Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Lễ cầu siêu đền Cư Nguyệt bên sông Tam Bạc, Hải Phòng
Buổi lễ do một nhóm cá nhân các gia đình ở Cao Bằng tổ chức với tâm niệm cầu siêu cho các vong linh vô danh tính chết đuối tại sông Tam Bạc. Kết hợp với đó là lễ phả độ gia tiên, cầu an lành cho cả gia đình.
Đền Cư Nguyệt, hay còn có tên gọi khác là đền Tam Bạc, Nguyệt Cư Phủ hay đền bà chúa Lâm Thao, nằm ngay cạnh cầu Tam Bạc mới xây dựng, vắt ngang qua sông. Đây là đền Công chúa Nguyệt Cư (còn gọi là Bà chúa Lâm Thao), tương truyền là công chúa con vua Hùng thứ 17. Theo lời kể của người dân quanh đó, ngôi đền trước khi được tu sửa chỉ là một miếu thờ nhỏ, là nơi các gia đình có người thân bị chết đuối trên sông tới thờ cúng, cũng là nơi "trú ngụ" của các vong linh chết đuối vô danh tính, không người thân thích. Đoạn sông Tam Bạc cạnh đền nước khá đục, nhi��u bèo trôi nổi.
Buổi lễ cầu siêu kéo dài từ sáng tới 10h đêm. Rạp dựng lớn gồm nhiều ban thờ với sự tham gia của nhiều thầy cúng và các vị tăng sư.
Buổi tối nghi thức lễ được sắp xếp lại với ban thờ lớn đối diện với ban thờ Mẫu, nhưng thay vì đặt pho tượng như các ban khác, sẽ có 3 người thật gồm sư trụ trì và 2 vị Tiên Đồng Ngọc Nữ ngồi 2 bên.
Requiem ceremony for anonymous drowning spirits in Tam Bac river at Cu Nguyet temple, Hai Phong province with desire for family peace and prosperity.
Located nearby the new Tam Bac bridge, Cu Nguyet temple, as known as Tam Bac temple or Nguyet Cu Phu, is devoted to Nguyet Cu Princess, princess of the 17th Hung King. The temple was just a small shrine in the past and has been a religious spot for local worships of drowning spirits in Tam Bac river.
The religious ritual was taken for a day from 7 AM to 10 PM with the participant of many monks and local people.

Hải Phòng, 30/3/2019
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February 04, 2019. A guard soldier calling home from his last shift of the lunar year #dailylife #guard #soldier #militarybarracks #lastday #lunaryear #everydayvietnam #everydayeverywhere #everydayasia #gettyreportagespotlight #gettyreportage #everydayphotography #documentaryphotography #matcaspotlight #photojournalism #tết2019 #holiday #hanoi #vietnam
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The day the country doesn't sleep
December 15, 2018. The new generation of Vietnam football team under coach Park Hang-seo guiding had made a huge victory in Vietnamese football history after 10 years of downfall when they defeated Malaysia football team after second-leg final on AFF Suzuki Cup 2018 tournament at Mỹ Đình Stadium.
10-year of waiting has been paid off, thousands of Vietnamese supporters flocked to the street to celebrate their country’s victory last night created an incredible festive atmosphere.

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November 24, 2018. Shadows of audience holding their smart phone to take pictures/live streaming a football match between Vietnam and Cambodia on AFF Suzuki Cup 2018 tournament at Hàng Đẫy stadium #football #match #affsuzukicup2018 #vietnam #cambodia #audience #shadow #phone #smartphone #hàngđẫy #stadium #hanoi #everydayvietnam #everydayeverywhere #matcaspotlight #everydayasia #photojournalism #photooftheday #gettyreportagespotlight #documentaryphotography (at Hàng đẫy Stadium)
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At the counter #restaurants #counter #bills #cashier #customer #people #children #cat #ipad #cashiermachine #dailylife #everydayvietnam #everydayasia #everydayeverywhere #matcaspotlight #documentary #documentaryphotography #photooftheday #hangout #weekend #weekendvibes #hanoi #lenscultures #mugnumphotos
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August 31, 2018. The reflection of a man in wheelchair watching out the glass window in sunny day after a week of raining #dailylife #reflection #reflectionphotography #man #wheelchair #glass #window #building #gettyreportagespotlight #photojournalism #everydayasia #everydayvietnam #matcaspotlight #documentary #documentaryphotography #photooftheday #hanoi #lenscultures #magnumphotos #everydayeverywhere
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August 25, 2018. Some activities happen for the wait at the pediatric #dailylife #children #pediatric #people #waiting #fishtank #everydayvietnam #everydayasia #matcaspotlight #hanoi #documentary #photojournalism #gettyreportagespotlight #lenscultures #hospital
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August 12, 2018. A local boatman in raincoat taking hurriedly his customers back to the shore when the storm is coming behind #local #boatman #shore #storm #boats #paddles #raincoat #rain #rainnyday #dailylife #matcaspotlight #everydayvietnam #everydayasia #everydayeverywhere #photoftheday #gettyreportagespotlight #gettyreportage #magnumphotos #bwphotography #lensculture #lénculturemobilephotography #travel #travelphotography
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Giáng sinh ‘17
1 vài hình ảnh lưu niệm ngày Giáng sinh:

Chúc mừng Giáng sinh!
Hà Nôi, 24/12/2017
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Wandering the forest #travel #trees #branches #nature #forest #vietnam #fresh #air #bavi #nationalpark #texture #instagram (at Bavi National Park)
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Hội làng Ném Thượng

Làng Ném Thượng, xã Khắc Niệm,Bắc Ninh (24.02.15)
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December 24, 2014. Phát Diệm Cathedral, Ninh Bình, Việt Nam . A young boy held a candle in his hands as a rite of Christmas ceremony #travel #christmasnight #phátdiệm #cathedral #vietnam #asia
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Holga 120N
Using the Holga that makes myself satisficed. This dude is not that easy to use so I appriciate what I can get from this lomo camera.

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Meanwhile in a solitary area
This place is about more than 162 km from Hanoi where I accidentally met this yokefellow. They live in area that belongs to Xuan Thuy National Park in Nam Dinh province.
The couple's name is also started by letter "T"-Thuy and Tam. Thuy is the husband and Tam is the wife. As they said: before 90s they were in Gia Lai (Gia Lai is a province in the Central Highlands of Vietnam). At that period, Thuy was a police but a few years later, he had some troubles about political and he decided to retire. In 2000, they moved to this area and they have been living here for 14 years.
They said to me that they wanted to have a peaceful life and that was the reason why they're here.
In this series of photos, I wanted to capture the peace and the happiness of their life. They found a peaceful place where they can do things together,take care for each other and the most important thing is they are enjoying their own life.

The couple that I met in Nam Dinh Province.

Thuy-54 years old-the husband. He used to be a police in Gia Lai Province.

Tam-46 years old-the wife. She moved here with Thuy to start a new life.

The way to their place. It is not easy to go by when it rains.

From behind their home. The home is surrounded by soil.

Drainage between ponds.

Tam is catching trapped fishes at drainage.

Fishes and shrimps are the main aliment.

They use furnace and burn firewood for protecting their home from insects.

The altar is in corner of home.

In the morning, they always get up early at 5:00 and Tam is the one who always prepares breakfast.

Thuy is brushing his teeth next to the pond.

They utilize water pond for cleaning dishes and other things.

Thuy is preparing wood panels to lock the door of drainage.

This mate is very kind and friendly so their neighbour sometimes come over their home for visiting, chatting or smoking some cigarettes.

Thuy and Tam also raise dogs for selling as well as protecting their home.They said to me that they could get about 40 millions VNĐ from selling dogs.

A corner in their home. This corner is utilized for cooking.

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