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Hi there.  My name is Marina. Yoga is my passion which I love to share.  Enjoy the yoga photography that I've found both beautiful and inspiring.  Follow me to get all of my updates.  To learn more about me go to mindbodyflowyoga.com/marina.
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mindbodyflowyoga · 8 years ago
See what Diana found when she decided to step outside of her comfort zone, try something new and to be okay with falling sometimes.
[VIDEO] Diana Toth Owns Camel Pose
...I love sweating, pushing myself and making myself stronger. Despite the physical limitations we all face (and we all do), each...Read more
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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It all began with the cutting of a red ribbon, which led to the opening of a yoga studio and the start of a dream being realized. After that, came year one. Then, year two. Followed by, year three. And now, today, we celebrate year four. In these four years, we've stretched our physical bodies, but most importantly, we've stretched our hearts and our minds. We have grown together, as a community, and countless lives have changed. Celebrating year four this morning was just amazing! Enjoy these highlights from today's celebration and stay tuned for video footage to come. I love you, all, so very much, and I thank you for the joy you bring to my life and the lives of those in our beautiful community. Thank you, all, so much for your continued love and support, which makes today possible. Namaste. #eastamherstny #mbfy #buffalove #buffaloyoga #yogainbuffalo #yoga #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #inspiration #buffalo #buffalony #igyoga (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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So far you've survived 100 percent of your worse days. You're Awesome. You got this #eastamherstny #mbfy #buffalove #buffaloyoga #yogainbuffalo #yoga #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #inspiration #buffalo #quote #buffalony #igyoga #beawesometoday #beayes #giveupwhatyoumust #youarereadynow (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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Your life is right now! This reading really resonated with my students in a recent morning class. I hope it hits a cord with you as well. May this give you the hope and courage you need to do the work you know you need to do on your mat and in your life. Be awesome! #eastamherstny #mbfy #buffalove #buffaloyoga #yogainbuffalo #yoga #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #inspiration #buffalo #quote #buffalony #igyoga #beawesometoday #beayes #giveupwhatyoumust #youarereadynow (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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Do What You Love What You Do Which do you think is more important? A)Do what you love B)Love what you do C)Both are equally important #eastamherstny #mbfy #buffalove #buffaloyoga #yogainbuffalo #yoga #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #inspiration #buffalo #quote #buffalony #igyoga (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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"Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder" ~ E.B. White #eastamherstny #mbfy #buffalove #buffaloyoga #yogainbuffalo #yoga #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #inspiration #buffalo #quote #buffalony #igyoga (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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Beginnings hold the promise of new lessons to be learned, new territory to be chartered and old lessons to be appreciated. #beayes #bethechange #youarereadynow #giveupwhatyoumust #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogalife #buffalony #buffaloyoga #buffalove #mbfy #eastamherstny #eastamherst (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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"When so much of our lives are based on unrealistic expectations of motherhood, our bodies, etc., being told that it’s ok to just be me was amazing." Stephanie L. A truly inspirational story of a yoga journey we can all #yoga #buffalo #beayes #health #youarereadynow #liveyouryes #buffalony #buffalo #buffaloyoga #eastamherst #eastamherstny #mindbodyflowyoga #mbfy #airplanepose# #poweryoga #powervinyasayoga #baptiseyoga #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogalove (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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Definitely a favorite quote of mine. You cannot let your positivity be passive. It must be an active part of your life. When you express positivity in our world it attracts and can easily be overwhelmed with all of the negativity that comes at it from out there. That is why you have be engaged and not LET the negative steal your spark. Being a YES means shining despite what the world throws at you. In the end your persistence is what will inspire others. They will know it is okay to let their sparks shine. They have the choice. That is when you start to change the world. The world can't ignore that much brightness. #yoga #yogaeveryday #beayes #spark #shine #bethechange #youarereadynow #quote #wisdom #dontlettheworldchangeyoursmile (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless” ~ Mother Teresa With the above in mind I wish you a weekend filled with laughter, great memories and warmth that lasts the year end. You are blessed. You are special. Your are loved. Challenge: Bless someone this weekend with a smile and a kind word you normally might not have noticed or invested the effort for. #beayes #poweryoga #buffalo #eastamherst #mindbodyflowyoga #baptisteyoga #powervinyasa #giveupwhatyoumust #youarereadynow #yogaeveryday #motherteresaquote (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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Be AWESOME Today! I don’t though mean saving the world in an afternoon. Being awesome can be giving someone a reason to smile when they otherwise wouldn’t have one. Or letting yourself off the hook when you otherwise would be your worse critic. What ways can you be AWESOME today? #yoga #beayes #giveupwhatyoumust #yogalove #yogalife #wisdom #quote #awesome #buffalo #buffalony #buffalove #buffaloyoga #youarereadynow #yogaeveryday #inspiration (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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"We can't solves problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them" ~ Albert Einstein. This is such a great way to approach life, but it takes getting out of your own way and letting go. It is hard when it means separating ourselves from a relationship, a plan we have for our life or a perception of ourselves we've bought into and invested in. This is where an honest look at yourself could mean borrowing someone else's eyes and trusting their insights. When's the last time you had a hard look at your life? Are there stubborn blocks in your life you just can't seem to get over by yourself? How much would it hurt to make a change? Who can give you an honest opinion regardless of whether you like it or not? #yogainspiration #wisewords #yogalife #yogagram #buffalo #buffalony #beayes #giveupwhatyoumust #youarereadynow #alberteinstein #lovelife #begrateful #lovelife (at Organic 3 Cafe)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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He's here, yal! And we're all excited...Dewey too! :) Get ready for an incredible evening with Luca Richards, yogis! #beyoutiful #beyourself #begrateful #yoga #yogagram #yogalife #bvyoga #yogagirl #yogainspiration (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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You were made for great things. That doesn't mean fame and fortune but making an impact in the lives of the people within your influence. Get rid of small thoughts and safe dreams. You can do and BE BIGGER if you dare. #yoga #buffalo #beayes #bepresent #yogalove #begrateful #beyourself #beyou #beyoutiful #yogagram (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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I just love what @melaniethue had to say about being mindful in such practical terms. Here's her post >>> I have so many pictures of our hike from two weeks ago left that I haven't posted yet. All the way I thought to myself "I really love this place!". I realized then, that I always love where I am. When I'm in the mountains, I love the mountains and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. When I'm by the ocean, I love the ocean like nothing else. When I walk through Vienna, I find it to be the most beautiful city in the world. So... Wherever YOU are, be all there. Open your eyes to the beauty around you. It is there because it is in you. 💚 📷: @melaniethue #yoga #buffalo #beayes #bepresent #bemindful #begrateful #
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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"Take a deep breath and try again." This is what I always tell myself. It is a simple instruction that helps clear my mind when things get overwhelming. At those times you just need to focus on one thing. One thing that is within your grasp and immediately accessible. Your breathe is always there. All you need to do in that moment is pay attention to it. Fill up on hope and possibility and breath out your anxiety and despair. Like if you're going to give this a try. Share to help someone you know who may be stressed. Comment below and let me know when you needed to follow these instructions. #yoga #buffalo #beayes #giveupwhatyoumust #quotestoliveby #yogaeveryday #wisdom #buffaloyoga #buffalony #yogagram #yogalife #yogalove #yogainspiration #yoga (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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mindbodyflowyoga · 9 years ago
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Enjoy the little things in life, for someday you will realize they were the big things. ~ Kurt Vonnegut. It is so easy to get caught up in what is going on without really being present to it. You get swept up in the activity and so many times forget to take a moment to really think about whether it is worth the effort, is it moving you closer to the who and what that is most valuable to you. How much time do we waste moving without purpose. Be mindful in your movements on the mat and mindful of what you spend your time doing and who you spend your time with. Life can never be to busy to let it become mindless. If it is then you lose in the end. Like if you are going to be more mindful. Share to inspire a friend. Comment below and join the conversation. #yolo #yoga #buffalo #love #yogalife #buffalony #buffaloyoga #wisdom #quotestoliveby #yogaeveryday (at Mind Body Flow Yoga)
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