miadoespr · 7 years
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November 30, 2017 Thursday was my last day! Grateful for such an amazing experience with incredibly nice people! First internship, check!
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miadoespr · 7 years
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November 9, 2017 Instead of going to my internship this week, I️ went to Ellen! I️t was so cool to see the behind the scenes of production!
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miadoespr · 7 years
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October 31, 2017 Happy Halloween!!! My boss gave me this super cute (and super yummy) treat today when I came into work! But other than that, it was just my typical day here, scanning media, doing some research, and posting to social media!
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miadoespr · 7 years
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September 26, 2017 Today was slooooow. And when I say slow, I mean like I should not have come into the office! My boss said she almost told me not to come, but forgot that I was coming in. I posted to social media and then came up with a couple potential posts but not much else. Bright side of today! She brought her dog in! His name is Bugatti and is such an energetic little puppy! It was a nice change in the office :)
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miadoespr · 7 years
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October 24, 2017 My 2 moods from today: Look 1- it was SO freaking hot BUT Look 2- I found super close parking so I didn’t have to walk that far in the heat! Woohoo!!! Today I scanned. And scanned. And scanned. For 5 hours!!!!! I guess at the end of each month, they do one final big scan to see if any projects/ press reports had ever been picked up, just to make sure they got them all! My boss who usually gives me my tasks to do wasn’t in today because she was ill, which kinda sucked because she’s my only friend at work! But, since she was gone, I talked to one of the founders for some of the day again, and she’s really cool! I haven’t done many edits or draft press releases in a while which kinda sucks because I feel like I’m moving backwards almost? But I’m still getting great experience learning the ropes!
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miadoespr · 7 years
October 19, 2017 This is a time lapse of my walk to work when I can’t find street parking! It’s about a 15 minutes walk from the parking garage to the office, and you would think by now I would have learned to wear better shoes in case this happens! It’s okay though, it was a nice day for walking. Today was a pretty slow day at the office, just some researching and editing down some press releases for their own website content. Neither of the company founder’s were in today, which means that it was even more quiet than normal! All in all, it was not a bad day!
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miadoespr · 7 years
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October 17, 2017
Today I mostly did scans through the media to see which press releases had been picked up. Not the most exciting day at the office but that’s okay! I still had a good day, I found parking and since there wasn’t much going on at the end of the day, I got to chat with my boss and one of the founders of the company a bit and I got to know them a little better! I’m so grateful that I get to work with such nice and welcoming people everyday! Also, I took these pictures on my way out today, since I forgot to take one inside.
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miadoespr · 7 years
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This is a picture of the little patio that is in front of the office space!! I think it’s super interesting, considering that most patios have a bunch of plants. I have yet to figure out what the metal contraption is on the right. Any guesses would be appreciated! I don’t think it has any practical use though, but it does make you think!
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miadoespr · 7 years
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Work today was...ugh. First I was late because my class got out late. Then, I did not find street parking, which I didn't expect to because I was late, but there was that small hope. That made me even later because the parking garage is a 10 minute walk. After that, I accidentally hung up on someone instead of putting them on hold. Granted, none of these things are major, but they did add some stress to my day. Lastly, today was pretty slow so there were very little projects for me to work on. Thursday will be better!
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miadoespr · 7 years
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October 5, 2017 Honestly today I did not really want to go into my internship. I am tired, stressed about school, and pretty under the weather at the moment. But, on my way to work, (which I found parking today- SCORE!) I saw 3 dogs, this is one of them so that made the day a little better. I'm starting off my day by editing and adding awards and accomplishments to people's bios, which seems like I will be doing all day today. But today I answered my first phone call! Kind of scary but I didn't mess up! We will see how the rest of the day goes!
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miadoespr · 7 years
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September 26, 2017 HAhaha- just how I was talking about I was getting such great experience, I was sent to go get toilet paper today like a TRUE intern. Im fully experiencing the "intern life"
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miadoespr · 7 years
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September 26,2017 Here's a pic of me in the office by myself while everyone else is in a meeting. Granted there's only 3 other people working here today but interns apparently don't get to join in :(. Kidding, I got to edit a couple press releases today which was really cool! I get super nervous when I have to edit them because that is the final project that the company is putting out into the world and they're trusting me to do a good job with it. But it's very exciting stuff and I feel like I am getting really good experience!!!
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miadoespr · 7 years
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September 19, 2017 Look at how cute my desk is! I feel so official because I have my own desk although I'm only an intern. But today was a very exciting day because I wrote my first draft press release! I was so nervous when my boss sent the assignment but, turns out I did pretty alright for my first one! It was for Lyft's new commercial which is also really cool because I got to watch it before they even released it.
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miadoespr · 7 years
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September 12, 2017
Today was my first day! I am working at a PR firm called Hype and today was a great day! I did research on some of the company’s projects and made myself knowledgeable about the company itself. I have my own desk which is super exciting and I feel important although I’m only an intern.
Only downside of today- There. Is. NO. Parking. I have to street park near the office but of course there is no parking near the office, so I had to park in a public parking structure that is a 10 minute walk away, and I have to pay $20!! Crazy. 
All in all, it was a great day!
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