milesss-28-blog · 7 years
Research in Biology about Autism
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
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The Genogram
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
Dear Ate/Kuya (Insert Name Here)
Dear Dear, Hi Dear! How's life? As you know I've been away for a long while now. I've been busy with work. A LOT of work. Because of that I think I've forgot to take care of myself and even maintain my relationships with others. Sometimes, some late night thoughts just appeared and made me think how are they, what could we have done when I am with them, where would we go if I went out with them, stuffs like that. I felt so isolated here and I don't even talk that much to my roommates and there were times that I never see them in a day because I went out early and went back late. That is the cause that made me shy on consulting them, maybe they don't like me anymore since I don't talk to them and that's why I wrote this letter to you. I'm sorry but what do I do?. Sincerely, Deare ==================================== Dear Deare, Hi Deare! It really have been a while. Im doing really great here, enjoying life and stuffs. That problem of yours though. Well, you see, you have a problem of your mental health dude. Enjoying mental health means having a sense of wellbeing, being able to function during everyday life and feeling confident to rise to a challenge when the opportunity arises. First of all, ALWAYS connect with others no matter how small of a time you have. Talk to your friends and te them what you feel. They will listen and not be like what you think they would do. They are your friends afterall. Second, you don't really have to work all the time. Don't live your life on focusing with just work and wasting precious time. Third, do care for yourself Deare. Do not ever forget that. Eat healthy and do some exercises. Fourth, if you do work all the time, set some goals to achieve, when achieved, that will make you happy. Fifth, have time for yourself. Just relax and take it easy. Go to some spa clinics or just rest at your home. Lastly, ask for help if you need one. Be honest. I am happy that you asked help Deare and please, ask whenever and whatever you like that I could help :) Sincerely, Dear
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
My Kind Of Love
I would like to base my answers on the '5 Love Languages'. •Words of Affirmation "An amxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up". - Prov. 12:52 (NIV) Here, this is about cheering your loved one. It is about encouraging them and is basically the words or the tone is so soothing to one's ear. For me, this has a great impact for many people since most people can be cheered through words and through this, when I'm down or something, words do console and cheer me up. •Quality Time This is about spending time with each other. In a boyfriend-girlfriend or even married relationships, this is a must for not spending time with each other and not communicating will destroy the relationship or slowly poisoning it. It is about knowing the feelings of the partner. Same as with family relationship and friends where if you do not put attention to them they would feel distant to you thus destroying the relationship and I don't like something like that to happen to me. •Receiving Gifts Receiving gifts is a sign that someone cares, at least for me, and this is something that would surely make a person happy especially if surprised for there is a joyful feeling emerging from you. •Acts of Service This is about the service we do but not expecting any return for example preparing dinner, wash plates, cleaning the house, etc. With this it would seem that you are doing these things out of love and that you do things to lessen the burden and to show responsibility. •Physical Touch This includes fondling your mates hair, hold hands, hugs, sitting next to them, arm around your mate, hold hands, and kisses. Who wouldn't want any of these? Although for my case, I like hugs more than kisses but would never deny a kiss 😉😉😂😂😂
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
The Emotion Challenge
Say for example something happened and triggered you to an emotional state, the things you should do are these: •When something happened, try not to react immediately for this will complicate things and there is a high possibility of you making mistakes since you're in your emotional state with no proper thinking. • Try to seek advice or guidance on what to do about the situation. On how to handle it, what should you do, try to simulate and ask if what would happen if you would've done that, and etc. • To relieve the stress because of the situation you should relax. The best way is to find something, someone, or somewhere you could be happy with and try to release the bad vibes. • Once you've relaxed, try understanding the other side of the situation and not focus on what you know. To put it simply, try to see the bigger picture and comprehend what had happened. • When you have thought about the 'bigger picture', replace the bad vibes into good ones. All your negative thoughts, turn them into positive and keep in mind that things happen for a reason. • Finally, it is never good to hold on to a grudge on someone. We should forgive the source of that situation and move on. With these, surely you would beat the emotion challenge ;)
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
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This Works For Me Too!
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
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Leader and Follower
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
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This works for me!
Breathe deeply along with the GIF :)
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
“‘Panget’ Within your heart sleeps the man you are to become. And this is something I am looking forward to witness. The intellect, kindness, sense of humor and being thoughtful enough are the things you are to carry. Keep yourself away from heartaches that are not worth to be remembered and holding on to. I salute you for being someone na makapa-kalma nako. In times that I tend to rush things and have these jumbled details all over my head. I don’t know why but generous kaayo ka. Like seriously! (AHAHAHAHA) Though you won’t express that much, I know that you care about the people who loves you. And ghad, you are smart. You are sooo good in analyzing logical situations and maayo sad kag magremember og mga butang. Better get out of that small box you are living. I assure you… In that way, you’ll be able to extend the line. I don’t want to make this message that long kay ako namang ginaingon sa imoha halos tanan but I want you to always remember this, ‘Be Strong’ The world out there has different levels of battle and it needs a brave knight to conquer such endeavors.”
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
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I designed this mandala according to what I think I am, how I grew, and what you’ll know about me.
If you look at the outside first then it is very simple just like I am. The lines represent how plain I am, the curves represent that I could go crazy at any moment. The x’s represent that there could be something in me that you seem interested or that you hate. Next, if you will be a friend of mine, the dots mean that I could be nice and sometimes nice yet not. The rectangles mean that I could be stingy and mean because I like to tease people. The zigzag means that I could act even crazier and the arrows pointing up means that maybe perhaps I am a friend that could cheer you up. Next is that you’ll get to know almost all of my likes and I symbolize them with music notes since I love music. The shaded part means that you’ll get to know my dark side and on the opposite side are my good side. Next is that I am able to open to you more and more about how I am feeling and even the past experiences that I got and also secrets. Lastly there is a blank space. It means that there could be something more in me that no one know even me.
If you look at it from the inner most circle, it means I started from nothing. Next is that I am able to feel joyful things and sad things when I was a baby or around that age. Next is that I am able to determine what I like and able to understand myself a little bit. Next is that I really know much about myself though not all. Lastly, it means that there is still room for development in me.
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
What I feel about Expectations about Me
A special friend of mine told me “You’ll get a profession higher that you dream about”. I thought she was exaggerating and I did told her that. She then insisted that I really will and that I should just trust myself that I am able to do so and then I said to myself that she is serious and that I should also be serious. I felt happy because someone supported me with that and I was able to open that with someone. Honestly I don’t really know of what will happen in the future (obviously) but the thing is, for me, I am not ready for the course that I will take like I am not good at that field and that I don’t really have any plans for the future. I did said to myslef that I’ll manage and to just to trust but I don’t know. She was trying to convince me that I really will be successful and when I contradicted her she said not to think like that and do that and she even threatened me that there will be punishments if the next time I will not agree with her again. Her concern was very overwhelming.
In my parents, however, I think that they don’t have any expectations or maybe their faith in their expectations for me faded because I don’t really do well in school and that I am irresponsible and that I know nothing. I don’t really care about that and I don’t know why. Maybe deep in myself I know that they believe in me or because I agree with them or maybe because I got used to it.
Some of my siblings, I think, supports me in my career. For example the husband of the sister of my sister’s husband, he told me to do my studies properly and he gave me advices since he is also in he same field. He said that if things run smoothly he’d get me a job and I was smiling the the entire trip of ours during that time. My sister also have her full support on me because she’s always been that kind towards me and I feel happy about that.
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
Personal Development and Career Goals
My achievements: - I was able to graduate grade school as the 1st honor student with other achievements. - I was able to get a good school that helped me shape who I am now. - my crush noticed me. - I was able to survive grade 9. - I was able to survive grade 10 and moved up to grade 11.
My responsibilities: - Now, as a student, I am obliged to do well in school. Have good grades and learn many things. - Be prepared to be independent. - There are chores that I should do. - I should have plans for what to do next in the near future.
My goals: - I want to survive senior high. - I want to enter college and graduate. - I want to get my preferred job. - A beautiful wife. - Successful life. - I want to grow old with great memories of when I was younger.
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milesss-28-blog · 8 years
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Haaaallooow! Name’s Miles Ian.
As a kid I have some blurry memories to remember but there are also memorable ones and surely I still remember them until now.
I am proud to say I am tall! When I was at my younger years my parents and siblings would tell me that I would grow up short. I don’t know what their basis is/are but hey, guess who’s the tallest?
I like watching anime and listening to musics. I don’t have a particular genre in music but when it sounds good for me, I add it up to my playlist. I also like console games and mobile games since we don’t have a proper computer.
That’s all for now! ;)
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