early so I can't see anything From here on, one more time, the beginning, I slam it, and a place where I can be by myself, I believe in it and in the midst of battling day by day, you reach out your hand. That's why, for now, in solace and in your gentleness, I wave my hand at you and with new eyes the future I confront is eternal blue On a night even more quiet than silence for the first time, in my heart, ignited were your eyes I believe in your words into the obscure skies When you and I met, serendipity of the past towards a certain future we have been intertwined eternal blue A perishing world's dreams, I believe in them so like a prayer, towards the sky I outstretch my hand eventually, the morning will unfold at the corner of despair, oblivious even of radiance, you continue to sleep wanting to meet me. この胸が語る言葉を信じて 見えない空の中へ 羽ばたいて行ける eternal blue 俯いた心 抱きしめた背中 何処かで聞こえる 寂しげな音楽を 追いかけて行く 暗闇の最中で 夢見てる空は蒼く 消えて行った幾つもの光には 哀しみと優しさの記憶さえ もう見えない 手を伸ばす まだ儚い未来は 輝きさえ知らずに 眠り続けてる 目覚めを待って 振り払う昨日 脱ぎ捨てたチカラ 「本当」の意味を決めるには早すぎて 何も見えない ここからもう一度 始まりを打ち鳴らして 僕が僕でいられる場所を信じて 戦う日々の中に 手を伸ばす だから今は なぐさめと (君の) 優しさに手を振って 新しい瞳で 迎え撃つ未来 eternal blue 沈黙よりも静かな夜に 初めて 心に 灯した 君の瞳 君の言葉を信じて 頼りない空の中へ 君と 僕が 巡り会う過去は 確かな未来へ 繋がっていたよ eternal blue 滅び行く世界の夢を信じて 祈りのような空へ 手を伸ばす やがて朝が開く 絶望の片隅で 輝きさえ知らずに 眠り続けてる 僕に会いたい Lyrics from jplyrics.com
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