mindchanger786 · 2 years
"Music is the language of the soul".
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
Importance of meditation and mindfulness
To begin meditating, find a place where you can sit comfortably and quietly. Then close your eyes and do nothing for a minute or so. Thoughts may come during that time, and that is okay. Then start the audio below and play your mantra** at a whisper. Each time you hear your mantra, say it quietly inside without moving your tongue or lips. After one minute the audio will fade to silence. Then continue saying your mantra quietly inside for four more minutes. If thoughts come during that time, gently return to saying your mantra quietly inside. The audio will tell you when four minutes is over. Follow this instruction for your first meditation only. After your first meditation, follow the instructions in the Daily Practice of Meditation section below.
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
"All the knowledge that is taught through innumerable books says to serve humanity is meritorious and to harm anyone is sinful. "
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
"Know or listen to those who know". Nobody can claim perfection as there is always room for improvement. Be teachable. You’re not always right.
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
"Our professional growth and development is not accidental, rather it is always intentional and planned. Hence we are not supposed to blame our circumstance, parents, teachers or colleagues".
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
Content is King and SEO is Monarch
With the Right Content Strategy, You Can Boost Your Sales
Engaging and user-friendly content matters and has got the potential to boost your sales or business. In addition, such content can increase the dwell time of your website and can reduce the bounce rate of your website. Therefore, one ought to invest wisely to create engaging, and user-friendly content that has the potential to take off sales. Well researched, well structured, grammatically correct, and Search Engine Optimized content can easily be ranked on top of Google search appearance.
Professional content writing service is one of those things where the more you use it, the more potential you see in it. Professional and objective-based content writing services have got a huge capacity to meet your desired objectives such as boosting your sales, ranking web pages, etc.
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mindchanger786 · 2 years
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Success and Money lie within you. Success is just a matter of Attitude.
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