mergokan · 2 years
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Reblog if you would cover me in kisses 🥺 💋
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mergokan · 4 years
when you die you go to the mii plaza
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mergokan · 6 years
Mind Slice (A Micro-RPG)
Mind Slice (A Micro-RPG)
Hey there! Michael here yet again. Been a while, right? I just wanted to share a fun little contest I was apart of, and I figured after voting was done I was clear to throw my entry onto the site.
Sorry for being gone for a while, doing a bit of Job Hunting and a bit of Soul Searching, but I’m sure I’ll be back when the time is right!
PS. The Spelljammer crew beat Strahd and saved the captain. So…
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mergokan · 6 years
Why we should get rid of Rogues, Rangers, and Monks.
I think we should get rid of Monks, Rangers, and Rogues. Here's why. #D&D #5e #ttrpg #Free-Action Friday
Alternate Title: I’ve got some OPINIONS ya’ll.
I’d like to start this off with a few simple statements about my following ideas.
1. I am not a Game Designer. The ideas I express for RPGs are purely from experience as a DM and Player who hacks around with game systems a lot.
2. I’m not here to start a fight.I’m not doing this to “provoke” anybody, or call out any characters. Your character is your…
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mergokan · 6 years
A Sense of Immersion: Troll
What's that smell? That smelly smell....that smells....smelly. It's the Troll! #dnd #5e #troll #rpg
Be sure to submit your own monster with E-Mail or Twitter!
This week’s monster was suuggested by Reddit User /u/Singhilarity
Far worse than the internet kind. But just as smelly.
The Troll Toll While in our world, Trolls are creatures who live under bridges and in internet forums. In the world of D&D, they are based on old Nordic and Scandinavian folktales and lore.
Nordic Trolls generally dwell…
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mergokan · 6 years
Spelljammer Summaries 12-13: To San Diego and Beyond!
Our #dnd #5e #spelljammer crew looks for the long rumored event of Comic Con in the mysterious land of San Diego! Their guide is one hell of a most excellent dude. Spelljammer Summaries 12-13: To San Diego and Beyond!
Lead-In Last week we ended on a sour note, with Amalia and Hauberk gone, Leo and Jason searching for clues to where they are, and with an Efreeti giving their locations.
Amalia Atwood is inside Castle Ravenloft. Hauberk is in the event known as San Diego Comic Con.
My Prep  A journey was ahead of us, so as usual, I created a Travel Log. Using my patented method(It’s not patented), I put together…
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mergokan · 6 years
A Sense of Immersion: Nothic
The Nothic is extremely creepy, and will mess with your head. But It was also voted "Most likely monster to try and sell you a used car"
Be sure to submit your own monster with E-Mail or Twitter!
“C’mon down to Nothic’s Used Adventuring Gear Emporium! Only small amounts of blood on any one item!”
Nothic Knowledge This abberation is one ugly motherfucker, as Arnold would put it. The Nothic is a result of a wizard who goes far too into knowledge and becomes cursed by the Lich Vecna. They have a single horrifying cyclopian eye, and…
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mergokan · 6 years
Spelljammer Summaries 10-11: The Deck of Many Things
These sessions led to some weird twists in the game!
Lead-In This summary is gonna cover two different weeks of game, because frankly I was having a bad mental health week, and the weekend I was supposed to write 10, I promised my girlfriend to relax and do no work, so that I could recuperate. It was great, and to be fair, not a whole lot happened in session 10 anyway.
We last left off (two weeks ago) with the characters having slept in their large…
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mergokan · 6 years
What Dungeon Masters can learn from: Power Rangers
Power Rangers is one of my favorite shows. It's goofy, cheesy, and... wait a minute? What does this have to do with D&D?! Well come find out how it has inspired me as a DM, and can inspire you! #5e #dnd #PowerRangers
I’ve been meaning to write this up for a little while now. Having been a genuine fan of Power Rangers for a long time, its cheesy characters and silly action has influenced a lot of my life. Including how I DM.
Considering there are dozensof Power Rangers series, I should probably be clear that I’m not covering just the original series, or just a specific series at all. I’m covering entire ideas…
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mergokan · 6 years
A Sense of Immersion: Flumph
The Flumph is extremely goofy and flies around by FARTING. So how could you ever make it more memorable? Well, come find out! #dnd #5e #farts
Be sure to submit your own monster with E-Mail or Twitter!
In all of D&D, there’s just nothing quite like a Flumph.
Flumph Farts How can something so gross, so ugly, and so weird…be adorable? Yeah, that’s right. Adorable. The Flumph is a sweet creature, with a good heart, and absolutely no spine. Mentally or physically.
The Flumph was designed by Ian McDowall and Douglas Naismith, and first…
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mergokan · 6 years
Spelljammer Summaries 9: In Search of the Unknown
The crew is frustrated, yet determined, in their quest to clear out Quesqueton and claim it for themselves! But it seems that Rohgan and Zelligar had some nasty tricks when designing this place. Wizards are assholes, who knew?
Lead-In The inspiring crew of the Wasp-Class Ship “Vespa Nera” is off into the Bralian Field to find “Quesqueton” the fortress of the two heroes Rohgan and Zelligar. They were told by Prince Andru’s spymaster, Mardan Rhom, that if they could clear the old adventurers fortress, that they could keep it.
So naturally our heroes are heading to this dusty old dungeon to blow off some steam from the…
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mergokan · 6 years
A Sense of Immersion: Beholder
It's the biggest Sense of Immersion yet, and my 5 month anniversary! Come take a look into the eye...of the... BEHOLDER! #dnd #5e #Beholder #Xanathar
Be sure to submit your own monster with E-Mail or Twitter!
Eye think that you should run, because you’re being stalked.
A creepy feeling flies up your spine, and a shadow crosses your cone of vison.
Behold your doom!
Beholder Breakdown The Beholder is a freakin classic. The very most iconic of all the Dungeons & Dragons monsters, besides the Red Dragon itself. It didn’t always look so cool, but it…
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mergokan · 6 years
Spelljammer Summaries 8: Tales of Bral Sing Se
It's a tale of several side-quests today on #Spelljammer! Let's see what our main #dnd #5e folks have in store for them!
Lead-In After the dangerous heist that filled up our last session, I knew where I wanted the story to lead. A big portion of that was about to be pushed, so these folks needed to get their errands done post haste. They decided what they wanted to do, and I prepped.
My Prep  The specific things I prepped for this week were points of encounter all over Bral. These things had to happen during this…
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mergokan · 6 years
Five Month Anniversary of Dugan Games
It's been just five months, but to me, it's felt like a lifetime. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me, and to do that... I thought I'd share my origin story. #dnd #5e #Thanks
Hello everybody, this is Michael. I thought I’d talk a bit about A Sense of Immersion, and our Five Month Anniversary. You may be curious why I’m doing a Five Month Anniversary, as that doesn’t feel like much to celebrate. Well for me it is. Here’s why.
Image Credit: Me! The unimpressive little logo I designed for all this back in February. 
The idea for A Sense of Immersion came to me at a…
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mergokan · 6 years
Dugan Games Discord!
The Dugan Games Discord is open freely for you to: -Chat with all sorts of folks in a safe, inclusive environment! -Put together games and one-shots! -See previews of my articles and work! #5e #dnd #Dugangames #discord #ttrpg
Yes my friends, it’s a great day. I’ve opened up the Dugan Games Discord for everyone who wishes to join!
Invite your friends!
Talk about RPGs!
Set up games right in the LFG Channel!
Be excellent to each other!
Perhaps get hints on things I’m working on…
Come on in! 
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mergokan · 6 years
A Sense of Immersion: Rust Monster
Bum. Bum. Bum. Another One Bites The Rust #dnd #5e #queen
Be sure to submit your own monster by E-Mail or on Twitter!
Another one bites the rust.
Rust Rules Just like our old friends the Owlbear and the Bulette, this Rust Monster is a beast that was created based on an old bag of plastic toys from the dollar store. It was a clear and concise design, just like all the old monsters Gary Gygax and his friends used to spit out. These things were simple,…
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mergokan · 6 years
A Sense of Immersion: Modron
Lock your doors and hide your interesting books, it's time for The Great Modron March!
Be sure to submit your own monster by E-Mail or on Twitter!
And now, for the Geometry portion of the test…
Modron March The Modron are a species of creature from the outer plane of existence known as Mechanus. This is a Plane made entirely of massive gears that twist and spin in perfect mathematic synchronization. It is a land entirely of law, and that shows in the children of this land, the…
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