Chukwudi Daniel Otuya
48 posts
•Theology facilitator | Catholic Speaker and writer •Support for habitual sinners and addicts •Sharing the gift of the truth which proceeds from God.
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michaelotuya-blog · 5 years ago
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Part 2 "Why?! What is it that he has done that he must die?" asked Pilate, but they only responded louder "crucify him!" "He has made himself the son of God so he must die!" Then Pilate shocked by the outcome of events that his plans to use the battered look of the man called Jesus and the fear of the criminal Barabbas to salvage the situation had failed began to rack his mind for another solution. Then one of the high priests; Caiaphas, noticing the procurator stalling began to suspect that he might bring up something else to try and release Jesus, he then said "if you let this man go, you would prove to be an enemy of Ceaser". But Pilate desperate to save Jesus moved closer to him and questioned him "where are you from?" Hoping to know if there was a possibility he was an affiliate to a citizen of Rome or some type of high class whom he might save with his status, but Jesus gave him no reply. Pilate then said to him: "Will you not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to crucify you, and I have authority to release you?" Jesus responded, "You would not have any authority over me, unless it were given to you from above. For this reason, he who has handed me over to you has the greater sin." Hearing these words from the man, he was shocked. There seemed to be something about him, like as though he was prepared to be put to death because of the jealousy of his people towards him, Pilate then motioned to the guards to have him seated on his seat of judgement on the balcony before the crowd. When he was seated he said "behold your king". Knowing there was now only one outcome he requested for water to wash his hands before the crowd and he said "I shall not have this man's blood on my hands, you are the ones who have this to yourselves" he then stormed out of the court and into the praetorium where his wife silently waited for him, as he passed by, their gazes locked, hers a great sign of concern, his an expression of defeat that he could not avert what his wife had feared and save the innocent man from an unjust death. . . . @prilaga #Godfirst #goodness #bible #Catholic #Deus #Jesusislove #biblia #Jesuschrist #Jesus #grace #holymass #gospel #God #pray (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1UNiOKljWZ/?igshid=1ev9357ptzblf
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michaelotuya-blog · 5 years ago
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Part 1 About noon that they the large multitude was gathered before the court of the procurator, Pilate. The noise from them completely deafening. The scene was set for the procurator to carry out his plans to save the man called the 'king of the Jews.' As soon as he approached the center of the balcony of his court from which he would address the crowd, he raised his right hand, commanding silence from it and the deafening noise of the crowd was soon reduced to nothing. He then began his premeditated speech "You have all gathered here to hear my sentence, and yet as things are it is on one of these days of your feast that we have made a pact with you that we shall release one of your people who is our prisoner. Shall I release to you the man called the king of the Jews or the notorious criminal Barabbas?" As soon as his words reached the crowd, it erupted with the roar "Barabbas! Barabbas! Barabbas!" The procurator, Pilate then motion for the guards to bring them both into the balcony. He then said to them "Why not Jesus? pay attention! I am going to bring him out to you to make you realize that I found no case against him." And as Jesus entered the court clothed in the mocking purple garment with the crown of torns on his head, staggering from the wounds and weakness caused by the loss of blood after he was battered in scourging, Pilate turning to his direction said to the crowd "look at the man!" But as soon as the high priests and the temple guards saw him entering and recognized him, they began to scream "crucify him! Crucify him!" "Why?! What is it that he has done that he must die?" asked Pilate,... Next part 2 . . . . . . . . . @prilaga #prilaga #Godfirst #Christianfaith #romancatholic #goodness #bible #Catholic #Jesusitrustinyou #Deus #Jesusislove #Jesuslovesme #biblia #preach #Catholicism #Church #Jesuschrist #Jesus #grace #MichaelOtuya #Jesusisking #holymass #jesusfreak #gospel #Jesusfirst #God #holytrinity #Christianposts https://www.instagram.com/p/B1UMOICFMwH/?igshid=ok8sb1vamw4t
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michaelotuya-blog · 5 years ago
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Today on this feast day, let us contemplate this truth revealed through the holy mother church; that the blessed virgin Mary being the new Eve through whom the new Adam (Christ) would draw his body was conceived without sin, was wholly consecrated to God as a virgin, bore our Lord and remained a virgin according to the will of God to be the prime example of what a perfect human creature should be and after her time on Earth had come to an end God took her body and soul to heaven where she is Queen mother. . . . . . #Godly #God #Catholicwomen #jesusfreak #Catholic #Catholics #MichaelOtuya #Catholicfaith #holymass #Catholicchurch #Prayers #Jesusislord #Deus #proudetobecatholic #romancatholic #cristo #Dios #Catholica #Catholicism (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1MrzeRlOpp/?igshid=1aikvrk0bvab7
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michaelotuya-blog · 5 years ago
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Prayer for deliverance My Lord, you are all powerful, you are God, you are Father. We beg you through the intercession and help of the archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, for the deliverance of ourselves and our brothers and sisters who are enslaved by the evil one. All saints of Heaven, please come to our aid. From anxiety, sadness and obsessions, we beg You. Free us, O Lord. From hatred, fornication and envy, we beg You, Free us, O Lord. From thoughts of jealousy, rage, and death, we beg You, Free us, O Lord. From every thought of suicide and abortion, we beg You, Free us, O Lord. From every form of sinful sexuality, we beg You, Free us, O Lord. From every division in our family, and every harmful friendship, we beg You, Free us, O Lord. From every sort of spell, malefic, witchcraft, and every form of the occult, we beg You, Free us, O Lord. Lord, You Who said, “I leave you peace, My peace I give you,” grant that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we may be liberated from every evil spell and enjoy your peace always. In the name of Christ, our Lord. Amen. #Deliverance . . . . . . . . . . . #Praying #Catholicism #Jesuschrist #holymass #Christian #Godfirst #Catholicfaith #gospel #Christianlifestyle #Christianlife #Christianliving #jesusfreak #Catholic #Church #Prayers #Christianity #Christianquote #God #Love #addictions #addictionrecovery #Addiction #purity #vices #soulhealing #holiness #rehabilitation #healing #vice (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Bzhqxl6pp/?igshid=jm911btj8r7h
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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One strong reason we don’t improve when struggling against vice and addictions is that we have a wrong belief that we are like angels and not like warriors or professional boxers and that God loves angels more than warriors. This implies that through this prideful and wrong imagination we feel like failures since we are supposed to be angels without internal wars, scars and battles, and since we the supposed flawless angels fall then there is something seriously wrong with us and we cannot be truly holy because holiness and perfection is the state of our angelic flawlessness. This is entirely false and frankly prideful because that is not what humans in this world are. This mindset is opposed to the true mindset we ought to have which is one of a boxer who by the power of God is battling the flesh, the world and the devil and definitely they may land some blows to you in the course of the fight but as long as we do not stay down by falling into presumption or despair then we are Children of God and even with our many falls we are perfect because our holiness is an action of God’s grace, love and mercy which is sufficient. With this correct mindset we ought to get on an accountability program by planning with a confessor to come as frequently as twice or three times a week to account how the battles has been going and to form greater sincerity and deeper appreciation for God and stronger continuous repentance. Also aside from the accountability one should join spiritual support groups specific to helping people with vices and addictions. From "Meditations of our soul's spiritual warfare" by Chukwudi Daniel Otuya (Manuscript) . . . . . . . . . . . #Praying #Catholicism #Jesuschrist #holymass #Christian #Godfirst #Catholicfaith #gospel #Christianlifestyle #Christianlife #Christianliving #jesusfreak #Catholic #Church #Prayers #Christianity #Christianquote #God #Love #addictions #addictionrecovery #Addiction #purity #vices #soulhealing #holiness #rehabilitation #healing #vice (at Enugu State) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0v6fIfnAdO/?igshid=7kkw4pdxs4wp
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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We become what we take in. We really do! If you struggle with addiction or vice, you need to reflect on what information you allow into your mind. What conversations do you have with friends? what movies or songs do you listen to? what pictures do you see? what do you watch? What place do you go? You have to reflect on these and begin to identify anything dis-edifying to your soul. Include in your life a strict routine of mental prayers: silent prayers in your mind, bring yourself and all that happened to God, tell him everything in your heart, spend time with him in love, read scripture or other great spiritual works, give time to hear him talk to you through the readings or directly, make resolutions to do the good things he is directing you to do.. Exchange bad information and entertainment in your life with edifying and fulfilling information.. . . . . . . . . . #Catholic #preach #bible #bibleverse #bibleverses #biblestudy #gospel #Jesus #God #Church #Truth #Christian #Christians #Christ #jesusfreak #Jesuschrist #Christianliving #Christianfaith #Christianposts #Catholics #Catholicism #romancatholic #Christianlifestyle #Christianquote #Catholicfaith #addiction #vice #habitualsin (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0qHP-fFFRm/?igshid=5554hfzm9uok
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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Everyone who is struggling with habitual sin needs holy and poius friends. If you intend to ever get out of the cycle of habitual sin then you should make it an objective to make holy friends. Their motivation, wisdom and counsel will help a lot on your journey to freedom. Show me your "influences", and I'll tell you who you are.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #romancatholic #Temperance1625 #struggle #Jesusislove #Catholics #soulhealing #Catholic #rehabilitation #Catholicism #vice #God #preach #Addiction #Catholicfaith #Deus #gospel #MichaelOtuya #vices #healing #Jesus #biblia #addictions #Catholicchurch #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #habitualsin (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gxuWYld4t/?igshid=169rqbwr3w17o
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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Here in our country Nigeria we have rainmakers and witchdoctors called "Dibia" or "Babalawo" or whatever and when people want to carry out a traditional wedding ceremony, burial or other important ceremonies at their villages, these people come threatening that there will be heavy rainfall on the day of the ceremony which will ruin the event and that the solution to this problem is to "pay them" in order for them to "hold the rain." - The truth is that they have had a lot of records to back their claims of stopping rainfall or allowing rainfall. This means nothing special to a Christian who is knowledgeable; demons can manipulate matter. The sad part is when Christians out of fear of ceremonies being "ruined" go ahead to pay the witchdoctors and rainmakers what they request to appease their "gods" which are actually demons. What a defeat of faith. - Do we not trust God to direct events of our lives? Why are we so desperate to have things go exactly how we plan like as though we know everything? Do we know what God is saving us from with rainfall on the ceremony day? Or do we really know why clouds gather but pass and there is no rainfall? Why do we not pray "Lord thy will be done" and let it be done? When we pass through such earthly dark storms when evil arises very obviously and threatens us; "bow to me or I will strike you" why do we not trust God's omniscience and omnipotence? - We are supposed to say: "Lord you brought me here and I trust you, look now evil has raised it's hands over me, if it is your will that it should strike me, then let it strike me. I do not know what good things you want to come to pass by it's striking me, but I trust you. But Lord if it pleases you that I stand and make a shame of their claims, then Lord your will be done" - Trust our Lord in all situations and when you emerge from that storm either beaten by the rain or untouched and warm and dry, God will bless you with the rewards of trusting in Him who is almighty, all-knowing and infinitely trustworthy. . . . #Jesus #God #Jesuschrist #Catholicism #Catholicfaith #Christ #Christianlifestyle #bible #romancatholic #Christian #prayerlife #gospel #worship #Godswill #Deus #catholic (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ya-fBFdUz/?igshid=1j9el72oth1gk
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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#Church #Catholics #Jesus #bible #lovethem #bibleverse #Christianfaith #Catholicism #Christian #preach #Christianlifestyle #God #Christ #bibleverses #Catholic #Jesuschrist #Catholicchurch #Love #Christianliving #gospel #Christianposts #Christianquote #Christianity #Catholicfaith (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0A3LoXlEoe/?igshid=42hkicorl40o
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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“They think I’m a saint…When I’m dead, they’ll come and touch holy pictures and rosaries to me, and all the while I’ll be getting broiled on a grill in purgatory. At least promise me you’ll pray a lot for the repose of my soul.” –Saint Bernadette Soubirous  Saint Bernadette has always been one of my favorite childhood saints. I always admired her gentle humility and obedience to Our Lady as the Immaculate Conception, despite the judgement of those around her, which brought forth some of the greatest miracles of the modern world. This was supposed to be a little drawing to fill up my sketchbook, but I liked it enough to put it up here!
(The image looks blurred thanks to Tumblr, but if you click on it you should be able to see the original)
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . #Church #Christianwomen #Christian #Christians #grace #Catholic #Pray #Jesuschrist #Catholicfaith #Christianfaith #prayerlife #Catholicchurch #Godswill #Christianposts #Catholicism #Christianquote #Christianliving #Jesus #Christianlife #Catholics #Christianity #God #Christ #Godfirst #gospel https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_OTpClAZg/?igshid=xx0kkeb1kg1e
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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It is not "traditional wedding" it is "traditional wedding ceremony." You need to understand the difference between these two terms. People do not get married twice to the same person. A wedding happens only once! Those who say there are two weddings for the same couple have not ever thought of how silly their claims are. A wedding is event that brings about a marriage relationship, do you understand? So all that happens is there are several steps and ceremonies that go on in order for the wedding which brings about the marriage to be complete. The problem is that we think that a marriage is something that we human beings do, no, we are not the inventors of marriage. Marriage is a lifelong relationship between a man and a woman who have been joined together by God in the marital covenant. If that God part is missing, if that God part is missing and you know it. You are not married. So all the steps and ceremonies must take you all the way to the place where God has set up his institution of joining a man and woman in the marital covenant. So there is nothing like "white wedding" and "traditional wedding" that is an error, all there is are the steps and ceremonies inside the wedding; there is the asking questions, there is the engagement, there's introduction and visitations, there is the marriage course, there's dowry payment (according to tribe's tradition), there's traditional wedding ceremony, all these culminate at the institution by God at his church and it comes to a close at the consumation. Don't skip any step trying to force marriage to be however you like. You are not the author of marriage, if God does not join you, you're not married. Do all of them to the righteous capacity and requirements and don't deceive anyone that it is a human process. Share for others and God bless. . . . . #Catholicism #singles #relationships #Catholics #Christianliving #Catholic #Truth #nigerian #couples #Christianlifestyle #gospel #Christianfaith #singlestatus #african #together #Catholicfaith #nigeriangirls #relationshipsgoals #Christianwomen #Jesuschrist #God #marriage #relationship #naija #amor (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2eQoSl5FF/?igshid=12nd85q6ury1s
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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I try to remind myself of this advice everyday, especially those days when it seems as though praying is going to be "time consuming" or "boring". I try to remember always that prayer is mostly what God does and little about me. We need to keep our prayer life active every single day, because once we give room to relenting in prayer it won't take long before it becomes a habit. Tell me what other advice you remember and you use to urge yourself to pray when you don't feel like praying.. . . . . . . . . . . #Praying #Catholicism #Jesuschrist #Christians #holymass #Christian #Godfirst #Catholicfaith #gospel #worship #Christianlifestyle #Christianlife #Christianliving #Catholicchurch #Pray #jesusfreak #Catholic #Church #Prayers #Catholics #Christianity #Christianquote #God #prayerlife #Love (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/BztTfFSl54i/?igshid=1q74u04ycyq0f
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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There is a huge difference between being friendly and being flirty. Don't lead poor souls on, don't draw them in just to crush their faith and hope. If you're doing this you're becoming an agent of darkness that causes them to believe there is no goodness in human beings and life is about "use or be used." - - This is a great evil of selfishness, to not care about the value God has placed on people but to only use them for your pleasure at the expense of their dignity. - - Forget the evil you might believe that they may be into; which is, that maybe they are flirts too or double daters. Treat them the way God wants you to treat them. If you don't do that, then why should you say that you are like Christ? or you follow God? When you neither care about them who God died to save or God who gave up everything to save them. - - Weed out the emotions from the root while they are still little before they grow to become evil trees. Do it for the sake of God who has called us to truly love our neighbour and for the sake of them who God has valued so much to give everything for. - - Don't spend too much time or go to private places or encourage romantic sweet talk, or be too available, or allow too much attention to people who you know these will lead on. - By the mercy of God you are supposed to suffer and correct selfish mindsets. Don't double date. . . . . . . . #Catholicism #lovethem #Christianposts #Love #Christianlifestyle #Christians #Christianliving #reallove #relationships #Christianity #Godfirst #Jesus #Jesuschrist #Catholics #Catholic #jesusfreak #grace #God #Christianlife #preach #truelove (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzp0xQOFWXV/?igshid=bmdfw2z37xw9
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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There is a huge difference between being friendly and being flirty. Don't lead poor souls on, don't draw them in just to crush their faith and hope, you therefore becoming an agent of darkness that causes them to believe there is no goodness in human beings. This is a great evil of selfishness, to not care about the value God has placed on people but to only use them for your pleasure at the expense of their dignity. Forget the evil you believe that they may be into; that maybe they are flirts too or double daters too, treat them the way God wants you to treat them. If you don't do that then why say that you are like Christ, or you follow God? When you neither care about them who God died to save or God who gave up everything to save them. Weed out the emotions from the root while they are still little before they grow to become evil trees. Do it for the sake of God who has called us to truly love our neighbour and for the sake of them who God has valued so much to give everything for. Don't smile too much or spend too much time, or go to private places, or tell them intimate things, or encourage sweet talk, or play too much, or be too available, or allow too much attention. By the mercy of God you are supposed to suffer and correct these mindsets and happenings here in this life or you will suffer for it in the next. Do not double date.. . . . . #gospel #lovethem #Christianposts #Love #Church #loveyousomuch #Catholicism #Christianlifestyle #Christians #Christianliving #reallove #houseofGod #loveofmylife #relationships #Christianity #Godfirst #Jesus #Jesuschrist #Catholics #Catholic #jesusfreak #grace #God #Christianlife #preach #MichaelOtuya #truelove #lovequotes (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bznu7ldl0iA/?igshid=95ixs813d4nk
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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This one is crazy, lol.. . . . . . . . . . #God #love #Jesus #Jesuschrist #gospel #christian #christianity #christ #catholic #holymass #holytrinity #truth #theology (at Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzi8et2l1SG/?igshid=y1ibc0zpbqgf
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michaelotuya-blog · 6 years ago
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Anyone who thinks repentance is a one time act has never lived a truly God loving life.. . . . . . . . . . . . #Christian #Christians #Christianity #Christ #jesusfreak #Jesuschrist #Jesus #God #lovethem #Church #Truth #Christianlifestyle #Christianquote #Christianliving #Christianwomen #Christianfaith #Christianposts (at Agbani, Enugu, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzfm8qMFNgB/?igshid=wpw3e3uiwfjf
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