mformental · 14 days
Id been deepbrreatbihing for the past hour. Gabe up and showered and now inn feels so awake I hate ut
I'm sonfike oof this stupif stupid ay now I'm nirenawayke than ever I am so IRritATED with kysleepijg arrangements I do deeply dreadnthe day to xokre it's.almslt 5 AM and i must leave at 8:50 rjefroefre thusfysis nitnwirking at for me sdnim not haopy 3hrd<<< of sleele p i am angry how wil I even accomplish this butnitni an imoittant lrssij inthink my keybi has type delay im btinsyrr bor maybe thats mg brain
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1262didg-blog · 3 years
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mformental · 27 days
I hate texting texting should be abolished real life talking is better
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mformental · 2 months
I'm hmmm. I'm not at peak performance let's say (I am quite ;l ). And that is something I have not said to anybody in a while.
I know it'll get better even if it doesn't feel that way. There is no advice that will fix it all. It is just my problem, I will deal with it and get back to myself.
This struggle I have with being vulnerable keeps me down for longer than it should, cuz I gotta pull myself back up. This thing has tarnished my core and I try to keep it away from the things and people I love. I try to create happiness from nothing.
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mformental · 3 months
Stupid fucking caffeine headache fucking shit.
So fucking shit. Fucking. Procrastinating mfker. Shittttt. My head hurts. Got so much shit to do. Hhhh. Might as well do it. Fuck though, it hurts alot. Maybe a pill. Can I pop pills after drinkin redbull even? Possibly. Fuck me. Fucking shit.
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mformental · 4 months
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mformental · 4 months
Fuck I pushed myself too hard in the gym my whole body hurts
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