I Make Things
15 posts
Behold: Some-Thing-Of-Some-Species' writing/ art/ creativity blog! I make absolutely no promises on regular updates, but I'll see what I can do. I do a little of everything- fanart, short stories, character profiles, but mostly original stuff. I'm not really a fan fiction kind of guy, but who knows? Feel free to contact me about whatever! Also, critiques are both welcome and appreciated- if there's something I could be working on, let me know!
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michael-and-jell0-create · 7 years ago
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Kindred (part of them)! Definitely one of my favorite champions. I love everything about them- their play style, their design, their lore- it’s all just so cool. Especially considering my play style. Before Kindred, I never really played jungle OR adc. 
This is actually an older drawing, but I still like it. Hope you guys like it, too!
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michael-and-jell0-create · 7 years ago
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My first (and so far only) digital painting! Full disclosure: I was just winging it. I bet it really shows. 
In any case, I’m still active and drawing and making stuff! I’ve gotten bogged down with other things lately, but I’m not dead! 
I hope you enjoy it!
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
Lady Aleksya Ranovic
A brief character bio for Aleksya. I really like doing these little brief ones in addition to the more in-depth ones. I’ll explain “post-mortem vampire” in more detail later: it means that she was turned into a vampire after she died as a human.
Gender: Female
Age: 103
Species: Post-Mortem Vampire
Occupation: Shipping Magnate
The owner of a fleet of ships that export and import goods and services from all over the world. Countless goods and services come into the Manarotta’s fold through her, ranging from fine food to weapons. Although she is a key member of the Family, Aleksya is also a covert agent for the Yon-Xi, who uses her resources to spread their influence across oceans. Notably quiet and demure for a member of the bombastic Manarotta, Aleksya’s soft-spoken nature belies profound wisdom and insight.
- A brilliant musician, Aleksya is proficient with numerous instruments and is a frequent entertainer at Yuri’s parties.
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
Morning Reblog!
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Another character of mine, whom I’ve been meaning to draw for a long time. This is Lady Aleksya Ranovic (Uh-leck-sē-ya Rahn-ō-vitch), a very tranquil vampire and a good friend of Yuri. I guess you could call her the female lead/ secondary protagonist.
I had a lot of fun with this piece- the sketch has been on my backburner for a long time, and I’m so glad to finally get it in color. I also tried a new cel shading technique, and I’m pretty happy with how it came out. Let me know what you think! More to come!
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
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Another character of mine, whom I’ve been meaning to draw for a long time. This is Lady Aleksya Ranovic (Uh-leck-sē-ya Rahn-ō-vitch), a very tranquil vampire and a good friend of Yuri. I guess you could call her the female lead/ secondary protagonist.
I had a lot of fun with this piece- the sketch has been on my backburner for a long time, and I’m so glad to finally get it in color. I also tried a new cel shading technique, and I’m pretty happy with how it came out. Let me know what you think! More to come!
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
Nelos-Mezeran, God of Annihilation
The character bio for this monstrosity. I know the use of “Abyss” is very derivative of Dark Souls, but it sounds better than “Oblivion” to me. Hope you enjoy!
Name Translaion: “Echoes of the Abyss”
Stone: Salt
·       An extremely mysterious being, who has never fully manifested before humanity, or even before most of the other Gods. Nebayin caught a glimpse of Nelos-Mezeran during the first stages of creation, but it was a very hazy look. At first, Nebayin thought she was looking at her reflection, until it moved of its own agency. Still, there are numerous questions about Nelos-Mezeran’s form- if they have one. Depictions of the God greatly vary, and range from intricate, eldritch beasts to looming clouds of dark colors.
·       When Nebayin set creation into motion, there was an aspect of the unrefined universe that was not accounted for- the massive amounts of empty space. As Nebayin’s energy surged through the universe, countless shockwaves tore through the void, colliding with each other and creating packets of bizarre, mysterious energy. This energy gave an inexplicable, mysterious life to the emptiness, and Nelos-Mezeran came to be. The void was given consciousness and agency, and it supposedly possesses power that is close to or equal to that of Nebayin. Whereas Nebayin’s power is focused on creation, however, Nelos-Mezeran is focused on destruction.
·       Nelos-Mezeran possesses the power of absolute emptiness and non-existence, which is colloquially known as the Abyss. They resent the vivacity and chaos of the world, and creation in general, and they yearn for the peaceful eons that preceded Nebayin’s efforts. With their power, Nelos-Mezeran created a small pocket of emptiness in close proximity to the world of the Pantheon, where they quietly scheme to undo all of creation, and bring existence to a stop. With their dominion over the pure, horrifying essence of nonbeing, Nelos-Mezeran has created terrifying creatures and maddening realms of thought designed to destroy the world and goad humanity into destroying itself. This realm is so horrible, that the Perditionary has attempted to create a realm similar to it for punishing sinners- only the most reprehensible crimes are punished with this realm of terror and madness.
·       For many people, Nelos-Mezeran is the embodiment of evil. Everything that is fear-inducing, maddening, and by all accounts bad are attributed to them. The antithesis of everything that people know and understand, the mere name of this God and the simple mention of the Abyss can induce existential terror. Their influence is simultaneously prevalent and discreet- creatures and monsters escape from the Abyss all the time, yet the scarcity of the actual God is a testament of how cautious they are. The mystery surrounding Nelos-Mezeran’s power and form is exactly the source of their fearful reputation.
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
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This is Nelos-Mezeran, The God of Annihilation. They’re from the same universe as Nul-Hammarad, and they’re basically the big baddie. 
I’ll post some more information about them soon, hope you enjoy!
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
Yuri Khashevin Character Profile
A more in-depth character profile for Yuri. I just really like writing character profiles, I don’t know why. 
A wealthy loan shark working for the Manarotta, Yuri is remarkable for his gifts at mind-manipulating magic. Despite his allegiance to the powerful Manarotta, Yuri is actually a double agent working for the Yon-Xi Family. They approached him with a choice- either die and be erased from the world, or work with the Yon-Xi towards a greater purpose. He has grown tired of the Manarotta’s senseless greed, and is enticed by the idea of manipulating people’s minds for an even greater purpose.
With his influence and wealth, Yuri established himself as a local celebrity, becoming a patron of the arts and holding large, elegant soirees with other members of high society. Everything he does is a vehicle for the Yon-Xi, of course- he plants ideas into people’s heads during his shows, and during these great parties, he covertly steals memories, conducts interrogations, and kills targets. He invites a partygoer to view a conversation piece, rips their mind apart in the secrecy of his great estate, and takes what he needs. Yuri repairs their mind, puts in a few false memories to fill the gaps, and then sends his victim on their way, none the wiser.
Occasionally torn between his allegiances, Yuri grounds himself with the knowledge that the Yon-Xi is a Family for “thinking” people. Time has bolstered his awareness of all the mindless corruption that surrounds him, and he realizes that he is in a unique position to change conditions for the better. He pities those who aren’t as blessed as he is, and has come to resent other Families for their short-sightedness. In addition, he takes great pleasure in his life as a vampire, and, in his off-time, has pursued dark knowledge about vampires and their grim origins.
Yuri’s wealthy lifestyle and upbringing are apparent in his demeanor. Poised, polite, and cultured, he relishes the finer things in life and enjoys bringing out the same appreciation in other people, though he tends to look down on people who aren’t as “refined” as he is. A witty, coquettish sweet-talker with an infectious vivacity, Yuri is often hard to read in casual conversation, but he can be pushed by intensity. When the situation calls for it, Yuri can display very sinister and brutal inclinations, either by ripping into minds or ripping into bodies. He has an unmistakable enthusiasm for both, grinning and laughing as he draws blood and violates the subconscious. Regardless, Yuri is capable of great empathy, and genuinely believes that his subterfuge is what will do the most good for the most people. He is confident in his methods, and honored to serve a higher purpose.
- He has a beloved pet direwolf named Victoria. He won her in a high-stakes auction as a pup, initially to spite a child who was making his mother bid exorbitant amounts of money. He has endlessly doted on the creature ever since.
- Very few people know about Yuri’s past, and he doesn’t like to talk about it. His emotional vulnerability to music- especially vocal pieces- raises some implications, however. He becomes most uncomfortable when a woman sings.
- His love of art has led him to pursue several artistic endeavors himself. He is still learning, but he loves to work with oils, pastels, and clay.
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
Lord Yuri Khashevin
A brief character profile for this gentleman. Brief details: in his world, organizations known as “Families” rule the world, and the Manarotta and the Yon-Xi are two such Families. I’ll probably go more into it later.
Gender: Male
Age: 80+ (He doesn’t really keep track)
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Financier
A debt collector/ financial worker who ensures that the Manarotta receives the money that their beneficiaries owe them. He is certainly good at his job, but that isn’t what he’s most known for. Yuri is a sort of Manarottan celebrity, known for holding large, elegant parties and artistic expositions which attract upper-crust guests from every major Family, not just the Manarotta. He believes that sharing art and culture will help bring all of the Families together in a non-violent way. A clever and cultured silvertongue, Yuri dreams of creating a better world with his secret allegiance to the Yon-Xi.
- A devoted lover of the arts, Yuri expresses fondness for just about every type of expression. His home is decorated floor-to-ceiling in different works of art, from wood sculptures to oil paintings.
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
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Another character of mine, Yuri Khashevin (Yerr-ē Kaa-shuh-vinn), a smooth-talking vampire with a Russian accent (despite not being Russian). He was originally a character I made for a friend’s RPG, but I had so much fun playing him that I decided to re-purpose him for my own story once the game was done.
This one took a while- I got some advice from the fantastic devinchee that finally made it look all right. Let me know what you think!
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
The First War
A mythological-type story about the birth and rise of Nul-Hammarad. Enjoy!
The first humans were likewise the first ones to wage war. Before the Pantheon was truly established, the world was uncivilized and rough, but peaceful and humble. Simple settlements and families lived and survived together. They knew of the gods, but they had not yet earned the people’s devotion.
The first war between these settlements was waged over a goat. A shepherd, Raoshon, and his family raised an impressive herd, with enough goats and other livestock to support many people. One day, they woke up, and found that one of their alpha male goats had been brutally slaughtered in the night. They buried the goat beneath their great hickory tree, and sought answers.
Raoshon approached the leader of a nearby settlement. When confronted by his family, the leader and his compatriots laughed; having grown bored, they slaughtered Raoshon’s goat in the night, knowing that he could do nothing to retaliate. There were far more people in the settlement than there were on Raoshon’s farm.
Raoshon was furious and indignant. Fearing a similar fate for other farmers in the area, Raoshon went out and recruited as many other farmers for his cause as possible. Armed with whatever could conceivably harm another living being, the farmers were outnumbered and outmatched, but their indignation was great enough for them to attack the settlement.
The guards of the settlement drove the farmers back to their plantations, and much of the farmer’s army was slaughtered. The hickory tree was drowned in the blood of these dead rebels, where many farmers buried their sacred dead.
As the settlement’s army bore down on his home and family, Raoshon prayed. He prayed for victory, for the means to create a better life for the survivors of this slaughter. He wasn’t confident in praying to Nebayin, who was little more than a mysterious, illusive figure that took responsibility for creating the world. But his prayer was heard all the same.
Nebayin sent a bolt of energy to the hickory tree. Lava, fire, and sparks erupted out of the land and made the blood in the ground boil. Shards of shimmering black obsidian rose from the earth and tore the tree asunder.
In a stony crucible full of blood, lava, and corpses, a creature of tremendous power was conceived. The ground swelled as the monster grew in the earth’s womb, until it could no longer be contained. The creature exploded through the cracks, dripping and steaming with hot blood. It was a human-like figure with a goat-like head, four arms, and a powerful, looming presence. The bone-like armor that covered its body had the names of every dead rebel carved into it.
As Raoshon met eyes with it through the cracks of the wood in his home, it released a shattering cry that nearly deafened all who heard it. With its powerful arms, it grabbed the split tree and pulled the fragments from the earth. These shards of wood and obsidian consolidated into giant war axes, which the creature used to lay waste to the settlement’s fighters. Men were split in half with a single stroke, and the farmers claimed victory. This is the first recorded engagement of war, known as the “Battle of the Split Hickory.”
Raoshon assumed leadership over this new alliance of farmers and laborers, with his beloved God ruling by his side, and became the first true King- Emperor Raoshon. For his deeds, the God was given a position of power, and the venerable name Nul-Hammarad: “Fury of the Earth.” Raoshon had lost his sons and wife in the battle, and he saw Nul-Hammarad as something of an adopted son. The God never quite knew how to respond to the man’s kindness, but was nonetheless very grateful.
For years, the settlement flourished. Nul-Hammarad proved to possess an intellect as formidable as his warrior skills, and Raoshon’s leadership was fair and popular while he reigned.
The newborn God called his fellow rebels “warriors,” who are distinct from wild barbarians in that they fought for a certain purpose. A warrior fought for the good of the people around them, not just for their own interests. It was during this time that Nul-Hammarad’s famous phrase began to circulate: “Purpose separates the warriors from the barbarians.” This wisdom- in addition to many other insights shared by Nul-Hammarad- formed several of the first schools of philosophy. In addition to being one of the first great warriors, Nul-Hammarad is also one of the first great philosophers.
As the settlement grew and grew into a full-fledged society and ultimately an empire, Raoshon grew satiated and deeply content- but ultimately bored- as a leader. His privileged life began to tire him, and he wanted more. He began to manipulate and abuse his power, hoping to get more out of his subjects and indulge himself.
As Raoshon grew into the tyrant that he once fought to overthrow, civil discontent deepened. Rebellion was inevitable, and the King was willing to threaten violence on all of his dissidents.
When the rebels began bearing down on the doors, Raoshon was devastated to see Nul-Hammarad, The Fury of the Earth, striking down his soldiers. The God renounced the rule of the king, saying that he had fallen from grace as a warrior. “You use violence only for yourself,” he said. “You have forgotten what it means to have a purpose.”
Raoshon had lost, and he knew it. He had viewed Nul-Hammarad as one of his children, and seeing his adopted son’s defiance crushed him. By the time the rebels had broken into the castle and stormed the throne room, Raoshon had abandoned hope. He did not fight back, and was struck down by the creature that the Gods had sent to save him.
The tyrant was defeated, but Nul-Hammarad was unsatisfied. He thought it would only be a matter of time before the next tyrant arose, and more violence and blood would befall these people. His woes were heard by the Gods, and they approached him, offering him a place in their Pantheon.
Having made humanity in their own image, Nebayin and the other Gods were distinctly aware that violence and conflict would be inevitable, and they needed a God who would act as a warden over that violence. From what they had seen, Nul-Hammarad was the perfect candidate. Already possessing a great deal of influence and respect among the humans, his inclusion in the new Pantheon would secure their popularity and recognition among the people.
As the God of crusades and righteous conquest, Nul-Hammarad would strike down tyrants, fight for those in need, and foster progress and growth where it was most needed. Eager to help those who relied on him, he agreed.
Since then, with the establishment of the Pantheon, Nul-Hammarad has fought in countless wars and toppled many great and terrible empires. He has been a source of inspiration and drive for every being with something to offer the world.
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
Nul-Hammarad, God of Crusades
A character bio for Nul-Hammarad. Just to give you an idea of what he’s about- there are a couple accompanying stories as well, which I’ll post soon enough. 
Name Translation: “Fury of the Earth”
Stone: Obsidian
Battle Theme: Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)
· A bipedal, draconic being with six eyes, four arms, and large, twisted horns coming from a skull-like head. Bone-like carapace plates cover his body like armor, and his fur is a profoundly dark red, stained with blood from countless battles. His pupils are small white rings that glow from the black pools of his eyes, and his exposed bones are covered in ancient writing- the names of the fallen warriors whose souls were repurposed in his creation. He stands upright and walks like a man, dragging a long, bony tail behind him. His size varies- sometimes he is around the height of normal human, and other times he is as big as a building. He fights with four obsidian war axes, which have collectively become his symbol.
· A complicated God, Nul-Hammarad is as much the embodiment of war and violence as much as determination and righteous cause. He exemplifies the idea that war and battle are fundamental parts of what define the human race, and are in fact necessary aspects of change- in that way, he is meant to inspire people to make positive strides and progress in their lives. Nul-Hammarad is known for being wise, philosophical, and even kind, despite his terrifying form and talent for intense violence. He is sought by warriors and ambitious kings as much as he is sought by those who have lost their way and pray for a sense of meaning. Whatever the case may be, he is as much a harbinger of war and death as much as he is a diviner of purpose and insight.
· Nul-Hammarad's terrifying image, he claims, is an expression of his duality. His appearance implies violence, which empowers the soldiers who pray to him, and it also inspires fear, which must be faced and overcome to achieve goals and discover one's purpose. Famously known for saying “purpose separates the warriors from the barbarians,” there are those who claim that he, ironically, has some of the most respect for human life of any God. He is considered by the other Gods to be the "warden" of humanity, steering them in the most positive directions possible; when he fights on a certain side in a war, it is a sure sign that they are favored by the Pantheon.
· Few Gods are as involved in the affairs of humans as he is, and he is considered one of the most legendary because of it. Prophets, kings, and even artists who claim to have Nul-Hammarad's insight go on to greatness, and battles fought with him make history.
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
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This was a patreon raffle reward from the spectacular magmi, who gave me full rights to the image. It’s just as well, because this is one of my characters: Nul-Hammarad, the God of Crusades. I have an entire fictional pantheon with accompanying stories and art, so I hope you’ll be interested to see more!
More to come about this particular god soon enough!
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
Andraste Bio
A brief description for this little lady. More to come!
Andraste, a.k.a. “Andy”
Gender: Female
Age: Early 20’s
Nationality: British
Occupation: Soldier, special agent, test subject
The first real success of the controversial FH project, Andraste was a traumatized and tortured soldier who volunteered knowing full well that she had a very small chance of surviving. Reborn as a hybrid of a human and one of the enigmatic Fomoran, she represents a bold step forward in the field of genetic science. While signs of her trauma and insecurities run rampant, Andraste is an extremely determined and selfless person who will serve her country to the very end. She possesses great physical and mental prowess with developing extrasensory abilities, but she still has a lot to learn about herself.  
- Interested in and comforted by engineering, she likes to build simple machines and wind-up toys from pieces of scrap metal.
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michael-and-jell0-create · 8 years ago
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The reference sheet for one of my biggest characters (and the main character of my novel), Andraste. Hope you like it!
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