mformental · 1 day
I'm having writers block.
I usually journal about my life and such. Sometimes I write poems. I thought I was okay at writing but now that I'm trying to ink the fictional, i struggle.
I struggle to build and describe a world that doesn't involve me. I struggle to breathe life into characters I've never met.
I don't know where to start or how to write at all. Grah.
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mformental · 1 day
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mformental · 1 day
I want to go to California one day
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mformental · 1 day
why must we network. isn't my kindness and willingness to try to be better everyday enough?
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mformental · 1 day
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mformental · 1 day
The facial expression she makes every time she takes a sip.
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mformental · 1 day
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mformental · 1 day
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mformental · 1 day
not necessarily which one do you use.. just which one is the best...
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mformental · 2 days
I am Sondos, 24 years old, I have two boys
I live in Gaza, a war and conflict zone, we live a miserable life that no one could have imagined.
We were living the best life before this war started, security and peace.
But now we live in extreme anxiety and unparalleled fear. The idea of traveling to a safe area has become the ideal idea, so I created this link so that I can collect donations to travel to a safe area to start a new life with my husband and children.
We hope that the fear and anxiety will go away and we will collect donations and be able to travel to a safe place.
Donate what you can
For the sake of humanity, I invite you to donate to me via the link for my campaign
Thank you for reading my words
I can't donate as I dont have an income. I'll put this here though in case anybody wants to.
I wish you and your family safety and health ❤️
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mformental · 3 days
Here's the link to the video
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mformental · 3 days
award-winning palestinian children's illustrator baraa awoor writes:
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"what use is it to be an illustrator of children's books when the world has sentenced the children of your country to the death penalty, to vanish, to genocide?"
some of baraa's illustrations:
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this is an illustration for youssef, whose mother is remembered running desperately into the hospital asking if anyone had seen a "small white boy with beautiful curly hair, his name is youssef," a description which was remembered by millions when she finally identified his body:
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this illustration is for young omar, who was hugging his little brother and teaching him how to repeat the shahada after him (a prayer spoken by muslims before their death) as he lay on his hospital bed:
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"we want a new year that doesn't kill us or our children, we want it a year without blood, without screaming, without pain, we want a new attempt to get our lives back, or something that resembled our life, even if life is a lie we still cling to it, return life to us—a new year's card unlike any other year:"
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mformental · 4 days
This isn't about "which of your joints is objectively the worst", but rather "which of your joints is recently annoying you the most". Which could be a new problem, a worse problem, a problem that's unchanged but your circumstances have changed so now it's interfering with things more, etc.
This poll is also open to young and healthy people; if say you bruised your elbow yesterday, that counts as a joint that annoys you.
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mformental · 4 days
do you guys wanna see my favorite video on the internet yes you do
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mformental · 4 days
Singing sweet songs
of melodies pure and true
Singin this is our message to you ou ou
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mformental · 4 days
Sleep I must yet sleep I don't
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mformental · 6 days
Just found out apparently Terraria has optional integration with RGB keyboards where the key lights will animate thematically to the gameplay and I'm gonna be honest if I saw this shit on my keyboard during the final boss countdown I think I would shit myself
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